01/25/2022 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/22/2022 TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER 6:01 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Patrick Flautt - Chairperson - present Sean Reedy – Vice Chairperson – present Kristen Robbins - present Nirza Starks – present (6:06pm) ALSO PRESENT Bryce Atkins, Staff Liaison Sheila Castillo, Recording Secretary 4. COMMISSION SECRETARY’S REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA The agenda for the Bicycle Pedestrian regular meeting was posted on Friday, January 21, 2022 at 3:40 p.m. in the City Hall announcement window near the Council Chambers and online in keeping with provisions of the California Brown Act. 5. CEREMONIAL ITEMS None 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS TO COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION • None B. Valley Transportation Authority Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (VTABPAC) Report: • Carolyn Schimandle provided a brief verbal report in addition to the written report. No public comments. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR The following items on the Consent Calendar were approved unanimously. A. Minutes of the 11/23/2021 Regular Meeting B. Combined Fund Balance Sheet as of January 18, 2022 C. BPAC Chairperson Letter regarding: 1. None No public comments. Com. Reedy motioned to approve; seconded by Com. Starks. Roll call vote to approve the Consent Calendar: The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Elect Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for 2022 • Commissioners nominated Patrick Flautt as Chairperson and Sean Ready as the Vice- Chairperson for 2022. The nomination motions were approved unanimously. Motion was made by Com. Flautt; seconded by Com. Reedy. Roll call vote to approve the nomination of Patrick Flautt as Chairperson for 2022: The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) Motion was made by Com. Flautt; seconded by Com. Starks. Roll call vote to approve the nomination of Sean Reedy as Vice-Chairperson for 2022: The motion passes unanimously. (4/0) No public comments. B. Update on Commissions/Committees Dissolution • Mr. Atkins provided an update on the consolidation of Commissions/Committees. • The Commissioners commented on the update. Public comments: Carolyn Schimandle made a comment. C. Request for Information (RFI) Process for Bird Scooters/Bikes: • Mr. Atkins provided information on two RFI documents that will be used to create one RFI document for a future Request for Proposal (RFP) process. No public comments. D. Update on Safe Routes to School City Staff Position: • Mr. Atkins provided an update on this subject. No public comments. E. Safe Routes to School Banners for Elementary/Middle Schools: • Com. Flautt requested ideas for designs from anyone interested in participating. No public comments. F. Correspondence: • Com. Flautt advised there is no correspondence for this meeting. No public comments. 9. COMMISSIONER’S REPORTS A. Chair Flautt: • He was elected as Vice-Chair for the Caltrain Citizens Advisory Committee for 2022 • The new mask order was received. B. Com. Reedy: • South County Youth Task Force is having a monthly meeting on January 26th. C. Com. Robbins: • No report. D. Com. Starks: • The new shirt order was received. • She is disappointed in the upcoming dissolution of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. No public comments. 10. STAFF UPDATES Mr. Atkins advised: • He has a meeting scheduled with Alisa Campbell and will provide an update at the next meeting. No public comments. 11. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING No items to add currently. No public comments. ADJOURN: 6:45 p.m. to the February 22, 2022 meeting at 6:00 P.M.