10/11/2021 Personnel Commission Regular Agenda PacketCITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION AGENDA Gilroy City Hall – Administrative Services Conference Room 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 Monday, October 11, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. – Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catherine Cummins, Chair Annie Tomasello, Vice Chair Robin Bronze, Commissioner Nita Edde-Mitchell, Commissioner Sholly Nicholson, Commissioner Public comment will be taken on any agenda item before action is taken by the Personnel Commission. Persons speaking on any matter are requested, but not required to state their name. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including, but not limited to, time restrictions for each individual speaker. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Personnel Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the lobby of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are also a vailable with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org A Closed Session may be called during this meeting pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1) if a point has been reached where, in the opinion of the Personnel Commission of the City on the advice of its legal counse l, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the City. Public comments will be taken at the beginning of the meeting for items not on the agenda and on agenda items before action is taken by the Personnel Commission. Comments may be provided in-person at the meeting or may be emailed by no later than 1:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting to LeeAnn.McPhillips@cityofgilroy.org. IMPORTANT: identify the Agenda Item Number or PUBLIC COMMENT in the subject line of your email. The Clerk will read the first three minutes of each email into the public record. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act (ADA), the City will make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Human Resources Director 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0228. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Personnel Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org/AgendaCenter 1) OPENING A) Call Meeting to order (Chairperson Cummins) KNOW YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted befor e the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE OPEN GOVERNMENT ORDINANCE, TO RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE ORDINANCE OR TO REPORT A VIOLATION OF THE ORDINANCE, CONTACT THE OPEN GOVERNMENT C OMMISSION STAFF AT (408) 846-0204/cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org. B) Roll Call (HR Director, LeeAnn McPhillips) C) Report on Posting of the Agenda (HR Director, LeeAnn McPhillips) 2) COMMUNICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA Public comment by members of the public on items NOT on the agenda, but within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Personnel Commission. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. (This portion of the meeting is reserved for person desiring to address the commission on matters not on the agenda. The law does not permit Commission action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda except under special circumstances. If Commission action is requested, the Commission may place the matter on a future agenda.) 3) APPROVAL OF MINUTES A) Approval of Minutes for the Meeting of July 15, 2021 (report attached) 4) HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR’S REPORT 5) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A) Recruitment and Employment Status Report (report attached) B) City Workforce COVID-19 Update C) Personnel Commission Annual Presentation to City Council – Scheduled for December 6, 2021 6) NEW BUSINESS A) Updates to the Job Description of Finance Manager (report attached) B) Updates to the Job Description of Financial Analyst and Re-Establish Placement on Salary Schedule (report attached) C) Updates to the Job Description of Deputy Director of Public Works (report attached) 7) FUTURE PERSONNEL COMMISSION BUSINESS A) Updates to the Job Description of Police Records Supervisor 8) MEETING ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING OF THE PERSONNEL COMMISSION The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Personnel Commission is Monday, November 8, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. MEETING SCHEDULE The City of Gilroy Personnel Commission meets regularly on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. If a holiday should fall on the regular meeting date, the meeting will be rescheduled to the following Monda y. Page 1 of 2 City of Gilroy PERSONNEL COMMISSION MINUTES July 15, 2021 Special Meeting – DRAFT MINUTES Members Present Members Absent Robin Bronze Catherine Cummins Nita Edde-Mitchell Sholly Nicholson Annie Tomasello I. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Chairperson Cummins called the meeting of July 15, 2021 to order at 6:03 p.m. Human Resources Director McPhillips reported that the agenda was posted on July 12, 2021 at 5:28 p.m. Roll call was taken noting that Commissioners Bronze, Cummins, Edde-Mitchell, Nicholson, and Tomasello were present. II. COMMUNICATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA- None. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. For the meeting dated June 14, 2021 – on a motion from Sholly Nicholson, seconded by Commissioner Tomasello, the minutes for the June 14, 2021 meeting were approved on 5-0 vote. IV. HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Human Resources Director McPhillips provided an update on the staffing in the Human Resources Department. V. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Recruitment & Employment Status Report – report on recruitment activity was reviewed with Commission; questions answered; report received. B. City Workforce Covid-19 Update – brief report provided on how the city is addressing the Covid-19 issues with employees and our upcoming reopening plans. