05/18/2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Agenda Packet CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 18, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 AGENDA Page 1 of 3 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THIS MEETING WILL BE LIMITED. THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GOVERNOR’S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 MEETING MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY WEBSITE www.cityofgilroy.org. In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the City will be offering telephone and email options for public comments at this meeting. The public is encouraged to participate in this meeting by as follows: VIEW THE MEETING LIVE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/GilroyCityHallMeetings PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION. COMMENTS MAY BE EMAILED PRIOR TO OR DURING THE MEETING TO ADAM HENIG AT adam.henig@cityofgilroy.org AND MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE CHAIRPERSON OPENS PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE ITEM. ADDITIONALLY, COMMENTS MAY BE MADE BY LEAVING A VOICE MESSAGE AT (408) 846-0577, PRIOR TO 5:00 P.M. MAY 18, 2021. IMPORTANT: identify the Agenda Item Number or PUBLIC COMMENT in the subject line of your email. The Clerk will read the first three minutes of each email into the public record. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Governors Order N-29- 20, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City a minimum of 2 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0577. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the Recreation Division at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are also available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org Page 2 of 3 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Chair: Michelle Wexler 12/21 Vice Chair: Theresa Graham 12/23 Angela Reinert 12/23 Patricia Bentson 12/24 Robert Miller 12/21 Ermelindo Puente 12/23 VACANT 12/22 III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Ap ril 20, 2021 VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA VII. INTRODUCTIONS VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Motion to approve recommendation of renaming the Gilroy Senior Center. 1. Staff Report: Adam Henig, Recreation Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Motion to approve recommendation of renaming the Gilroy Senior Center. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan 1. Staff Report: Adam Henig, Recreation Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive and comment on the 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan. XI. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates 1. Staff Report: Adam Henig, Recreation Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Review Recreation Division updates and provide comment. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) Page 3 of 3 1. Staff Report: Adam Henig, Recreation Manager 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive parks report and comment. XII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments o Commissioner Bentson - Cydney Casper, Christmas Hill o Vice Chair Graham - Farrell Avenue, Gateway, Hecker Pass, Los Arroyos, Rainbow o Commissioner Miller - Uvas Levee, El Roble o Commissioner Puente - Butcher, Forest Street, Renz, San Ysidro o Commissioner Reinert - Gilroy Sports Park, Village Green o VACANT - Las Animas, Miller o Chair Wexler - Carriage Hills, Del Rey, Sunrise XIII. STAFF COMMENTS XIV. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 20, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 CALL TO ORDER – 6:03 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Pat Bentson Commissioner Present Robert Miller Commissioner Present Theresa Graham Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present (late) Michelle Wexler Chair Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present VACANT Commissioner N/A II. ROLL CALL III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT - The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on April 15, 2021. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Commissioner Miller motioned to approve. Commissioner Graham seconded. Motion passed 5-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA- Commissioner Miller motioned to approve. Commissioner Graham seconded. Motion passed 5-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS – none. Puente arrived. VIII. STAFF COMMENTS: Greg Troy is no longer on the commission due to residency requirements. Council voted on Monday to approve recruitment for Troy’s seat. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - none X. NEW BUSINESS - none 5.A Packet Pg. 4 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 20, 2021 6:00 PM (APPROVAL OF MINUTES) Page 2 of 3 XI. OLD BUSINESS A. Santa Clara Valley Urban Forestry Alliance (“SCVUFA”) Follow -up Presentation: SCVUFA went over a presentation to the Commission that was also delivered in March 2021. Their goal is to expand the County’s urban canopy, an effective tool to combat the negative impacts of climate change, especially in areas where historically vulnerable populations suffer disproportionately. The Alliance requested the Commission motion to approve and recommend the commission a) form a committee to promote their work; b) and a recommendation to deliver an informational presentation to the City Council at a future meeting. Chair Wexler and commissioners Puente and Miller will serve on the committee. Commissioner Wexler motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 6-0-0. B. Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan – Henig reviewed the work plan with the commission. The following topics were discussed:  Parks tour led by Parks Supervisor Bill Headley will be delayed due to Covid-19.  For Arbor Day, Wexler inquired about tying in sustainable tree efforts to the annual event. Headley stated due to limited resources, it would be difficult to expand the event beyond one venue.  For Mile Makers, Miller informed the commission that he has completed 20 of 34 markers. Hopes to have it completed before the next commission meeting.  For public trails maps, Commissioner Reinert updated the commission about the work that has been completed since the last meeting. A welcome message has been created and she shared more information about the maps (including the placement of amenities). She also submitted an inquiry to the Museum about the history of each Gilroy park.  The Sustainable Tree Program formed a committee (Wexler, Puente, Miller).  Pickleball will be deleted from the work plan.  Friends of Parks and Recreation will resume meetings. XII. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates - Henig reviewed the report. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) – Headley review the parks report. Henig inquired about what to do if dog is unleashed in the park. Headley recommended contact Communications, who will send an Animal Service officer. 5.A Packet Pg. 5 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 20, 2021 6:00 PM (APPROVAL OF MINUTES) Page 3 of 3 XIII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments o Commissioner Bentson: Hop scotch paint is fading from Cydney Casper. Stop sign in parking lot at Christmas Hill Park needs to be moved, so oncoming traffic is not interrupted. o Vice Chair Graham – Still wasn’t sure where Hecker Pass Park is located. Got further direction from Headley. o Commissioner Miller – Speed bumps have been removed. Noticed that the designated smoking signs have been removed. o Commissioner Puente – Butcher is fine. Renz is in good shape. San Ysidro is busy but looks good. Noticed the slide was removed from Forest Street. o Commissioner Reinert - Gilroy Sports Park looks busy. o VACANT - Puente offered to absorb these parks (i.e., Las Animas, Miller) until the seat is filled. o Chair Wexler – Noticed excessive garbage at Del Rey and off-leash dog at Carriage Hills. XIV. ADJOURNMENT – 7:49 p.m. Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division 5.A Packet Pg. 6 Minutes Acceptance: Minutes of Apr 20, 2021 6:00 PM (APPROVAL OF MINUTES) PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Motion to approve recommendation of renaming the Gilroy Senior Center. Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Submitted By: Adam Henig Prepared By: Adam Henig Recommendation: Motion to approve recommendation of renaming the Gilroy Senior Center. Executive Summary In the 2020 Facility and Program Needs Assessment, it was pointed out there is a high unmet need for an all-inclusive, indoor multi-generational community center. In reviewing the city’s recreation facilities, it was recommended the Senior Center be converted into a multi-generational community center. Since there is currently no funding earmarked for a major renovation or construction of a new building, this option provides a quick and cost-effective solution to addressing the unmet needs for facility space. Recommendations were based on input from members of the community, stakeholders, city staff and industry experts. The conversion will offer minimal disruption to existing services while providing an opportunity to deliver more services to residents. Senior services will continue to be provided: YMCA-sponsored nutritional lunch program, AARP-sponsored tax support, City-led recreational activities, club meetings, and other social services benefiting Gilroy’s aging residents. In addition, there are opportunities to better utilize the Center’s existing space. For example, rooms that are currently underutilzed or are not being used can be converted to host recreational activities (e.g., tutoring, STEM, arts/crafts), community meetings and provide social services. The current vacant offices at the Center will be used by recreation staff, who was previously working at City Hall. In moving forward with the conversion, the Commission is asked to recommend a new 9.A Packet Pg. 7 name for the center to reflect the inclusion and welcoming of all ages. Suggestions include:  City of Gilroy Community Center  City of Gilroy Multi-Generational Center  City of Gilroy Multi-Generational Community Center  City of Gilroy Multi-Generational Recreation Center  City of Gilroy Multi-Generational Recreation and Community Center 9.A Packet Pg. 8 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Submitted By: Adam Henig Prepared By: Adam Henig Recommendation: Receive and comment on the 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan. Executive Summary On February 16, 2021, the Parks and Recreation Commission held a retreat to develop their 2021 work plan. On March 16, 2021, the Commission adopted the work plan, which