04/03/2014 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/01/20141
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
APRIL 03, 2014
Chair Fischer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Deputy City Clerk Knerr reported that the agenda for the regular Planning Commission
meeting of April 3, 2014 was posted on March 28, 2014 at 11:13 a.m.
Roll Call:
Present: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner
Kai Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
Absent/Excused: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Chair Fischer stated that Vice Chair Gullen called in advance to report his absence.
Staff Present:
Melissa Durkin, Planner II; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Jennifer Knerr,
Deputy City Clerk; Susan Martin, Planning Manager; Henry Servin, City Traffic
Engineer; Rick Smelser, Public Works Director; Terri Wissler Adam, Environmental
A. March 6, 2014
Motion on Item III.A.
Motion: to approve the minutes of March 6, 2014
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
No comments or presentations were made.
A. A planned unit development zoning amendment to revise the adopted Glen Loma
Ranch Specific Plan to update the document to reflect changes to the surrounding
properties, include right-of-way standards, make minor clarifying corrections and
refinements, and to incorporate certain mitigation measures and developme nt
agreement provisions and other city initiated adjustments that affect the specific plan
design; all minor in nature and consistent with the intent of the Glen Loma Ranch
Specific Plan and associated development agreement. The subject property is located
northeast of Santa Teresa Boulevard, west of Greenfield Drive, and southwest of Uvas
Creek on approximately 309 acres, APN’s 808-43-001, 002, 003, and 005; 808-18-003,
014, 015, 016, 017, and 018; 808-19-016, 018, and 019, and 2.3 acres of existing City
right-of-way. Tim Filice representing the Glen Loma Corporation, Applicant (Z14-01
PUD zoning amendment)
An associated tentative map request to subdivide the area to develop 369 single -family
lots on 45.4+/- acres, 9 public open space lots, 59 private open space lots, 11 lots for
future development, and associated public and private streets on a portion of the
specific plan area. At full build-out, the Glen Loma Ranch Specific Plan allows up to
1,693 dwelling units. An environmental impact report (EIR) for this project was certified
by the City Council on October 17, 2005 and an addendum EIR has been prepared to
clarify, refine, and make minor modifications, which determined that the 2008 certified
EIR is sufficient. (TM 13-08 tentative map)
Planner II Durkin presented the staff report. She stated that there was an error in the
staff report and the Development Agreement requires the developer to construct and
dedicate two Class 1 trails, one along Santa Teresa Boulevard and one along Reservoir
Canyon not Uvas Creek as indicated in the staff report. She also stated that after the
packet went out staff met with the developer regarding changes to the Conditions of
Approval; she passed out the recommended changes to the Commission.
Public Works Director Smelser explained condition 59 regarding removal of the
overhead utilities lines and placing them underground and condition 78 regarding the
size of recycled water lines for the project. He stated the Santa Clara Valley Water
District will provide the hydraulics for the recycled water.
Planner II Durkin continued with the staff report.
Chair Fischer asked about the traffic circle at Luchessa and Thomas and what is the
consideration for traffic relief during school hours when traffic is backed up from the stop
sign across the bridge.
Traffic Engineer Servin explained that roundabouts would provide relief for the stop and
go traffic at the stop sign and traffic would flow through the roundabout.
Commissioner Sanford asked about the traffic around Las Animas School and what
relief would the roundabout provide and did the city work with the school district on this
issue. She also asked for future updates regarding the school traffic resolution.
Traffic Engineer Servin described how the roundabout works and stated the city is
working with the school district regarding the traffic circulation.
Commissioner Kloecker asked about Solorsano School in regards to dropping off and
picking up traffic and he also requested future updates to the Planning Commission. He
asked about Miller Avenue and will it be passable during the construction process.
Traffic Engineer Servin agreed to future updates and clarified Miller Avenue will close
during Phase II of the project but, will be passable until then.
Commissioner Kloecker asked about the long range plans for the Tenth Street bridge
and also asked about soundwalls along Santa Teresa Blvd.
