11/09/2020 Youth Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 12/14/2020
NOVEMBER 9, 2020
6:00 p.m.
Gilroy Senior Center
7371 Hanna Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
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I. CALL TO ORDER – Chair Ramirez called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.
II. SECRETARY'S REPORT – The Youth Commission agenda was posted online
and posted in the City Hall kiosk on November 6, 2020 at 2:25 p.m.
Attendee Name Title Status Time
Jacob Baker Commissioner Present
Esmeralda Garcia Commissioner Present
Alyssa Gonzalez Commissioner Present
Winston James Commissioner Present
Meyhar Kamrah Commissioner Left Early 6:50pm
Alexis Kong Commissioner Present
Joshua Martinez Commissioner Present
Reet Padda Commissioner Present
Augusta Schulte Vice Chair Arrived Late 6:20pm
Yashila Suresh Commissioner Present
Serena Ramirez Chair Present
A. Youth Commission Regular Meeting on March 9, 2020 6:00 p.m. –
Commissioner Padda motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner
Kamrah seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 (Absent: Schulte).
B. Youth Commission Regular Meeting on October 12, 2020 6:00 p.m. –
Commissioner Baker motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner
Suresh seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 (Absent: Schulte).
V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Commissioner James motioned to approve the
agenda. Commissioner Garcia seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 (Absent:
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A. Youth Commissioner Alyssa Gonzalez – Council appointed a new
Commissioner to fill the vacant position and there is now a full Commission with
11 members. The Commissioners welcomed Gonzalez and everyone
introduced themselves and shared what school they went to and a hobby. Staff
Gonzalez shared that she and Commissioner Gonzalez are siblings and they
are looking forward to working together in this capacity.
A. Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Social Planning Report – The Youth
Advisory Council (YAC) Social is an annual event that brings together San
Francisco Bay area-based youth councils and commissions. Chair Ramirez
reported on the virtual planning meeting she attended with other YAC
Chairs and Staff Advisors on October 15, 2020. The YAC Social will be held
virtually on Friday, November 20, 2020 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
The event will include games and breakout sessions. Commissioners are
asked to wear their favorite “hoodie” for the event. Staff Sendejas will
register those commissioners who are able to attend. Chair Ramirez, Vice
Chair Schulte and Commissioners Garcia, Gonzalez, James, Kong, and
Padda committed to registering for the event. Commissioners Baker,
Kamrah, Martinez and Suresh are unable to attend. Staff Sendejas and
Gonzalez will also attend.
A. 2020-2021 Work Plan for the Youth Commission – Staff Gonzalez shared
the importance of having a work plan and how ideas that are brought forth
only come to fruition when the members of the Commission work to achieve
their goals. Gonzalez stressed that while in the past the Youth Commission
was able to focus on in-person events like the Pampered Princess Party,
that year the pandemic requiring us to think virtually. Each Commissioner
suggested at least one idea that they thought should be included in the work
plan. Suggestions on their areas of focus varied from mental health issues,
teenage vaping and drinking, Christmas card contest for elementary school
students, diversity and inclusion, adult classes, and community involvement.
After much discussion, the Commission narrowed their work plan down to
two items (to be completed by May 2021): 1) hosting a series of workshops
that would focus on mental health issues, vaping and drinking among
teenagers and diversity and inclusion; and 2) inviting elementary school
students to create virtual holiday (or season’s greetings) cards.
Vice Chair Schulte motioned to approve the 2020 -2021 Work Plan.
Commissioner Gonzalez seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 (Absent:
A sub-committee was formed to begin working on the holiday cards. Since
the next meeting is not until December 14, it was important for work to begin
beforehand. Chair Schulte and Commissioners Padda and James
volunteered to serve on the committee. They will work on a flyer (jpeg)
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format, send it to staff for approval, and then promote it through social
media and through the schools. They will also develop a hashtag to be used
for picture submission.
X. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – Further discussion of workshop
ideas and updates on the Holiday card
XI. STAFF COMMENTS – Staff Gonzalez commended Chair Ramirez on
effectively facilitating the meeting and thanked the Commission for their active
participation during the meeting. Staff Sendejas reminded those commissioners
who are attending the YAC Social to mark November 20 on their calendars and
she will be sending them the Zoom link prior to the meeting.
XII. FUTURE MEETINGS – Monday, December 14, 2020 at 6:00pm
XIII. ADJOURNMENT – Commissioner Suresh motioned to adjourn the meeting at
7:15 p.m. Commissioner Martinez seconded. Motion passed 10-0-1 (Absent:
Monica Sendejas
Recording Secretary
City of Gilroy Youth Commission Advisor