05/15/2014 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/05/20141
Planning Commission
Special Meeting
MAY 15, 2014
Chair Fischer called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance.
Christina Villarreal reported the agenda for the special Planning Commission meeting of
May 15, 2014 was posted on May 9, 2014 at 1:45 p.m. and the revised agenda was
posted May 9, 2014 at 3:15 p.m.
Roll Call:
Present: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Commissioner Richard Gullen; Commissioner
Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Tom Fischer
Absent/Excused: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Chair Fischer stated Commissioner Sanford called and said she may be late.
Staff Present:
Kristi Abrams, Community Development Director; Lee Butler, Development Center
Manager; Shawna Freels, City Clerk; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Susan
Martin, Planning Manager; Henry Servin, Transportation Engineer; Christina Villarreal,
Office Assistant Community Development Department
A. A request for a planned unit development (PUD) zoning amendment to revise the
previously approved McCarthy Business Park PUD to accommodate future realignment
of Cameron Boulevard, Luchessa Avenue, and Camino Arroyo. In order to
accommodate the development proposal, minor changes are proposed to the existing
PUD guidelines and the PUD area would be expanded to include an additional four
acres. In addition, a corresponding General Plan Amendment would modify maps to
accurately show the future roadway alignments. Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 841 -17-
100, 841-17-101, 841-17-104 through 112, 841-17-115, and 841-84-001 through -009.
(GPA 13-01/Z 13-06); United Natural Foods, Inc., Applicant
An associated architectural and site review (and PUD permit) proposes develop of an
approximately 440,000 square-foot warehouse and distribution building (Phase 1),
along with attached administrative and shipping offices. The subject property is
addressed at 6350 Camino Arroyo (APNs 841-17-111, -112, and -115), consists of
approximately 53 acres, and is generally located at the southerly intersection of
Cameron Boulevard and Venture Way. The site is generally bounded by Venture Way
to the north and also includes parcels on the west side of Camino Arroyo at the Venture
Way intersection. The Phase 1 building will be ~1,000 feet in length, ~440 feet in depth
and ~53 feet in height, and includes an associated ~10,000 square-foot truck
maintenance building with fueling, parking, landscaping and storm-water treatment.
Phase 2, anticipated to include an additional 370,000 square feet of
warehouse/distribution building area, is not proposed for architectural and site review at
this time. (A/S 13-18 architectural and site review)
Development Center Manager Butler presented the staff report and stated the
Commission is also considering an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the
general plan amendment, zoning and arch and site permit.
Commissioner Bannister asked for clarification on the roadway re-alignment and any
proposed roundabouts in the industrial areas.
Development Center Manager Butler described the building plans and proposed re-
alignment of Cameron Boulevard, future extension of Luchessa Avenue and connection
to Camino Arroyo. It was also clarified that no roundabouts are expected here.
Traffic Engineer Servin stated the plan is to install traffic signals in the industrials areas;
roundabouts are primarily used in residential areas, since they have a different function.
Commissioner Lai asked when the Luchessa arterial is completed and if employees
would use the Luchessa Avenue arterial instead of Highway 152.
Development Center Manager Butler stated the Luchessa Avenue and Cameron
Boulevard extension beyond the site are not warranted by this project. The extension
will be constructed when the Machado site is developed.
Commissioner Lai expressed his concern regarding commuter traffic and UNFI trucks at
this site. He asked for clarification of the number of employees per shift.
Development Center Manager Butler stated traffic was analyzed as part of the EIR and
no significant impact was found. He stated that the total number of employees for the
first phase is 250 with maybe half (125) of the employees on site at one time. The
second phase is expected to add another 200 employees.
Chair Fischer asked about Cameron Boulevard, south of Luchessa Avenue.
Development Center Manager Butler stated the General Plan does not show Cameron
Boulevard extending any further, but that does not mean that a roadway network cannot
be established later.
