03/09/2022 Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee Regular Meeting C i t y o f G i l r o y H o u s i n g & C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t 7 3 5 1 R o s a n n a S t r e e t G i l r o y , C A 9 5 0 2 0 Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee (HNRC) Regular Meeting Agenda Wednesday, March 9, 2022 – 6:00 p.m. Virtual Meeting HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Vanessa Ashford, Chair Greg Bozzo Michael Sanchez Jasmine Ledesma, Vice-Chair Makhan (Mak) Gupta Laraine Spencer Carissa Purnell THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA ONLINE VIRTUAL PORTAL PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ASSEMBLY BILL 361 MEETING MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY WEBSITE AT http://www.cityofgilroy.org/AgendaCenter. Pursuant to California Assembly Bill 361, a local legislative body is authorized to hold public meetings remotely and to make those meetings accessible to all members of the public seeking to observe and to address the local legislative body by remote means only via a technology solution. As such, the City will provide various options for the public to participate in the conduct of the meeting, as indicated in detail below on this cover sheet. In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the City will be offering virtual teleconference services on Zoom and Facebook Live. Additionally, written comments can be submitted by email to Sandra Nava at Sandra.Nava@cityofgilroy.org. To Participate via Zoom: Weblink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83071893050?pwd=Mk9kcXMvTm4yVnNHT0pkSW5UYzN6QT09 Or via Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 830 7189 3050 Passcode: 934206 To View the Meeting Live on Facebook: Weblink: https://www.facebook.com/GilroyCityHallMeetings PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION COMMITTEE. PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL NOT BE TAKEN THROUGH FACEBOOK LIVE. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Assembly Bill 361, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Housing and Community Development Technician 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0290. The hearing impaired may reach City staff through the California Relay System at 711 or (800) 735-2929. C i t y o f G i l r o y H o u s i n g & C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t 7 3 5 1 R o s a n n a S t r e e t G i l r o y , C A 9 5 0 2 0 I. Call to Order - Welcome a. Roll Call II. Report on Posting of the Agenda III. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee on matters not on this agenda. The law does not permit the Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee action is requested, the Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee may place the matter on a future agenda. Written material provided by public members for Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee agenda item “public comments” will be limited to 10 pages in hard copy. IV. Approval of Meeting Minutes (report attached) a. Minutes from February 16, 2022 b. Public comment c. Possible Action: Motion to approve minutes V. Approval of FY 2022-2023 and FY 2023-2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Grant Funding Recommendations (report attached) a. Staff report by Crystal Zamora, Program Administrator, and Paul Ashby, CDBG Consultant, b. Public comment c. Possible Action: Motion to approve FY 2022-2023 and FY 2023-2024 public service and rehabilitation program grant funding recommendations VI. Acknowledgment of HNRC Members a. Staff will acknowledge HNRC’s commitment b. Discuss other opportunities for community involvement/volunteering/advocacy c. Public comment d. Possible Action: Thank HNRC for service VII. Informational Items • Annual Action Plan 30-Day Public Comment Period April 1 – May 2, 2022 • May 2, 2022, City Council Public Hearing on Annual Action Plan, including HNRC’s grant funding recommendations • May 15, 2022 Annual Action Plan submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development VIII. Updates IX. Future Agenda Items • This is the last HNRC meeting due to consolidation of the committee into the Planning Commission X. Adjournment of Meeting C i t y o f G i l r o y H o u s i n g & C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t 7 3 5 1 R o s a n n a S t r e e t G i l r o y , C A 9 5 0 2 0 Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection wit h the agenda packet on the City website at http://www.cityofgilroy.org/AgendaCenter. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE. Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s view. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204 or cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org.