01/25/2022 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Agenda PacketBicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Agenda January 21, 2022 Page 1 CITY OF GILROY BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, January 25, 2022 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA ONLINE VIRTUAL PORTAL PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ASSEMBLY BILL 361 MEETING MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY WEBSITE AT http://www.cityofgilroy.org/AgendaCenter. In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the City will be offering virtual teleconference services on Zoom and Facebook Live. Additionally, written comments can be submitted by email to Bryce Atkins at bryce.atkins@cityofgilroy.org. Please note that written comments will not be read out loud, but it will be part of the written record. To Participate via Zoom: Weblink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85074829027?pwd=NTVKa2RlM1BSUHdUUXF5eElVcnczdz09 Or via Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 850 7482 9027 Passcode: 787006 To View the Meeting Live on Facebook: Weblink: https://www.facebook.com/GilroyCityHallMeetings PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION. PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL NOT BE TAKEN THROUGH FACEBOOK LIVE. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE. Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408)846-0205/Thai.Pham@cityofgilroy.org In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City a minimum of 2 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846- 0210. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II) 001 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Agenda January 21, 2022 Page 2 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Patrick Flautt - Chairperson Sean Reedy – Vice Chairperson Kristen Robbins Nirza Starks 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS – AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Monthly Bike Pledge Winners and/or Nomination of Person in the Community for Efforts to Support Bicycle and Pedestrian Activities 6. PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA, BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Please limit your comments to 3 minutes (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: 1. Report: VTA BPAC Meeting Report 7. CONSENT CALENDAR (reports attached) All matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered by the Commission to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made by a member of the Commission or a member of the public. Any person desiring to speak on any item on the consent calendar should ask to have that item removed from the consent calendar prior to the time the Commission votes to approve. If removed, the item will be discussed in the order in which it appears. A. Minutes of the 11/23/2021 Meeting B. Combined Fund Balance Sheet as of January 18, 2022 C. BPAC Chairperson Letters regarding: 1. None Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet on the City website at http://www.cityofgilroy.org/AgendaCenter 002 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Agenda January 21, 2022 Page 3 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2022 1. Report: Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison 2. Public comment 3. Possible Action: Nominations and approval of commissioners to the position of Chair and Vice Chair of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission B. Update on Commissions/Committees Dissolution 1. Report: Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison 2. Public comment 3. Possible Action: Direction on coordinating consolidation planning C. Request for Information (RFI) Process for Bird Scooters/Bikes 1. Report: Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Motion to proceed with issuance of an RFI for electric scooters and bikes D. Update on Safe Routes to School City Staff Position 1. Report: Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive Update. E. Safe Routes to School Banners for Elementary/Middle Schools 1. Report: Patrick Flautt, Chairperson 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive Update and Provide Direction F. Correspondence: 1. Report: Chairperson Patrick Flautt 2. Public Comment 3. Possible Action: Receive Update and Provide Comments • None 9. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS A. Chairperson Patrick Flautt B. Vice Chairperson Sean Reedy C. Commissioner Kristen Robbins D. Commissioner Nirza Starks 10. STAFF UPDATES 11. AGENDA ITEMS TO BE ADDED TO THE WORKPLAN ADJOURNMENT TO THE REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 22, 2022 AT 6:00 PM Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Look – Ahead Calendar The Bicycle Pedestrian Commission meets regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month, at 003 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Meeting Agenda January 21, 2022 Page 4 6:00 p.m. If a holiday should fall on the regular meeting date (or the next day) the meeting will be rescheduled to the following month. February 2022 03 Planning Commission (Regular Meeting), 6:00 p.m. (Virtual) 07 City Council (Regular Meeting), 6:00 p.m. (Virtual) 09 Library Commission (Regular Meeting), 7:00 p.m. (Virtual) 14 Personnel Commission (Regular Meeting), 5:30 p.m. (Virtual) 16 Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee (Regular Meeting), 6:00 p.m. (Virtual) 22 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission (Regular Meeting), 6:00 p.m. 28 City Council Meeting (Regular Meeting), 6:00 p.m. Historic Heritage Committee and Arts and Culture Commission meeting dates and times were not available on City’s calendar at the time of producing this agenda. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission W orkplan Schedule • To Be Determined 004 Report on January 12, 2022 VTA BPAC Meeting for Gilroy BPAC Carolyn Schimandle January 20, 2022 The January VTA Bicycle Pedestrian Committee meeting did not include much that was especially relevant to the Gilroy area, so this is a short report. Highlight from Santa Clara County Staff Report County Active Transportation Plan Updates There is now a public website for the county Active Transportation plan, at ac- tivesantaclaracounty.org . It includes an interactive map where one can give input on where they use active transportation, and any safety or connectivity concerns in certain locations. There is also information about what the plan is and the planning timeline. While this plan is only for county roads such as the expressways and the roads in unincorporated areas of the county, it would be good to get input from Gilroyans because we are surrounded by county roads that many of us use for active transportation, such as Santa Teresa and Monterey Road outside of the