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Reclassification of Mike Blundo to the position of Senior Equipment Mechanic. Staff report provided by Human Resources Director; questions answered; Commissioner Bronze made the following combined motion: a. Motion to approve the job description of Senior Equipment Mechanic b. Motion to add the classification of Senior Equipment Mechanic to the AFSCME General Unit Salary Schedule at Range 51 c. Motion to reclassify Mike Blundo to the position of Senior Equipment Mechanic effective July 1, 2021 Commissioner Nicholson seconded the motion; motion passed 5-0. Page 2 of 2 B. Reclassification of Carina Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst. Staff report provided by Human Resources Director; questions answered; Commissioner Tomasello made the following combined motion: a. Motion to add the position of Senior Management Analyst to the Gilroy Management Association salary schedule with the annual salary range of $91,236 - $121,668 b. Motion to reclassify Carina Baksa to the position of Senior Management Analyst effective July 1, 2021 Commissioner Bronze seconded the motion; motion passed 5-0. C. Reclassification of Denise King to the position of Management Analyst. Staff report provided by the Human Resources Director; questions answered; Commissioner Nicholson made the following motion: a. Motion to reclassify Denise King to the confidential, unrepresented position of Management Assistant for the Administrative Services & Human Resources/Risk Management Department effective July 1, 2021. Commissioner Tomasello seconded the motion; motion passed 5-0. D. Updates to the job description for the position of Police Crime Analyst. Staff report provided by the Human Resources Director; questions answered; Commissioner Edde-Mitchell made a motion to approve the updates to the job description for the position of Police Crime Analyst; seconded by Commissioner Bronze; motion passed 5-0. VII. FUTURE PERSONNEL COMMISSION BUSINESS VIII. ADJOURNMENT - the meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. on motion from Commissioner Tomasello, seconded by Commissioner Nicholson; motion passed 5-0. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips LeeAnn McPhillips Human Resources Director/ Staff to the Personnel Commission Page 1 of 3 CITY OF GILROY RECRUITMENT AND EMPLOYMENT STATUS REPORT Recruitments Posted as of October, 2021 Date Open Date Closed # to Fill Status/ Interview/Assessment Date # of Applications as of 10/8/21 Lateral Firefighter (Licensed Paramedic) 2/22/21 Continuous Total of 4 Accepting & screening applications; scheduling interviews 5 Facilities Maintenance Specialist 9/14/21 10/10/21 1 Accepting applications 12 PT Office Assistant (Fleet/Facilities; Traffic; Youth Task Force) 9/20/21 10/17/21 3 Accepting applications 52 PT Clerical High School Work Experience Student 10/7/21 10/31/21 1 Accepting applications 3 Customer Service Manager – Community Development 9/24/21 10/24/21 1 Accepting applications 4 Finance Analyst 9/13/21 10/22/21 1 Accepting applications 7 Management Analyst (CD and PW) 9/17/21 10/17/21 2 Accepting applications 8 PT/Temp Network Administrator Open Until Filled 1 Accepting & screening applications 3 Recreation Leader Preparing job flyer Police Officer – All Levels Preparing job flyer Recruitments in Process – October, 2021 Status Police Officer – Lateral 1 candidate in background check Police Officer – Academy Graduate 2 candidates in background check; 1 in final pre-hire steps Police Officer Trainee 1 candidate in background; 1 in Academy Public Safety Communicator Trainee 2 for department interview process Firefighter Trainee (Licensed Paramedic) 2 in final hiring steps; Academy start date 10/18/21 Page 2 of 3 Recruitments in Process – October, 2021 Status Program Administrator Finalist in background check City Clerk Sub-Committee interviews 10/15/21 Deputy Director of Public Works Interviews scheduled for 10/18/21 Engineering Technician /Inspector II 1 candidate in final pre-hire steps; 1 candidate in background check Permit Technician Interviews scheduled for 10/19/21 PT Maintenance Worker Assistant Rehire candidate in final pre-hire steps Finance Manager Interviews scheduled for 10/11/21 Fire Administration Technician Interviews scheduled for 10/19/21 Hiring/Promotion/Separation Information (July 12, 2021 – October 8, 2021) HIRES/PROMOTIONS: NAME JOB CLASSIFICATION DATE OF HIRE CHERYL KOURETAS SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 07/15/2021 CASEY MAIN FIRE ENGINEER (PROMOTION) 07/20/2021 KARINE DECKER MANAGEMENT ANALYST - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 08/02/2021 JASON DAVALOS HUMAN RESOURCES ANALYST 08/04/2021 BAILEY BOYD-PITTS REC LEADER II-YOUTH CENTER 08/05/2021 SAMANTHA SCHUCK PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATOR 08/09/2021 ZINNIA MENCHACA-NAVARRO OFFICE ASSISTANT II 08/09/2021 ROBERT BASUINO POLICE CORPORAL (PROMOTION) 08/09/2021 JAVIER MARTINEZ RECREATION SPEC - YOUTH CENTER 08/11/2021 DOUGLAS REMMICK POLICE CORPORAL (PROMOTION) 08/11/2021 ANGEL VELASQUEZ POLICE OFFICER 08/13/2021 DANIEL PINEDA POLICE CORPORAL (PROMOTION) 08/13/2021 VALENTIN LAZARO EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 09/13/2021 CLAYTON OLD ELK JR. RECREATION SPECIALIST - YOUTH SPORTS 09/13/2021 MARIA RAMIREZ ENGINEER I 09/19/2021 JOSE CEDANO III ENGINEER I 09/20/2021 JESSICA GAETA P/T OAI - RECREATION 09/21/2021 MATTHEW AVILLA POLICE OFFICER 10/01/2021 JOSHUA DALY FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC 10/05/2021 JEREMY DANCE FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC 10/06/2021 LAMAR TURNER FIREFIGHTER/PARAMEDIC 10/07/2021 Page 3 of 3 SEPARATIONS: NAME JOB CLASSIFICATION DATE OF SEPARATION ETHAN OGLE FIREFIGHTER (LICENSED PARAMEDIC) 07/26/2021 SARA SOTO ANZOATEGUI ENGINEER I 08/06/2021 CARRERA ROBERT MANAGEMENT ANALYST 08/06/2021 HONORA EJE REC LEADER I -YOUTH CENTER 08/07/2021 JULIE WYRICK CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELPOMENT 09/16/2021 DANIEL MCELROY SENIOR MAINTENANCE WORKER-WATER 10/01/2021 JASON KADLUBOSKI POLICE SERGEANT 10/04/2021 CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Date: October 11, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Approve Updates to the Job Description for Finance Manager SUMMARY: The vacant position of Finance Manager was frozen during the Covid-19 position reductions in 2020. In addition, the position of Revenue Officer was elimi nated. With the FY 22 and 23 budget, the Finance Manager position was funded. Prior to beginning the recruitment process, staff completed an evaluation of the job description. Given the elimination of other management level positions in the Finance Department coupled with the implementation of the Enterprise Resources P lanning system, edits were needed to bring the job description current. Proposed edits to the attached Finance Manager job description are shown in track changes format. New wording is displayed in underline format and wording to be removed is displayed in strikethrough format. There are no changes to the salary range established for this position ($110,904 - $147,888). This position is currently under recruitment noting the pending updates to the job description. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: 1. Approve the updates to the job description for the position of Finance Manager. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips _______________________________________________________ LeeAnn McPhillips Administrative Services & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 1 of 6 FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCE MANAGER GENERAL DUTIES: Under general direction of the Finance Director, is directly responsible for functions within the accounting, budget, purchasing, payroll, utility billing, and/or payroll units, and in the absence of the Director, assumes the responsibility for all Finance Department operations. The Finance Manager is a confidential, unrepresented, exempt-level position that provides analytical data, information, and reports in support of the City’s labor negotiations function. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per Department policy. Attendance - Follows Department/City policy in regards toin regard to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, andgiven and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules and regulations of the City and Department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety-related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizenscitizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and gender identificationsexual differences of others, andothers and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that on e expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexualgender identification differences of others, andothers and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Manage one of the two finance divisions in the Finance Department: accounting or budget/revenue which may include but not limited to: accounting and auditing, which includes general accounting, budget, payroll, revenue, purchasing, and accounts payable; in the absence of the Finance Director, assume the responsibility for managing all Finance Department operations. These include: purchasing; utility billing; business licenses; general accounts receivable and collections.; and the Information Technology division. 2. Implement policies and procedures in connection with the aforementioned activities; institute new and revised procedures as appropriate; and recommend modifications to existing policies and the establishment of new policies to the Finance Director. 3. Supervise or provide for the supervision of assigned unit staff. and for all Department staff City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 2 of 6 (accounting, finance, and information technology) in the absence of the Finance Director. This encompasses: the assignment, prioritizationprioritization, and review of work; approval of time off; staff evaluations; and the making of effective recommendations on all personnel actions. May assist with supervising other department staff in the absence of the Finance Director. 4. Serve as the City’s purchasing coordinator and ensure adherence to the City’s purchasing policy by all City departments and personnel. 5. Oversee, manage, and audit the City’s primary revenue sources, including, but not limited to, property, sales, business license, utility user, and transient occupancy taxes and various other fee driven revenues. 4.6. Prepare and post journal entries and budget amendments; and prepare accounting and management reports. 5.7. Monitor the Fixed Asset Inventory; and coordinate the annual financial audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). 6.8. Prepare, administeradminister, and manage grants received by the city from outside public and private organizations. 7.9. Manage the preparation of interim and annual financial reports, andreports and manage the financial reporting requirements of the City’s Federal and State grant programs. 10. Manage the preparation of the City’s biennial operating budget and associated financial reporting requirements. 11. Analyze revenue and expenditure variances relative to the adopted budget and prepare periodic management reports including recommendations. 12. Review staff reports relative to their fiscal/budget impact and work with other managers to resolve problems and discrepancies. 8.13. Prepare multi-year revenue and expenditure projections. 14. Review the capital improvement plan for consistency with the biennial operating and capital budget. 9.15. Provide financial information (including financial system assistance) and guidance to other City departments. 10.16. Manage the preparation of financial analysis and studies that could include: comprehensive fee studies, cost allocation plans and indirect service charge allocations. 11.17. As necessary, conduct Division meetings and attend Department meetings; and represent the Department or City at conferences and other meetings. 12.18. Perform related work as required. Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Right: 0", No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at -0.74" + -0.38" + 0.38" City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 3 of 6 REQUIRED SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: 1. Customer service skills. 2. Technical skills in accounting, financial reporting, payroll, budgeting, grant management, and fringe benefits. 3. Managerial skills for Division staff and operations. 4. Communication skills including written, verbal and computer skills. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. GAAP and Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) guidelines, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-128. 2. Applications and principles of data processing in the performance of financial transaction cycles, accounting records, fixed asset accounting and financial administration. 3. Finance best practices as identified by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) and other professional organizations. 4. Fiscal trends and current developments in city government. 5. Budgetary processes, controlscontrols, and systems. 6. Principles of personnel administration. 7. Office methods, systemssystems, and procedures. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Effectively manage all assigned operating units, including supervision of personnel. 2. Acquire a thorough knowledge of Division and Department policies and procedures and a working knowledge of applicable City policies and regulations. 3. Utilize automated information systems, including personnel computer applications. 4. Prepare accurate, conciseconcise, and comprehensive fiscal analysis and reports. 5. Communicate effectively, both in writing and verbally. 6. Work protracted or irregular hours. City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 4 of 6 7. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. 8. Appropriately handle confidential information with tact and discretion. MACHINES/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT UTILIZED: When working in the office and in the field, the following items are used: 1. Computer keyboard and monitor 2. Laserjet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone 4. Copier 5. Calculator 6. 