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Resolution No. 2023-20 | GPOA Salary Schedules 07/01/2023, 01/01/2024, and 01/01/2025 | Adopted 04/03/2023 RESOLUTION NO. 2023-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING THE JULY 1, 2023, JANUARY 1, 2024, JULY 1, 2024, AND J ANUARY 1, 2025 SALARY SCHEDULES FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE GILROY POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the City Council does establish salaries for city officers and employees by resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AS FOLLOWS: 1. The previously approved salary scheduled for Gilroy Police Officers Association (GPOA) employees effective July 1, 2023 and January 1, 2024 as part of Resolution 2020-49 are hereby abolished. 2. The salaries effective July 1, 2023 for GPOA employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase and a one percent (1%) equity adjustment for a total increase of four percent (4%). 3. The salaries effective January 1, 2024 for GPOA employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step F (2.5% above Step E; Step F requirements contained in Supplemental Agreement dated April 3, 2023). 4. The salaries effective July 1, 2024 for GPOA employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding a three percent (3%) cost of living increase. 5. The salaries effective January 1, 2025 for GPOA employees as set forth in the attached salary schedule consisting of one (1) page is hereby approved and established adding Step G (2.5% above Step F; Step G requirements contained in Supplemental Agreement dated April 3, 2023). Resolution No. 2023-20 GPOA Salary Schedules July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting | April 3, 2023 Page 2 of 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of April 2023 by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ARMENDARIZ, BRACCO, CLINE, MARQUES, TOVAR, BLANKLEY NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: HILTON APPROVED: Marie Blankley, Mayor ATTEST: _______________________ Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk Marie Blankley (Apr 4, 2023 14:49 PDT) Marie Blankley POLICE UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE (Effective July 1, 2023) (3% COLA Increase+ 1 % Equity Adjustment= 4 % Total Salary Increase) Job Class/ Job Classification Title Salary Range Step A Step B Step C Step D Police Sergeant 700 SP35 10,370.33 10,889.17 11,432.67 12,005.92 124,444 130,670 137,192 144,071 Police Corporal 701 SP33 9,354.33 9,821.42 10,312.17 10,829.42 112,252 117,857 123,746 129,953 Po lice Officer 702 SP32 8,738.92 9,176.00 9 ,635.33 10,115.75 104,867 110,11 2 115 ,624 121 ,389 Detention Services Officer* 752 NP29 6,539.33 6 ,866.67 7,209.42 7,569.83 78,472 82,400 86,513 90,838 SP = Sworn Personnel Classifications NP = Non-Sworn Personnel Classificat ions Holiday Pay: 7.02% of base pay in lieu of holidays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section J) Step E 12 ,604.83 15 1,258 11,370.50 136,446 10,622.67 127 ,472 7,948.33 95,3 80 Bilingual Pay: 5% of base pay based on Po lice Chiefs approval and test (GPOA MOU Article IV , Section K) Master Officer Pay: 5% of base pay in lieu of specialty pays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section E) Canine and Mounted Unit Officers receive an addi tional $421.38 per month (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section M) *Effective with the 7/1/23 salary schedule, the DSO salary range/steps now exceeds the fonner MSO salary range/steps that was y-rated. One employee remains in the MSO class ification and will now convert to DSO and will no longe r be v-rated. NP C lasses receive $77.75 per m onth unifonn allowance. SP C lasses receive $116.67 p er month unifonn allowance. SP/CIRT receive a one time $200.00 unifonn/equipment requirement SP/CIRT receive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP/HNT receive a one time $150.00 unifonn/equipment requirement SWORN PERSONNEL 5% Educational incentive available for an ANAS Degree or an Intermedi ate POST Certificate. 7.5% Edu cational incentive availab le for a BA/BS Degree (or higher) or an Advanced POST Certificate. (Maximum educational to tal: 7.50%) NON-SWORN PERSONNEL (DSO) 3.5% Educationa l incentive available for 30 semester college units or Basic POST Certificate. 