10/09/2017 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/13/2017CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING 6:00 P.M. Monday, October 9, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Sabharwal. ROLL CALL & SECRETARY'S REPORT Members Present: A. Apte, K. Apte, Athwal, Chargin, Fajardo, Kolagotla (arrived at 6:05pm), S abharwal, and Song Members Excused: None Members Absent: Lopez and Plaza Staff Present: Monica Sendejas and Adam Henig APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner A. Apte to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2017 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. Commissioner Kolagotla was absent for this vote). (Commissioner Kolagotla was absent for this vote). APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the agenda for Monday, October 9, 2017. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chargin. The motion carried unanimously with an 8-0-0 vote (Commissioner Kolagotla was absent for this vote). INTRODUCTIONS The newly appointed Commissioners were welcome and' the group did introductions, giving their name, school, year in school and years of involvement with the Youth Commission. Recreation Manager Adam Henig introduced himself. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. GPAC — Commissioner Apte gave an overview of GPAC and reported that no decisions have been made to date by GPAC. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Fundraising Efforts — Since Commissioner Plaza was absent and this was an item he was reporting on, this agenda item was tabled for the next meeting. B. Youth Commission Communication — Adam Henig reviewed the purpose of the Brown Act and how it came into existence. There was dialog about appropriate methods of communication between Commissioners. These were the recommended best practices that were discussed in depth: 1) Commission business should never be discussed outside of a public meeting, 2) if a Commissioner needs to get a message out to the entire Commission (like a reminder of what time to be somewhere), the Commissioner needs to push this message through Staff Sendejas, who in turn will send out an email to the rest of the Commissioners, 3) sub -committees should not have more than three (3) Commissioners, and 4) text messaging, social media and Slack should not be used to conduct Youth Commission business. Adam also shared the City Clerk had informed him recently that the City of Gilroy is working on getting the Commissioners city email addresses. NEW BUSINESS A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair of 2017-18 Youth Commission — A motion was made by Commissioner Fajardo nominating Commissioner Sabharwal as Chair- for 2017-18. The motion was seconded by Commissioner A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. B. Youth Commission Orientation — Staff Sendejas provided a brief orientation to the Commissioners that included the bylaws, a summary of the Robert's Rules of Order, a summary of the Brown Act, and City Council Meeting dates. C. 2017-18 Meeting Calendar — The Youth Commission meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from September through May at 6:00pm at the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. A motion was made by Commissioner Athwal to approve the 2017-18 Regular Meeting Calendar. The motion was seconded by Commissioner K. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. D. Annual Retreat Date - A motion was made by Commissioner Song to hold the Annual Youth Commission Retreat on Friday, November 17, 2017 from 4:00 to 8:00pm at the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. The motion was seconded by Commissioner A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. E. Youth Commission Apparel — Although Commissioner Plaza was not present at the meeting, the Commissioners decided they still wanted to have discussion regarding apparel for the year. After discussion, it was decided that Staff Sendejas and Commissioner Athwal would both obtain quotes to be presented at the next meeting for the following items: t-shirt with silkscreen logo on left chest, polo shirt with embroidery on left chest, quarter (1 /4) zip sweatshirt with embroidery and a quote with silkscreen. It was agreed upon that the shirt colors are to be navy blue or charcoal. There is to be a ladies' cut option in the quote as well. Because the Youth Commissioners don't wear the polo's very often, it was suggested that the Commissioners could purchase four (4) polo shirts in the style the Youth Commission already had for the new Commissioners. Staff Sendejas will get a quote for those four black polo shirts. At the next meeting, the Commissioners will review the bids from Staff Sendejas and from Commissioner Athwal and make their selections. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Socializing with Youth Commissions from other Cities YAC Attack 2018 Vote on Fundraising Efforts' Youth Commission Apparel Safe Routes to School STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner K. Apte to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. Chair Sabharwal adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, November 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. 1400M QAJ , qi� Monica Sendejas, Rec eation Coordinator City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor Recording Secretary Gilroy Youth Commission Regular Business Meetings for 2017-2018 Meetings will be held at the Senior Center Meeting Room every 2„ d Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. Monday, September 11, 2017 Monday, October 9,,2017 Monday, November 13, 2017 Monday, December 11, 2017 Monday, January 8, 2018 Monday, February 12, 2018 Monday, March 12, 2018 Monday, April 9, 2018 Monday, May, 14, 2018