07/15/2021 Personnel Commission Special Agenda PacketCITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. — Special Meeting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Cummins, Chair Annie Tomasello, Vice Chair Robin Bronze, Commissioner Nita Edde-Mitchell, Commissioner Shelly Nicholson, Commissioner Public comment will be taken on any agenda item before action is taken by the Personnel Commission. Persons speaking on any matter are requested, but not required to state their name. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including, but not limited to, time restrictions for each individual speaker. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THIS MEETING WILL BE LIMITED. THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 MEETING MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY WEBSITE www.cityofgilroy.org. In order to minimize the spread of the COVID 19 virus, the City will be offering telephone and email options for public comments at this meeting. The public is encouraged to participate in this meeting by as follows: VIEW THE MEETING LIVE ON FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/GilroyCityHa//Meetings PUBLIC COMMENTS WILL BE TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEMS BEFORE ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION.COMMENTS MAYBE EMAILED PRIOR TO OR DURING THE MEETING TO LEEANN MCPHILLIPS AT LeeAnn.McPhillinsOcityofgilroy.org AND MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE THE CHAIRPERSON OPENS PUBLIC COMMENT FOR THE ITEM. ADDITIONALLY, COMMENTS MAY BE MADE BY LEAVING A VOICE MESSAGE AT 408-846-0205, PRIOR TO 5:00 P.M. on Monday, June 14, 2021. IMPORTANT: identify the Agenda Item Number or PUBLIC COMMENT in the subject line of your email. The Clerk will read the first three minutes of each email into the public record. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Governors Order N-29-20, the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City a minimum of 2 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0205. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204/shawna.freels@cityofgilroy.org. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Personnel Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet on the City website at www.citvofailroy.org/AgendaCenter 1) OPENING A) Call Meeting to order (Chairperson Cummins) B) Roll Call (HR Director, LeeAnn McPhillips) C) Report on Posting of the Agenda (HR Director, LeeAnn McPhillips) 2) COMMUNICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Public comment by members of the public on items NOT on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Personnel Commission. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. (This portion of the meeting is reserved for person desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) 3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES A) Approval of Minutes for the Meeting of June 14, 2021 (report attached) 4) HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR'S REPORT A) Report on Filling of Vacancies in Human Resources 5) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A) Recruitment and Employment Status Report (report attached) B) City Workforce COVID-19 Update 6) NEW BUSINESS A) Approval of Senior Equipment Mechanic Job Description and Salary Range, and Reclassification of Mike Blundo to the Position of Senior Equipment Mechanic (report attached) B) Reclassification of Carina Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst (report attached) C) Reclassification of Denise King to the position of Management Assistant (report attached) D) Updates to the Job Description of Police Crime Analyst (report attached) 7) FUTURE PERSONNEL COMMISSION BUSINESS 8) MEETING ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Personnel Commission is Monday, August 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. MEETING SCHEDULE The City of Gilroy Personnel Commission meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. If a holiday should fall on the regular meeting date, the meeting will be rescheduled to the following Monday. City of Gilroy PERSONNEL COMMISSION MINUTES June 14, 2021 Regular Meeting — DRAFT MINUTES Members Present Members Absent Catherine Cummins Robin Bronze Nita Edde-Mitchell Sholly Nicholson Annie Tomasello (left meeting at approximately 5:52 p.m) I. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Chairperson Cummins called the meeting of June 14, 2021 to order at 5:33 p.m. Human Resources Director McPhillips reported that the agenda was posted on Friday, June 11, 2021 at 8:07 a.m. Roll call was taken noting that Commissioners Cummins, Edde-Mitchell, Nicholson, and Tomasello were present. Commissioner Bronze was absent. II. COMMUNICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA- None. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. For the meeting dated December 14, 2020 — on a motion from Sholly Nicholson, seconded by Commissioner Tomasello, the minutes for the December 14, 2020 meeting were approved on 4-0 vote. B. For the meeting dated March 8, 2021 -on a motion from Annie Tomasello, seconded by Commissioner Edde-Mitchell, the minutes for the March 8, 2021 meeting were approved on 4-0 vote. IV. HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR'S REPORT — Human Resources Director McPhillips provided an update on the staffing in the Human Resources Department. V. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Recruitment & Employment Status Report— report on recruitment activity was reviewed with Commission; questions answered; report received. B. City Workforce Covid-19 Update —brief report provided on how the city is addressing the Covid-19 issues with employees and our upcoming reopening plans. C. Annual Presentation to City Council — the date of December 6, 2021 was communicated as the date for the Personnel Commission annual presentation to the City Council. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Updates to the job description for the position of Fleet Superintendent; staff report provided by Human Resources Director; Commission discussed the report; there was no public comment; Commissioner Nicholson made a motion to approve the updates to the Fleet Superintendent job description; Commissioner Tomasello seconded the motion; motion passed 4-0. B. Updates to the job description for the position of Engineer I; the Human Resources Director Page 1 of 2 communicated that this item was pulled from the agenda for further review. VII. TRAINING — A comprehensive training session entitled "Overview of the City of Gilroy Personnel System " was provided by Erin Kunze of the Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Public Sector Employment Law Firm. VIII. FUTURE PERSONNEL COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Employee Reclassifications B. Updates to City Clerk Job Description IX. ADJOURNMENT - the meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. on motion from Commissioner Nicholson, seconded by Commissioner Edde-Mitchell; motion passed 3-0, Respectfully Submitted, � MO LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/ Staff to the Personnel Commission Page 2 of 2 CITY OF GILROY RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT STATUS REPORT Recruitments Posted Date Open Date Closed # to Fill Status/ # of as of July, 2021 Interview/Assessment Applications Date as of 7/12/21 Lateral Firefighter 2/22/21 Continuous Total of 4 Accepting & screening 4 (Licensed Paramedic) applications; scheduling interviews Public Safety 2/26/21 Continuous 2 Accepting applications 7 Communicator Lateral Police Officer 3/16/21 Continuous Total of 4 Accepting applications; 23 (Lateral, Academy screening applications; Graduate, Current scheduling interviews Academy Cadet Police Officer Trainee 5/5/21 Continuous Total of 4 Accepting applications; 25 screening applications; scheduling interviews Fleet Superintendent 6/29/21 Continuous 1 Accepting applications 1 Engineer PH 6/17/21 Continuous — 2 Accepting applications; 18 first review of screening applications applications 7/12/21 Engineering 6/30/21 7/28/21 1 Accepting applications 6 Technician/Inspector 1/II PT Recreation Leader 5/5/21 Continuous 1 Accepting applications; 17 11/1II screening applications Fire Captain - TBD TBD 2 Working on posting TBD Promotional Recruitments in Process — July, 2021 Status Police Officer — Lateral 1 candidate in background check Police Officer— Academy Graduate 2 candidates in background Police Officer Trainee 1 candidate in background Public Safety Communicator — Lateral I candidate in background Management Analyst — Economic Development 1 candidate in final pre -hire steps Senior Human Resources Analyst Candidate starts July 15d, Human Resources Analyst Candidate starts August 41i Equipment Mechanic Candidate from list in background check Public Safety Communicator Trainee Screening applications; scheduling next steps PT Recreation Specialist/Recreation Leader III Candidate in final pre -hire steps Page 1 of 2 PT Recreation Leader II/IH Candidate in final pre -hire steps; screening applications Firefighter Trainee (Licensed Paramedic) Finalizing screening; scheduling next steps Fire Engineer List established; one promotion made thus far Police Corporal Tabulating results from 7/9.21 assessment center Accountant Finalist withdrew, reviewing eligibility list PT Water Conservation Officer One employee rehired; a second former employee in rehire steps Office Assistant H - CDD Former FT employee laid off in July, 2020 in steps for re- employment Hiring/Promotion/Separation Information (June 1, 2021 — July 12, 2021) HIRES/PROMOTIONS: NAME JOB CLASSIFICATION DATE OF HIRE BERANDA LOPEZ FIGUEROA P/T RECREATION SPECIALIST 06/28/2021 BRYCE ATKINS SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST - 07/01/2021 ADMINISTRATION REHIRE HEIDI BAZAN P/T WATER CONSERVATION OFFICER 07/02/2021 REHIRE BONNIE SNYDER EXTRA HELP — PUBLIC SAFETY 07/02/2021 COMMUNHICATOR — TEMPORARY CHRIS MACIAS MAINTENANCE WORKER I - PARKS & 07/06/2021 LANDSCAPE (REHIRE) SEPARATIONS: NAME JOB CLASSIFICATION DATE OF SEPARATION JONATHAN KIM ENGINEER TECH/INPSECTOR II 06/01/2021 BASILLO DIEGO P/T RECREATION SPECIALIST 06/10/2021 TREVIN BARBER SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST - PUBLIC WORKS 06/18/2021 ADAM PAREDES MAINTENANCE WORKER 11- SW WT 06/25/2021 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 15, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Reclassification of Mike Blundo to the position of Senior Equipment Mechanic BACKGROUND: Mike Blundo currently holds the position of Equipment Mechanic (job description attached) in the Fleet Division. In August 2020, following the reduction of an Equipment Mechanic position, and while recruiting to fill the Fleet Superintendent position, Mr. Blundo was asked to take on some additional duties related to the Fleet function. Mr. Blundo took over daily assignment of work for both himself and one additional full-time mechanic when the Interim Fleet Superintendent was not working. He also assisted with the selection process for a new Equipment Mechanic and also assumed responsibility for training of the new employee. In addition, Mr. Blundo has taken the lead on servicing and repair needs for critical public safety equipment in order to reduce out -of -service time whenever possible. For this work, Mr. Blundo was provided with out of class pay consistent with the AFSCME MOU. ANALYSIS: As part of the biennial budget process, it was determined that the additional higher -level work performed by Mr. Blundo in support of the Fleet Division needs to continue into the future even when the Fleet Superintendent position is filled. The volume of work associated with a small Fleet shop necessitates a hands-on lead in the shop to make decisions when the Superintendent is off or not available. In particular, a lead can organize the distribution of work amongst the mechanics to include necessary prioritization resulting from emergencies and critical public safety equipment needs. Further, the Equipment Mechanic position that was eliminated back in July 2020 was added back to the FY 22 and 23 budget necessitating the need to train another new employee. The ongoing training of two new Equipment Mechanics will continue for a significant period of time until each reaches a comfort level with all types of city vehicles and equipment. There are also ongoing training needs that a Senior/Lead Equipment Mechanic can ensure all receive so that repairs and maintenance is performed in a consistent manner. The job description of Senior Equipment Mechanic was not previously established. Therefore, staff researched other similar positions and documented the work appropriate 1 for a Senior Equipment Mechanic to perform. The draft job description (copy attached) was reviewed by the current incumbent, Mr. Blundo, and he confirmed it is an accurate description of the work he is currently performing. The pay range for this new position also needs to be established. The pay range for the Equipment Mechanic position is currently: $69,384 - $86,651 annually plus benefits. The city also has the management level position of Fleet Superintendent which is set at the range of $78,816 - $105,108. Both of the above positions were evaluated as a part of compensation studies in the not too distant past validating their current range placement. Therefore, adding a Senior Equipment Mechanic classification approximately 10% above the Equipment Mechanic is the appropriate placement for the new classification. Ten percent (10%) above the current Equipment Mechanic classification (Range 41 - $69,384 - $86,651) is Range 51 or $76,642 - $95,718. The midpoint between the Equipment Mechanic and Fleet Superintendent at top step is $95,879.50. Therefore, Range 51 is the best placement between the two positions and maintains the approximate10% differential in both directions. Following approval of the reclassification, Mr. Blundo will be appropriately placed within the new Senior Equipment Mechanic pay band as this will be a new position not previously held. The draft job description and pay range were shared with AFSCME, Local 101. As of the drafting of this report, no comments or feedback have been provided. The additional funds needed to support the reclassification were included in the FY 22 and 23 budget that was recently approved by the City Council and allows the city to move forward with the recommendation for reclassification. