12/06/2012 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/10/20131 Planning Commission Regular Meeting DECEMBER 06, 2012 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Aulman called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Deputy City Clerk Knerr reported that the agenda for the regular Planning Commission meeting of December 6, 2012 was posted on November 30, 2012 at 3:45 p.m. Roll Call Present: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Ermelindo Puente; Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Terri Aulman Absent/Excused: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Kai Lai Director Bischoff stated Commissioner Kai Lai and Commissioner Brad Bannister had called to report that they would be unable to attend that evenings meeting. Staff Present: David Bischoff, Director of Planning and Environmental Services; Lee Butler, Development Center Manger; Melissa Durkin, Planner II; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Jennifer Knerr, Deputy City Clerk; Teresa Mack, Senior Civil Engineer. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. November 1, 2012 Motion on Item III.A. Motion: to approve the minutes of November 1, 2012, as written. Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer; seconded by Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-2 Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Ermelindo Puente; Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Terri Aulman No: None 2 Abstain: None Absent: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Kai Lai IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC No comments or presentations were made. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Z 12-03 Zone Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Section 50.62 (b) to create an Interim Exemption to the Residential Development Ordinance. City of Gilroy, applicant. Chair Aulman recused herself due to being elected to the City Council on November 6, 2012. Planner II Durkin presented the staff report. Vice Chair Sanford opened the public hearing, seeing no public in the audience; Vice Chair Sanford closed the public hearing. Commissioner Garcia asked about the text of the Ordinance not addressing concerns staff has regarding the number of units per year and the deadline of submitting completed applications before December 31, 2013. Planner II Durkin stated that the Commission could add language to the ordinance in regards to the deadline that could be extended by Council resolution and place a ceiling on the number of units allocated for each year. Director Bischoff asked the subcommittee to address the Commission and explain how they came to their recommendations. Commissioner Fischer explained the subcommittee’s recommendations in regards to streamlining the RDO applications for projects that have prior RDO allocations. He stated that the public needs to have input on changes to projects and that the quality o the new project must be either equal to or higher than what was first approved. Commissioner Garcia stated that neighbors concerns are a priority as well as being ab le to work with the developers and their concerns. 3 Assistant City Attorney Houston stated that when an applicant has already been through the RDO competition and they change their project it must be equal to or better than the old project. Motion on Item VI.A. Motion: to recommend City Council approve Z 12-03 Zone Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Section 50.62 (b) to create an Interim Exemption to the Residential Development Ordinance limiting the allocated number of units to 400 per year and allowing the deadline to be extended by resolution. Moved by Commissioner Christi Garcia; seconded by Commissioner Tom Fischer Vote: Motion carried 4-0-1-2 Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Ermelindo Puente; Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford No: None Abstain: Chair Terri Aulman Absent: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Kai Lai Chair Aulman returned to the dais. B. M 09-03 Continued Discussion regarding potential amendments of the Zoning Ordinance. Planner II Durkin presented the staff report. Vice Chair Sanford asked about Section 8.10 and the language regarding the high density residential use. Planner II Durkin stated that she will propose new language for Section 8.10 and bring it back before the Commission. Commissioner Puente asked about the mixed uses in new developments. Planner II Durkin stated that in the Neighborhood District zone there will be mixed uses scattered throughout the development. She stated that the high density units will be placed in the appropriate locations. VII. NEW BUSINESS Chair Aulman recused herself and left the dais. 4 A. Review of criteria applicable to temporary signage spanning the two existing sets of poles on the opposite sides of Monterey Street at two mid -block pedestrian crossings, and the installation of two archway signs reading "Historic Downtown Gilroy", at these locations. City of Gilroy c/o Lee Butler, applicant. Development Center Manager Butler presented the staff