Commissioner Lai asked about the red line on the map south of Luchessa Avenue.
Development Center Manager Butler stated Camino Arroyo on the General Plan is
shown through Luchessa Avenue.
Development Center Manager Butler continued the staff report.
Commissioner Bannister asked if changes to the screen wall are part of the arch and
site consideration.
Development Center Manager Butler stated the fences are part of the arch and site
request and that the proposed fence heights deviate from the development guidelines.
Development Center Manager Butler continued with the staff report. He commented on
a letter received today requesting the applicant install solar panels at the site.
Commissioner Lai asked is Cameron Boulevard a private or public road.
Development Center Manager Butler clarified that Cameron Boulevard is a public road
that would connect to Luchessa Avenue
Commissioner Lai questioned a public road through the project s ite on both sides. He
also asked would the public be able to drive through Cameron Boulevard to Luchessa
Avenue onto Monterey Street.
Development Center Manager Butler clarified the public would be able to drive from
Cameron Boulevard to Luchessa Avenue. Part of the conditions of approval is
dedication of the roadway as an easement for public street purposes.
Commissioner Bannister questioned the aesthetics of screening the trucks at the
staging area on Cameron Boulevard. He also questioned the tilt-up concrete used for
the building in phase 1.
Development Center Manager Butler talked about screening the trucks with additional
landscaping and he stated that the east and south facades are constructed with
insulated metal panels and the front is the tilt-up concrete.
Commissioner Bannister commented that he is happy with the 21% landscaping and
would like to see additional trees. He questioned why is the applicant striving for LEED
gold, but the City has conditioned for LEED silver.
Development Center Manager Butler stated that the applicant believes they will achieve
LEED gold. If the applicant achieves LEED silver they will still meet many of the energy
efficiency standards and water efficiency standards and that by itself will improve the
project well beyond what is typically required for projects.
Commissioner Gullen asked about incorporating solar panels into the project and the
LEED certification between silver and gold and whether it makes a difference.
Development Center Manager Butler stated that the roof-tops could accommodate solar
panels, but that would be up to the applicant. He explained the difference between
silver and gold in the energy classification system.
Commissioner Lai asked about Cameron Boulevard being the only truck route in and
out of the facility and when the road is completed to Luchessa Avenue; will Luchessa
Avenue be able to handle the truck traffic.
Development Center Manager Butler stated that Luchessa Avenue would be able to
handle truck traffic and that is an arterial route for the trucks. Cameron Boulevard will
be the direct route to either Highway 101 or Highway 152.
Traffic Engineer Servin stated Luchessa Avenue will be an arterial route and all streets
will be designed for a higher traffic index and truck graded.
Commissioner Lai asked what impacts can be anticipated on Luchessa Avenue and
Monterey Street with the trucks.
Traffic Engineer Servin spoke on the traffic improvements at Luchessa Avenue and
Monterey Street that are scheduled with another developer.
Chair Fischer asked about the type of fencing to be installed on Venture Way. He also
asked why the applicant needs to stage trucks on the street when they have plenty of
truck stalls.
Development Center Manager Butler stated a chain link fence will be installed on the
south and west sides of the project and the east and north will be tubular steel fencing.
He spoke on the long hauler truckers (non-UNFI employees) that bring in materials and
the need for the long haul truckers to have a place to park until the materials are
Commissioner Bannister asked if the truckers could park in the area for phase II and not
have a staging area.
Development Center Manager Butler stated that would be a question for the appl icant.
Commissioner Bannister asked about capping unused bridge abutments, the monument
sign and flag pole at the corner of Camino Arroyo and Venture Way.
Development Center Manager Butler explained that area will be enhanced with
landscaping, flag pole and signage. He stated that the abutments extend up to the
existing grade with rebar sticking out and the rebar is what needs to be capped.
Tad Stearn with PMC described the EIR timelines, approach, findings, alternatives,
comments and responses.