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following actions: 1. Approve the job description of Senior Equipment Mechanic. 2. Add the classification of Senior Equipment Mechanic to the AFSCME General Unit Salary Schedule at Range 51. 3. Reclassify Mike Blundo to the position of Senior Equipment Mechanic effective July 1, 2021. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/Risk Manager z City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FLEET AND FACILITY SERVICES DIVISION EQUIPMENT MECHANIC GENERAL DUTIES: Under general supervision of the Fleet Supervisor, perform both routine and complex repairs, diagnoses, and preventive maintenance services on a variety of automotive, construction, and specialized municipal vehicles and equipment, both gasoline and diesel fueled. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follow department/City policy in regards to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follow all work instructions and complete all assigned duties. Follow the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and Department. Safe - Follow the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, avoid unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conduct work in a manner which supports the over all team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treat all city employees with respect. Take responsibility to resolve differences. Find solutions to problems. Respect racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual differences of others, and avoid derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conduct work that fosters public support for the City that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treat customers with respect. Follow the same rules that one expects the customer to follow. Respect racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual differences of others, and avoid derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Perform inspections, tune-ups, and diagnoses on engines. 2. Perform inspections, repairs, and diagnoses on fuel and electrical systems, including fuel - injected and computer -controlled systems. 3. Perform repairs on engines, clutches, transmissions, and differentials. 4. Inspect, repair, overhaul, and adjust mechanical, hydraulic, and air brake systems, including anti -lock braking systems. 5. Lubricate and perform preventive maintenance inspections on all City vehicles and equipment. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 1 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 6. Inspect, diagnose, repair, or replace steering gears, axles, chassis parts, or other suspension components. Operate all City equipment and vehicles for the purpose of testing, delivery, and training as directed. 8. Complete work reports and parts lists as directed. 9. May make repairs to non -automotive equipment. Perform facility maintenance and repairs as directed. 10. Occasionally, make rough or temporary body and fender repairs. 11. Perform welding and fabrication work as directed. 12. As directed, participate in training programs related to safety and technical aspects. 13. Perform related tasks as directed. SKILLS: Sufficient to perform the above tasks at a level equal to that of industry journeyman - level mechanic. Safely operate various shop related equipment, such as but not limited to, drill presses, welders, pressure washers, tire machines, vehicle hoists, jacks, and brake lathes. 2. Independently diagnose engine, electrical, and fuel systems, using various digital meters, scopes, scanners, and related equipment. Perform various precision measurements using gauges, calipers, and micrometers. 4. Allow safe, expedient, acceptable completion of tasks. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: Internal combustion engines, both gasoline and diesel. 2. Shop practices and procedures. Hand and power tool use. 4. Welding and fabrication techniques. 5. Rough body and fender repair practices. 6. Automotive nomenclature, fuels, lubricants, and applicable fluids. Cal -OSHA safety standards. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 2 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 8. Automotive electrical and fuel systems, including computer controlled systems and sub- systems. 9. Automotive and truck brake systems, including anti -lock braking systems. ABILITIES: Ability to: Use hand and power tools, welding equipment, hydraulic press, drill press, brake lathes, and other related automotive repair equipment. 2. Operate a wide variety of automotive, construction, and municipal equipment. Demonstrate a high level of manual dexterity and mechanical aptitude. 4. Lift, pull, or carry heavy objects, up to seventy-five (75) pounds. MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical field and office environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard, and monitor 2. Lasedet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone 4. Copier 5. Calculator 6. Facsimile machine 7. Typewriter 8. Polaroid or digital camera 9. Automobile 10. Paper shredder 11. Paper cutter 12. Specialized computer software 13. Handcart or dolly 14. Splicing equipment 15. Pager 16. Two-way radio 17. Specialized tools used in the repair and maintenance of vehicles and other equipment 18. Small equipment repairs: chain saws, chop saws, concrete saws, lawn mowers, etc. 19. Large equipment repairs: dump truck, police car, fire truck, fire engine, boom truck, bobcat, trench snapper, backhoes, cat loader, paint truck, asphalt spreader, roller, etc. 20. Car lifts 21. Oil, gasoline, grease, and a variety of equipment solvents and cleaners 22. Floorjack 23. Tire machine 24. Brake lathe 25. Engine hoist 26. Analyzer EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 3 of 6 City of Gilroy 27. Torches 28. Arch welders 29. Welding helmet 30. Pressure washer 31. Disposable latex gloves 32. Safety goggles, gloves, and hearing protection 33. Safety shoes 34. Face shield 35. Dust mask 36. Coveralls PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 When working in the Repair Shop at the Corporation Yard, field, or in the office, employee will perform the following physical activities including handling heavy equipment and vehicle parts, tools, files, books, binders, and boxes of material or equipment: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking, to and from different facilities while in the process of repairing equipment. 3. Standing, when performing maintenance on light/heavy equipment such as trucks or cars. 4. Kneeling, when installing, repairing or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 5. Bending/stooping, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 6. Squatting/bending, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 7. Crawling, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 8. Climbing, ladders or stairs when performing maintenance on light or heavy equipment. 9. Balancing, when using ladders and when working on light or heavy equipment. 10. Twisting, when installing, replacing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 11. Reaching, when working with tools and equipment during repair procedures. 12. Carrying, equipment/tools when repairing or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 13. Pushing/pulling, handcart when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 14. Lifting up to 75 lbs., when installing, replacing, or repairing light or heavy equipment. 15. Driving, to other facilities to install, repair, or deliver equipment, in addition to purchasing supplies and attending meetings and training. 16. Speed, in meeting deadlines and using office equipment. SENSORY DEMANDS: A majority of the time, employees are required to use these senses while using specialized equipment when performing routine maintenance on City vehicles and other equipment. Under typical office conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, printer, typewriter, telephone, fax machine, copier, calculator, or camera: 1. Seeing, color vision for safety reasons when working with electrical wiring and cables. In addition, hand signals are used when verbal communication is comprised when working around loud machinery, equipment, or heavy traffic. 2. Speaking/Hearing, for safety reasons, when communicating with co-workers, customers and the public. 3. Touching/Feeling, for safety reasons, when differentiating sharp or hot objects in order to EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 4 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 prevent injury or an unsafe condition when working with equipment, tools, oils, etc. 4. Smelling, for safety reasons, when differentiating chemicals, gases, oils, propane, etc. ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, approximately 5% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, radios, and typewriters. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high indoor levels associated with dust and odors from computer equipment, paper, ink pens, copiers, or other office -related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, approximately 90% of the time, during pick up, delivery, maintenance, and repair of light and heavy equipment and City vehicles. Employee may be required to crawl or work on equipment with limited space. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile, less than 10% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, dirt, mud, rock, grass, sand, wood, tile, carpet, uneven surfaces, etc. 4. Noise Level: Varying low to high equipment noise, while working in the Corporation Yard with cranes, Police vehicles, fire trucks, and other noisy equipment. 5. Lighting: Conducive to normal outdoor settings, but may also work in poorly lit areas under vehicles or when servicing other heavy equipment. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by a vehicle or facility. Employee is exposed to extreme heat, cold, or dampness while working in the garage or while out on a call, repairing equipment or other vehicles. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels associated with dust, pollen, vehicle exhaust, gasoline, propane, paint, thinners, acids, cleaners, solvents, etc. HAZARDS: Mechanical and electrical exposure is medium to high depending on the work being performed on City vehicles or other light or heavy equipment. There is potential exposure to biological waste or bodily fluids when working in Police or Fire vehicles. In addition, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards when driving a vehicle or truck. Exposure is minimal when properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriter, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, camera, radio, etc. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Low to medium exposure to fumes occurs from gasoline, propane, cleaners, solvents, oils, and vehicle exhaust when performing maintenance or repairs on City vehicles or other equipment. Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the typical office environment which may result from use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 5 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission February 2005 REQUIREMENTS, TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS• Any combination of education, training, and experience equivalent to completion of High School and a specialized course in Automotive or Equipment Mechanics and five (5) years of work experience as a Mechanic or Apprentice. Experience must be current in that the individual must have been employed as a mechanic/apprentice within the last eighteen (18) months. 2. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle (s) at the time of hire. Possess and maintain a valid California Class A Driver License with all applicable endorsements, within six (6) months after hire. Must participate in the Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol testing program, which includes submission to random drug and alcohol testing. Possess and maintain a personal collection of appropriate tools and mobile cabinet sufficient to perform the required tasks, including some specialized tools as per department standards. 4. Continued education to stay abreast of changes in the automotive equipment industry. 5. ASE (Automotive Service of Excellence) certified in at least two (2) categories; other comparable certifications may be accepted in lieu of ASE certifications (comparability shall be determined by the City of Gilroy). 6. Pass a post -offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 7. Work varied shifts and/or days as assigned. May be subject to callback for maintenance of equipment or vehicles in the field or at the Corporation Yard. 8. Work both within the Equipment Maintenance facility and in the field, as directed. 9. Pass a Department of Justice criminal record check for employment. 10. Prefer non -tobacco user. EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 6 of 6 City of Gilroy ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT FLEET DIVISION SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC DRAFT July, 2021 GENERAL DUTIES: Under general supervision of the Fleet Superintendent, performs the more complex repairs, diagnoses, and preventive maintenance services on a variety of automotive, construction, and specialized municipal vehicles and equipment, both gasoline and diesel fueled. Employees in this job classification are required to be fully trained in all fleet shop procedures and have strong knowledge of all apparatus, vehicles, and equipment in the City fleet. The Senior Equipment Mechanic may serve in the role of trainer to the Equipment Mechanic classification and takes the lead on day-to-day activities of the fleet shop. In addition, the Senior Equipment Mechanic may be tasked with various administrative activities in support of the Fleet Division and may assume responsibility for the work in the absence of a supervisor. