05/13/2019 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/14/2019
MAY 13, 2019
6:00 p.m.
Senior Center Meeting Room
7371 Hanna Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
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The regular meeting of the Youth Commission was called to order by Chair A.
Sabharwal at 6:01 P.M.
Flag salute was led by Chair A.Sabharwal.
Members Present: Chair Akash Sabharwal, Vice Chair Justin Fajardo,
Commissioner Kenneth Apte, Commissioner Bettye Chargin, Commissioner
Elizabeth Van Sambeek, Commissioner Edwin Lopez, Commissioner Vikash
Sabharwal, Commissioner Paul Song and Commissioner Jane Tovar
Members Excused: Commissioner Senna Kolagotla
Members Absent: Commissioner Bryan Alonso
Staff Present: Vince Bautista
The meeting packet was posted on the City’s website on Wednesday, May 8, 2019
at 12:40 P.M. and the agenda was posted in the Public Notice Cabinet on
Wednesday, May 8, 2019, at 12:50 P.M.
A. April 8, 2019
Motion was made by Chair Fajardo to approve the minutes of the April 8,
2019 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
Lopez. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Alonso
and Commissioner Kolagotla).
Motion was made by Commissioner Apte to approve the agenda of the May 13,
2019 regular meeting as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
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Song. The motion carried with a 9-0-2 vote (Absent: Commissioner Alonso and
Commissioner Kolagotla).
Staff Bautista introduced City of Gilroy Deputy City Clerk Suzanne Guzzetta. Staff
Bautista explained to Gilroy Youth Commissioners the role that Suzanne Guzzetta
follows at the City of Gilroy. One of Suzanne duties is to serve as a city liaison
between the public and City Council and is the local official who administers local
legislative actions. Suzanne also has access to City records and ensures that all
Commissions follow local, federal and state acts including the Brown Act and the
Political Reform Act. Suzanne is a great resource for any questions regarding
Commissions or City related matters.
A. Status of Budget Input for Commission Related Items for
Upcoming Budget Cycle 2020-2021
Staff Bautista had no update on the upcoming budget cycle for 2020-2021.
Furthermore, staff Bautista will keep the Youth Commission updated once the
decision is made.
B. Recap on May City Council Presentation
Staff Bautista rewarded the Gilroy Youth Commission for all there hard work and
dedication to the Commission. Chair A. Sabharwal and Vice Chair Fajardo did very
well in there May Presentation to City Council on May 6, 2019. Staff Bautista also
gave kudos to the rest of the Commission for helping prepare Chair A. Sabharwal
and Vice Chair Fajardo for the May Presentation. Chair A. Sabharwal commented
on the success of the Gilroy Youth Commission for the year in planning and
participating in events such as the Pampered Princess Party, Breakfast with Santa,
Community Social with San Juan Bautista and the Holiday Parade. Furthermore,
Commissioner Tovar recognized the Commission for doing a great job in the
presentation and for the year.
A. Youth Commission Handbook Presentation by Deputy City Clerk
Suzanne Guzzetta
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Deputy City Clerk Suzanne Guzzetta introduced Board, Commission and
Committee Member Handbook and distributed a hard copy to each Gilroy Youth
Commissioner. Suzanne intended to review the handbook as group and shared an
overview of what applied to the Youth Commission. Suzanne began explaining the
policies and procedures of the Commission. Suzanne spoke about the application
process and orientation. Suzanne mentioned that she was in interviews for the
Commissions and met with new Commissioners to provide there pledge of oath.
First, on the handbook is the structure of City Government. City Council is a seven
(7) member body who are elected to serve a four-year term. Overall, the mayor is
considered the official spokesperson and representative for the City of Gilroy. For
technical and administrative work, Council and advisors rely on the City
Administrator and staff.
