10/08/2018 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 11/12/2018CITY OF GILROY
6:00 P.M.
Monday, October 8, 2018
The regular meeting of the Youth Commission was called to order by Chair Akash Sabharwal at
6:00 p.m.
The meeting packet was posted on the City's website on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 12:00
p.m. and the agenda was posted in the Public Notice Cabinet on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at
11:53 a.m.
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Members Present: Commissioner Bryan Alonso, Commissioner Kenneth Apte, Commissioner,
Bettye Chargin, Vice Chair Justin Fajardo, Commissioner Senna Kolagotla, Commissioner
Edwin Lopez, Chair Akash Sabharwal, Commissioner Vikash Sabharwal, Commissioner Paul
Song, Commissioner Jane Tovar and Commissioner Elizabeth Van Sambeek
Members Excused: None
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Monica S endej as and Vince ' Bautista
Motion was made by Commissioner Song to approve the minutes of the May 14, 2018
regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Chargin. The
motion carried with a 10-0-1 vote.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kolagotla to approve the agenda for Monday, October
8, 2018. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried unanimously
with an 11-0-0 vote.
The newly appointed Commissioners were welcome and the group did introductions, giving their
name, school, year in school, years of involvement with the Youth Commission and a favorite
Recreation Specialist Vince Bautista introduced himself. Staff Bautista will be taking over the
Youth Commission in December.
A. Youth Commission Orientation — Staff Sendejas provided a brief orientation to the
Commissioners that included the Youth Commission meeting dates, bylaws, a resolution by
City Council adopting a policy governing board, commission and committee attendance, a
summary of the Robert's Rules of Order, a summary of the Brown Act, and City Council
Meeting dates.
B. Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 2018-2019 — Commissioner Fajardo nominated
Commissioner Akash Sabharwal as Chair. Commissioner Akash Sabharwal accepted the
nomination. Commissioner Akash Sabharwal nominated Paul Song as Vice Chair and
Commissioner Song accepted. Commissioner Bettye Chargin nominated Commissioner
Justin Fajardo as Vice Chair and Commissioner Fajardo accepted. A motion was made by
Commissioner Fajardo, seconded by Commissioner Chargin and carried with a vote of
11-0-0 to select Akash Sabharwal as Chair of the Youth Commission for the 2018-2019
year. A motion was made by Commissioner Chargin, seconded by Commissioner
Kolagotla and carried with a 7-4-0 vote to select Justin Fajardo as Vice Chair of the
Youth Commission for the 2018-2019 year.
C. Annual Retreat Date — Staff Sendejas proposed that the next regular meeting be used as a
retreat to plan the upcoming year. Since the orientation was covered in this current meeting, a
4-hour retreat would not be necessary. With the pending social in November, if a retreat were
to be held on a Friday or Saturday, then the Youth Commission would be meeting three, tunes
in November. After discussion, a consensus was reached that retreat business could be
conducted at the next regular meeting. A motion was made by Vice Chair Fajardo to hold
the Annual Youth Commission Retreat at the next regular meeting on Monday,
November 12, 2018. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Kolagotla. The motion
carried unanimously with an 11-0-0 vote.
A. Website — Commissioner Apte gave an update on the website and reported that at the last
meeting, the Commission had voted to go live with the website using the name Gilroy Youth
Opportunities (GYO), pronounced G-yo. After much discussion, it was decided that the
Commission would hold off for a month to pay for the website subscription and go live. The
Commissioners agreed they needed to work on the sections further. The designated sections
of the website were reviewed and the new Commissioners selected areas to provide
information on to Commissioner Apte. Commissioner Apte asked that updates be sent to him
within two weeks and he will present the updated website at the next meeting. Staff Sendejas
will email a reminder to the Commissioners. New pictures of the Youth Commission were
also taken. Staff Sendejas said she would send out a reminder email.
a. Designated sections:
i. Webmaster Commissioner Kenneth Apte.
ii. Webmaster Apprentice — Vice Chair Fajardo is willing to help with anything
needed in this area.
iii. Arts & Music — Commissioners Bettye Chargin, Elizabeth Van Sambeek and
Paul. Song. Commissioner Song suggested the Music section be added to the
Arts section since they were so similar and Commission Chargin agreed. All
Commissioners were in consensus of this change..
iv. Medical — Vice Chair Fajardo and Commissioner Vikash Sabharwal.
Commissioner Vikash Sabharwal suggested listing the different fields that are
available in the medical field and resources for these fields. Vice Chair
Fajardo agreed to this addition.
v. Recreation — Commissioners Alonso and Lopez will work on this area with
help from Staff Bautista as this area of the website is currently blank.
vi. Sports — Commissioner Kolagotla and she reported this section is up to date.
vii. Skill Building Tips and Trades — Chair Akash Sabharwal. This section is
blank although the information was previously submitted.
viii. Working with Youth — The Commissioners agreed to delete this section since
it was very similar to Recreation.
ix. Job Etiquette — Commissioner Apte will update this area and include career
x. College Applications (New) — Vice Chair Fajardo and Commissioner Tovar
will work on this area.
xi. Test Prep (New) — Commissioners Song and Vikash Sabharwal will work on .
this section and will include general test taking tips as how to register for the
B. Social with Morgan, Hill and San Juan Bautista - Vice Chair Fajardo shared the
previously discussed ideas for the social with the Youth Commissions from Morgan Hill and
San Juan Bautista. The tentative dates previously reserved were November 15 & 16. The idea
would be that we would have some food, do some ice breaker activities, and then share the
work each group is doing within their City. It's an opportunity to network and gain new
methods and ideas for the Youth Commission to engage their community. The Commission
decided the best date would be Friday, November 16, 2018. Vice Chair Fajardo will reach
out to San Juan and Staff Sendejas will reach out to Morgan Hill to invite them to the social.
Social with Morgan Hill and San Juan Bautista
Retreat — Planning for 2018-2019
Youth Commission Apparel
Holiday Parade
The Recreation Activity Guide for the Winter/Spring 2019 is almost complete and will need to
be finalized before the next meeting. Staff Sendejas submitted an ad to promote the Pampered
Princess Party with the date of March 2, 2019 from 9:30 to 11:30am, which means the Youth
Commissioners would commit to working from 8:OOam to 12:30pm. Staff Sendejas asked if the
date was okay and if the Youth Commission wanted to run the ad or pull it from the Guide. Chair
Sabharwal said that he wouldn't be available on March 2 to attend the event, but that he would
recruit volunteers and do work ahead of time. The Youth Commission agreed on the March 2nd
date and requested that the ad run as is in the Recreation Activity Guide.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Fajardo to adjourn the meeting. The motion was
seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried unanimously with an 11-0-0 vote.
Chair Sabharwal adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Youth Commission will be held on Monday, November 12, 2018
at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room. This meeting will include the annual
Monica Sendejas, Recreation Coordinator
City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor
Recording Secretary