11/13/2017 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 12/11/2017CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR YOUTH COMMISSION MEETING 6:00 P.M. Monday, November 13, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chair Sabharwal. ROLL CALL & SECRETARY'S REPORT Members Present: A. Apte, K. Apte, Athwal, Chargin, Fajardo, Kolagotla, Sabharwal, Sanchez Del Real and Song Members Excused: None Members Absent: Lopez and Plaza Staff Present: Monica Sendejas The agenda for the Youth Commission regular meeting was posted in the public notice cabinet at City Hall on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 2:33 p.m. The agenda and the November Meeting Packet were distributed and posted to the City website on Tuesday, November 7, 2017 at 2:37 p.m. Staff was out of town at a training on November 8 and 9, so the meeting packets went out early. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion was made by Vice Chair A. Apte to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2017 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athwal. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the agenda for Monday, November 13, 2017. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. INTRODUCTIONS None. PUBLIC COMMENT Zachary Hilton introduced himself as the Chair of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. He shared regrets about not being able to stay for the entire meeting due to the City Council Special Meeting tonight. Chair Hilton shared that the Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is heavily involved with the Safe Routes to School Program and encouraged the Youth Commission to become involved with the project. Chair Hilton offered assistance with the project and encouraged the Youth Commissioners to feel free to contact him or any of the Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioners (contact information on the city website) or to have Staff Sendejas reach out to them if the Youth Commission wanted to collaborate on any projects. OLD BUSINESS A. Fundraising Efforts — Since Commissioner Plaza was absent and this was an item he was reporting on, this agenda item was tabled for the next meeting. B. Fireworks Booth Fundraising Results — The Youth Commission raised $1,420.05 for one day of volunteer work on July 3, 2017. Staff Sendejas will let the Commissioners know in March or April if we will be doing this fundraiser again in 2018. If we do the fundraiser, each Commissioner would need to secure a volunteer who is 18 years or older to work for them in the booth. Staff Sendejas will share further information when it becomes available. C. Youth Commission Retreat on Friday, November 17, 2017 — The retreat will be this Friday from 4:00 to 8:OOpm. We will share the accomplishments from last year with the new Commissioners, and then develop our goals and objectives for the year as well as plan the projects and/or events for the year. Staff Sendejas will order pizzas and the Commissioners will bring desserts and drinks (other than water). D. Youth Commission Apparel — Commissioner Athwal and Staff Sendejas presented various options for apparel from two different vendors. A motion was made by Vice Chair Apte to order charcoal color silkscreened t-shirts for all the Youth Commissioners, charcoal colored embroidered sweatshirts for all the Youth Commissioners, and four black polo shirts that match last year's design for the new Commissioners. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation by Santa Clara County: Safe Routes to School Project — Alisa Arce with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department. Ms. Arce shared she is one of two Coordinators in Gilroy and they work with the middle schools and a couple of elementary schools in Gilroy. The Safe Routes to School program is to primarily encourage children to walk or bike to school and to make sure they are safe doing so. Ms. Arce would like to see the Youth Commission get involved and so she shared the history of why Safe Routes to School was developed and then focused her presentation on ways Public Health and the Youth Commission can work together on a project. The Youth Commission has several project options: they could promote at least 3 car free days or walk & roll days with the local high schools; develop at least 3 traffic safety media messages or PSA videos; or they could promote or recommend 3-5 different routes to high schools through data collection. If the Youth Commission were to take this on, Public Health would support the work with training and technical assistance and supplies and materials for implementing projects. Ms. Arce would really like to see Gilroy High School as the target school as there are elementary schools in that area. The project would need to be completed by June 2019. Chair Sabharwal thanked Ms. Arce for her presentation and informed her that the Youth Commission would discuss this project further and make a decision about their involvement at the Youth Commission Retreat on Friday. B. YAC Attack 2018 on Saturday, March 10, 2018 in Cupertino — Chair Sabharwal, shared his prior experiences at YAC Attack conferences. This event is not mandatory for all Commissioners, but is highly encouraged. Transportation will be available for the Youth Commissioners. Once the registration fee has been paid, a Commissioner's commitment to .the event is confirmed. Staff Sendejas will share the flyer and registration information with the Youth Commission when it becomes available. For now, all Commissioners are encouraged to save the date on their calendar. C. Socializing with Youth Commissions from Other Cities — Commissioner Fajardo would like to see the Gilroy Youth Commission do a meet and greet type of event with the Youth Commissions from San Juan Bautista and/or Morgan Hill in January or February. Commissioner Fajardo shared his ideas for such an event to include: having dinner together, something like pizza, Mexican food, or other food options; a variety of ice breaker activities like basketball, clapping game, name tag game, etc.; and then an exchange of ideas, events, and programming done by these Commissions. Commissioner Fajardo shared the Youth Commission has held an event like this in the past and held the activities in Wheeler. After some discussion, the consensus was to table this topic to the Retreat on Friday when the work plan and calendar of events is being set for the year. D. Gilroy Holiday Parade Invitation — Melanie Corona, Executive Director of the Downtown Business Association invited the Youth Commissioners to pull Santa's Sleigh again this year in the Gilroy Downtown Holiday Parade. A motion was made by Commissioner Song to accept the invitation to pull Santa's sleigh in the Gilroy Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 2, 2017. The motion was seconded by Commissioner A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. GPAC — Commissioner Apte reported they recently had a meeting at which they voted on the company who is going to do research to compare different plans for the area in front of Christopher High School to see how each plan would affect the city and growth. The next meeting won't be for several months as the company needs time to conduct the research. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING None. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Sendejas confirmed all Commissioners had received the information about their city email address. Staff Sendejas collected all the shirt sizes from the Youth Commissioners for the apparel order. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner A. Apte to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. Chair Sabharwal adjourned the meeting at 7:23 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The Annual Retreat will be held on Friday, November 17, 2017 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. r Monica Sendejas, Recreation Coordinator City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor Recording Secretary