Suzanne retouched on resignations, attendance, terms and records. For example, if a
member is unable to continue serving due to health or personal reasons, a letter or
email of resignation must be submitted to the staff liaison. The attendance policy
states that a member is given two excused absences and one emergency absence
from regular meetings in a calendar year. Furthermore, no commissioner shall serve
more than two consecutive full terms on the same body. Additionally, all agendas,
meeting reports, minutes, audio and other records are recorded and saved by the
advisor for public records. All of these items must be posted and expressed to the
public according to the Ralph M. Brown Act and Gilroy Open Government
All Commissions or advisor bodies are required to hold regular meetings open to
the public. The agenda for these meetings must be posted on the public notice
cabinet at City Hall and on the City Website no less than seventy-two (72) hours
prior to the meeting. A quorum is required to conduct meetings unless there are less
than six (6) Commissioners present. Staff liaison are required to be notified at least
seventy-two (72) hours in advance if a member knows he/she will be absent.
Lastly, Suzanne recapped what Ralph M. Brown Act states which provides that no
city advisory body shall not hold any meeting at which action is taken other than at
a duty called and regularly held meeting, and notice of which is provided by agenda
or by adjournment of a prior meeting.
Commissioner Fajardo had a question in regards to an individual City email after
his/her term is completed. Once a term is expired, the personal City email will be
terminated as well.
B. Meeting Calendar Dates for 2019-2020 Year
Staff Bautista has prepared the meeting dates for the 2019-2020 year. However,
staff Bautista will bring the meeting dates to the next regular meeting for motion
and vote by the Youth Commission.
C. Annual Retreat for the 2019-2020 Year
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Commissioner Song suggested that this years Annual Retreat worked out really well
due to the fact that it was a part of the general monthly meeting November. All
other Commissioners agreed to Commissioner Song feedback. Commissioner Apte
proposed to add ice breakers for the Annual Retreat in November. This will break
the ice with new Commissioners feeling more welcomed and relaxed joining the
Motion was made by Commissioner Song to move the Annual Retreat forward
in November for the October 14, 2019 regular meeting as written. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner V. Sabharwal. The motion carried with a 9-0-2
vote (Absent: Commissioner Alonso and Commissioner Kolagotla).
D. Upcoming Goals for 2019-2020 Year
Staff Bautista began the discussion of this years goal with the Commission and
asked if the Commission felt they reached those goals this year. This years goal
consisted of the Annual Pampered Princess Party, Breakfast with Santa, Holiday
Parade, Youth Community Social with San Juan Bautista and Morgan Hill. All
Commissioners agreed that all goals were reached and ran successfully. Some items
that should be included next year for the Youth Commission include the Annual
Pampered Princess Party (in which will be expanding and changing locations),
Yack Attack training and volunteer with the Holiday Parade and Breakfast with
Santa. New items that were proposed were College Administration Day partnered
with an academic advisor and the Senior Ball which will be serving elderly at the
Senior Center. Commissioners will brainstorm more ideas at the next regular
meeting in October. On the other hand, there were a few items that the
Commissioners noted not too take part of next year. Commissioner Apte
recommended to get rid of the G-YO Website goal for next year. Commissioner
Song suggested to not participate in the Community Social since the Commission
held a Social this year with San Juan Bautista and Morgan Hill.
Commissioner V. Sabharwal had no reports as the representative for GPAC. There
has been no upcoming meetings or study sessions. Commissioner V. Sabharwal will
check back in once a meeting occurs.
- Planning of Youth Commission Retreat.
- Upcoming goals for the 2019-2020 year.
- Gilroy Youth Commission Apparel.
- Updated budget cycle for 2020-2021.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chargin to approve the agenda items for
next meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tovar. The motion
carried with an 9-0-2 vote. (Absent: Commissioner Alonso and Commissioner
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Staff Bautista praised the Gilroy Youth Commission for all there sacrifices and hard
work throughout the year. Also, Staff Bautista thanked the Commissioners who will
be moving on from the Youth Commission for successfully serving their second
year term.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Fajardo to adjourn the meeting. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Apte. The motion carried with an 9-0-2 vote.
(Absent: Commissioner Alonso and Commissioner Kolagotla). Chair A.
Sabharwal adjourned the meeting at 6:43 P.M.
The next regular meeting of the Gilroy Youth Commission will be held on Monday,
October 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. in the Gilroy Senior Center Meeting Room.
Vince Bautista,
Recreation Specialist
City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor
Recording Secretary