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follow department/City policy in regard to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follow all work instructions and complete all assigned duties. Follow the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and Department. Safety - Follow the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, avoid unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conduct work in a manner which supports the over all team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treat all city employees with respect. Take responsibility to resolve differences. Find solutions to problems. Respect racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual differences of others, and avoid derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conduct work that fosters public support for the City that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treat customers with respect. Follow the same rules that one expects the customer to follow. Respect racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual differences of others, and avoid derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Perform routine and complex inspections, tune-ups, and diagnoses on engines. 2. Perform routine and complex inspections, repairs, and diagnoses on fuel and electrical systems, including fuel -injected and computer -controlled systems. 3. Perform routine and complex repairs on engines, clutches, transmissions, and differentials. 4. Inspect, repair, overhaul, and adjust mechanical, hydraulic, and air brake systems, including anti -lock braking systems. Lubricate and perform preventive maintenance inspections on all City vehicles and equipment. SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 1 of 6 City of Gilroy DRAFT July, 2021 6. Inspect, diagnose, repair, or replace steering gears, axles, chassis parts, or other suspension components. 7. Operate all City equipment and vehicles for the purpose of testing, delivery, and training as directed. 8. Complete work reports and parts lists as directed. 9. Install emergency equipment for emergency vehicles. 10. May make repairs to non -automotive equipment. Perform facility maintenance and repairs as directed. 11. Occasionally, make rough or temporary body and fender repairs. 12. Perform welding and fabrication work as directed. 13. Clean and maintain the fleet shop area and equipment. 14. Inventory, order and maintain tools and materials approved for the fleet shop. 15. Assist in the organization and prioritization of daily work assignments for the fleet shop. 16. Assist with quality control of diagnoses and repairs. 17. Train other Fleet personnel on any of the above referenced duties and tasks. 18. Assist in the maintenance of records regarding repair work performed. 19. May provide input on Equipment Mechanic performance evaluations. 20. May assist in the development of fleet policies and procedures. 21. May assist in the fleet procurement process. 22. As directed, participate in training programs related to safety and technical aspects. 23. Respond to afterhours emergency calls for service for equipment breakdowns and repairs. 24. Perform related tasks as directed. SKILLS: Skill in: 1. Skill to perform the above tasks at a level equal to that of a fleet industry advanced journey -level mechanic. 2. Safely operate various shop related equipment, such as but not limited to, drill presses, welders, pressure washers, tire machines, vehicle hoists, jacks, and brake lathes. 3. Independently diagnose engine, electrical, and fuel systems, using various digital meters, scopes, scanners, and related equipment. 4. Perform various precision measurements using gauges, calipers, and micrometers. Allow safe, expedient, acceptable completion of tasks. 6. Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of the work. Providing excellent customer service and responsiveness to operating departments. SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 2 of 6 City of Gilroy KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Internal combustion engines, both gasoline and diesel. 2. Shop practices and procedures. 3. Hand and power tool use. 4. Welding and fabrication techniques. 5. Rough body and fender repair practices. 6. Automotive nomenclature, fuels, lubricants, and applicable fluids. 7. Cal -OSHA safety standards. DRAFT July, 2021 8. Automotive electrical and fuel systems, including computer -controlled systems and sub- systems. 9. Automotive and truck brake systems, including anti -lock braking systems. 10. Principles of training and leading the work of others. 11. Effective customer service techniques and methods. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Lead, train, organize and quality control the work of fleet mechanics. 2. Estimate the time and materials needed for work. 3. Maintain a variety of shop and repair records and logs. 4. Use a personal computer or tablet/laptop device to perform work. 5. Prepare and maintain clear and accurate reports. 6. Understand and follow oral and written instructions. 7. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. 8. Use hand and power tools, welding equipment, hydraulic press, drill press, brake lathes, and other related automotive repair equipment. 9. Operate a wide variety of automotive, construction, and municipal equipment. 10. Demonstrate a high level of manual dexterity and mechanical aptitude. 11. Lift, pull, or carry heavy objects, up to seventy-five (75) pounds. MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical field and office environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard, and monitor 2. Laserjet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone 4. Copier 5. Calculator SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 3 of 6 City of Gilroy 6. Facsimile machine 7. Typewriter 8. Polaroid or digital camera 9. Automobile DRAFT July, 2021 10. Paper shredder 11. Paper cutter 12. Specialized computer software 13. Handcart or dolly 14. Splicing equipment 15. Pager 16. Two-way radio 17. Specialized tools used in the repair and maintenance of vehicles and other equipment 18. Small equipment repairs: chain saws, chop saws, concrete saws, lawn mowers, etc. 19. Large equipment repairs: dump truck, police car, fire truck, fire engine, boom truck, bobcat, trench snapper, backhoes, cat loader, paint truck, asphalt spreader, roller, etc. 20. Car lifts 21. Oil, gasoline, grease, and a variety of equipment solvents and cleaners 22. Floorjack 23. Tire machine 24. Brake lathe 25. Engine hoist 26. Analyzer 27. Torches 28. Arch welders 29. Welding helmet 30. Pressure washer 31. Disposable latex gloves 32. Safety goggles, gloves, and hearing protection 33. Safety shoes 34. Face shield 35. Dust mask 36. Coveralls PHYSICAL DEMANDS: When working in the Repair Shop at the Corporation Yard, field, or in the office, employee will perform the following physical activities including handling heavy equipment and vehicle parts, tools, files, books, binders, and boxes of material or equipment: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking, to and from different facilities while in the process of repairing equipment. 3. Standing, when performing maintenance on light/heavy equipment such as trucks or cars. 4. Kneeling, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 5. Bending/stooping, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 6. Squatting/bending, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 7. Crawling, when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 8. Climbing, ladders or stairs when performing maintenance on light or heavy equipment. 9. Balancing, when using ladders and when working on light or heavy equipment. 10. Twisting, when installing, replacing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 4 of 6 City of Gilroy DRAFT July, 2021 11. Reaching, when working with tools and equipment during repair procedures. 12. Carrying, equipment/tools when repairing or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 13. Pushing/pulling, handcart when installing, repairing, or inspecting light or heavy equipment. 14. Lifting up to 75 lbs., when installing, replacing, or repairing light or heavy equipment. 15. Driving, to other facilities to install, repair, or deliver equipment, in addition to purchasing supplies and attending meetings and training. 16. Speed, in meeting deadlines and using office equipment. SENSORY DEMANDS: A majority of the time, employees are required to use these senses while using specialized equipment when performing routine maintenance on City vehicles and other equipment. Under typical office conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, printer, telephone, fax machine, copier, calculator, or camera: 1. Seeing, color vision for safety reasons when working with electrical wiring and cables. In addition, hand signals are used when verbal communication is comprised when working around loud machinery, equipment, or heavy traffic. 2. Speaking/Hearing, for safety reasons, when communicating with co-workers, customers, and the public. 3. Touching/Feeling, for safety reasons, when differentiating sharp or hot objects in order to prevent injury or an unsafe condition when working with equipment, tools, oils, etc. 4. Smelling, for safety reasons, when differentiating chemicals, gases, oils, propane, etc. ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, approximately 15% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, radios, and printers. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high indoor levels associated with dust and odors from computer equipment, paper, ink pens, copiers, or other office -related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, approximately 85% of the time, during pick up, delivery, maintenance, and repair of light and heavy equipment and City vehicles. Employee may be required to crawl or work on equipment with limited space. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile, less than 20% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, dirt, mud, rock, grass, sand, wood, tile, carpet, uneven surfaces, etc. 4. Noise Level: Varying low to high equipment noise, while working in the Corporation Yard with cranes, Police vehicles, fire trucks, and other noisy equipment. 5. Lighting: Conducive to normal outdoor settings, but may also work in poorly lit areas under vehicles or when servicing other heavy equipment. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by a vehicle or facility. Employee is exposed to extreme heat, cold, or dampness while working in the garage or while out on a call, repairing SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 5 of 6 City of Gilroy DRAFT July, 2021 equipment or other vehicles. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels associated with dust, pollen, vehicle exhaust, gasoline, propane, paint, thinners, acids, cleaners, solvents, etc. HAZARDS: Mechanical and electrical exposure is medium to high depending on the work being performed on City vehicles or other light or heavy equipment. There is potential exposure to biological waste or bodily fluids when working in Police or Fire vehicles. In addition, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards when driving a vehicle or truck. Exposure is minimal when properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, camera, radio, etc. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Low to medium exposure to fumes occurs from gasoline, propane, cleaners, solvents, oils, and vehicle exhaust when performing maintenance or repairs on City vehicles or other equipment. Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the typical office environment which may result from use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIREMENTS, TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS• 1. Graduation from high school or GED equivalent. 2. Completion of at least one specialized course in Automotive or Equipment Mechanics related to the work to be performed. 3. At least five (5) years of recent work experience as an Equipment Mechanic that includes at least three (3) years of full-time work experience equivalent to a City of Gilroy Equipment Mechanic (equivalency to be determined at the sole discretion of the City of Gilroy). 4. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle (s) at the time of hire. Possess and maintain a valid California Class A Driver License with all applicable endorsements, within six (6) months after hire. Must participate in the Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol testing program, which includes submission to random drug and alcohol testing. 5. Possess and maintain a personal collection of appropriate tools and mobile cabinet sufficient to perform the required tasks, including some specialized tools as per department standards. 6. Continued education to stay abreast of changes in the automotive equipment industry. 7. ASE (Automotive Service of Excellence) certified in at least two (2) categories; other comparable certifications may be accepted in lieu of ASE certifications (comparability shall be determined by the City of Gilroy).. 8. Work varied shifts and/or days as assigned. May be subject to callback for maintenance of equipment or vehicles in the field or at the Corporation Yard. 9. Work both within the Equipment Maintenance facility and in the field, as directed. SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 6 of 6 City of Gilroy WW.VM July, 2021 10. Pass an employment background check, including a Department of Justice criminal record check. 