5.0 % Educational incentive available fo r 60 semester college units or Intermediate POST Certificate. (Maxim um educational total: 5.0%) Note: Annual sal ary amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. Steps A -E are approximately 5% between steps. Rev. 03 /23 Job Class/ POLICE UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE (Effective January 1, 2024) (Additi on of Step F -2.5% R etention Step) Job Classification Title Sal ary Range Step A Step B Step C Police Sergeant 700 SP35 10 ,370.33 10 ,889.1 7 11,43 2.67 124,444 130,670 137,192 Police Corporal 701 SP33 9,354.33 9,821.42 10,3 12 .17 112,252 11 7,857 123,746 Police Officer 702 SP32 8,738.92 9,176.00 9,635.33 104,867 1 10,112 115 ,624 D e tention Services Officer 752 NP29 6,539.33 6,866.67 7,209.42 78,472 82,400 86,513 SP = Sworn Personnel Classifications NP = Non-Sworn Personnel C lassi fi cat ions Holiday Pay : 7.02% of base pay in lieu of holidays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section J) Step D Step E 12,00 5.92 12,6 04 .83 144,07 1 151,258 10,829.42 11,370 .50 129 ,953 136,446 10,115.75 10,622.67 121,389 127,472 7,569.83 7,948.33 90,838 9 5,380 Bilingual Pay: 5% of base pay based on Pol ice Chiefs approval and test (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section K) Master Offi cer Pay: 5% of base pay in lieu of specialty pays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Sec tion E) Canin e and Mounted Unit Officers rece ive an additional $421.38 per month (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section M) Step F * 12,919.92 155 ,039 11,654.75 139,857 10,888.25 130,659 8,147.0 8 97,765 * 1/1 /2 4 salary schedule adds Step F -2.5% Step (merit step , one year at Step E , and completion of 5 years of service requirement per MOU). NP Classes receive $77.75 per month uniform a ll owance. SP Classes rece ive $1 16.67 per month uniform allowance. SP/CIRT receive a one time $200.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP/CIRT receive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP/HNT rece ive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SWORN PERSONNEL 5% Educational incentive available for an AA/AS Degree or an Intermediate POST Certificate. 7.5% Educational incentive available for a BA/BS D egree (or higher ) or an Advanced POST Certificate. (Max imum educati onal total: 7.50%) NON -S WORN PER SONNEL (MSO/DSO) 3.5% Educational incentive availab le for 30 semeste r college units or Bas ic POST Certificate. 5.0% Educational incentive avai lable for 60 semester college units or Intermediate POST Certificat e. (Maximum educational total: 5.0%) Note: Annual salary amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. Steps A -E are approx imately 5% between steps. Steps E -Fare approximately 2.5% b etween steps. Rev. 03 /2 3 Job Class/ Job Classi fi cation Title Salary R ange Police Sergeant 700 SP35 Police Corporal 70 1 SP33 Police Officer 702 SP32 Detention Services Officer 752 NP29 SP = Sworn Personnel C lass ificat ions NP = Non-Sworn P ersonnel C lassifications POLICE UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE (Effective July 1, 2024) (3% Sala r y Increase) Step A Step B Step C 10,681.42 11 ,215.83 11,775.67 128 ,177 134,590 14 1,308 9,635.00 10,11 6.08 10,621.50 11 5,620 12 1,393 127,458 9,00 1.08 9,451.25 9,924 .42 108,0 13 1 13,415 1 19,093 6,735.50 7,072.67 7,425.67 80,826 84,872 89 ,108 Holiday Pay: 7.02% of base pay in lieu of holidays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section J ) Ste p D Step E 12,366.08 12,983.00 148,393 155,796 11,154.33 11,71 1.58 133 ,852 140,539 10 ,419.25 10,94 1.33 125 ,03 1 13 1,296 7,796.92 8,186 .75 93 ,563 98,241 Biling ual P ay: 5% of base pay based on Police Chiefs approval and test (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section K) Master Officer P ay: 5% of base pay in lieu of special ty pays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section E) Canine and Mounted Unit O ffi cers receive an additional $421.38 per month (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section M) Step F* 13,307.50 159,690 1 2,004.42 144,053 11,214.92 134,579 8,391.50 100,698 * 1/1/24 salary schedule adds Step F -2.5% Step (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years of service requirement per MOU). NP Classes receive $77.75 per month uniform a llowance. SP C lasses receive $116.67 per month uniform allowance. SP/CIRT receive a one time $200.