07/13/2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/21/2021 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 13, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I.CALL TO ORDER – 6:01 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Pat Bentson Commissioner Present Robert Miller Commissioner Present Theresa Graham Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present Michelle Wexler Chair Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present Efren Pineda Commissioner Present II. ROLL CALL III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT - The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on July 8, 2021. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Parks and Recreation Commission - Regular Meeting – June 15, 2021 6:00 PM - Staff Liaison Adam Henig asked to make the following amendment to the June minutes: Under Commissioner Comments, for Reinert, change it to the following: Gilroy Sports Park – informed staff that unsafe driving remains a concern. Vice Chair Graham motioned to approve with the amendment. Commissioner Reinert seconded. Motion passed 7-0- 0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Reinert motioned to approve. Commissioner Miller seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS – none Page 2 of 3 VIII. PRESENTATION – Representatives from San Ysidro Nueva Vida, a Gilroy- based neighborhood organization, presented information about the traffic concerns at San Ysidro Park. There are numerous community events occurring at this park throughout the year. There is also a family resource cente r opening at the San Ysidro Cultural Center. Parking is already limited to begin with and it’s expected to become even more so with the resource center. Part of the problem, the representatives explained, is cars are parked for long periods of time; there’s no parking enforcement. One suggestion made was to ban overnight parking or create timed parking along Murray Avenue and Lewis Street park frontage. It was agreed upon to add this topic to a future meeting agenda. IX. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA – None. X. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Options for Outdoor Pickleball Court at City Parks. At the June 2021 commission meeting, resident Bruce Serpa spoke during public comments about the need for pickleball courts at city parks. The Commission motioned to approve having this item on a future meeting agenda. Following the meeting, City staff met with representatives from various groups who use the tennis courts at Las Animas. The City is seeking input from the Commission on how to provide multi-usage of the tennis courts at city parks. The City put forth two options to consider: lining Sunrise Park’s courts with pickleball lines and, a longer term solution, renovating the El Roble tennis court into a dedicated pickleball court. Graham inquired if housing developments that were in the process of being built or in development, could add a pickleball court. Headley explained that the parks in these developments that were agreed upon were not expected to include a pickleball court or a similar size amenity because these parks are meant to be small and primarily used by the immediate neighborhood. Headley asked if pickleball users considered the Ranch Site as an option. Commissioner Bentson asked staff if the City would consider partnering with ot her agencies such as Gavilan College or GUSD. Those are options too, Henig said. Reinert inquired if the additional lining of the courts would add to confusion and does it cause additional damage. Serpa, who was on hand, showed in a brief presentation that it would have minimal impact because of the strategic color scheme. Miller liked the idea of having El Roble become a dedicated pickleball court, but wanted to receive more information about total costs and neighborhood impact. Headley said it could cost about $250,000 for a complete renovation with minimal future maintenance. Wexler supported both options. Bentson recommended inviting the Sunrise neighborhood to the next commission meeting. Puente requested more information. XI. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan – Updates included the date for Arbor Day has been identified—October 29 at the Gilroy Golf Course. Also, the sustainable tree program committee is looking Page 3 of 3 to identify locations to plant trees, both private and public land. Also, looking at ways to engage the community. XII. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates Henig reviewed the report. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) Headley reviewed the report. XIII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Commissioner Bentson – Pointed out that there’s tall dry grass at Christmas Hill Park and it should be clipped. Also noticed Cydney Casper Park has dry spots. Vice Chair Graham – Farrell has dry spots. Other parks look great. Commissioner Miller: El Roble looked fine, but noticed there were illegal bike jumps designed and should be taken down. Noticed there was paint on a bench along the Levee. Also, requesting more signage on the Levee to promote safe bicycling. Commissioner Pineda: Will take over Las Animas and Miller for his assignments. Commissioner Puente: Noticed cars parked overnight at Butcher Park. Forest Street playground slide has graffiti. Renz Park grass needs more watering. At San Ysidro, the fountain is not working and there’s excess litter. Las Animas looked good. Commissioner Reinert - Unable to monitor the parks. Chair Wexler – Noticed the teeter-totter wasn’t working. Observed litter at Del Rey Park. XIV. STAFF COMMENTS – reminder that August is dark. XV. ADJOURNMENT – 8:07 PM Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division