02/11/2019 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/11/2019 CITY OF GILROY YOUTH COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 11, 2019 6:00 p.m. Senior Center Meeting Room 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES Page 1 of 4 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Youth Commission was called to order by Commissioner Bettye Chargin at 6:07 p.m. Members Present: Chair Akash Sabharwal (late), Commissioner Bryan Alonso, Commissioner Kenneth Apte (late), Commissioner Bettye Chargin, Commissioner Elizabeth Van Sambeek, Commissioner Senna Kolagotla (left early), Commissioner Edwin Lopez, Commissioner Vikash Sabharwal, Commissioner Paul Song and Commissioner Jane Tovar Members Excused: Vice Chair Justin Fajardo Members Absent: None Staff Present: Sandra Cruz II. FLAG SALUTE III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The amended meeting packet was posted on the City’s website on Friday, February 8, 2019 at 2:50 p.m. and the agenda was posted in the Public Notice Cabinet on Friday, February 8, 2019, at 9:15 a.m. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Kolagotla to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2019 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner V. Sabharwal. The Commission didn’t vote on this item after the motions were made. They will need to motion and vote on this item at their next meeting. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Kolagotla to approve the minutes of the January 14, 2019 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner V. Sabharwal. The Commission didn’t vote on this item after the motions were made. They will need to motion and vote on this item at their next meeting. Page 2 of 4 VI. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None. VII. INTRODUCTIONS None. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentation by Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Adam J. Flores - Mr. Flores introduced himself to the Youth Commission and shared with them a little about his past work as a Deputy District Attorney and his transition into his current work with the Community Prosecution Unit. Their mission is to prevent juvenile crime, improve public safety and expand the community’s capacity to address these issues. Part of his job involves community outreach and collaboration with the community and his focus is in South County, specifically in Gilroy, San Martin and Morgan Hill. He is working to increase public safety in Gilroy and help prevent juvenile crime. He asked the Youth Commission to present a report or give him some idea of what issues are affecting youth in Gilroy because one of the ways these issues can be solved is by first knowing what they are. Mr. Flores said they could do a survey or get together and write down a list of what they believe the issues are that are affecting the youth of Gilroy. The Youth Commission agreed that they would each talk to friends and family and they would each bring the report to the next meeting. Mr. Flores said he would attend the next meeting as a follow-up. Motion was made by Commissioner Song that each Commissioner would survey family and friends and bring the report to the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Fajardo and Chair Sabharwal). B. Introduction of Budget Request Process for Fiscal Year 2020 and Fiscal Year 2021 - Staff Cruz explained the two-year fiscal budget process to the Youth Commission. She shared with them that in building the next two-year budget cycle, the Youth Commission is being asked for input as to how much money they think they will need in the next two years. The Youth Commission had extended discussion regarding their annual expenses for their projects, apparel and socials (YAC Attack and socials with other Youth Commissions) and how much they thought they would need to support their work plan. Motion was made by Commissioner Apte to request $1,000 per year from the general fund for the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lopez. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Fajardo and Commissioner Kolagotla). X. OLD BUSINESS A. Final Update on Pampered Princess Party - The Commissioners discussed the following: Page 3 of 4 Publicity - The Commissioners discussed promoting the event on the City’s social media sites, at the Library, Starbucks, Safeway, Nob Hills, and any children-based locations and businesses in Gilroy. The advertisement did run the Winter/Spring Activity Guide. Hair - Commissioner Tovar recruited another volunteer. She changed her request from flower headbands to a bouquet of fake flowers with stems to be able to pin in the girls’ hair (can be purchased at Michael’s or Amazon). She thought the headbands would be too expensive. Six tables needed. Nails - No update. Six tables needed. Arts and Crafts - No update. Four tables needed. Photo Booth - No update. One table needed. Face Painting - Commissioner V. Sabharwal reported he recruited another volunteer and he will send the link to Staff Bautista to order the face painting supplies. One table needed. Music - No update. Donations - Chair Sabharwal created the donation letter. He contacted Safeway and Costco. He will also reach out to Walmart tomorrow. Welcome Committee/Snacks - Commissioner Lopez and Commissioner Alonso recruited 30 people to help support the event. The Commissioners felt this was too many volunteers and asked them to limit it to 4 volunteers. Two tables needed. Entertainment - No update. Misc. Items - Need table cloths and center pieces for the tables. Staff Bautista will work on getting these items. Balloons were suggested again. The Youth Commissioners agreed to arrive at 8:30am on March 2. Volunteers will arrive at 9:00am. B. Post Review on Social with Morgan Hill and San Juan Bautista - The Commissioners shared that this was a great event and they exchanged contact information with Commissioners from Morgan Hill and San Juan Bautista. Some of the feedback received from the other Commissions is that next time they would prefer less physically active activities. Morgan Hill is possibly thinking of hosting an event in the future. C. Create May City Council Presentation - Chair Sabharwal would like the presentation completed by the end of March so that they can practice the presentation in April. The Holiday Parade, Breakfast with Santa and Pampered Princess Party should be included in the presentation. Page 4 of 4 Commissioners will individually work with Staff Bautista to collect pictures for the presentation. Due to Staff Bautista’s absence, Chair Sabharwal suggested that this item be tabled until the next meeting. The Commissioners agreed to bring ideas to the next meeting. Motion was made by Chair Sabharwal to table this item until the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Fajardo and Commissioner Kolagotla). XI. COMMITTEE REPORTS None. XII. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING May Presentation to Council Recap on Pampered Princess Party Budget Requests Process Follow-up Regarding Santa Clara District Attorney’s Office (2-3 issues facing youth in Gilroy) Motion was made by Commissioner Sabharwal to approve the agenda items for the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Fajardo and Commissioner Kolagotla). XIII. STAFF COMMENTS None. XIV. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner V. Sabharwal to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tovar. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Fajardo and Commissioner Kolagotla). Commissioner Chargin adjourned the meeting at 7:28 P.M. XV. FUTURE MEETINGS Vince Bautista, Recreation Specialist City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor Recording Secretary