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP/CIRT receive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP/HNT receive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SWORN PERSONNEL 5% Educational incentive available for an AA/AS Degree or an Intermediate POST Certificate. 7 .5% Edu cational incentive available for a BA/BS Degree ( or higher) or an Advanced POST Certificate. (Maximum educational total: 7.50%) NON-SWORN PERSONNEL (MSO/DSO) 3.5% Educational incentive available for 30 semester college units or Basic POST Certificate. 5.0% Edu cational incentive available for 60 semester college units or Intermediate POST Certificate. (Maximum educational total : 5.0%) Note: Annual s al ary amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. Steps A -E are approximately 5% between steps. Steps E -F are approximately 2.5% between steps. Rev. 03/23 Job Class/ Job Classification Title Salary Range Poli ce Sergeant 700 SP35 Po li ce Corporal 701 SP33 Police Officer 702 SP32 Detention Services Officer** 752 NP29 S P = Sworn Personnel C lassifications N P = Non -Sworn Personnel Classifications POLICE UNIT SALARY SCHEDULE (E ffe ctiv e Janu ary 1, 2025) (Addition of Step G -2.5% Retention Step) Step A Step B Step C Step D 10,681.42 11,215.83 11,775.67 12,366.08 128 ,177 134 ,590 141,308 148,393 9,635.00 10,116.08 10,621.50 11 ,154.33 115 ,620 121,393 127,458 133,852 9,001.08 9,451.25 9,924.42 10,419 .25 108,013 113 ,415 119,093 125,03 I 6,735.50 7,072.67 7 ,425.67 7,796.92 80,826 84,872 89,108 93,563 Holiday Pay: 7.02% of base pay in lieu of holidays (GPOA MOU Article IV, Section J) Step E 12,983.00 155 ,796 11,711.58 140,539 10,941.33 131,296 8,186.75 98,241 Bilingual Pay: 5% of base pay based on Police Chiefs approval and test (G POA MOU Article IV , Section K) Master Office r Pay: 5% of base pay in lieu of specialty pays (GPOA MOU Article lV , Section E) Canine and Mounted Unit Officers receive an additional $421.38 per month (G POA MOU Article IV, Section M) Step F* Step G * 13,307.50 13 ,640.1 7 159,690 163,682 12,004.42 12 ,304.50 144,053 147,654 11,214.92 11,495.25 134,579 137,943 8,391.50 8,601.25 100,698 103,215 * 1/1/24 salary schedule adds Step F -2.5% Retention Step (merit step, one year at Step E, and completion of 5 years of service requirement per MOU). 1/1/25 salary schedule adds Step G -2.5% Retention Step (mer it step, one year at Step F, and completion of 5 years of service requirement per MOU). N P Classes receive $77.75 per month u niform allowance. SP Classes receive $11 6.67 per month uniform allowance. SP /CI RT receive a one time $200.00 uni form/equipment requirement SP/CIRT rece ive a one time $15 0.00 uniform/equipment requirement SP /HNT receive a one time $150.00 uniform/equipment requirement SWORN PERSONNEL 5% Educational incentive available for an AN AS D egree or an Inte rme di a te POST Certi fi cate. 7.5 % Educationa l incentive available for a BNBS Degree (or higher) or an Advanced PO ST Certificate. (Maximum educational total: 7 .50%) NON-SWORN PERSONNEL (MSO/DSO) 3.5% Educati ona l incentive available for 30 semester college units or Bas ic POST Certificate. 5.0% Educationa l incentive availab le for 60 semester college units or Intermediate POST Certificate. (Maximum educational total: 5.0%) Note: Annua l salary a mounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. Steps A -E are approximately 5% between steps. Steps E -Gare approximately 2.5 % between steps. Rev. 03/23 CERTIFICATE OF THE CLERK I, THAI NAM PHAM, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2023-20 is an original resolution, or true and correct copy of a city Resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a Regular Meeting of said held on Council held Monday, April 3, 2023, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this Monday, April 3, 2023. ____________________________________ Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)