10/08/2012 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/05/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING 6:00 P.M. Monday, October 8, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki. INTRODUCTIONS City Clerk Shawna Freels administered the Oath of Office to the four new Commissioners and two incumbents. She also provided the Commission with an overview of the City Clerk’s Office. Mayor Pinheiro gave his annual presentation to the Commission. The Youth Commission was invited to approach the Mayor or any other City Council Member with questions, comments and concerns. ROLL CALL & SECRETARY’S REPORT All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Medina who was absent. Others present: Recreation Specialist Julian Mireles and Alex Chen with the Greenbelt Alliance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Commissioner Triolo motioned to approve the minutes and Commissioner Cabatin gan seconded that motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Commissioner Kang motioned to approve the agenda and Commissioner Dorn seconded that motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion on New GYC Logo and Shirts Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki gave an overview of previous efforts to create a new logo for the Gilroy Youth Commission and order new shirts and jackets for Commission members to wear when attending official functions. A sub-committee was formed consisting of Commissioners Voorhees and Dorn. They agreed to come up with new ideas for presentation to the group at the November meeting. The group was also asked to consider how the Commission would pay for the shirts and jackets once approved. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on Role of Youth Commissioners Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki gave a brief overview of what it means to be part of the City of Gilroy Youth Commission. The Commissioners were provided with reference materials in regards to the Brown Act, Open Government Ordinance and the Youth Commission Bylaws and an overview of each was given. B. Discussion/Description of Youth Commission Officer Duties Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki provided reference materials and a description of the officer positions and their duties. C. Nominations for Commission Officers for 2012-2013 Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki opened up the following positions for nomination: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Recording Secretary, Gang Task Force Representative and City Council Representative. The following nominations were made and will be voted on at the next meeting: Chair – Commissioners Triolo and Cabatingan, Vice-Chair – Commissioners Triolo, Cabatingan and Dorn, Recording Secretary – Commissioners Minor and Sabharwal, Gang Task Force Representative – Commissioners Baxter and Kang, City Council Representative – Commissioner Filice. D. Discussion of Events for the Year Recreation Specialist Julian Mireles distributed reference materials and discussed the event calendar for the 2012 – 2013 year. Guest Alex Chen from the Greenbelt Alliance gave an overview of an upcoming project. The Gilroy Youth Commission will take part in the production of a video about health targeting high school-aged teenagers. The video will show how the built environment affects teenagers’ health with the goal being to inspire youth to engage in their local government. The Youth Commission will serve as actors and advisors for the project. Commissioners Baxter, Minor and Dorn volunteered to be part of a sub-committee to assist Alex with scouting locations and picking dates to shoot the video. E. Discussion/Information on Monthly Work Meetings Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki provided an overview of what work meetings are, and explained that there would not be a work meeting every month, but that they would be held on an as-needed basis. F. Discussion on Fundraising Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki explained that the Youth Commission would need to fundraise in order to raise money to accomplish their yearly goals. The Commission provided a number of ideas such as a Black Bear Diner fundraiser, car wash and bake sale. It was also suggested that the Commission approach any contacts they or their families have as well as local business. The Commission was tasked with brainstorming and coming back to the group with additional concrete ideas. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Commissioner Dorn suggested that any work meetings be added to the agenda. STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, November 5, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. __________________________________ Recreation Coordinator/Advisor Anna Bielecki Recording Secretary