reflects what the commission will be working on during the calendar year. The work plan should align with the current City Council priorities:  Ensure Financial Stability  Enhance Public Safety Capabilities  Revitalize Downtown  Focus on Revenue Driven Economic Development  Retain Stability in the City’s Workforce  Provide Opportunities for Meaningful Public Engagement  Ensure Neighborhoods Benefit Equally from City Services Attachments: 1. PRC 2021 Work Plan 5.13.2021 10.A Packet Pg. 9 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Project Name Work Lead Commissioner/ Staff Deliverable in 12 months City Council Priority Status Review Capital Improvement Projects Recommend to Council CIP items for upcoming budget cycle N/A Completed COMPLETED: Made recommendations during March 2021 meeting Advocate for Park Master Plan/new park development Recommend to Council for upcoming budget cycle N/A Completed COMPLETED: Made recommendations during March 2021 meeting Training Opportunities for Commissioners Participate in virtual training through California Association of Parks and Recreation Commissioners and Boards Members N/A Attend parks tour from parks supervisor Attended CAPRCB sponsored training in March 2021; Parks tour from Bill will be delayed due to Covid Host Arbor Day Plant 10-12 trees at Gilroy Municipal Course in October 2021 Adam/Bill Host annual Arbor Day event Plan details for event; incorporate sustainable trees component? Raise funds for Recreation Department Youth Scholarship Continue to raise funds for Recreation Youth Scholarship Fund N/A Ensure Neighborhood Equity No action taken Monitor city parks Continue to provide updates and share ideas with park staff about city’s parks; commissioners are responsible for reporting on their park assignments at monthly meetings All commissioners Keep staff abreast of state of parks Ongoing Complete Street Tree Brochure Complete public street tree brochure Pat/Bill Make available to public Waiting for Streets Staff to review document Collaborate with other city commissions and boards Working with BPC on mile markers and mapping. Angela Ongoing Add mile markers to levee Commissioners will install markers at every mile throughout the levee, from Sports Park to Hecker Pass Park. Bob Markers in place throughout the levee COMPLETED 10.A.a Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: PRC 2021 Work Plan 5.13.2021 (3338 : Review 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Project Name Work Lead Commissioner Deliverable in 12 months City Council Priority Status Public Trail Maps With the assistance from other commissions, commissioners will assist in identifying park amenities. Angela Make progress on identifying amenities for each park on digital map. Reached out to Museum about background about each park; drafted welcome message for each park; continue t make edits Sustainable Tree Program Form committee and recommend Alliance present to Council at a meeting. Committee: Michelle, Bob, Ermelindo Inform Commission about best practices Ensure Neighborhood Equity Formed a committee at April meeting. Alliance will present to Council in June 2021. Friends of Parks and Recreation Foundation Assist with the launch a philanthropic organization dedicated to raising funds for Gilroy’s parks and recreation services Committee: Angela, Pat, Terry Lay the groundwork for privately- run community-based organization to be formed Ensure Financial Stability Committee met in April and May to discuss Bi-laws and drafted mission and vision; will share with PRC Making Parks and Recreation Programs more accessible (pre- Master Plan) Incorporating an equity lens within the city's parks and recreation Michelle Ensure Neighborhood Equity BPC has recommendations Rev. May 13, 2021 Not On 2021 Work Plan but Discussed Explore Opportunities for Futsal Court Docents/volunteers on Levee Promote Recreation Programs & Parks = Health & Wellness Parks Design Standards Review (follow up with Pat and Bill) Input on Programming Options for Senior Center (post-Covid) Universal Access Recording Audio of Parks 10.A.a Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: PRC 2021 Work Plan 5.13.2021 (3338 : Review 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Recreation Division Updates Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Submitted By: Adam Henig Prepared By: Adam Henig Recommendation: Review Recreation Division updates and provide comment. Executive Summary As always, the Recreation Division is busy serving the Gilroy community in a variety of ways:  Aquatics Center Update – This summer, the City will not offer swimming lessons or recreation swim at Christopher High School’s Aquatics Center. While businesses and community centers are beginning to open up in California, the Covid-19 guidelines around pool operations with high touch areas like the waterslides and picnic tables, as well as capacity limits, make it logistically and financially challenging to operate this summer. Given the current staffing levels and budgetary constraints, staff is issuing an RFP to find an independent operator to manage the aquatics center’s swimming activities in 2022.  Vaccination site at Senior Center – in conjunction with Santa Clara County Public Health, Recreation opened its doors to the County to facilitate a vaccination clinic on May 13. Held in the evening, the targeted audience was both youth and those who worked during the day and are unable to attend a daytime clinic.  