03/16/2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/18/2021 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MARCH 16, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 4 I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:01 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Pat Bentson Commissioner Present Robert Miller Commissioner Present Theresa Graham Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present Michelle Wexler Chair Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present Gregory Troy Commissioner Present III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on March 11, 2021. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Parks and Recreation Commission - Regular Meeting - Feb 16, 2021 6:00 PM - Commissioner Bentson motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. B. Parks and Recreation Commission - Special Meeting - Feb 16, 2021 6:15 PM Commissioner Miller motioned to approve. Commissioner Graham seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Commissioner Bentson motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS - none VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - none IX. NEW BUSINESS Page 2 of 4 A. Santa Clara Valley Urban Forestry Alliance Presentation (SCVUFAP) – Santa Clara County’s Office of Sustainability California Climate Action Corps Fellow Olivia Rodriguez presented to the commission about the need to increase the number of trees planted in Gilroy. The city is considered an urban desert island because of the number of extremely hot days that occur in a given year. Her office is requesting the commission recommend to its city council to become a partner in the SCVUFAP. The Alliance will assist with identifying locations where trees are needed most in the city and will provide the materials. Chair Wexler recommended bringing back this item in April for the commission to motion to approve recommending to Council t o adopt a partnership with the SCVUFAP. B. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendations for the Upcoming Two-year Budget Cycle. As an advisory body of the City of Gilroy, the Parks and Recreation Commission was invited to participate in the budget planning process and provide input on what they would like the City Council to consider in the upcoming budget cycle. To meet the needs of all Gilroy residents, the Parks and Recreation Commission is requesting funding for the following the projects: Planned Capital Improvements COST COUNCIL PRIORITY (if applicable) Lions Creek Trail Development – West of Santa Teresa $1.24 million Lions Creek Trail Development – West Gap Closure $3.023 million Forest Street Park Expansion $600,000 Ensure Neighborhood Benefit Equality from City Services Senior Center ADA Restrooms $50,000 Christmas Hill Park Trail Wayfinding Signage $87,300 Other Recommended Items (non-CIP) ITEM COST COUNCIL PRIORITY (if applicable) City Arborist $150,000+/annual Update the Parks, Recreation and Trails master plans Unknown C. Adoption of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan – The Commission adopted the following work plan from their February 16, 2021 retreat. Page 3 of 4 PROJECT WORK COUNCIL PRIORITY (if applicable) Review Capital Improvement Projects Recommend to Council CIP items for upcoming budget cycle Advocate for an updated Recreation and Park Master Plan and new park development Recommend to Council for upcoming budget cycle Training opportunities for commissioners Participate in virtual training through California Association of Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Boards Members Host Arbor Day Plant 10-12 trees at Gilroy Municipal Course in October 2021 Raise funds for Recreation Division’s Youth Scholarship Fund Continue to raise funds for Recreation Youth Scholarship Fund Ensure Neighborhood Benefit Equality from City Services Monitor city parks Continue to provide updates and share ideas with park staff about city’s parks; commissioners are responsible for reporting on their park assignments at monthly meetings Street Tree Brochure Complete public street tree brochure. Install mile markers to levee Commissioners will install markers at every mile throughout the levee, from Sports Park to Hecker Pass Park. Public Trail Maps With the assistance from other commissions, commissioners will assist in identifying park amenities. Sustainable Tree Program Recommend to City Council to participate as a partner in Santa Clara County’s Sustainable Tree Alliance program. Ensure Neighborhood Benefit Equality from City Services Explore opportunities to develop a Pickleball Court Generate a proposed funding plan and locations to develop an outdoor pickleball court. Develop a Friends of Parks and Recreation Foundation Assist with the launch a philanthropic organization dedicated to raising funds for Gilroy’s parks and recreation services Ensure Financial Stability Making Parks and Recreation Programs more accessible (pre-Master Plan) Incorporating an equity lens within the city's parks and recreation Ensure Neighborhood Benefit Equality from City Services X. OLD BUSINESS XI. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates - Henig reviewed the report. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) – Headley reviewed the report. XII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Page 4 of 4 Park Assignments o Commissioner Bentson – At Christmas Hill, stop sign at park entrance is misleading when driving on Miller. Recommends modifying it. Headley will take a look and report back. o Vice Chair Graham – Pleased to see children using the playgrounds, fields, courts and the parks. o Commissioner Miller – Observed litter at El Roble. Question about bike jumps. Noticed it at other park grounds. Headley is aware and will address it in the near future. o Commissioner Puente – Found graffiti at San Ysidro. Noticed at Renz the slide has a hole in it and dogs were off leash. o Commissioner Reinert – Pleased to see Gilroy Sports Park is being heavily used. Needed clarification where Village Green was located. o Commissioner Troy – Noticed that diamonds and courts were being utilized again at Las Animas. Also spotted a cracked tree limb at the park. Headley was aware. o Chair Wexler – Found debris/trash at Del Rey. Saw unapproved painted picnic tables at Sunrise. Headley will follow-up. XIII. STAFF COMMENTS - none XIV. ADJOURNMENT- 8:07 pm Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division