10-key adding machine 7. Facsimile machine 8. Multi-Function Machine 9. Microfiche reader 10. Polaroid or digital camera 11. Paper shredder 12. Specialized computer software 13. Automobile PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders and sometimes boxes of work-related material: 1. Sitting for prolonged periods of time working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs 11. Driving 12. Speed in meeting deadlines and using office equipment SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, printer, multi-function machine, telephone, fax machine, copier, calculator, adding machine, paper shredder, paper cutter, cameracamera, and automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Hearing City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 5 of 6 3. Speaking 4. Touching ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, up to 95% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low-level carpeting, linoleum, tile floors and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, radiosradios, and printers. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, ink pens, copierscopiers, or other office-related equipment. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical conditions, traveling to meeting or seminars, less than 5% of the time. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile or plane, less than 5% of the time. 3. Lighting: Normal outdoor conditions, with possible exposure to extreme weather conditions. 4. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by a vehicle. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, multi-function machine, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, paper shredder or paper cutter. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in a typical office environment. Typical office exposure may result from use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens or other office supplies and equipment. REQUIREMENTS, TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting, finance, business administration, public administration, or other similar field of study. 2. Five years of increasingly responsible experience in accounting and financial reporting, including at least two (2) years of supervisory and governmental accounting experience. 3. A Certified Public Accountant, Certified Public Finance Officers, or Certified Government Finance Managers accreditation is highly desirable. 4. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). City of Gilroy Approved by Personnel CommissionDRAFT JulyOctober 201721 FINANCE MANAGER Page 6 of 6 5. Pass an employment background check including a Department of Justice criminal record check and a credit check. 6. Prefer non-tobacco user. 7. Bilingual (English/Spanish) desired, but not required. CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Date: October 11, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Approve Updates to the Job Description for Financial Analyst SUMMARY: The position of Financial Analyst was added to the Finance Department as part of the FY 22 and 23 budget process. This classification had been used in the past, but was inactive. Prior to beginning the recruitment process, staff completed an evaluation of the job description. Given changes that within the Finance Department since this position was last active, some edits were needed to bring the description current. Proposed edits to the attached Financial Analyst job description are shown in track changes format. New wording is displayed in underline format and wording to be removed is displayed in strikethrough format. There are no changes to the salary range placement that was previously established for this position. This position aligns with the existing Management Analyst position with a range of $82,764 - $110,364. Staff recommends this position be re-established on the on the Gilroy Management Association salary schedule based on the prior placement and existing internal equity alignment. Given the minor nature of the updates, this position is currently under recruitment noting the pending updates to the job description. This position falls within the Gilroy Management Association and the Association did not have any concerns with the updates. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: 1. Approve the updates to the job description for the position of Financial Analyst. 2. Approve the placement of the Financial Analyst on the Gilroy Management Association salary schedule with the range of $82,764 - $110,364. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips _______________________________________________________ LeeAnn McPhillips Administrative Services & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 1 of 6 FINANCE DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL ANALYST GENERAL DUTIES: Under general supervision of the Finance Director, perform a variety of professional level financial and accounting duties and budget analysis work for the Finance Departmentivision. Duties will include primary responsibility for the maintenance and administration of the financial system, performance of complex accounting entries and budgetary oversight, coordination of non-routine finance projects, creation and maintenance of financial reports, and analysis of other high-level financial issues. Additional work assignments including assisting other departments are anticipated. This position is an exempt, mid-management level position in the Gilroy Management Association employee group. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City, as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regards toin regard to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexualgender identification differences of others and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and sexualgender identification differences of others and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Perform complex accounting entries and budgetary oversight. 2. Manage and coordinate non-routine projects as assigned. 2.3. Performs professional level functions associated with the management, monitoring, and administration of the City-wide Debt Program, including assessment districts.Provide accounting for tax assessment districts and debt service related to bonds. 3.4. Provide back-up and cross training to the Budget Analyst. Work with staff from all departments to provide information and assist with financial data and analysis. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 2 of 6 4.5. Provide back-up to the Revenue Officer for the completion of theReview and update the annual Fee Schedule. 6. Coordinate the annual financial audit process for the City. 5.7. Conducts and or coordinates cost studies; performs analysis of information and allocation of charges. 