Budget update –City Council is expected to adopt the proposed two-year budget cycle (Fiscal Year 2022 and 2023) in June 2021. Recreation will be presenting its proposed budget at a study session on Monday, May 24. 11.A Packet Pg. 12  The 2021 Summer Activity Guide is now available. Staff has begun working on the 2021 Fall Activity Guide, which will be available in late July.  The City of Gilroy, in partnership with Santa Clara County and First 5 California, is getting closer to opening the family resource center at San Ysidro Cultural Center. More information about the program will be provided at the next meeting.  Staff continues to get trained for its role in the Emergency Operation Center (EOC), which is activated in the event of an emergency such as a flood, fire, or earthquake. Recently, staff completed an introductory course and met with the city’s new EOC Coordinator. 11.A Packet Pg. 13 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Agenda Item Title: Status of City Parks (report attached) Meeting Date: May 18, 2021 Submitted By: Bill Headley Prepared By: Adam Henig Recommendation: Receive parks report and comment. Executive Summary See attached report. Attachments: 1. PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ 11.B Packet Pg. 14 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 www.ci.gilroy.ca.us (408) 846-0451 City of Gilroy Public Works Department Parks and Landscape Division MEMORANDUM Date: May 18, 2021 To: Parks and Recreation Commission CC: Daryl Jordan, Public Works Director From: Bill Headley, Park Operations Supervisor Subject: Public Works Park Operations Report REPORT TO COMMISSION for May 18, 2021 1. Street Tree Brochure draft text under City staff review. Pandemic staffing disruptions will delay Public Works review comments for the draft brochure several months. Updates on this review and forwarded to PRC Commission will be provided to PRC. The estimated timeline for PRC review of draft brochure after PW comments are added following lifting of pandemic impacts. No status change. 2. Glen Lomas development on the Christmas Hill Park west hillside is impacting the park until adjacent residential development is completed. The west property line park trail and service road is blocked. Restoration and opening of the park property line trail-service road and fence is estimated for completion in May. No Status change. 3. Christmas Hill Ranch Site Building and Trailer Demolition long delayed is approved with demolition work to be completed by mid-May, 2021. Nearby Red Barn and all but one existing small tree are protected from demolition activity. Work pending shortly. 4. Arbor Day at Gilroy Municipal Golf Course is postponed until fall of this year. 5. Park & Recreation Commission Volunteer Trail Marking Team has been completed. Thank you to Park and Recreation Commissioner Bob Miller for leading this needed community service project on the Uvas levee bike path. 11.B.a Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ (3320 : Status of City Parks (report attached)) 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 www.ci.gilroy.ca.us (408) 846-0451 6. Park drinking fountains turn on in all City parks and along City bike trails in time for Gilroy Little League season games starting this month. Pandemic restrictions on sport team play have been lifted. Dogs are happy also with working drinking fountains 7. Uvas Creek Levee Bike Path safety signs recommended by Commission for pathway under Santa Teresa Blvd. Bridge have been installed. 11.B.a Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ (3320 : Status of City Parks (report attached)) 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 www.ci.gilroy.ca.us (408) 846-0451 8. Storm water runoff and steam protection project in Gilroy Parks begins with pick up your dog waste campaign signs in several City Parks. 11.B.a Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ (3320 : Status of City Parks (report attached)) 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 www.ci.gilroy.ca.us (408) 846-0451 9. Drought impacts squirrels at Renz Park where they are attacking drip irrigation lines for water. 10. Third Street concrete landscape fence for detention pond near Hecker Pass Park damage d by Hit and Run vehicle. Major fence repairs are pending. 11.B.a Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ (3320 : Status of City Parks (report attached)) 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020-6197 www.ci.gilroy.ca.us (408) 846-0451 THANKS FOR HELPING TO KEEP OUR PARKS SAFE When you notice something that you feel is a safety hazard or that needs attention, no need to wait until the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to report it. Please call (408) 846-0460 during regular business hours, or the non-emergency after-hours number, (408) 846-0350, to report. Parks / City Incident Reports Public Works Operations (Past Incident Reports will be provided at a Future PRC mtg.) MAINTENANCE HIGHLIGHTS Parks Section Weekly Highlight Reports Not Available See park maintenance highlights in future PRC Parks report. To report graffiti, please call the Graffiti Hotline @ (408) 846-0395 11.B.a Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: PRC Park Operations Report May_ 2021_ (3320 : Status of City Parks (report attached))