report. He summarized a letter received from Historic Heritage Chair Connie Rogers about the placement of the posts. Vice Chair Sanford opened the public hearing, seeing no public in the audience; Vice Chair Sanford closed the public hearing. Commissioner Puente stated that the signs posts should not have been placed in the middle of downtown; one should have been around the transit center and arts center. He also commented that he does not like the hanging banners. Commissioner Garcia asked about the moving the posts to the north and south end of downtown. She asked how it would be determined which non-profit would be allowed to put up a banner. Mr. Butler stated the posts could be moved, but it would be expensive. He stated the banners would be for Gilroy based non-profit organizations. He also stated that the Public Works Department would be the contact for the banners and it will require a permit issued by the Public W orks Department. Vice Chair Sanford commented that the posts should have been place to incorporate all of the historic downtown not in the middle of it. Motion on Item VII.A. Motion: to recommend City Council deny the banner criteria as presented due to safety concerns and lack of control over the appearance of the banners. Moved by Commissioner Christi Garcia; seconded by Commissioner Ermelindo Puente Vote: Motion carried 3-1-1-2 Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Ermelindo Puente No: Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford Abstain: Chair Terri Aulman Absent: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Kai Lai 5 Second Motion on Item VII.A. Motion: to recommend City Council approved the design of the archway s igns. Moved by Commissioner Tom Fischer; seconded by Commissioner Christi Garcia Vote: Motion carried 4-0-1-2 Yes: Commissioner Tom Fischer; Commissioner Christi Garcia; Commissioner Ermelindo Puente; Vice Chair Elizabeth Sanford No: None Abstain: Chair Terri Aulman Absent: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Kai Lai Chair Aulman returned to the dais. B. General Plan Amendment GPA 12-01, Zoning Amendments Z 12-06, Z 12-07 & Z 12-08. Amendments to the General Plan Map, Zoning Map and texts of the Zoning Ordinance and Downtown Specific Plan to provide additional sites for High Density Residential development and to establish minimum densities for that development. City of Gilroy c/o David Bischoff, applicant. Director Bischoff presented the staff report. Commissioner Puente commented that other properties should have been considered. He stated that the old DMV property and other property over the creek could be built on. Director Bischoff stated that due to environmental issues, we could not build over the creek. Vice Chair Sanford asked if the outreach could include examples of possible typ es of high density units that could be built. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE None IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Current Planning Projects B. Planning Staff Approvals 6 Director Bischoff gave a brief summary of the current planning projects and staff approvals stating that staff approved the Denny’s remodel with enhanced landscaping. C. 2013 Planning Commission Meeting Schedule X. PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION None XI. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS A. City Council Meeting of November 5 and 19, 2012. Chair Aulman gave a brief summary of the November 5th and 9th City Council meetings. Commissioner Fischer gave a brief summary on the December 3rd City Council meeting. B. Housing Advisory Committee Vice Chair Sanford started that there was no meeting. C. Historic Heritage Committee Commissioner Garcia stated that there was no meeting. D. Arts & Culture Commission Commissioner Bannister was absent and no report was given. E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee Chair Aulman stated that there was no meeting. F. Street Naming Committee Commissioner Puente stated that there was no meeting. G. Development Standards Task Force Commissioner Fischer stated that there was no meeting. H. Sign Ordinance Review Task Force Vice Chair Sanford gave a brief summary of the meeting. XII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT 7 Director Bischoff stated that a map has been given to each Commissioner with the 500 foot radius around their residences. XIII. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None XIV. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT Chair Aulman thanked Commissioner Puente for his 17 years of service on the Planning Commission and presented him with a plaque. Commissioner Puente commented on serving on the Commission and thanked his wife for all her support and the other Commissioners. Chair Aulman thanked the Commission, staff and City Attorney for all their hard work and time that they have spent with her. Vice Chair Sanford thanked Chair Aulman for her service, presented her with a plaque and congratulated her on being elected to City Council. XV. ADJOURNMENT at 8:13 p.m. _______________________________ /s/ Susan Johnson, Deputy City Clerk