Public Works Director Smelser stated that the Tenth Street bridge will be built in the
later phases of the project. He stated that the city will be responsible for the design and
the front work to make the project buildable and the developer will construct the bridge ,
as stated in the Development Agreement.
Planner II Durkin stated that there will be a soundwall along, but not directly adjacent to
Santa Teresa with a trail buffer.
Commissioner Kloecker asked why future arch and site permits are considered at staff
level rather than by the Planning Commission. He also asked for clarification as to what
the public will see in terms of construction this year.
Planner II Durkin explained the administrative arch and site reviews are in the
Development Agreement. She indicated the developer will start grading and roadway
improvements immediately after school is out with completion anticipated before school
starts. Home construction may start by November.
Traffic Engineer Servin stated that the developer is working with the city and school
district on the roundabout at Luchessa and Thomas to be constructed before school
starts in the fall. He also stated that street improvements will be constructed in phases.
Commissioner Bannister stated that he had met with the applicant Tim Filice and his
engineer. He commented that Mr. Filice was saving some of the oak trees to be
removed for placement in the roundabouts.
Traffic Engineer Servin confirmed that some of the trees will be placed in the
Commissioner Bannister asked about the lot sizes in the Petite Sirah neighborhood. He
also asked about the removal of trees and if additional trees will be planted.
Planner II Durkin explained the difference in lot sizes and referred to materials provided
to the Commissioners in advanced of the meeting. She stated that the trees will be
inclusive to the normal planting along the roadway, within parks and neighborhoods.
They also have 15 specimen trees.
Commissioner Lai asked what is the effect of the project on adjacent properties and
also asked about the traffic impact on Luchessa.
Planner II Durkin stated that the only project that is adjacent is off of Greenfield , and
that the proposed project is buffered by a park, the school and the Vista Bella
Traffic Engineer Servin explained the traffic studies conducted fully assess the project
impact and all existing systems and traffic were taken into a count.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Tim Filice of Glen Loma Ranch spoke about the history of the project. He spoke on the
collaboration with the city, school district and citizens regarding this project that has
been in the process for the last 15 years. Mr. Filice thanked Melissa Durkin and staff for
all their hard work on the project and keeping it on track. Mr. Filice introduced Arminta
Jensen his chief project planner.
Arminta Jensen of RJA spoke about the main elements of the site plan and used the
Petite Sirah neighborhood to illustrate how it works within the specific plan.
Matt Newton spoke about the traffic impact on Luchessa and Santa T eresa. He is
concerned about smaller lots, on street parking and the roundabouts slowing traffic
down on Santa Teresa.
Alvaro Meza, Assistant Superintendent for Gilroy Unified School District spoke on behalf
of Las Animas and Solorsano schools. He thanked city staff and the applicant for the
collaboration on the layout of the project to help alleviate the traffic impact around the
schools. He also indicated both schools have capacity to accommodate anticipated
Luca Pavani presented a petition and he asked where is the drop off for Las Animas
School and which street to be built would alleviate traffic around Luchessa.
Traffic Engineer Servin stated staff feels the traffic plan as developed is adequate for
the needs of the current and future Luchessa corridor. He also stated that he can’t
answer the school drop off because it might change in the future and each school’s drop
off location and is looked at every year with city and school district staff together.
Elizabeth Stroughtman asked was there a large traffic study done.
Terri Wissler Adam environmental consultant stated the EIR prepared in 2005 was
approved by the Planning Commission and City Council for the specific plan . The traffic
portion took into consideration the existing traffic at that time, existing and approved
developments not yet constructed, and the entire Glen Loma Ranch project. She stated
that an update to the original study was included to address the placement of
roundabouts to mitigate traffic; instead of traffic signals.
Richard Alonzo asked if there was traffic studies done regarding the side streets of the
neighborhoods. He stated that parents drop kids off on the back side of the school and
then cut through the side streets.
Mary Ann Rossi commented on how long it takes her to get from the stop sign on
Village Place to her home on Alta Oak Way. She stated it’s about 20 minutes to get out
or in due to traffic.