Gilroy city limits. VTA BPAC Members’ Announcements I shared the news that the Gilroy Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is being dis- solved and its functions divided between the Planning Commission and the Park and Recreation Commission. Several VTA BPAC members expressed sadness that the Gilroy BPAC will no longer be in existence, and concern that its current functions would not be performed as well by the commissions taking them over. One member was concerned that this meant that I will no longer be on the VTA BPAC. I assured him that I am will continue to represent Gilroy because my posi- tion is not tied to there being a Gilroy BPAC. 005 1 October 14, 2021 VTA PAC Chair & Members VTA River Oaks Campus 3331 North First Street, Conference Room B-106 San Jose, CA 95110 Re: Discussion Item #14- Review and discuss proposed updates to Bicycle Technical Guidelines Chapter 10, “Bike Parking.” Dear VTA PAC Chair & Board Members, I write on behalf of my Gilroy City Council Member Office in support of increasing the number of long- term spaces to (1 per unit) for (Residential-General, multi-dwelling). As a city that is finally getting our own off-street bike parking requirements in December 2021 by ordinance, we still rely on VTA recommendations today. I do not support continuing to keep the (1 per 2 units) for students and low-income, and (1 per 30 units) for residents 62 and older. Both of these populations are more likely to switch to a bicycle as their primary mode of transportation, and especially when the infrastructure like long-term parking is in place where they live. With the e-bike boom the 62 & older population is more active than the previous 62 & older generation. Local agencies and developers are struggling to find way to reduce their Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and bike parking accompanied with a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program is a simple and cost-effective solution to comply with SB743. Gilroy just finished up a e-bike pilot program with OutThink LLC. The program focused on providing affordable housing residents with e-bikes, fit-bits, and tracking devices on their bikes to collect data. There was a waiting list of participants at all the locations, which included one of our 62 & older senior low-income apartments. In all the locations there wasn’t adequate bike parking, and they were keeping their bikes inside their apartments, which created a barrier. All participants showed a decrease in resting heart rate and blood pressure. For those that were pre- diabetics, they are not in that category any longer. One participant now travels by e-bike on Caltrain to work up north, and averages 20 miles on his rides. This pilot program has created conversations with Santa Clara County Public Health in exploring an e-bike prescription program for a cost of ~$1500 vs the average cost of taking care of a diabetic patient ~$16,000/annually. PUBLIC COMMENT006 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2021 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:02 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Patrick Flautt - Chairperson - present Sean Reedy – Vice Chairperson – present Kristen Robbins - present Nirza Starks – present ALSO PRESENT Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, November 19, 2021 at 9:55 a.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS Nomination of Jeanette Garcia 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • Carolyn Schimandle stated the VA is updating the congestion management report. No public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 10/26/2021 Regular Meeting B. Combined Fund Balance Sheet as of October 20, 2021 C. BPAC Chairperson Letters regarding: 007 1. None. No public comments. 8. NEW BUSINESS A. T-Shirts for Delivery to the Community • Com. Starks provided an overview of the t-shirt quotes she received. • The Commissioners discussed what t-shirts and pricing would be best. No public comments. Com. Reedy motioned for approval of maximum expenditure of $900 for purchase of t-shirts; seconded by Com. Robbins. The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) B. Mask Reorder for School and General Community Give Away • Com. Flautt provided an update on the current mask inventory. • The Commissioners discussed the need for ordering more masks to hand-out to the biking community and students. No public comments. Com. Robbins motioned for approval of expenditure of $7,582.50 for more masks; seconded by Com. Starks. The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) C. Cancellation of December 28, 2021 Meeting • Mr. B. Atkins provided information regarding cancellation of next month’s meeting. No public comments. Com. Starks motioned for approval to cancel the December 28, 2021 meeting; seconded by Com. Robbins. The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) D. Correspondence • Com. Flautt provided an overview of the correspondence material. No public comments. E. Project Reviews and Comments • Mr. B. Atkins presented pending projects and asked for comments from the Commission. • Commissioners provided comments on each project. No public comments. 008 9. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chair Flautt: • Mask giveaway at Elliott School. • Safe Route to Schools banner design to come. • Discussion regarding possibility of dissolving Commissions. • Presentation to come soon – SPIN. B. Com. Reedy: • Noticing bicyclists with no lights, suggests bike lights giveaways if possible. • Other needs for the biking community. C. Com. Robbins: • No report. D. Com. Starks: • Support from schools for mask giveaways is needed to be successful. No public comments. 10. STAFF UPDATES Mr. B. Atkins provided updates on: • Staff positions, if a position is created it would be funded by Measure B Education and Encouragement funds. • GIS mapping request by VTA • Vacancy on the Commission and annual process • Discussion regarding possible consolidation of the current Commissions from 13 to 8 No public comments. 11. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items to add currently. No public comments. ADJOURN: 6:50 p.m. to the November 25, 2022 meeting at 6:00 P.M. 009 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Combined Financial Report - As Of January 18, 2022 Public Bike Fund Measure B E/E Fund Annual Training Totals Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2021 339.41$ 142,632.52$ 2,000.00$ 144,971.93$ Revenues -$ 64,135.64$ -$ 64,135.64$ Expenditures -$ -$ -$ -$ Current Fund Balance 339.41$ 206,768.16$ 2,000.00$ 209,107.57$ Encumbrances and Commitments Reimbursement for Gift Cards to N. Starks (50.00)$ -$ -$ (50.00)$ Total Encumbrances and Commitments (50.00)$ -$ -$ (50.00)$ Currently Unassigned Fund Balances 289.41$ 206,768.16$ 2,000.00$ 209,057.57$ Funding Sources 010