01/08/2018 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/12/2018CITY OF GILROY
6:00 P.M.
Monday, January 8, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chair Sabharwal.
Members Present: A. Apte (late), K. Apte (late), Athwal (left early), Chargin, Fajardo,
Kolagotla (left early), Lopez Vega, Sabharwal, Sanchez Del Real and Song
Members Excused: None
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Monica Sendejas
The agenda for the Youth Commission regular meeting was posted in the public notice cabinet at
City Hall on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 2:20 p.m. The agenda and January Meeting Packet
were distributed to Commissioners and posted to the City website on Tuesday, January 2, 2018
at 2:26 p.m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Chargin to approve the minutes of the December 11,
2017 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athwal. The
motion carried unanimously with an 8-0-0 vote (Commissioners A. Apte and K. Apte were
not present for this vote).
Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the agenda for Monday, January 8,
2018. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athwal. The motion carried
unanimously with an 8-0-0 vote (Commissioners A. Apte and K. Apte were not present for
this vote).
A. YAC Attack 2018 Workshop, Roundtable & Debate Proposal — Chair Sabharwal asked
Commissioners to share what they had prepared for the YAC Attack Proposal. Commissioner
Fajardo shared his idea for a Coffee and Conversation Roundtable or Debate. After some
dialog, the Commissioners agreed they would submit a proposal for a debate for 30 seats
with a hosted hot cocoa bar. The topic for debate would be "should mental health services
should be offered in schools". The debate would follow the Socrates system. For the next
meeting, the Commissioners agreed each person would come with two prepared questions
that could be debated. The questions would be compiled so that if the conversation slowed
during the YAC Attack session, then another question could be asked and debated.
Commissioner Fajardo will take the lead on preparing the proposal form and will send it to
Staff Sendejas. Since the proposal isn't due until February 23, 2018, the Commissioners felt
it would be best to practice the debate at the next meeting and then finalize any changes to
the proposal, if needed. A motion was made by Commissioner Fajardo to table the vote
on the submission of the proposal until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Chargin. The motion carried unanimously with a 10-0-0 vote.
B. YAC Attack 2018 Attendees on Saturday, March 10, 2018 Cupertino — Staff Sendejas
shared she had received the link to register Commissioners for the YAC Attack Conference
on Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 8:30am to 4:00pm in Cupertino. The city will provide
transportation for the Commissioners and we would probably leave at 7:00am and may not
be back in Gilroy until 5:00 or 5:30pm. Staff Sendejas said that we would be voting on who
could attend the conference, and that once Commissioners committed to going to the event, if
they were to back out then their absence would count as an unexcused absence since a
registration fee will be paid for each Commissioner who is committing to attend. Some
Commissioners wanted more time to confirm their schedules before committing to the event
with a vote. Commissioners Athwal and A. Apte stated they will not be able to attend.
Commissioners Sabharwal, Lopez Vega, Chargin, K. Apte, Kolagotla, and Fajardo indicated
they would like to attend. Commissioners Song and Sanchez Del Real will know by the next
meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Kolagotla to table the vote on conference
attendees until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Song. The
motion carried unanimously with a 10-0-0 vote.
C. Pampered Princess Party on April 14, 2018 — Commissioner Sanchez Del Real asked for
updates on each sub -committee. Commissioner Kolagotla had reached out to Mariah
Carpenter and shared the shopping list and tips that Mariah had given her. Staff Sendejas said
she would bring the box of supplies left over from last year to the next meeting.
a. Hair — Commissioner Kolagotla will email Staff Sendejas a supply list.
b. Nails — Commissioner Lopez Vega will also provide a shopping list to Staff Sendejas.