Development Center Manager Butler continued the staff report.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Assistant City Attorney Houston commented on the rules and procedures adopted by
the Planning Commission at the March 6, 2014 meeting. She stated the applicant is
given a total of 10 minutes to present the project with a 5 minute rebuttal time and the
public is given 3 minutes to speak.
Todd Newland of UNFI spoke on the history of the company, going green and using
solar. He spoke about adding their commitment to sustainability, LEED certified
facilities, additional landscaping and staging of long haul truckers.
Commissioner Bannister asked about staggering of long haul trucks coming into the
yard and building materials at their other distribution facilities, compared to Gilroy.
Mr. Newland stated that they stagger truckers coming into the facility to not have trucks
sitting and clarified the building materials used at the other distribution facilities is the
same building materials proposed for Gilroy.
Commissioner Bannister asked about the LEED certification.
Mr. Newland explained the LEED certification, applying for credits from the Green
Building Council and their commitment for gold, though he only wanted a condition
requiring LEED silver, because they could lose points during the certification process.
Tammy Brownlow of Gilroy Economic Development Corporation commented on the
project and asked the Commission to approve the project.
Ellen Trescott represents Gilroy Citizens for Responsible Development commented on
the EIR, standard air quality, greenhouse gases, solar panels and ag mitigation. She
asked the Commission not to approve this project.
Dane Deacon resident of Gilroy spoke on keeping the farm land, traffic from the project
and asked the Commission to not approve the project.
Margarita Reese spoke on construction workers affected by agricultural chemicals and
building a safe project.
John Sandoval commented on the environment and the chemicals used for agriculture
on the soil. He stated once the soil is broken the chemicals will come up into the air and
UNFI should follow the law.
Scott Stroh stated that he is excited for the project and the jobs it will bring to Gilroy. He
stated UNFI is a large corporation and they should pay for the loss of the farmland.
Jesue Garcia CEO of the San Benito Building and Construction Council spoke on using
local contractors and not bringing in contractors from out of the area. The developer
should be responsible for hiring local contractors, as this will cut down on traffic,
pollution and will contribute to the local economy.
Craig Simmons stated he feels this project is being fast tracked; there is mitigation that
should be looked at with regards to the farmland chemicals and wildlife habitat. He
feels they should be held to a higher standard with the LEED certification.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Bannister questioned construction workers coming from out of town and
solar panels being placed on the building.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated this is a land use issue and the Commission
needs to base their decision on the land use rules and regulations that the Planning
Commission is bound by. She stated the City Council can look at economic issues
regarding the project.
Development Center Manager Butler talked about Title 24 in California is the base line
for the LEED certification. California has a high base for energy standards and the cost
associated with getting the certification. He talked about the Wellington site being
zoned industrial since 1998, the General Plan and receiving a series of entitlement
approvals in the early 2000.
Chair Fischer asked about the mitigation for construction regarding dust and ideal time.
He stated the General Plan Advisory Committee approved Guiding Principles and
Guiding Principle No. 10 is to foster a sustainable community and the solar panels
would help meet this principle.
Development Center Manger Butler explained there are construction mitigations
regarding dust, and the applicant is pursuing a series of building construction measures
and techniques that already exceeds the minimum threshold for energy performance by
virtue of their LEED certification.
Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to recommend the City Council certify the Final EIR prepared for the project and
find that, i. the FEIR has been completed in compliance with the CEQA, ii. the FEIR was
presented to the decision making body of the lead agency and that the decision making
body reviewed and considered the information contained in the FEIR prior to approving
the project, and iii. the FEIR reflects the lead agency’s independent judgment and
Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul
Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Second Motion Item V.A.
Motion: to recommend the City Council approves the General Plan Amendment GPA
Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Paul Kloecker
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul
Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Third Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to recommend the City Council approve the Zoning Amendment Z 13-06 as
requested and conditioned by staff.
Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul
Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Fourth Motion on Item V.A.