6.8. Coordinate phases of budget process through the financial system, plus creation and formatting of budget reports utilizing a report writer. 7.9. Analyze problems, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative recommendations. 8.10. Research past expenditures and project future changes using regression analysis and historical trending. 9.11. Perform cash accounting and reconciliation duties. 10.12. Analyze and reconcile subsidiary, budgetary, and general ledger accounts. 11.13. Complete year-end audit tasks as assigned. 12.14. Assist with the coordination of programs and development of data on projects or problems involving more than one department. 15. Develop annual budgets for assigned cost centers. 13.16. Provide support and serve as backup to Accounting Technician – Payroll performing full range of duties related to timekeeping and payroll preparation, to ensure the timely and accurate completion of payroll. 14.17. Perform other related duties as assigned. REQUIRED SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: 1. Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. 2. Proficient in the use of a personal computer and various computer software. 3. Maintain accurate and detailed records and make accurate arithmetic calculations using statistical and analytical skills. 4. Organizing work, setting priorities, meeting deadlines, and following-up on assignments with a minimum of supervision and direction within established guidelines. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Principles, practices, and policies of City organization, administration, and management. 2. Financial management including government financing and budgeting, accounting theory and practices, and public finance. 3. Accounting, auditing, financial forecasting, and budgeting principles and practices. 4. Governmental accounting principles, applicable laws and regulations, and financial City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 3 of 6 reporting practices. 5. Statistical and analytical methods, techniques, and procedures. 6. Computer applications, including spreadsheet, database, word processing and presentation software. 7. Basic management information system applications for accounting and budgeting functions. 8. Project management 9. General customer service principles and practices. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Analyze budgets and other financial data. 2. Manage multiple priorities. 3. Analyze complex problems, evaluate alternatives, and implement creative recommendations. 4. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with Supervisor, co-workers, other departments, outside agencies, and the general public. 5. Use independent judgment, within established guidelines, in the course of undertaking assigned responsibilities. 6. Organize work, set priorities, meet deadlines, and complete assignments with minimal supervision. 7. Provide technical and substantive direction to other staff members on financial matters. 8. Communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing. 9. Provide excellent customer service. MACHINES/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT UTILIZED: Typical office and field environments include the following: 1. Computer, keyboard, and monitor 2. LaserJet or ink jet printer 3. Telephone or headset 4. CopierMulti-Function (copy/fax/scan) machine 5. Calculator 6. 10-key adding machine 7. Facsimile machine 8. Optical character reader 9. Typewriter 10.9. Microfiche reader 11.10. Binding machine 12.11. Paper shredder 13.12. Paper cutter City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 4 of 6 14.13. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead projectors, etc. 15.14. Specialized computer software 16.15. Automobile PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical office or field conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities which include handling files, books, binders, plans, and boxes of work-related material: 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time while working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Walking 3. Standing, during Council meetings or other public presentations. 4. Kneeling 5. Bending/stooping 6. Twisting 7. Reaching 8. Carrying 9. Pushing/pulling, boxes of files or plans. 10. Lifting up to 25 lbs. 11. Driving 12. Speed, in meeting deadlines and in using office equipment. SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employee utilizes these senses while using a computer, typewriterMulti-Function machine, telephone, fax machine, copier, adding machine, postage meter, paper shredder, paper cutter, microphone, overhead projector, easel, or automobile: 1. Seeing 2. Speaking/Hearing 3. Touching 4. Smelling ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, over 90% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, and some exposure to asphalt. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, faxes, or typewritersMulti- Function Machines. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by central heating and air conditioning. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal, indoor levels associated with dust and odors from paper, blueprints, ink pens, plan copier, copy machines, or other office-related equipment. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 5 of 6 Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical field conditions, less than 2% of the time. 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile or plane, less than 8% of the time. 3. Flooring: Asphalt, grass, dirt, wood, carpeting, linoleum, tile, and uneven surfaces. 4. Noise Level: Minimal to low exposure to equipment noise when traveling in the field. 5. Lighting: Normal outdoor conditions, with some exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by vehicle or plane. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high outdoor levels of dust, pollen, or vehicle exhaust when conducting surveys or research or when traveling. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal while properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, typewriterMulti-Function Machines, printer, copier, adding machine, fax machine, radio, paper shredder, paper cutter, microphone, overhead projector, etc. When traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in the field, as well as in a typical office environment. Office exposure to fumes or gases may occur due to the use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIRED TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or university with major course work in Accounting, Finance, Public Administration, or a closely related field. 2. Three (3) years of responsible, professional work experience in the areas of Budgeting, Accounting, and/or Finance. One (1) year of local government accounting or finance experience that has included general accounting and budget responsibilities is preferred. 