09/04/2014 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/02/20141 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of SEPTEMBER 04, 2014 I. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Fischer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance. II. REPORT ON POSTING THE AGENDA AND ROLL CALL Christina Villarreal reported that the agenda was posted on August 29, 2014 at 10:45 a.m. Roll Call: Present: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer Tardy: Commissioner Kai Lai (Arrived at 6:44 PM) Staff Present: Sue Martin, Planning Manager; William Ross, Special City Attorney; Christina Villarreal, Office Assistant Community Development Department III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. August 7, 2014 Motion: Approve III.A. Motion: to Approve the minutes of August 7, 2014. Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Susan Rodriguez. Vote: Motion carried 6-0. Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer No: None Abstain: None Absent: None IV. PRESENTATION BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC 2 No comments or presentations were made. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS None VI. OLD BUSINESS A. A request to reconsider the approval of a Conditional Use Permit, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit that allowed for the establishment of an auto repair business located at 8385 Monterey St. (assessor’s parcel number 790-36-032) (CUP 12-05); Rolando Barroso, Applicant Special Projects David Bischoff Presents Commissioner Bannister stated he would like a Motion that sets a timeline to make sure the applicant starts by a certain time and that there is compliance within six and a half months. He also feels there are a lot of inappropriate colors on 1st Street. Commissioner Kloecker asked about the process. Special Projects Bischoff responds that the City has approval authority. Commissioner Rodriguez states she would like to see that Phase 1 gets completed quickly. Chair Fischer states he agrees with Mr. Bannister that a timeline needs to be put in place. Planning Manager Martin explains that the Planning Commission does not need to put timelines at this time since a CUP application has been filed and we expect to bring it to the Planning Commission by December. If, at that time, Staff finds the applicant delaying the processing, Staff could bring the item back to the Commission to revoke the CUP. Commissioner Lai stated he would like to see some action done to take down the Gas station sign as it is a false advertisement. Motion: Approve Motion to take no action on Resolution No. 2014-16, revoking CUP 12-05 Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Brad Bannister. Vote: Motion carried 7-0. Yes: Commissioner Brad Bannister; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Kai Lai; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer No: None VII. NEW BUSINESS None 3 VIII. CORRESPONDENCE None IX. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS A. Current Planning Projects B. Planning Staff Approvals C. Planned Unit Development Considerations Planning Manager Susan Martin Presents Commissioner Sanford thanks Planning Manager; Sue Martin for her presentation and states that it helps clarifies some things, she feels some of the language is ambiguous, such as “better than” or “quality” and is sure staff has had many discussions with developers in regards to what those terms means and it seems having a list of these amenities may not work as it can become a grey area. Planning Manager Sue Martin responds that having a list can be good or bad but not having a list gives the decision makers some flexibility one way or another. It is important that the process remain consistent; Staff is tasked to hold PUDs to a higher level and to make each set of plans better. X. PRESENTATIONS BY MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION None XI. ORAL REPORTS BY COMMISSION MEMBERS A. City Council Meetings of August 11, 2014 and September 8 & 22, 2014 Commissioner Kloecker had no report, will report at next meeting. B. Housing Advisory Committee Vice Chair Gullen states that there was no meeting; next meeting is next Wednesday, September 10, 2014. C. Historic Heritage Committee Commissioner Kloecker stated that there was no meeting D. Arts & Culture Commission 4 Commissioner Bannister states there was no meeting E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee Commissioner Kloecker states that there was no meeting F. Street Naming Committee Commissioner Lai discusses the renaming of 10th street from Camino Arroyo to Chestnut Street and then entire Southern part of Chestnut Street will be called Gilroy Auto Mall to give some recondition to the auto dealerships. The side streets will have names such as Auto Mall Lane, etc. G. Development Standards Task Force Chair Fischer states that there was no meeting H. General Plan Advisory Committee - Chair Fischer and Commissioner Sanford Commissioner Sanford states the General Plan Advisory members got together in groups looking at future growth areas of the city and had preliminary discussions on various types of developments appropriate for those areas. Commissioner Sanford also stated the process is ahead of schedule and that the next public meeting is September 10, 2014. XII. PLANNING DIVISION MANAGER REPORT None XIII. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT None XIV. PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR REPORT None XV. ADJOURNMENT at 07:32 PM Christina Villarreal, Office Assistant I Community Development Department