09/21/2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/19/2021 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:01 p.m. Attendee Name Title Status Pat Bentson Commissioner Present Robert Miller Commissioner Present Theresa Graham Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present Michelle Wexler Chair Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present Efren Pineda Commissioner Absent II. ROLL CALL Chair: Michelle Wexler 12/21 Vice Chair: Theresa Graham 12/23 Angela Reinert 12/23 Patricia Bentson 12/24 Robert Miller 12/21 Ermelindo Puente 12/23 Efran Pineda 12/22 III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT - The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on September 16, 2021. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Parks and Recreation Commission - Regular Meeting - Jul 13, 2021 6:00 PM – Commissioner Reinert motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 6-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Commissioner Miller motioned to approve. Vice Chair Graham seconded. Motion passed 6-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS - none VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Page 2 of 3 IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Review Traffic Safety Improvements and Neighborhood – Traffic Engineer Gary Heap presented the traffic safety recommendations as described in the staff report. Vice Chair Graham had a question about parking enforcement, which would occur. Miller was supportive of traffic calming efforts that Heap described. San Ysidro Nueva Vida member Jorge Mendoza expressed gratitude for the City’s efforts and “quick action” to improve traffic safety in and around San Ysidro Park. Chair Wexler had a question about if any parking stalls would be lost because of the restriping. Heap explained they would not be. Graham expressed concerns about where a pedestrian crosswalk would be located, ensuring its safe for users. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan - Updates included set time for Arbor Day at Gilroy Golf Course; Bentson requested the youth scholarship letter; There was a question about marketing the street tree program, once the new brochure is completed; Wexler informed commissioners that the County’s sustainable tree program is looking to engage residents with more details to come; Friends of Parks and Recreation are applying for a 501c status. Currently in process. XI. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates Henig reviewed the report. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) Headley reviewed the report. XII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments o Commissioner Bentson – Observed Cydney Casper grass was noticeably dry, likely due to the drought. Hopscotch still missing paint; At Christmas Hill, trees look strong. Headley mentioned that the unhoused community can be found at CHP. o Vice Chair Graham - Hecker Pass noticed unleashed dogs at dog park; Los Arroyos lawn is brown. Reported graffiti at Rainbow; o Commissioner Miller - El Roble has new bounce house sign and new No Smoking signs. There’s a branch sticking out that should be trimmed back. o Commissioner Puente – Butcher and Forest Street looks good; Renz needs more watering; San Ysidro fountain is loose, and benches need to be sprayed due to debris accumulation. o Commissioner Reinert - Village Green is dry. At Gilroy Sports Park, illegal fireworks are occuring. o Commissioner Pineda - absent o Chair Wexler – Found garbage at Del Rey; otherwise, parks look good. XIII. STAFF COMMENTS – Bentson asked about the status of pickleball. Henig mentioned that Courts 5 and 6 at Las Animas will be resurfaced next month, which Page 3 of 3 will impact pickleball. City staff met with various stakeholders, though, at this point there’s nothing to report. XIV. ADJOURNMENT – 7:45 p.m. Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division