3. Demonstrated experience performing detailed analysis and preparation of reports related to evaluation of financial data and budgetary compliance. 4. Experience in utilization of current personal computer Excel spreadsheet and Microsoft word-processing applications. 5. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). 6. Willingness to continue education and training by learning new skills as changes occur. Expand skills by taking additional courses and attending seminars, workshops, and individual study. 7. Pass an employment background check to include a Department of Justice criminal record check and background check for employment. Formatted: Indent: Hanging: 0.5", Space After: 6 pt City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission October 202105 FINANCIAL ANALYST Page 6 of 6 8. May be required to pass a post-offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 9. Prefer non-tobacco user. 10. Prefer bilingual (English/Spanish). Formatted: Space After: 6 pt CITY OF GILROY PERSONNEL COMMISSION STAFF REPORT Date: October 11, 2021 To: Personnel Commission Staff: LeeAnn McPhillips, Human Resources Director/Risk Manager Subject: Approve Updates to the Job Description for Deputy Director of Public Works SUMMARY: The vacant position of Deputy Director of Public Works was frozen during the Covid-19 position reductions in 2020. With the FY 22 and 23 budget, this position was funded. Prior to beginning the recru itment process, staff completed an evaluation of the job description. Due to some functional reorganizing that occurred in 2020, some minor edits were needed to bring the description current. The internal service functions of Fleet and Facilities now fall under the Administrative Services De partment. Proposed edits to the attached Deputy Director of Public Works job description are shown in track changes format. New wording is displayed in underline format and wording to be removed is displayed in strikethrough format. There are no changes to the salary range established for this position ($128,388 - $171,204). Given the minor nature of the updates, this position is currently under recruitment noting the pending updates to the job description. This position falls within the Gilroy Management Association and the Association did not have any concerns with the updates. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staff recommends that the Personnel Commission take the following action: 1. Approve the updates to the job description for the position of Deputy Director of Public Works. Respectfully Submitted, LeeAnn McPhillips _______________________________________________________ LeeAnn McPhillips Administrative Services & Human Resources Director/Risk Manager City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 1 of 7 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OPERATIONS DIVISION DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS GENERAL DUTIES: Under direct supervision of the Public Works Director, administer, plan, direct the varied operations within the Operations Division of the Public Works Department to include Facilities, Fleet, Parks & Landscape, Streets/Waste Water/Trees, and Water. Provide high level and complex staff assistance to the Public Works Director. Is responsible for establishing and maintaining safe work practices for all areas of Operations and ensure compliance with all safety, environmental, and OSHA related laws and regulations. Provide leadership, training, and mentoring to Section heads and ensure that each Section of Operations is meeting established goals, objectives, work plans, and deadlines. This is an exempt, mid-management level position that must exercise competent discretion and judgment in the performance of duties and interactions with others. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Personal Appearance - Is appropriate for the work environment and meets expectations for the proper image of the City as per department policy. Attendance - Follows department/City policy in regards to punctuality and attendance. Compliance with Work Instructions - Follows all work instructions given, and completes all assigned duties. Follows the policies, rules, and regulations of the City and department. Safety - Follows the Safety and Health Handbook, as well as other safety related standards, and avoids unnecessary risk to oneself, co-workers, citizens, and property. Internal Relations - Conducts work in a manner which supports the overall team effort, and which avoids disruption of one's work and the work of others. Treats all City employees with respect. Takes responsibility to resolve differences. Finds solutions to problems. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and gender sexual differencesidentification differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. Customer Service - Conducts work that fosters public support for the City, that will lead to fewer complaints and claims against the City. Treats customers with respect. Follows the same rules that one expects the customers to follow. Respects racial, religious, ethnic and gender identificationsexual differences of others, and avoids derogatory statements regarding these differences. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES OF WORK: 1. Provide management and supervision of the various operational sections within the Public Works Department, including Facilities, Fleet, Parks & Landscape, Streets/Waste Water/Trees, and Water (distribution system and conservation). 2. Develop and implement divisional goals, objectives, work plans, reports, policies and procedures. 3. Direct, oversee, and participate in the development of the Operations Division work plan; assign work activities, projects and programs; monitor work flowworkflow; review and evaluate work products, methods, and procedures. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 2 of 7 4. With support from Section supervisors and managers, prepare the Operations Division budget; assist in budget implementation; participate in forecast of additional funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials, and supplies; administer the approved Operations Division budget. 5. Recommend the appointment of personnel; provide or coordinate staff training; conduct performance evaluations; implement discipline procedures as required; maintain discipline and high standards necessary for the efficient and professional operation of the Operations Division. 6. Develop and implement plans for public works and utilities infrastructure improvements and modifications; serve as project director ensuring the needs of the city are met and project conforms to city standards, expectations, timelines, and budget. 