09/11/2017 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/09/2017CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING 6:00 P.M. Monday, September 11, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Vice Chair Sabharwal. ROLL CALL & SEC'RETARV'S REPORT . Members Present: Athwal, M. Plaza, A. Plaza, Sabharwal, Apte, Lopez, Song (left at 6:50pm) Members Excused: Carpenter, Drews, Fajardo, and O'Connor Members Absent: None Staff Present: Monica S endej as APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion .was made by Commissioner Apte to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2017 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner A. Plaza. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0-0 vote. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the agenda - for Monday, September 11, � 2017. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athwal. The motion carried unanimously with a 7-0-0 vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. GPAC — Commissioner Apte gave an overview of GPAC and explained that the group advises on how the City of Gilroy wants to develop economically, as well as housing and using city land in different ways. 'Commissioner Apte reported that GPAC has met twice so far and that he's really enjoying being on the committee. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. CMAP Membership — Commissioner Apte gave a refresher of the information he shared at the May meeting in regards to the services available through Community Media Access Partnership (CMAP). A membership for the Youth Commission would be $100 per year, which would give the Youth Commission access to borrowing equipment, using the recording studio, airing recordings of Youth Commission events, games or other youth - oriented programming on the CMAP channel. With the membership, three Youth Commissioners would be representatives of the group and have access to CMAP equipment. and services. After some discussion, Commissioner Apte suggested it would be best to table the vote for a CMAP Membership until the Youth Commission wants to discuss it again. B. Discussion re: Brown Act and Conflict of Interest Training — Staff Sendejas shared the links City Clerk Shawna Freels had provided and reminded the Youth Commissioners they needed to watch the video. Staff Monica Sendejas also passed around the PowerPoint presentation from Berliner. Cohen LLP for the Youth Commissioners to review. Commissioner Apte asked Staff Sendejas to put together a consolidated version of the presentation for the group at the next meeting, especially since new commissioners will have been appointed by that date. C. Discussion re: Slack Communication —.Commissioner Athwal shared that he had been researching Slack and that there was a way to archive communication with the application, which would then enable the Youth Commission to -meet the Public Information ' Act. Staff Sendejas shared a clarification email to the Commissioners from City Clerk Shawna Freels, which read , in part "Use of social. media, email, text, slack or any other form of communication between a majority of the membership of any policy body regarding items of business within their subject matter jurisdiction is prohibited under the Brown Act. There is no correlation with the Public Records Act whatsoever with this regard. Discussions of the membership should always be held in open, public meetings, including the planning of events, programs and discussion of items coming before them. If our policy bodies wish to utilize social media to announce events and programs with the general public the use cannot include a dialog between the public with the policy body itself. Staff should take the lead in coordinating these forms of dialog to avoid any potential Brown Act violation. Any communication distributed to our policy body members by staff should be informational only and shouldn't include a prompt to reply all." Staff Sendejas reiterated again that this is why the Commissioners need to watch the Brown Act training so. they are familiar with these items. Vice Chair Sabharwal asked if it would'be possible for the Commissioners to get a city email and Staff Sendejas told the Commission she would look into it. and report back at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion of Fundraising Efforts — Commissioner A. Plaza reported he would like to see the Youth Commission do a fundraising event in partnership' with Habit, Black Bear Diner, Chipotle or Panda Express. After some discussion of past events and fundraising efforts, it was determined that Commissioner A. Plaza would further research the fundraising opportunities offered by the four restaurants and report back at the next meeting the percentage of support each restaurant would give, confirm that the partnership was acceptable with government (since this is a fiindraising opportunity typically available to non-profit agencies only). Commissioner A.. Plaza asked that the Youth Commission vote on this item at the next meeting. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Consolidated Version of the Brown Act Training Vote on Fundraising Efforts Youth Commission Apparel Robert's Rules of Order Cheat Sheet Training STAFF COMMENTS Staff S endej as thanked Commissioners Fajardo, Apte and S abharwal for honoring their commitment and working at the Kids Discover Arts booth on Saturday, August 26, .2017. Staff Sendejas also thanked Commissioner M. Plaza for his years of service on the Commission and wished him well as he was leaving to college. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Sabharwal adjourned the meeting at 6:57 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, October .9, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. AA 0 � Monica Sendejas, Recreation Coordinator City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor Recording Secretary