09/20/2022 Personnel Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/18/2022 CITY OF GILROY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 3 I. CALL TO ORDER – 6:07 p.m. II. ROLL CALL Attendee Name Title Status Theresa Graham Chair Present Pat Bentson Vice Chair Present Ermelindo Puente Commissioner Present Angela Reinert Commissioner Present Eric Arredondo Commissioner Present Sergio Patterson Commissioner Present III. FLAG SALUTE IV. SECRETARY'S REPORT - The Parks and Recreation Commission agenda was posted online on and posted in the City Hall kiosk on September 15, 2022 V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Parks and Recreation Commission - Regular Meeting - Jul 19, 2022 6:00 PM - Commissioner Reinert motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 6-0-0. VI. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Commissioner Bentson motioned to approve. Commissioner Puente seconded. Motion passed 6 -0-0. VII. INTRODUCTIONS Page 2 of 3 A. Daryl Jordan, Public Works Director – Mr. Jordan introduced himself to the Commission. B. Matt Jones, Deputy Public Works Director - Mr. Jones introduced himself to the Commission. He was asked about an issue regarding signage for e -bikes in the parks. He said he would investigate the matter further. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA – none. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Mayor Marie Blankley's Annual Report to the Parks & Recreation Commission – The Mayor expressed her gratitude to the commissioners for serving Gilroy. She emphasized the commission’s importance, as its the first body to review parks and recreation issues. Commissioners asked questions about the status of the Gilroy Sports Park and whether a commissioner can serve on Gilroy Gardens board of directors. B. Recommend Appointment to City Council of applicant for Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BIPAC) - The applicant is a cycle enthusiast; has worked with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition; fixes bikes for the bike match program in Gilroy; and is passionate about transportation. Commissioner Arredondo motioned to approve. Vice Chair Bentson seconded. A motion passed 6-0-0 to recommend Eugene Bernosky to serve as the Gilroy representative for the Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle & Pedestrian Adv isory Committee. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Parks and Recreation Staff Appreciation Breakfast by Parks and Recreation Commission - The commissioners determined who was bringing what item to the annual appreciation breakfast on Thursday, September 22. Staff anticipated there would be 25 people present. B. Review 2022 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan – Updates to the work plan included: City staff is updating the street tree list, which will be included in the street tree brochure; For citywide events, Henig added to the work plan involvement with the senior center and, possibly, National Night Out; For Measure B, commissioners adopted the FY23 VTA Measure B E&E plan and will offer Bike to Wherever Day; They hope to add more items in the future such as hire a consultant and provide giveaways to encourage residents to participate in Bike to Wherever Day; For the park user survey, Commissioner Patterson will narrow down the number of questions, send a draft to commissioners and then have it go live. XI. DEPARTMENT UPDATES A. Recreation Staff Report Henig reported on the Recreation Division. See staff report. XII. COMMISSIONER PARK REPORTS & COMMENTS Park Assignments Page 3 of 3 • Chair Graham - At Las Animas Veterans Park, saw a tent in the handball court, likely put up by an unhoused individual. o Vice Chair Bentson – At Cydney Casper, the hop scotch is faded and there are trees missing and need to be replanted; At Christmas Hill, trees in the Parkside parking lot need more watering. o Commissioner Arredondo – All three parks look good. o Commissioner Patterson - At Carriage Hills, the water fountain is not working; At Del Rey, conflict with local school and community park users. It’s an ongoing issue. o Commissioner Puente – At San Ysidro, the park is receiving a lot of user activity. o Commissioner Reinert – At Sports Park, playground is in bad shape. The turf needs to be replaced; has holes in it. XIII. FUTURE COMMISSIONER INITIATED ITEMS None XIV. STAFF COMMENTS – none XV. ADJOURNMENT – 8:13p.m. AH Adam Henig Recording Secretary Recreation Division