7. Conduct staff meetings and field inspections to include periodic field safety inspections. 8. Develop and implement a safety and emergency response program for field operations; ensure that any required operational changes are communicated to technical staff, EOC staff, and higher- level management. 9. Prepare a variety of reports, forms, correspondence, and related documentation on division operations; ensure all mandated forms and reports are properly completed and filed in a timely manner. 10. Prepare specifications and make recommendations for new equipment and supplies; recommend the purchase of new equipment and supplies as necessary; prepare and manage contracts. 11. Coordinate with outside agencies related to the installation, repair, maintenance, and operation of public works infrastructure; review and resolve operational issues. 12. Build and maintain positive working relationships with co-workers, other city employees, and the public using principles of good customer service. Hold the operations team accountable for positive working relationships and good customer service. 13. Represent the division and department with outside agencies and organizations, participate in outside community and professional groups and committees; provide technical assistance as necessary. 14. Attend and participate in Board, Commission, and City Council meetings as assigned. 15. Based on approved spending authority, determine need for supplies, contractual services and equipment, and follow the appropriate purchasing procedures. 16. Provide for and administer the necessary equipment management program and inventory control for the Operations Division. 17. Provide for the proper maintenance of Division records, and insure the preparation and submittal of reports and information necessary for the management of the Operations Division. 18. Provide for the necessary preparation, administration, management and supervision of contract work for the Operations Division. 19. Regularly work with various City Departments, agencies, community groups, and the general public. 20. Provide and obtain support in the delivery of services necessary to the mission of the Department and the Operations Division. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 3 of 7 21. Coordinate and manage the bidding process related to Local, State and Federal project funding and also for emergency repair purchase process. 22. Assist in obtaining, administering, and reporting of grants from various outside funding sources. 23. Provide technical assistance to the Director, architects, contractors, and others applicable to the Department and Operations Division. 24. Provide for and participate in training programs for Operations Division personnel. 25. Formulate policies and procedures, including the code of safe practices related to Public Works Operations functions, and oversee development of programs. 26. Respond to citizen complaints and requests for service. 27. Ensure compliance with applicable local, state, county, and federal codes, laws and regulations. 28. Perform productivity analyses of operations and make appropriate recommendations for obtaining most effective delivery. 29. Prepare clear, accurate, concise and competent reports, correspondence, and other written materials. 30. Perform related work as required. REQUIRED SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND ABILITIES: SKILLS: 1. Application and utilization of computer systems and software such as the Microsoft Office Suite, financial management systems, and maintenance management systems. 2. Possess significant customer service, organizational and personnel management skills necessary to manage a complex and diversified group of operations. 3. Possess significant public relation skills necessary for regular contracts with the outside agencies, community organizations, commissions and citizens that will promote and positively represent the City and the Department. 4. Organize and direct activities associated with the operation, maintenance, installation and repair of public works infrastructure. 5. Analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, project consequences of proposed actions, and implement recommendations in support of goals and objectives. 6. Interpret and apply city and department policies, procedures, rules and regulations. 7. Research, interpret and apply federal, state, and other regulatory agency policies, procedures, rules and regulations applicable to public works operations. 8. Ensure division compliance with operational and mandated regulatory requirements. 9. Interpret and understand construction plans and basic engineering principles as they relate to public works operations. 10. Use of safety equipment. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 4 of 7 11. Effective staff report writing. 12. Customer service techniques. 13. Effective presentation delivery. 14. Managing and supervising personnel. 15. Effective project management. KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge of: 1. Supervisory principles and practices including employee selection, evaluation, motivation, accountability, and discipline. 2. Public bidding and purchasing process. 3. Principles and practices of public works operations management to include fleet, facilities, parks & landscape, streets, waste water, urban forest, and water. 4. Principles and practices of public agency contract administration. 5. Applicable Federal, State, and local laws, regulatory codes, ordinances, and procedures relevant to public works. 6. Project management and contract administration principles and techniques. 7. Record keeping principles and practices applicable to a public agency. 8. English usage, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and punctuation. 9. Current trends and developments affecting various public works projects. 10. Modern principles and practices used in public works operations. 11. Public works construction materials and equipment. 12. Budgeting and scheduling principals, practices and techniques. 13. Safe work practices and regulations related to the work of the Operations Division. 14. Computer applications including word processing, spreadsheet, database, presentation, e-mail and calendaring. 15. Techniques for providing a high level of customer service by effectively dealing with the public, vendors, contractors and city staff. 16. Equipment, materials, services necessary for proper care and management of department facilities and programs administered by the Operations Division. 17. Materials, methods, tools and equipment used in facilities, fleet, parks, landscaped areas, streets, waste water system, urban forest, and water system for maintenance and repair. 18. Safe operations of motor vehicles and equipment and drivers licensing and other Department of Transportation requirements. 