11. Pass a post -offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 12. Prefer non -tobacco user. SENIOR EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - Page 7 of 6 CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 15, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Reclassification of Carina Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst BACKGROUND: Carina Baksa currently holds the position of Management Analyst (job description attached) in the Recreation Division. However, at the end of 2020, Ms. Baksa was placed in a temporary assignment to assist with the biennial budget process and purchasing function as additional support was needed in the Finance Department. The budget process concluded at the end of June 2021 so the main aspect of the temporary assignment is coming to an end. ANALYSIS: As part of the biennial budget process, it was determined that some of the work performed by Ms. Baksa in support of the Finance Department needs to continue into the future. In particular, coordination of the purchasing function, support and analysis for budget administration, and implementation of the budget and purchasing modules of the new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System are critical projects that need higher level support by an experienced local government professional. Further, it was determined that the volume of Analyst level work for Recreation had tapered down such that a hybrid, multi -department position could provide the necessary support for both areas (Finance and Recreation) if classified at the correct level. Given the above, staff analyzed the creation of a hybrid, multi -department position and determined that the current Senior Management Analyst job classification (job description attached) would appropriately cover the work to be performed. More than half of the hybrid position's time will be assigned to the finance department working on the projects identified above making it appropriate to reclassify Ms. Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst. Ms. Baksa will also continue to provide Analyst -level support to the Recreation Division and with the reclassification could take on more complex work to assist the Recreation Manager with special projects such as financial cost -recovery analysis of recreation programs, fiscal analysis of contracts and special classes, analysis of facility rental fees, and more. In addition, in the hybrid Senior Management Analyst classification, Ms. Baksa's work will include many city-wide projects requiring coordination with all departments. The complexity, impacts, and challenges associated with this work provide further justification for the reclassification to the Senior Management Analyst position. The pay range for the Management Analyst position is currently: $82,764 - $110,364 annually plus benefits. The pay range for the Senior Management Analyst position is currently: $91,236 - $121,668. Following approval of the reclassification, Ms. Baksa will be appropriately placed within the Senior Management Analyst pay band as this will be a new position not previously held. The additional funds needed to support the reclassification were included in the FY 22 and 23 budget that was recently approved by the City Council and allows the city to move forward with the recommendation for reclassification. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: 1. Add the position of Senior Management Analyst to the Gilroy Management Association salary schedule (currently this position is only listed on the unrepresented, confidential, exempt employee salary schedule) with the annual salary range of $91,236 - $121,668. 2. Reclassify Carina Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst effective July 1. 2021. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 CITY OF GILROY MANAGEMENT ANALYST GENERAL DUTIES: This is a joumey-level, exempt position in which the incumbent works independently, or as part of a team, on professional level work involving significant analytical ability. This position requires both breadth and depth of use and application of theories, concepts, and techniques used, and a thorough understanding of policies and procedures. Under general supervision of an executive manager or department manager, perform a variety of budget, project and program management, administrative, and research work. May develop and evaluate management projects and policy issues. May be assigned to supervise full-time and part-time employees as well as volunteers. May rotate amongst different Management Analyst positions in different departments as needed by the organization. If assigned duties in support of labor negotiations and/or labor relations, the position may be deemed to be an unrepresented confidential employee. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regards to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONS: 1. Budget/Financial Analysis: Prepare the annual budget for division, or department; monitor and control the budget; conduct revenue and expenditure forecasting and research. 2. Program/Organizational Analysis: Analyze and evaluate unit/division/departmental objectives, programs, organizational structure, operations and control systems; coordinate City wide programs. MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 1 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 Project Management: Plan and direct activities of multi -faceted city wide projects of limited duration; evaluate progress and resolves difficulties including those crossing departmental lines; provide project leadership and advice to committees; provide technical direction and expertise related to project; manage and direct the work of project staff including consultants, subcontractors and City personnel. 4. Legislative Analysis and Development: Evaluate the effect of current and pending legislation on unit/division/department programs and operations; develop responses and legislative proposals; liaison with State and federal officials. 5. Contract Administration: Research contract services and supply needs; develop and negotiate contract terms; monitor contract compliance and mediate user/provider complaints. 6. Assist in the development of goals, objectives, policies and procedures; investigate, interpret, analyze and prepare recommendations in relation to proposals for new programs, grants and/or services; analyze, interpret and explain City policies and procedures; confer with members of the public to explain procedures and policies; investigate and prepare reports on specific requests and complaints pertaining to City/departmental/division activities; may supervise subordinate staff. 7. Conduct research and analyze statistical and other data; make recommendations on administrative and operational problems, policies and procedures. 8. Represent the City in the community and at interdepartmental, interagency and professional meetings. 9. Manage special studies and projects, which includes: proposing, writing, and/or setting up contracts, agreements, and/or grants; establishing and monitoring timelines; preparing requests for proposal and quotes; participating in and conducting consultant selection activities; ensuring compliance with applicable governmental regulations; developing and monitoring project budgets; tracking projects; preparing related reports; and, performing other related duties. 10. Perform the most complex and detailed analyses; evaluate comprehensive policy, human resources, budget, and organizational procedures and services; compile, analyze and interpret data including complex statistical and narrative reports, correspondence, memos, and contracts. 11. Research, interpret, analyze and implement new programs. Prepare and present recommendations regarding new programs. 12. Prepare comprehensive reports recommending options and course of action for policy -making decisions; present findings on complex issues to City Council or Commissions. 13. Collect, compile, analyze, and present data and/or findings; make recommendations based on findings; prepares a variety of reports and/or correspondence related to projects, studies, and/or program data. 14. Develop and monitor budgets, both operations and capital; estimate funding requirements and MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 2 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 future expenditures; analyze funding sources. 15. Interact and communicate with a variety of groups and individuals, including line staff, division managers, department heads, City Council members, the public and professional peers. 16. Maintain advanced knowledge ofpublic administration, organization and management principles and practices; municipal fiscal policy, financing and procedures; personnel management principles; applicable ordinances, laws and regulations; and advanced research techniques and information sources. 17. Write and edit articles for City publication. 18. Coordinate training programs and public educational activities. 19. Prepare and deliver presentations to City Council, Commissions, Boards, and/or a variety of . community groups and agencies. 20. May supervise employees and/or volunteers which includes: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations; ensuring staff/volunteers are trained; making hiring, disciplinary, and termination recommendations; and conducting training sessions for employees/volunteers. 21. Perform research and analysis for the collective bargaining process. 22. Develop work plans, operations plans, and public notification plans. 23. Perform other related duties as required. REQUIRED SHILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: 1. Communicating effectively, both verbally and in writing. 2. Maintaining accurate and detailed records and making accurate arithmetic calculations. 3. Working on several assignments simultaneously, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and working independently within established guidelines. 4. Developing requests for proposals, bids, and quotes. 5. Developing contracts. 6. Preparing, administering, and monitoring budgets. Analyzing data and making recommendations. 8. Establishing and monitoring timelines. 9. Monitoring compliance with applicable governmental regulations. 10. Interpreting and applying program/project requirements. MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 3 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission ' September, 2016 11. Managing projects, teams, and consultants. 12. Collecting, compiling, analyzing, organizing, and presenting data. 13. Proposing, writing, and/or setting up grants, contracts, and/or agreements. 14. Using computers and related software applications. 15. Facilitating meetings. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Thorough knowledge of principles and practices of organization and public administration; procurement, contract administration; research techniques, sources and availability of information, and methods of report presentation 2. Principles, methods and practices of municipal finance and budgeting, including long-range financial forecasting. 3. Statistical and analytical methods, techniques and procedures. 4. Project management. 5. Basic management information system applications for accounting and budgeting functions. 6. Computer applications, including advanced proficiency with spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation software. 7. General customer service principles and practices. 8. Contract management principles and practices. 9. Development and administration of strategic plan implementation action plan. 10. Applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations pertaining to area of assignment; administrative principles and methods, including goal setting, program and budget development, work planning and organization ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Prepare and analyze complex budgets and data. 2. Manage multiple priorities. 3. Develop and analyze complex problems and/or programs, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative recommendations. 4. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervisor, co-workers, other departments, outside agencies, and the general public. 5. Use independent judgment, within established guidelines, in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 6. Organize work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and complete assignments independently. 7. Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 4 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 8. Work effectively as a team member in developing and preparing quality finished products. 9. Identify data sources, collect and analyze information and prepare informative reports. 10. Provide technical and substantive direction to other staff members on budget and assigned program matters. MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED• Typical office and field environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard and monitor 2. Telephone or headset 3. Copier 4. Calculator 5. Optical character reader 6. Lettering machine 7. Microfiche reader 8. Plans, maps and blueprints 9. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead projectors, etc. 10. Specialized computer software 11. Automobile PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office or field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, plans, and boxes of work -related material: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing, during Council meetings or other public presentations. 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling, boxes of files or plans 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines and in using office equipment SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, typewriter, telephone, fax machine, copier, adding machine, postage meter, paper shredder, paper cutter, plan, map, blueprint, camera, microphone, overhead projector, easel, or automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Speaking/Hearing MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 5 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 3. Touching 4. Smelling ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. . Indoors: Typical office conditions, over 90% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, or typewriters. