02/12/2018 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/12/2018CITY OF GILROY
6:00 P.M.
Monday, February 12, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chair Sabharwal.
New Youth Commission Ethan Pace was introduced to the Commission. Commissioner Pace is a
freshman at Gilroy High School.
Members Present: A. Apte, K. Apte, Athwal, Fajardo, Kolagotla, Pace, Sabharwal, Sanchez
Del Real, and Song (left early)
Members Excused: Lopez Vega and Chargin
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Monica Sendejas
The agenda for the Youth Commission regular meeting was posted in the public notice cabinet at
City Hall on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at 1:07 p.m. The agenda and February Meeting
Packet were distributed to Commissioners and posted to the City website on Wednesday,
February 7, 2018 at 1:13 p.m.
Motion was made by Vice Chair A. Apte to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2018
regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner K. Apte. The
motion carried with an 8-0-1 vote (Commissioner Pace abstained because he was not
present, at the January 8th meeting).
Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the agenda for February 12, 2018.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fajardo. The motion carried unanimously
with a 9-0-0 vote.
A. YAC Attack 2018 Workshop, Roundtable & Debate Proposal - Commissioner Fajardo
reviewed the draft of the YAC Attack Debate proposal. Commissioner Fajardo explained the
Socratic method of debate and shared four articles (two for and two against mental health
care in schools) that will be used at the debate. After reviewing the articles and discussing the
flow of the debate, minor suggestion to the debate proposal were suggested. Under Session
Description, change the first sentence to read "Debate whether mental health services should
be provided in school" and correct the spelling of "Services" in the Session Title. A motion
was made by Commissioner Fajardo to approve the YAC Attack Debate Proposal with
the suggested changes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Athwal. The motion
carried unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. The proposal will be submitted by email and USPS
on February 13, 2018 by Staff Sendejas.
B. YAC Attack 2018 Attendees on Saturday, March 10, 2018 Cupertino — Staff Sendejas
asked the Commission who would be attending YAC Attack as she needs to register and pay
for attending Commissioners. Because. of the registration and fee process, anyone who is
commits to attend YAC Attack and later is unable to attend will have their absence reflected
as unexcused. Commissioners Chargin, Fajardo, Kolagotla, Sabharwal and K. Apte
committed to attending the YAC Attack conference. The attire will be the charcoal Youth
Commission t-shirts and gray sweatshirts. A motion was made by Vice Chair A. Apte to
approve the registration and payment for YAC Attack for the five Commissioners.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sanchez Del Real. The motion carried
unanimously with a 9-0-0 vote. Details will be emailed to the attending Commissioners
from Staff Sendejas as we get closer to the event, which will be before the next meeting:
C. Pampered Princess Party on April 14, 2018 - The Commissioners looked at the supplies
left over from the previous year. Then the following updates were reported:
a. Hair - Commissioner Kolagotla has secured 8 volunteers. She will need about 30
combs, about 500 bobby pins, and the blue liquid disinfectant for the combs.
b. Nails Commissioner Sanchez Del Real will help with the nails booth. She will see
how much nail polish she has and then will let Staff Sendejas know so she can
purchase more nail polish. Commissioner Sanchez Del Real will also work on
volunteer recruitment. There was not an update from Commissioner Vega Lopez.
c. Arts & Crafts — Staff Sendejas reported the crowns have been ordered and have
arrived and $66.45 of the $75 budget has been spent. Commissioner Song suggested
an added arts & craft activity of beaded bracelets. Since the approved budget is not
sufficient to cover the additional expense, the Commissioners will need to motion and
vote to increase the budget for this line item at the next meeting. Commissioner K.
Apte has 4 potential volunteers he is in the process of recruiting. Commissioner Pace
will join this subcommittee and will recruit a volunteer or two to assist the day of the
d. Photo Booth — The backdrop for the photo booth has been purchased. Commissioner
Chargin has secured a professional photographer for the event. Commissioner Fajardo
is working on gathering props for the photo booth.
e. Face Painting Vice Chair Apte has recruited 3 volunteers. One volunteer is
employed as a face painter and will be training the volunteers in this area on face
painting. This volunteer may bring their own face painting supplies, and there are also
the face painting supplies that were borrowed. from the Recreation Department.
f. Publicity And Donations — Chair Sabharwal drafted a letter to solicit donations from
places like Target, Costco, Nob Hill and salons. He is on break from school next
week and will work on securing donations. Commissioner Athwal will send out a
volunteer recruitment email to. GECA students asking for help from 8:OOam to
1:OOpm on Saturday, April 14, 2018.
g. Flyer — Staff Sendejas provided 50 flyer and 100 postcards to Chair Sabharwal for
distribution and promotion. Staff Sendejas shared the draft of the ad that will go in the
Recreation Activity Guide. Staff Sendejas will promote the event on the Recreation
Department social media outlets when we get closer to the date.
D. Website Design Project Development — Vice Chair A. Apte reported he still needs
information from the Commissioners to continue building the website. Vice Chair A. Apte
requested that Commissioners submit their information by March 2 so that he can update the
website and have something for the Commission to review at the next meeting. Staff
Sendejas will send out a sample template to the group to follow. These are the topic areas
that Commissioners have chosen to work on:
a. Webmaster — Vice Chair Apte
b. Web Apprentice, Job Etiquette and Interviewing Tips — Commissioner K. Apte
has submitted his information.
c. Medical Field = Staff Sendejas will forward Commissioner Fajardo's email.
Commissioner Athwal. will submit information about Kaiser.
d. Arts — Commissioner Chargin is waiting for calls back and
e. Music & Extra -Curricular Activities — Commissioner Song will submit
information about a local teen symphony and will continue to gather information in
this area.
f. Working with Youth — Commissioner Sanchez Del Real will resend her information
and copy Staff Sendejas on the email.
g. Sports — Staff Sendejas will forward Commissioner Kolagotla information.
h. Skill -related Tips and Trades — Chair Sabharwal presented information he's
gathered and will email his information to Vice Chair A. Apte.
i. Environment was changed to Recreation — Commissioner Lopez Vega did not send
any information to present at the meeting; Commissioner Pace joined this
A. GPAC. — Vice Chair Apte reported the GPAC did not meet in February and they will be
meeting in March.
Revisit budget for Pampered Princess Party (arts & crafts supply budget)
Debrief on YAC Attack
Staff Sendejas shared the Poppy Jasper Film Festival Volunteer Recruitment Letter with the
Commissioners and encouraged them to contact Joan Buchanan if able to volunteer.
A motion was made by Commissioner K. Apte to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
seconded by Vice Chair A. Apte. The motion carried unanimously with an 8-0-0 vote
(Commissioner Song was not present for this vote). Chair Sabharwal adjourned the meeting
at 7:06 p.m. -
The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, March 12, 2018 at
6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room.
Monica Sendejas, Rec ation Coordinator
City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor
Recording Secretary