Motion: to recommend the City Council approves A/S 13-18 with the condition of adding
solar panels; follow applicable requirements of SCVHP; Prior to work in drainage
ditches, either: get SCVWD and ACOE clearance and provide hydraulic capacity
verification OR remove outfalls from drainage ditches; cap unused bridge abutments;
Cameron phasing clarification, and offer Luchessa/Cameron easement upon request by
the City.
Moved by Commissioner Brad Bannister, seconded by Commissioner Kai Lai
Vote: Motion carried 4-1-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Chair Tom Fischer
No: Commissioner Paul Kloecker
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Chair Fischer called a five-minute recess.
Chair Fischer reconvened the meeting at 8:42 p.m.
A. Review conditions of approval for reopening auto service use at 8385 Monterey
Street (CUP 12-05 conditional use permit); Rolando Barroso, Applicant
Planning Manager Martin presented the staff report.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Glen Gurries representative for the applicant spoke on circumstances with the applicant
and the property regarding this project.
Commissioner Bannister asked what is the plan if the tanks are removed.
Mr. Gurries stated the applicant is currently operating a repair shop and would continue
with the repair shop. The applicant would like to submit plans to upgrade with additional
Commissioner Bannister stated his concern that this corner is part of the gateway
district and it’s already overrun with cars in different stages of repairs.
Mr. Gurries stated when the property was purchased the applicant was not told of the
conditions of approval. The applicant did not know what was expected of them or this
was part of the gateway district.
Commissioner Lai questioned whether the applicant was going to have gas available at
the station or is it just a repair shop.
Mr. Gurries stated the gas pumps will be removed and it will be a repair shop.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Chair Fischer stated he was against the project from the beginning and if the applicant
would like to come back to the Planning Commission with proposed plans at the August,
2014 meeting he would support such a motion.
Commissioner Kloecker stated he agrees with Chair Fischer for the applicant to come
back to the August meeting with proposed plans and he would support the motion for
the subsequent hearing date. He stated tank removal is not a small project in time or
Commissioner Lai asked about closure of the drive-way and additional landscaping.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated closure of the drive-way and landscaping would
be part of the August meeting when the applicant returns with the proposed plans.
Mr. Gurries stated that closing 1 or 2 of the drive-ways may be necessary to enhance
the landscaping. He is fine with returning to the August meeting.
Planning Manager Martin asked Assistant City Attorney Houston for clarification as to
the process if the applicant does not meet the conditions at the August meeting should
the applicant ask for a permit to modify the approved conditions.
Assistant City Attorney Houston agreed that the August meeting should be for a Use
Permit with modifications, at that time the Commission can change or amend the permit.
Motion on Item VII.A.
Motion: to direct staff regarding lack of compliance with conditions of approval to direct
the applicant to bring the item back at the August meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Kai Lai
Vote: Motion carried 5-0-0-1
Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul
Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
A. Current Planning Projects
B. Planning Staff Approvals
A. City Council Meetings of May 5, 2014 & May 19, 2014 and June 2 & June 16
Commissioner Bannister will present the report on June 5, 2014.
B. Housing Advisory Committee
Vice Chair Gullen gave a brief summary of the meeting.
C. Historic Heritage Committee
Commissioner Kloecker stated there was no meeting.
D. Arts & Culture Commission
Commissioner Bannister will present at the report on June 5, 2014.
E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee
Commissioner Kloecker stated there was no meeting.
F. Street Naming Committee
Commissioner Lai Stated there was no meeting.
G. Development Standards Task Force
Chair Fischer stated there was no meeting.
H. General Plan Advisory Committee
Chair Fischer gave a brief summary of the meeting.
Planning Manager Martin stated that the Street Naming Committee might have a
meeting coming soon.
Chair Fischer stated that the Museum Anniversary will be come up and tours will be
ADJOURNMENT at 9:05 p.m.
Susan Johnson, Deputy City Clerk