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, blueprints, ink pens, plan copier, copy machines, or other office -related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, less than 5% of the time. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile or plane, less than 8% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, grass, dirt, wood, carpeting, linoleum, tile, and uneven surfaces. 4. Noise Level: Minimal to low exposure to equipment noise when traveling in the field. 5. Lighting_ Normal outdoor conditions, with some exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by vehicle or plane. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels of dust, pollen, or vehicle exhaust when conducting surveys or research or when traveling. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriter, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, radio, paper shredder, paper cutter, microphone, overhead projector, etc. When traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the field, as well as in a typical office environment. Office exposure to fumes or gases may occur due to the use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Public Administration, Political Science, Business Administration or a closely related field. Master's degree from an accredited college or university is highly desirable. 2. Five years of progressively responsible analytical or administrative experience, two years of which is at the journey level and which includes supervisory responsibility. MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 6 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission September, 2016 Strong experience in utilization of computers including word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi) and e-mail communication applications. 4. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). Willingness to continue education and training by learning new skills as changes occur. Expand skills by taking additional courses and attending seminars, workshops and individual study. 6. Pass a post -offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. Prefer non -tobacco user. Prefer bilingual (English/Spanish). 9. Pass a Department of Justice criminal record check and background check for employment. MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 7 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 CITY OF GILROY SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST GENERAL DUTIES: This is the advanced journey level of the Management Analyst career series. This class differs from the Management Analyst in that it handles the more complex, difficult and sensitive analytical assignments, using a high degree of independent judgment and requiring a substantial level of professional training and experience and may supervise subordinate staff. Work in the class is distinguished from that of lower classes by the level of responsibility associated with assigned duties and by the degree of specialization required. This position requires both breadth and depth of use and application of theories, concepts, and techniques used, and a thorough understanding of policies and procedures. Under general supervision of an executive manager or department manager, perform a variety of complex, difficult, and sensitive budget, project and program management, administrative, and research work. May develop and evaluate management projects and policy issues. If assigned duties in support of labor negotiations and/or labor relations, the position may be deemed to be an unrepresented confidential exempt employee. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regard to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONS: 1. Manage complex, difficult, and sensitive specialized functions, projects and/or studies. Plans and directs major departmental and City-wide functions, programs or activities involving comprehensive specialized administrative operations. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 1 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 Collaborate with management and co-workers in providing consultation and peer review services in areas of expertise. 4. Coordinate activities with those of other departments, depending upon the nature of the project to which assigned, to accomplish City-wide goals. 5. May administer specific program areas on an ongoing basis. 6. Serve as a liaison between assigned department and other departmental management teams. 7. Provide information and analytical support involving major projects of City-wide interest. 8. Budget/Financial Analysis: Prepare the annual budget for division, or department; monitor and control the budget; conduct revenue and expenditure forecasting and research. 9. Program/Organizational Analysis: Analyze and evaluate unit/division/departmental objectives, programs, organizational structure, operations and control systems; coordinate City wide programs. 10. Project Management: Plan and direct activities of multi -faceted city wide projects of limited duration; evaluate progress and resolves difficulties including those crossing departmental lines; provide project leadership and advice to committees; provide technical direction and expertise related to project; manage and direct the work of project staff including consultants, subcontractors and City personnel. 11. Legislative Analysis and Development: Evaluate the effect of current and pending legislation on unit/division/department programs and operations; develop responses and legislative proposals; liaison with State and federal officials. 12. Contract Administration: Research contract services and supply needs; develop and negotiate contract terms; monitor contract compliance and mediate user/provider complaints. 13. Assist in the development of goals, objectives, policies and procedures; investigate, interpret, analyze and prepare recommendations in relation to proposals for new programs, grants and/or services; analyze, interpret and explain City policies and procedures; confer with members of the public to explain procedures and policies; investigate and prepare reports on specific requests and complaints pertaining to City/departmental/division activities; may supervise subordinate staff. 14. Conduct research and analyze statistical and other data; make recommendations on administrative and operational problems, policies and procedures. 15. Represent the City in the community and at interdepartmental, interagency and professional meetings. 16. Manage special studies and projects, which includes: proposing, writing, and/or setting up contracts, agreements, and/or grants; establishing and monitoring timelines; preparing requests for proposal and quotes; participating in and conducting consultant selection activities; ensuring compliance with applicable governmental regulations; developing and monitoring project budgets; tracking projects; preparing related reports; and, performing other related duties. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 2 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 17. Perform the most complex and detailed analyses; evaluate comprehensive policy, human resources, budget, and organizational procedures and services; compile, analyze and interpret data including complex statistical and narrative reports, correspondence, memos, and contracts. 18. Research, interpret, analyze and implement new programs. Prepare and present recommendations regarding new programs. 19. Prepare comprehensive reports recommending options and course of action for policy -making decisions; present findings on complex issues to City Council or Commissions. 20. Collect, compile, analyze, and present data and/or findings; make recommendations based on findings; prepares a variety of reports and/or correspondence related to projects, studies, and/or program data. 21. Develop and monitor budgets, both operations and capital; estimate funding requirements and future expenditures; analyze funding sources. 22. Interact and communicate with a variety of groups and individuals, including line staff, division managers, department heads, City Council members, the public and professional peers. 23. Maintain advanced knowledge of public administration, organization and management principles and practices; municipal fiscal policy, financing and procedures; personnel management principles; applicable ordinances, laws and regulations; and advanced research techniques and information sources. 24. Write and edit articles for City publication. 25. Coordinate training programs and public educational activities. 26. Prepare and deliver presentations to City Council, Commissions, Boards, and/or a variety of community groups and agencies. 27. May supervise employees and/or volunteers which includes: prioritizing and assigning work; conducting performance evaluations; ensuring staff/volunteers are trained; making hiring, disciplinary, and termination recommendations; and conducting training sessions for employees/volunteers. 28. Perform research and analysis for the collective bargaining process. 29. Develop work plans, operations plans, and public notification plans. 30. Perform other related duties as required. REQUIRED SHILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES• SKILLS: 1. Communicating effectively, both verbally and in writing. 2. Maintaining accurate and detailed records and making accurate arithmetic calculations. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 3 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 3. Working on several assignments simultaneously, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and working independently within established guidelines. 4. Developing requests for proposals, bids, and quotes. 5. Developing contracts. 6. Preparing, administering, and monitoring budgets. 7. Analyzing data and making recommendations. 8. Establishing and monitoring timelines. 9. Monitoring compliance with applicable governmental regulations. 10. Interpreting and applying program/project requirements. 11. Managing projects, teams, and consultants. 12. Collecting, compiling, analyzing, organizing, and presenting data. 13. Proposing, writing, and/or setting up grants, contracts, and/or agreements. 14. Using computers and related software applications. 15. Facilitating meetings. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of. 1. Thorough knowledge of principles and practices of organization and public administration; procurement, contract administration; research techniques, sources and availability of information, and methods of report presentation 2. Principles, methods and practices of municipal finance and budgeting, including long-range financial forecasting. Statistical and analytical methods, techniques and procedures. 4. Project management. 5. Basic management information system applications for accounting and budgeting functions. 6. Computer applications, including advanced proficiency with spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation software. General customer service principles and practices. 8. Contract management principles and practices. 9. Development and administration of strategic plan implementation action plan. 10. Applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations pertaining to area of assignment; administrative principles and methods, including goal setting, program and budget development, work planning and organization ABILITIES: Ability to: Prepare and analyze complex budgets and data. Manage multiple priorities. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 4of7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 3. Develop and analyze complex problems and/or programs, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative recommendations. 4. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervisor, co-workers, other departments, outside agencies, and the general public. 5. Use independent judgment, within established guidelines, in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 6. Organize work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and complete assignments independently. 7. Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. S. Work effectively as a team member in developing and preparing quality finished products. 9. Identify data sources, collect and analyze information and prepare informative reports. 10. Provide technical and substantive direction to other staff members on budget and assigned program matters. MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical office and field environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard and monitor 2. Telephone or headset 3. Copier 4. Calculator 5. Optical character reader 6. Lettering machine 7. Microfiche reader 8. Plans, maps and blueprints 9. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead projectors, etc. 10. Specialized computer software 11. Automobile PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office or field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, plans, and boxes of work -related material: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing, during Council meetings or other public presentations. 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling, boxes of files or plans 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines and in using office equipment SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 5 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, typewriter, telephone, fax machine, copier, adding machine, postage meter, paper shredder, paper cutter, plan, map, blueprint, camera, microphone, overhead projector, easel, or automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Speaking/Hearing 3. Touching 4. Smelling ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, over 90% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, or typewriters. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, blueprints, ink pens, plan copier, copy machines, or other office -related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, less than 5% of the time. