10/19/2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/16/2021 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 19, 2021 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:03 p.m. II. SECRETARY'S REPORT – The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on October 14, 2021. III. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Pat Bentson Commissioner Present Robert Miller Commissioner Present Theresa Graham Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present Michelle Wexler Chair Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present Efren Pineda Commissioner Present IV. FLAG SALUTE V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Parks and Recreation Commission - Regular Meeting - Sep 21, 2021 6:00 PM - Commissioner Miller motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Commissioner Reinert motioned to approve. Commissioner Bentson seconded. Motion passed 7-0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS - none VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA - none IX. NEW BUSINESS – none X. OLD BUSINESS A. Review of 2021 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Updates included October 29 Arbor Day event and emphasis on completing the Page 2 of 3 street tree brochure. In addition, there was discussion about the Sustainable Tree program. Henig mentioned that he met with the City Administrator and was given the green light to move forward with the program. There were concerns about promoting the planting of trees amid a drought, however, Henig explained, despite the drought, the science shows that planting trees far outweigh the drought concerns and there were ways to mitigate watering trees through conservation. The subcommittee will meet with city staff to discuss a timeline and project logistics. The Friends group have made significant impact. The official name is Friends of Gilroy Parks and Recreation Foundation. They have completed the State of California requirement; now are awaiting the 501c3 certification. Once the group is official, the item will no longer be part of the work plan but a standing item where the group can provide updates to the commission. They are currently seeking board members and are developing an organization logo and website. XI. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Division Updates Henig reviewed the report. B. Status of City Parks (report attached) Headley reviewed the report. XII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments o Commissioner Bentson (Cydney Casper, Christmas Hill) – Casper look good. Something is wrong with a water mane at Christmas Hill. Question about Red Barn and TEEC usage. Headley responded. Also mentioned that a private tree company was using the park to train workers. Staff will look into it. o Vice Chair Graham – (Farrell Avenue, Gateway, Hecker Pass, Los Arroyos, Rainbow) – Everything looks fine. o Commissioner Miller – (Uvas Levee, El Roble) – At Roble, noticed lots of branches and garbage on ground due to recent high gusty winds. Water fountain was not working and park regulation signs were missing. o Commissioner Puente – (Butcher, Forest Street, Renz, San Ysidro) – All of the parks look good. Noticed the grass had been aerated at San Ys idro. o Commissioner Reinert – (Gilroy Sports Park, Village Green) – Sports Park looked good. No nighttime activities occurring anymore. Village Green looked dry. o Commissioner Pineda – (Las Animas, Miller) – both parks looked good. o Chair Wexler (Carriage Hills, Del Rey, Sunrise) – saw graffiti at Del Rey and sent photos to staff. Notice garbage blowing around from high winds. XIII. STAFF COMMENTS - none XIV. ADJOURNMENT – 7:32 p.m. Page 3 of 3 Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division