19. Preventive maintenance procedures. ABILITIES: Ability to: 1. Plan, organize, and direct a complex and diverse organizational structure in a cost effective manner. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 5 of 7 2. Identify and justify the budgetary resources necessary to provide the services to maintain public works operations. 3. Establish and maintain the necessary record keeping systems for the Operations Division. 4. Supervise and evaluate performance of manager, supervisory employees and other direct reports. 5. Evaluate operational and policy needs of the Operations Division and effectively implement the necessary changes. 6. Analyze complex problems, evaluate alternatives and make creative recommendations. 7. Exercise sound independent judgment within general policy guidelines. 8. Plan, conduct, and evaluate training programs. 9. Establish and maintain effective working relationships with management, subordinates, co-workers, outside agencies, community groups, and the public. 10. Interpret, prepare, amend and manage contracts related to public works operations. 11. Manage a variety of projects related to public works operations within established specification and timelines. 12. Read and interpret financial reports in the monitoring of expenses, revenue, and budget. 13. Effectively present information to other employees, managers, regulatory agencies, community groups, boards, commissions, and/or city council. 14. Effectively prepare and present written reports, including staff reports and other technical reports, and presentations. 15. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. MACHINES/TOOLS/EQUIPMENT UTILIZED: When working in the office and in the field, the following items are used: 1. Computer, keyboard and monitor 2. Laser-jet or ink jet printer 3. Multi-Function machine 4. Telephone 5. Copier 6. Calculator 7. Facsimile machine 8. Specialized computer software. 9. Cell phone 10. Two-way radio 11. Automobile 12. Presentation equipment, microphones, easels, overhead projectors, tape recorder, etc. 13. Television and other related technology equipment. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Under typical field and office conditions, employee will perform the following physical activities, which include using many hand tools and operating heavy equipment on an occasional basis: City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 6 of 7 1. Sitting, for prolonged periods of time working at a computer or attending meetings. 2. Standing, during presentations and training seminars. 3. Walking 4. Stooping 5. Kneeling 6. Bending 7. Twisting 8. Pushing/Pulling 9. Lifting, up to 25 pounds 10. Driving 11. Speed, in meeting deadlines and using office equipment. Under typical office conditions, employee performs similar physical activities but to a lesser degree, when handling files, books, binders, and boxes of work materials. SENSORY DEMANDS: Under typical office and field conditions, employees utilize these senses while using a computer, printer, multi-function machines, telephone, cell phone, fax machine, copier, calculator, television, VCR, microphone, easel, overhead projector, tape recorder, automobile, etc. 1. Seeing 2. Hearing 3. Speaking 4. Touching ENVIRONMENTAL AND FLOOR SURFACE CONDITIONS: Office Conditions: 1. Indoors: Typical office conditions, up to 75% of the time. 2. Flooring: Low level carpeting, linoleum, tile, wood, etc. 3. Noise Level: Conducive to office settings with phones, copiers, multi-function machines, air conditioning, radios, and printers. 4. Lighting: Conducive to normal office setting. 5. Ventilation: Provided by wall heater, central heating and air conditioning units. 6. Dust or Fumes: Normal to high indoor levels associated with dust and odors from computer equipment, paper, ink pens, copiers or other office-related equipment. May be exposed to fumes from vehicles, heavy equipment and materials used on site. Field Conditions: 1. Outdoors: Typical conditions, traveling to meetings, or attending training sessions, 25-50% of the time. City of Gilroy DRAFTApproved by Personnel Commission OctoberJune, 201721 DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS - OPERATIONS Page 7 of 7 2. Travel: Under varying conditions via automobile, up to 25% of the time. 3. Flooring: Carpet, tile, linoleum, uneven surfaces, etc. 4. Noise Level: May be exposed to high levels of noise when inspecting field operations. 5. Lighting: Normal outdoor conditions, with chance exposure to extreme weather conditions. 6. Ventilation: Heating and air conditioning provided by a vehicle. 7. Dust or Fumes: Normal outdoor levels associated with pollen, dust, vehicle exhaust, etc. May be exposed to fumes from heavy equipment used by staff in the field. HAZARDS: Mechanical or electrical exposure is minimal when properly using standard office equipment such as a telephone, computer, multi-function machines, printer, copier, calculator, adding machine, fax machine, VCR, television, microphone, easel, overhead projector, tape recorder, etc. When working or traveling in the field, there is some exposure to mechanical hazards while utilizing a vehicle. ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS: Minimal exposure to fumes occurs in a typical office environment. Typical office exposure may result from use of copiers, dry erase pens, liquid paper, toner cartridges, ink pens, or other office supplies or equipment. REQUIREMENTS, TRAINING, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: 1. A Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in civil engineering, construction management, environmental sciences, public administration, business administration or a related field of study. 2. Five (5) years of progressively responsible experience in public works operations to include experience in at least three of the following operational areas: facilities, fleet, parks & landscape, street maintenance, waste water collection systems, urban forest management, and water distribution and conservation. 3. At least three (3) years of experience in a supervisory level position supervising public works operations personnel to include making hiring recommendations, training, evaluating, and making disciplinary recommendations. 4. Possession of certifications in the areas of water distribution, waste water collection, urban forest management highly desired. 5. Registration as a Professional Civil Engineer by the State of California desired, but not required. 6. Possess and maintain a valid California Driver License and a safe driving record necessary to operate assigned vehicle(s). 7. Pass a post-offer medical examination, which includes a drug test. 8. Pass a background check for employment including a Department of Justice criminal record check. 9. Prefer non-tobacco user. 10. Prefer bilingual (English/Spanish).