She felt her budget would be about $40, since nail polish is $1.99 at the location she
knows. She asked that those Commissioners who have nail polish bring them to the
next meeting so she would know how many bottles and what colors need to be
c. Arts & Crafts — Commissioners K. Apte and Song agreed on the crowns and asked
Staff Sendejas to go ahead and order them. They will need a budget of about $75.
d. Photo Booth — Commissioners Chargin confirmed her father agreed to be the
photographer for the event and will bring all of his equipment. He will be able to
provide digital images of the shots taken that day to Staff Sendejas so they can be
posted on the Recreation Facebook page. Commissioner Fajardo will ask his neighbor
if he has props that can be borrowed for the participants to use for the pictures. Staff
Sendejas will purchase the $18 castle backdrop banner for the event.
e. Face Painting — Vice Chair Apte has recruited one volunteer. He does not need to
purchase any supplies as we already have face painting supplies. Staff Sendejas
suggested he have a poster board with 5-6 face painting options available for the
participants to choose from on the day of the event.
f. Publicity and Donations — Chair Sabharwal will work on getting snack donations
and hair product donations from salons. Staff Sendejas will have flyers available at
the next meeting for Chair Sabharwal to post at local businesses such as Starbucks,
Jamba Juice, Nob Hills, etc. Commissioner Athwal will be helping with publicity and
g. Flyer — Staff Sendejas will update the flyer with the minor changes and bring copies
to the next meeting. Staff Sendejas will place an ad in the Recreation Activity Guide
and will promote the event on the Recreation Department social media outlets.
Commissioner Lopez Vega will create a play list for the event of child -appropriate music.
The Commissioners felt about $75 would be needed for decorations like balloons and table
cloths. A motion was made by Vice Chair A. Apte to approve a budget of $300 for the
Pampered Princess Party. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sanchez Del
Real. The motion carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote (Commissioner Kolagotla was
not present for this vote). A motion was made by Vice Chair A. Apte to approve that
any tips collected that day be donated to the City of Gilroy Recreation Department
Scholarship Fund. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. The motion
carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 'vote (Commissioner Kolagotla was not present for
this vote).
D. Website Design Project Development — Vice Chair A. Apte reported that he doesn't have
an update of the website since he did not receive any emails from Commissioners. He has
been doing some minor modifications, but is awaiting the information from the
Commissioners to continue building the website. Vice Chair A. Apte has reduced the number
of tabs from ten to three to be job opportunities, volunteer opportunities and extra -curricular
opportunities. Vice Chair Apte explained to the Commissioners what information he needs
and that it should be sent to his city email address and he will copy and paste the information
into the placeholders on the website. These are the topic areas that Commissioners have
chosen to work on:
a. Webmaster — Vice Chair Apte
b. Web Apprentice, Job Etiquette and Interviewing Tips — Commissioner K. Apte
c. Medical Field — Commissioners Fajardo and Athwal
d. Arts — Commissioner Chargin
e. Music & Extra -Curricular Activities — Commissioner Song
f. Working with Youth — Commissioner Sanchez Del Real
g. Sports — Commissioner Kolagotla
h. Skill -related Tips and Trades — Chair Sabharwal
i. Environment — Commissioner Lopez Vega
A. GPAC — Vice Chair Apte reported the GPAC is scheduled to meet next month, according to
the original schedule that was provided to him.
Practice the Proposal for YAC Attack
YAC Attack Attendees Vote
Pampered Princess Party with Sub -Committee reports
Website Design Updates with Sub -Committee reports
Staff Sendejas shared two informational items:
• YES Conference flyer: the event will be held on Saturday, February 24, 2018 at Laney
• YTRS High School Scholarship Award Application for 2018. Applications are due by
Thursday, January 25, 2018.
A motion was made by Commissioner K. Apte to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
seconded by Vice Chair A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with an 5-0-0 vote
(Commissioners Athwal and Kolagotla were not present for this vote). Chair Sabharwal
adjourned the meeting at 7:22 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, February 12, 2018
at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room.
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Monica Sendejas, Recrea ion Coordinator
City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor
Recording Secretary