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile or plane, less than 8% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, grass, dirt, wood, carpeting, linoleum, tile, and uneven surfaces. 4. Noise Level: Minimal to low exposure to equipment noise when traveling in the field. 5. Lighting_ Normal outdoor conditions, with some exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by vehicle or plane. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels of dust, pollen, or vehicle exhaust when conducting surveys or research or when traveling. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriter, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, radio, paper shredder, paper cutter, microphone, overhead projector, etc. When traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the field, as well as in a typical office environment. Office exposure to fumes or gases may occur due to the use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 6 of 7 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission July, 2017 REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Public Administration, Political Science, Business Administration or a closely related field. Master's degree from an accredited college or university is highly desirable. 2. Seven years of progressively responsible analytical or administrative experience, three years of which is at the journey level and which includes supervisory responsibility. 3. Strong experience in utilization of computers including word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi) and e-mail communication applications. 4. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). 5. Willingness to continue education and training by learning new skills as changes occur. Expand skills by taking additional courses and attending seminars, workshops and individual study. 6. Pass a post -offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 7. Prefer non -tobacco user. 8. Prefer bilingual (English/Spanish). 9. Pass a Department of Justice criminal record check and background check for employment. SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST Page 7 of 7 CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 15, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Reclassification of Denise King to the position of Management Assistant BACKGROUND: Denise King is currently serving in the position of Human Resources Assistant 11. This is an unrepresented, confidential position in the Human Resources & Risk Management Division of the Administrative Services Department. Ms. King has worked for the City of Gilroy since 2001. She served in the position of Human Resources Assistant 1/11 until 2018 when she was promoted to the position of Management Assistant in the City Administrator's Office. Unfortunately, Ms. King was laid off from the Management Assistant position in July 2020 as part of the city's budget reductions due to Covid-19 impacts. Given Ms. King's seniority, she returned to the position of Human Resources Assistant II beginning August 1, 2020. ANALYSIS: Beginning in August 2020, Ms. King made a transition back to the Human Resources Assistant II position and reassumed the job duties she previously performed when she held the position (job description attached). However, as part of the reductions in staffing, the Human Resources and Risk Management Department was combined with some other divisions to form the Administrative Services/Human Resources & Risk Management Department. The other divisions of the department include Facilities, Fleet, and Information Technology. Over the last ten months, Ms. King was called upon to perform various support duties for the other divisions as well as occasional support for the City Administrator. Being the only full-time confidential administrative support position in the Administrative Services and Administration wing, Ms. King stepped up to help wherever needed. The tasks in support of the other divisions and Administration were in addition to the Human Resources & Risk Management duties she was already performing. Given that Ms. King's additional work assignment will be continuing into the future, discussion regarding a possible reclassification was introduced as part of the budget process. Ms. King has assumed purchasing support work for Information Technology 1 and Administration, to include come contract administration. She has expanded some of her risk management work to include data collection and research related to damage of city property and collection/restitution for said damages. Ms. King has also expanded duties related to human resources data collection and has been assisting with the implementation of the Human Capital Management module for our new Enterprise Resource Planning System. In addition, she has assisted, and continues to assist, the City Administrator with a variety of support work including timesheet communication and processing for department heads and other direct reports to the City Administrator. Ms. King also serves as the central hub for customer calls to the City's main line. She evaluates each call and either assists the caller or connects them with the appropriate department or employee. Ms. King's experience and knowledge of city operations allows her to appropriately direct customers to the right place and answer questions. While most of this new work is different than the duties she performed when she was the full-time Management Assistant for the City Administrator, the variety and complexity of the different tasks and assignments Ms. King has continued to complete fall outside the scope of the Human Resources Assistant II classification and are more aligned with the Management Assistant classification. The Administrative Services/Human Resources & Risk Management Department has not had a dedicated administrative support person to perform various tasks and this led to Ms. King assuming these duties over the last ten months. There is a clear need for someone to continue to complete this work and, therefore, it is recommended that Ms. King be reclassified to the position of Management Assistant. This position is a confidential, unrepresented position given the work performed for Human Resources and the City Administrator and will report to the Administrative Services/Human Resources Director & Risk Manager. The Management Assistant classification is already established and is written broadly to fit positions in various city departments (copy attached). The work can vary depending on where the employee is assigned, but encompasses a similar scope and level of work. Ms. King will hold the one Management Assistant position that is unrepresented and confidential given the nature of her work as noted above. Additional Management Assistant positions can be found in the Community Development Department, Public Works Department, and Police Department. The pay range for the confidential, unrepresented Human Resources Assistant II position is currently: $50,983 - $63,670 annually plus benefits. The pay range for the confidential, unrepresented Management Assistant position is currently: $65,382 - $81,653. Ms. King was previously at Step F of this pay range and will be returned to Step F ($73,974) as part of the reclassification process. The additional funds needed to support the reclassification were included in the FY 22 and 23 budget that was recently approved by the City Council and allows the city to move forward with the recommendation for reclassification. 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: Reclassify Denise King to the confidential, unrepresented position of Management Assistant for the Administrative Services/Human Resources & Risk Management Department effective July 1, 2021. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT II GENERAL DUTIES: Under direct supervision of the Human Resources Director, perform journey - level clerical and administrative work related to human resources and/or risk management operations. Position may be alternately staffed with the entry-level Human Resources Assistant I position for the purpose of providing cross -training in the various support areas of human resources. This position is designated as a confidential classification in the context of the Myers-Milias- Brown Act and must exercise extreme tact, discretion, and confidentiality in the performance of duties. GENERAL REOUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance -Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regards to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instruction given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safe -Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Provide customer service response to citizen, employee, and job applicant requests, in a courteous and professional manner. 2. Answer telephone, provide information in response to inquiries, and direct calls as needed in a courteous and professional business manner. Make outgoing calls as necessary, including, but not limited to returning calls, requesting information, and following up with employees, applicants, and claimants. 3. Establish and maintain a variety of paper and electronic files and official records, most being confidential in nature. Establish organized systems for both electronic and paper files. 4. Provide administrative support to all members of the Human Resources team as requested. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT H—Page 1 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 5. Prepare letters, reports, schedules, agendas, minutes and other documents using a computer, laptop or tablet with Microsoft Office Suite software as well as other computer programs. 6. Accurately and timely enter employee and job classification data in a Human Resources Information System; update codes and information in system; prepare reports; and look up information as needed. 7. Answer questions from applicants regarding their status in recruitment and selection processes. 8. Track information and create/update documents such as performance measure reports, claim status charts, property damage tracking chart, certificate pay chart, and other similar human resources or risk management reports, charts and information. 9. Provide administrative support for quarterly Accident Review Board/Risk Management Committee meetings as well as liability claim file review meetings. 10. Gather information from other city staff, outside agencies, and claims examiner as needed for liability claims and property damage claims. 11. Order office supplies and interview supplies as needed by department staff. 12. Provide administrative support for tuition reimbursement and other employee reimbursement programs. 13. Prepare Department of Justice (DOJ) Livescan forms for applicants, volunteers, and others. Check DOJ website regularly for results and provide to Director or Analyst for review and direction. Track delay notifications. Prepare, process, and track DOJ no longer interested forms for employment and volunteer separations. 14. Update employee roster as requested. 15. Prepare training certificates and rosters to document training. 16. Design, prepare and assemble a variety of forms, folders, agendas, packets, brochures, fliers and announcements and arrange for distribution. 17. Establish and maintain a variety of mailing and e-mail lists. Distribute items via these lists as directed. 18. Track timing of employee performance appraisals in computerized systems and send monthly report to department managers. 19. Prepare Human Resources Action Forms for a variety of payroll and personnel actions that need to be documented and processed by payroll. 20. Scan documents and records and save to designated electronic files. 21. Assist with records retention activities following established procedures including the tracking of department records, organization of department records, and destruction of department records. May obtain supplies needed for periodic office cleaning days. 22. Make travel and training arrangements as requested for department staff. 23. Prepare requests forpayments, purchase orders, and reconcile credit card purchases and prepare packet for submittal to finance. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT II — Page 2 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 24. Process and direct incoming and outgoing mail. 25. Schedule and make necessary arrangements for meetings. 26. Ensure that lobby area is stocked with forms and current job flyers. 27. May assist with the administration of written tests, agility tests and interviews. 28. Organize and set up conference room(s) for interviews, assessment centers, Personnel Commission meetings, training sessions, or other similar meetings. Order and pick-up refreshments, lunches and other supplies needed for interview panels and/or meetings. 29. Provide administrative support related to the monthly Personnel Commission meetings including the posting and distribution of commission agendas, packets, and minutes. May attend evening Personnel Commission meetings as directed and may record and prepare summary minutes. May forward pertinent information to Department staff. 30. Develop checklists for various assigned duties and provide, or participate in, cross training as needed to other staff members. Establish written procedures for work tasks and assignments to assist with cross training and succession planning. 31. May utilize specialized software programs such as applicant tracking systems, performance evaluation systems, onboarding systems, and other programs. 32. Assist with planning and organizing various employee events; prepare employee service award reports, and prepare awards and certificates for distribution. 33. Participate in training and enrichment programs. 34. Perform related tasks as assigned. REQUIRED SHILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: I. Organize and file material electronically or in established files following office procedures. 2. Use a variety of office machines and software programs. 3. Communicating effectively, both verbally and in writing. 