John Corditch stated the traffic through the neighborhood to the school is horrible. He
stated adding a street behind the school will not alleviate the traffic through his
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Kloecker stated he had met with the applicant and Arminta Jensen.
Commissioner Bannister stated again that he met with the applicant.
Chair Fischer stated he had met with the applicant.
Commissioner Sanford asked when the Tenth Street extension would be built and how
will that alleviate traffic.
Traffic Engineer Servin explained that the Tenth Street extension would be built in the
later phases of the project.
Commissioner Bannister asked about children from the Eagle Ridge area going to Las
Animas School and couldn’t they travel from Santa Teresa to Miller to Luchessa instead
of Santa Teresa to Thomas.
Traffic Engineer Servin stated that children from the Eagle Ridge area do currently
attend the schools and that is the strategy for the traffic to move from Santa Teresa to
Miller to Luchessa once it is completed.
Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to recommend the City Council accept the addendum to the certified EIR.
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Second Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2014-03 recommending the City Council approve Z 14-
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Third Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2014-04 recommending the City Council approve TM
13-08 reflecting changes to the tentative map conditions submitted by the applicant.
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Chair Fischer stated he lives in the area and the traffic studies that have been done
have shown that once the circulation is done and streets are in there will be relief to the
Commissioner Bannister commented that the developer Mr. Filice was born and raised
in Gilroy and still lives here and this project has been in the works for many years. He
stated that it might not seem like it now but once the streets start going in , it will take
traffic away from Luchessa and the neighborhoods.
B. Zoning Ordinance text amendment to Gilroy City Code Sections 30.50.60 (b) (2) k.
and 30.50.60 (b) (2) l., RDO Interim Exemption, to extend the date by which planning
applications must be submitted and deemed complete for processing to April 3, 2015,
and to make minor clarifications to the text. The proposed project is exempt from
environmental review. The City of Gilroy, Applicant (Z 14-05 Zoning ordinance text
Planner II Durkin presented the staff report.
Commissioner Sanford asked is there a better way instead of the RDO Interim
Exemption extension.
Planner II Durkin explained that revising the RDO would be the best way but, due to the
General Plan review it is better to wait for that process to be completed first.
Commissioner Lai asked for clarification on the extensions.
Planner II Durkin stated the extension is for the ordinance. What that means is any
developer with property zoned R4 can come in within the next year and can apply for
new RDO allocations through this ordinance.
Commissioner Bannister asked how much R4 land is available in Gilroy.
Planner II Durkin stated about 50 acres within Gilroy.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing, seeing no comments; he then closed the
public hearing.
Motion on Item V.B.
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2014-05 recommending the City Council adopt Z 14-
05, and recommending numeric limits for projects receiving allocations through the RDO
Interim Exemption process.
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
A. Selection of Planning Commission Member Representative to Serve on the Historic
Heritage Committee
Commissioner Kloecker volunteered to be the representative.
Motion on Item VII.A.
Motion: to appoint Commissioner Kloecker to serve on the Historic Heritage Committee
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Vice Chair Richard Gullen
A. Current Planning Projects
B. Planning Staff Approvals
Planning Manager Martin stated that there is nothing to report and copies are in the
A. City Council meeting of April 7, 2014 and April 21, 2014
Commissioner Sanford stated she will report at the next meeting.
B. Housing Advisory Committee
Vice Chair Gullen was absent and no report was given.
C. Historic Heritage Committee
D. Arts & Culture Commission
Commissioner Bannister gave a brief summary of the meeting.
E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee
Commissioner Kloecker stated that there was no meeting.
F. Street Naming Committee
Commissioner Lai stated that there was no meeting.
G. Development Standards Task Force
Chair Fischer stated that there was no meeting.
H. General Plan Advisory Committee
Commissioner Sanford gave a brief summary of the meeting.
Planning Manager Martin stated that the Planning Commission retreat went very well
and there is a possible Special Meeting on May 15, 2014.
XV. ADJOURNMENT at 8:56 p.m.
Susan Johnson, Deputy City Clerk