02/10/2021 Library Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/14/2021
FEBRUARY 10, 2021
7:00 p.m.
Gilroy Library Meeting Room
350 W. Sixth Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
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I. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Robinson called the meeting to order at 7:04pm.
Attendee Name Title Status Arrived
Victoria Coverson-Baker Commissioner P
Michaela Gonzalez Vice Chair A
Sumana Reddy Commissioner P
Katherine Robinson Chair P
Kathy Souza Commissioner P
II. SECRETARY'S REPORT – The Library Commission agenda was posted
online and in the City Hall kiosk on February 4, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.
A. November 18, 2020 – Commissioner Reddy motioned to approve the
November meeting minutes. Commissioner Souza seconded. Motion
passed 4-0-1 (Absent: Gonzalez).
IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Commissioner Souza motioned to approve the
agenda. Commissioner Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4-0-1 (Absent:
V. INTRODUCTIONS – Since this was the first meeting of the new term, all
Commissioners and Santa Clara County Library District (SCCLD) staff
introduced themselves. Victoria Coverson-Baker was welcomed as a new
Commissioner. New Interim Deputy County Librarian Stephen Fitzgerald and
new staff liaison Monica Sendejas were introduced.
A. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair of Library Commission – Motion was
made by Chair Robinson to select Katherine Robinson as Chair and
Michaela Gonzalez as Vice Chair for the 2021 calendar year. Commissioner
Souza seconded. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Absent: Gonzalez).
B. Library Commission Recommendations for the Upcoming Two-year
Budget Cycle – Given the state of the economy, especially the city budget,
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and the fact that meetings and trainings are currently being held virtually
due to the pandemic, the Commissioners shared that they didn’t need to
request a lot of money from the City budget over the next two years.
Commissioner Coverson-Baker expressed her appreciation of the City
Council making space for the Library Commission and being able to go to
conferences and/or having some advocacy training and also serve in a
diverse cultural community to create programming that meets the needs of
the community. After further discussion, the Commission felt they should
ask for a minimal amount of money to cover the purchase of an advocacy
book for each Commissioner to read together or for attendance at a training
since it is a two-year budget. Commissioner Souza motioned to request
$100 over the next two fiscal years for training or development of any or all
of the Commissioners, at $50 per year. Commissioner Coverson-Baker
seconded. Motion passed 4-0-1 (Absent: Gonzalez).
C. 2021 Library Commission's Selection of Meeting Date for Annual
Presentation to City Council – The Commission discussed the end of the
year being ideal for meeting dates and a suggestion was made that
Commissioner Reddy would present, as she’s done in the past, and
Community Librarian Cassandra Wong offered to assist with a slide
presentation. Commissioner Reddy motioned to request October 18, 2021
and November 1, 2021 as the possible meeting dates for the annual
presentation to City Council. Commissioner Souza seconded. Motion
passed 4-0-1 (Absent: Gonzalez).
A. Gilroy Library Report for February 2021 – Wong shared a short video
created by the SCCLD marketing team, which she said is a nice reminder of
what they are doing, what they are trying to do and their goals. Curbside
appointments and walk-up service remain open at the Gilroy Library and
they are continuing to re-evaluate and plan for eventual opening.
In January 2021, they had just over 2,000 borrowers, averaged a circulation
of about 8,000 items and provided computer access at about 30 -40 hours
per week. Almost 6,000 Grab and Go Meals have been distributed since the
last meeting, they are listed as a COVID-19 resource center for food who
are isolating, and the Library opened as a warming center. There are some
GALs Grant opportunities coming up and they are expanding their
Bookmobile stops to Eliot, Rucker and Glen View.
B. County Library Report for February 2021 – Fitzgerald shared the Silicon
Valley Reads 2021 “Connecting” is going on right now and is a reading
program based in South County area and is a partnership with other
libraries in the area. The opening event was on January 28th and they had
over 500 people in virtual attendance. Fitzgerald encouraged the
Commission to check out the calendar as events. Fitzgerald discussed the
SCCLD staffing changes and reported the SCCLD made the Overdrive
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Million Digital Book Checkout Club in 2020 and had the highest growth of
any library system in the nation at 148% growth (1.9 million checkouts).
Commissioner Reddy thanked Fitzgerald for his report and said it’s a
reminder that the Library has kept going throughout the pandemic. Reddy
expressed there is still a lot of demand for gardening classes and the
offerings are limited and Fitzgerald shared they had added more classes.
X. COMMISSION COMMENTS – Commissioner Coverson-Baker stated that
March is Women’s History Month and she is looking forward to what the Library
will be putting out. Chair Robinson again warmly welcomed Commissioner
Coverson-Baker to the Commission.
XI. STAFF COMMENTS – Sendejas thanked Chair Robinson for stepping up to
the role of Chair again for the 2021 calendar year and said she was happy to
be here supporting the Library Commission.
XIII. ADJOURNMENT – Commissioner Coverson-Baker motioned to adjourn the
meeting at 8:25 p.m. Commissioner Reddy seconded. Motion passed 4 -0-1
(Absent: Gonzalez).
Monica Sendejas
Recording Secretary
Recreation Division