4. Maintaining accurate and detailed records and making accurate arithmetic calculations. 5. Working on several assignments simultaneously, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and working independently within established guidelines. 6. Coordinate meetings for department staff. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Office practices and procedures, and filing systems. 2. Correct English usage, grammar, spelling and punctuation. 3. Basic arithmetic. 4. Report and letter writing. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 11— Page 3 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 5. Customer service techniques. 6. Computer applications, including advanced proficiency with spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation software. 7. General customer service principles and practices. 8. Word processing, e-mail/calendaring, and software such as Word, Outlook, and Excel. 9. Rules, regulations, laws and practices on privacy, confidentiality and disclosure as applied to personnel records. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Manage multiple priorities. 2. Use independent judgment, within established guidelines, in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 3. Organize work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and complete assignments independently. 4. Work effectively as a team member in developing and preparing quality finished products. 5. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. 6. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisor and the general public. 7. Follow oral and written instructions. 8. Receive, interpret, and process confidential/sensitive information. 9. Compose letters and reports with minimal supervision. 10. Complete work accurately and timely in a fast -paced work environment. 11. Anticipate the needs of team members and provide the appropriate administrative support. MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical office and field environments include the following 1. Computer, keyboard and monitor 2. Laserjet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone and telephone headset 4. Multi -Function Machine (copy, scan, fax) 5. Calculator 6. Facsimile machine 7. Postage meter and scale 8. Digital camera 9. Paper shredder 10. Paper cutter 11. Specialized computer software 12. Automobile 13. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, projectors, etc. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT II — Page 4 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 14. Laptop and/or tablet PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, and sometimes boxes of work -related material: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines and using office equipment. SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, , telephone, fax machine, copier, calculator, postage meter, paper shredder, paper cutter, camera, , or automobile. 1. Seeing 2. Speaking 3. Hearing 4. Touching ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: L Indoors: Typical office conditions, over 95% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile floors and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, and radios. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, ink pens, copiers or other office -related equipment Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical outdoor conditions during recruitment testing or when attending training, less than 5% of the time. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 11— Page 5 of 6 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission May 2018 2. Travel: Varying conditions in an automobile, less than 5% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, grass, dirt, and uneven surfaces at the test site. 4. Noise Level: Varying low to high equipment noise at testing sites like the Fire station and Corporation Yard. 5. Lighting_ Normal outdoor conditions, and also exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provide by vehicle and outdoor equipment. 7. Dust: Normal, outdoor levels to high outdoor levels associated with recruitment activities. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, scanner, printer, copier, calculator, fax machine, paper shredder, or paper cutter. When working or traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards, especially when utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in a typical office or field environment. Typical office related - exposure may result from use of copiers, scanners, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIREMENTS. TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1. High School Diploma or GED and a minimum of 2-1/2 years in the position of Human Resources Assistant I and strong overall work performance including advanced experience with word processing and spreadsheet software as well as specialized software specific to the work. 2. Keyboard at least 45 net words per minute. 3. Must achieve a "Commendable" or better rating on most recent two performance evaluations on file. 4. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicles. 5. Pass a background check including a Department of Justice criminal record check for employment. 6. Prefer non -tobacco user. 7. Bilingual (Spanish/English) skills desired, but not required HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT H —Page 6 of 6 City of Gilroy CITY OF GILROY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT Approved by Personnel Commission January,2018 GENERAL DUTIES: This is an entry-level professional position in which the incumbent works independently, or as part of a team, on professional level work involving analytical and administrative ability. This position requires both breadth and depth of use and application of theories, concepts, and techniques used, and a thorough understanding of policies and procedures. Under general supervision of a Management Analyst, Senior Management Analyst, executive manager or department manager, perform a variety of administrative and research work. May develop and evaluate management projects and policy issues. If assigned duties in support of labor negotiations and/or labor relations, the position may be deemed to be an unrepresented confidential employee. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regards to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF FUNCTIONS: Data collection and collation: Conduct research and gather data related to financial, operational, programmatic, legislative, performance and any other matter assigned. This data may be qualitative or quantitative, including statistical data. Collate data into forms useful for analysis. May preform basic analysis on data. 2. Contract administration: research contract services and supply needs; may develop contract terms, draft requests for proposals, and secure bids. 3. Confer with members of the public to explain procedures and policies pertaining to City/departmental/division activities. 4. Interact and communicate with a variety of groups and individuals, including line staff, division managers, department heads, City Council members, the public and professional peers. 5. Manage calendars for select executive and/or manager position(s). Management Assistant Page I of 5 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission January,2018 6. Maintain knowledge of public administration and organization principles and practices, applicable ordinances, laws and regulations. 7. Establish, administer and maintain a variety of files (sometimes confidential), official records and programs. 8. Type letters, reports and other documents; proofread and compare records and reports; provide clerical support for department managers and supervisors. 9. Process and direct incoming and outgoing mail. 10. Establish and maintain a variety of mailing lists. 11. May design, prepare and assemble a variety of forms, folders, agendas, packets, brochures, fliers and announcements and arrange for distribution. 12. Greet the public and provide assistance using proper customer service procedures. 13. Answer telephone, provide information in response to inquiries, directing calls as needed in a courteous and professional business manner. Make outgoing calls as necessary, including, but not limited to returning calls, requesting information, and performing telephone surveys. 14. May pick up and/or deliver documents to other offices/agencies. 15. Operate a wide variety of common office machines including telephone, Multi -Function Machine, calculator or adding machine, postage meter and scale, copier, word processor/personal computer, laser jet printer, fax machine, microfiche reader/printer, optical character reader, lettering machine, blueprint machine, dictation/transcription equipment, and binding machine. May operate two-way radio and associated equipment. 16. May utilize specialized software programs. 17. May be required to attend California Notary Public certification training, attain California Notary Public certification, and perform Notary Public duties in support of all city departments. 18. Participate in training and enrichment programs, may train others. 19. May attend meetings as directed and may record and transcribe summary minutes. May forward pertinent information to Department staff. 20. May be required to attend evening meetings and/or work occasional evenings or Saturdays, or prepare commission/board/committee agendas following proper formal meeting procedures. 21. May make necessary arrangements for meetings. 22. Perform other related duties as required. REQUIRED SHILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: Skill in: 1. Communicating effectively, both verbally and in writing. 2. Maintaining accurate and detailed records and making accurate arithmetic calculations. 3. Working on several assignments simultaneously, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and working independently within established guidelines. 4. Developing requests for proposals, bids, and quotes. Management Assistant Page 2 of 5 City of Gilroy 5. Developing contracts. 6. Collecting data and making recommendations. 7. Establishing and monitoring timelines. Approved by Personnel Commission January, 2018 8. Monitoring compliance with applicable governmental regulations. 9. Interpreting and applying program/project requirements. 10. Collecting, compiling, analyzing, organizing, and presenting data. 11. Proposing, writing, and/or setting up grants, contracts, and/or agreements. 12. Using computers and related software applications. 13. Facilitating meetings. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Principles and practices of organization and public administration; basic procurement and contract administration; research techniques, sources and availability of information, and methods of report presentation. 2. Basic project management. 3. Computer applications, including advanced proficiency with spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation software. 4. General customer service principles and practices. 5. Applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations pertaining to area of assignment; administrative principles and methods, including goal setting and organization. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Manage multiple priorities. 2. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervisor, co-workers, other departments, outside agencies, and the general public. 3. Use independent judgment, within established guidelines, in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 4. Organize work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and complete assignments independently. 5. Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. 6. Work effectively as a team member in developing and preparing quality finished products. 7. Identify data sources, collect and collate information and prepare informative reports. MACIHNES/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical office and field environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard and monitor 2. Telephone or headset 3. Copier Management Assistant Page 3 of 5 City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel Commission January, 2018 4. Calculator 5. Optical character reader 6. Multi -function machine (copy, scan, fax) 7. Microfiche reader 8. Plans, maps and blueprints 9. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead projectors, etc. 10. Specialized computer software 11. Automobile PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office or field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, plans, and boxes of work -related material: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing, during Council meetings or other public presentations. 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling, boxes of files or plans 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines and in using office equipment SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, typewriter, telephone, fax machine, copier, adding machine, postage meter, paper shredder, paper cutter, plan, map, blueprint, camera, microphone, overhead projector, easel, or automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Speaking/Hearing 3. Touching 4. Smelling ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, over 90% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, or typewriters. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, blueprints, ink pens, plan copier, copy machines, or other office -related equipment. Management Assistant Page 4 of 5 City of Gilroy Field Conditions: Approved by Personnel Commission January, 2018 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, less than 5% of the time. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile or plane, less than 8% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, grass, dirt, wood, carpeting, linoleum, tile, and uneven surfaces. 4. Noise Level: Minimal to low exposure to equipment noise when traveling in the field. 5. Lighting: Normal outdoor conditions, with some exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by vehicle or plane. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels of dust, pollen, or vehicle exhaust when conducting surveys or research or when traveling. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriter, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, radio, paper shredder, paper cutter, microphone, overhead projector, etc. When traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the field, as well as in a typical office environment. Office exposure to fumes or gases may occur due to the use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND OUALIFICATIONS: 1. Any combination of education and experience equivalent (equivalency determined at the sole discretion of the City of Gilroy) to a Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Public Administration, Political Science, Business Administration, Statistics, Economics, or a closely related field and some prior related local government work experience such as an internship or fellowship is qualifying. One and a half years of directly related work experience may substitute for one year (30 semester units) of college education. 2. Strong experience in utilization of computers including word-processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi) and e-mail communication applications. 3. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). 4. If not already possessed, maybe required to obtain and maintain Commission as a Notary Public from the State of California. 5. Willingness to continue education and training by learning new skills as changes occur. 6. May be required to pass a post -offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 7. Prefer non -tobacco user. 8. Prefer bilingual (English/Spanish). 9. Pass a Department of Justice criminal record check and background check for employment. Management Assistant Page 5 of 5 CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 15, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Administrative Service & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Updates to the Job Description for the Position of Police Crime Analyst SUMMARY: The police department is planning ahead for potential use of the Police Crime Analyst job description. In the past this position was established as a full-time, analyst level position in the Police Department. In 2009, it was changed to a part-time only position. With the attached updates, the position description is brought current and can be used to fill either a full-time or a part-time position within the Gilroy Police Department. If filled at the full-time level, the position will fall under the Gilroy Management Association (GMA), therefore, a drat was shared with GMA for review and comment. GMA did not have any changes. Attached is the draft job description with the additions in red underline format and the deletions in blue strikeout format. The salary range for this Police Crime Analyst position is tied with other similar Analyst positions in the City structure at the annual salary range of $82,764 - $110,364. Had this position remained on the full- time GMA salary schedule after the shift to part-time status, this is where it would have remained on the salary schedule. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: 1. Approve the updates to the job description for the position of Police Crime Analyst. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/Risk Manager CITY OF GILROY DRAFT^� Julyc 200921 POLICE DEPARTMENT PART E POLICE CRIME ANALYST GENERAL DUTIES: This is a iourney-level exempt position in which the incumbent works independently, or as partof a team, on professional level work involving significant analytical ability. This position requires both breadth and depth of use and application of theories concepts and techniques used and a thorough understanding of policies and procedures. Under general direction of the Police Captain or Police Chief, perform work of considerable diffie••''• reviewing, monitoring, developing and analyzing methods, with special emphasis on related statistical data and computerized systems. This position requires specialized expertise in statistical analysis, systems analysis, organization, and methods analysis. As this is a paft titne position, flexibility inweik sehedule to meet the needs of the department is . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy infegards-to regard to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, andgiven and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safe - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual a'�eesgender identity of odothers and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic, and sexual engender identity of ethers, andothers and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Responsible to develop, collect, and analyze crime data based on geography, trends, common suspects suspects, and methods of operation in support of management and line units. 2. Identify needed improvements with current data management and system, evaluate alternatives, prepare detailed specifications, and create appropriate software and support documentation. Systems currently in use are: Tiburon, RMS, ARS, Tiburon CAD, and Crystal Reports. These systems may change over time with new software technology. 3. Responsible to create and publish crime analysis documents, maps, flow charts, link analysis, and crime analysis reports as requested. PART TIME POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 1 of 6 CITY OF GILROY DRAFTA,.....,,.•va ,• �;: el C �, moo„ Jul F 200921 4. Develop plans for collecting, organizing, and summarizing numerical and related data for a wide variety of departmental surveys and studies. 5. Analyze statistical data and initiate or recommend to staff to determine a course of action to address problems. Alert staff in a timely manner on emerging crime trends or crime patterns. 6. Advise departmental personnel on the significance of data obtained, and prepare charts, graphs, and tabulations to portray and define data using Excel, including pivot tables, and Access with the ability to manipulate data. 7. Assist departmental staff in the implementation of new data collecting systems and procedures. 8. Develop procedures and programs for the ....,.duet. „ arto roduce statistical summaries and reports and produce quarterly statistical reports and annual performance measure reports. 9. Assume responsibility for applying specialized statistical expertise in systems analysis and statistical analysis to detailed knowledge of police departmental operations specifically automated systems and their interrelationships, resource allocation techniques, beat structuring, and crime analysis (pattern identification and suspect/offense correlation techniques). 10. Train others in specialized data processing areas such as interactive computer programming and automated report generation *'hour' asinng high-level languages and software. s lleafmed" repoi4s for staff to aecess and use. 11. Ensure the appropriate use of technology in order to provide cost effective staffing, systems and procedures; to ensure the productivity of the Police Department; to evaluate police performance measures such as response time, number of offenses, clearances and arrests utilizing statistical analysis, systems analysis, and computer applications. 12. Perform related work as requested. REQUIRED SHILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: Statistical and analytical skills. 2. Proficient in the use of a personal computer and various computer software including, but not limited to: Microsoft Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook; Crystal Reports; ArcView/Arc Map 9.2; GEO files; Records Management Systems; and other Microsoft reporting software/services. Organize work, set priorities, meet critical deadlines, and follow-up on assignments with a minimum of supervision and direction. 4. Excellent oral and written communication skills Excellent customer service skills. 6. Detail -oriented. 7. Maintain accurate and detailed records. 8. Collecting, compiling, analyzing, organizing, and presenting data, and making recommendations. 9. Providing timely communication and meeting established deadlines n e n�:&POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 2 of 6 CITY OF GILROY DRAFT Ju1yFebp� 209921 6:10. Interpreting and applying pro am/project requirements. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: Statistical methods, resource methodology and the principles and practices of gathering and analyzing statistical data. 2. Systems analysis and data processing capabilities as related to the analysis of data the presentation of results. The criminal justice system and Police Department Operations. 4. Current state of the art in related software. Geographic base files and display systems including a strong understanding of GIS systems, various City uses of GIS, and Linx for GIS services. 6. Models and techniques used in resource allocation, beat structuring, and crime analysis. 7. Police automated systems and their interrelationships. 8. Database management. ABILITIES: Ability to: Establish and maintain effective working relationships with supervisors, co-workers, other departments, outside agencies and the general public. 2. Troubleshoot data errors within CAD/ARS/RMS and with software vendors_ (i.e. T). 3. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. 4. Analyze complex problems, evaluate alternatives, and make creative recommendations. 5_Prepare and present ideas and recommendations effectively in writing and orally. 6. Using independent judgment, within established guidelines in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 7 Organize work set priorities meet deadlines and complete assignments independently and consistent with goals and objectives established by supervisor and/or Police Chief. 8. Work effectively as a team member in developing and preparing quality finished products �9.Identify data sources, collect, and analyze information and prepare informative reports MACHINES/TOOLS/EOUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical office and field environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard, and monitor 2. Laserjet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone or headset 4. Copier PART TIME POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 3 of 6 CITY OF GILROY 5. Calculator 6. Copying machine 7. 10-key adding machine 8. Facsimile machine 9. Plotter printer 10. Paper shredder 11. Paper cutter 12. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead -projectors, etc. 13. Specialized computer software 14. Automobile 15. Cal Photo Access system and equipment 16. Crime Reports system and equipment PHYSICAL DEMANDS Under typical office or field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, and boxes of work -related material: 1. Sitting, for very prolonged periods of time attending meetings or working at the computer. 2. Walking 3. Standing 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office or field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, typewriter, telephone, fax machine, copier, adding machine, postage meter, paper shredder/cutter, camera, or automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Speaking 3. Hearing 4. Touching ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, over approximately 95% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile floors and some exposure to asphalt. o e n H-POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 4 of 6 CITY OF GILROY I' ' 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, radios, and typewriters. 4. Lighting; Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, ink pens, copiers, or other office -related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions traveling to meeting, or attending training sessions, less than approximately 10% of the time. 2. Travel: Varying conditions via automobile, less than approximately 5% of the time. 3. Lighting: Normal outdoor conditions, and chance exposure to extreme weather conditions. 4. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by vehicle and outdoor equipment. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriter, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, radio, paper shredder, or paper cutter. When traveling to meetings or seminars, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in a typical office environment. Typical exposure may result from use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, AND OUALIFICATIONS: I. Any combination of training and experience equivalent to successful completion of advanced undergraduate coursework from an accredited college or university in statistics, computer science or related field and five (5) years of increasingly responsible professional analytical and administrative experience. A Bachelor's degree in a related field of study is strongly preferred. 2. Strong computer skills and experiences with the systems currently in use (Microsoft Suite; CAD; RMS; ARS; Tiburon, ArcView/ArcMap 9.2, GEO files, etc.). Prior to hire, must pass a computer knowledge test and database set-up and management test. An advanced -level user of Excel (with pivot tables) and Access is highly desired. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). 4. Pass a post -offer psychological evaluation and a medical examination, which includes a drug test. Pass a background investigation, which includes a polygraph examination, and extensive Department of Justice criminal record check, and an FBI clearance. 6. Prefer non -tobacco user. 7. Possession of or ability to obtain within 18 months of hire certification in Crime and Intelligence Analysis. (This is due to the State requirement that agencies have employed a "Certified Crime D ^ D�a nIM&POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 5 of 6 CITY OF GILROY Analyst" to be eligible for State grant funding). 8. Pfefe�Bbilingual (English/Spanish) desired, but not required.: . ----------- PART RT TWE POLICE CRIME ANALYST Page 6 of 6