02/05/2015 Planning Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/05/20151
Planning Commission
Regular Meeting
FEBRUARY 05, 2015
Chair Fischer called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and led the pledge of allegiance.
Chair Fischer read a proclamation for outgoing Commissioner Bannister and introduced
incoming Commissioner Ashford.
Kelsey Heyd reported the agenda was posted on January 30, 2015 at 9:54 a.m.
Roll Call:
Present: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai
Lai; Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
Staff Present:
Kristi Abrams, Community Development Director; Maria Angeles, Development
Engineer; David Bischoff, Special Projects Planner; Melissa Durkin, Planner II; Kelsey
Heyd, Planning Technician; Jolie Houston, Assistant City Attorney; Sue Martin, Planning
Manager; Zinnia Navarro, Office Assistant Community Development; Henry Servin,
Senior Civil Engineer
A. December 4, 2014
Motion on Item IV.A.
Motion: to approve the minutes of December 4, 2014
Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Susan Rodrigues
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
No comments or presentations were made.
A. An Urban Service Area Amendment request for the inclusion of Assessor Parcel
Numbers 790-09-006, 008, 009, 010, 011; 790-17-001, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009,
010, generally located west of Wren Avenue, south of Vickery Avenue, and north and
south of Tatum Avenue, into the city of Gilroy Urban Service Area. This request is
commonly known as the Wren Investors Urban Service Area Amendment. The property
is mostly undeveloped, although some single-family homes and the Gilroy Unified
School District Farm Site are included within the subject site. This request proposes a
change to the urban service area boundary to include approximately 50 acres,
comprising the subject parcels, and does not include any development at this time. An
environmental impact report (EIR) has been prepared for the proposed project and will
also be considered. (USA 12-01 urban service area amendment); Wren Investors, LLC
c/o Dick Oliver, Applicant
Planner Durkin presented the staff report.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Victor Akylas stated he is an owner of a small parcel within the USA and would like to
see the application move forward.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Motion on Item VI.A.
Motion: to table the public hearing for USA 12-01 and agendize for a Planning
Commission hearing concurrently with applications USA 14 -01 and USA 14-02.
Moved by Vice Chair Richard Gullen, seconded by Commissioner Paul Kloecker
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
B. A Residential Development allocation amendment request to amend an approved
residential development allocation to eliminate 30 townhouse units from the project
commonly known as Country Estates phase IV, generally located north of Hecker Pass
Highway (State Route 152) and south of Mantelli Drive, adjacent to the Gilroy Golf
Course and consisting of approximately 153 acres (APN 783-47-003 and 783-45-044).
(RD 92-29 residential development allocation amendment); Enterprise REI 8, LLC, c/o
Brent Lee, Applicant
Planner Durkin presented the staff reports for RD 92-29, Z 14-11 and TM 13-05.
Vice Chair Gullen commented on the Lessons Learned section of the staff report and
asked about the unique characteristics of the project.
Planner Durkin stated the primary characteristics of the project are the hillside homes
and open space. She stated staff needs to look at each aspect of a project and
evaluate unique characteristics of the individual project.
Commissioner Sanford asked why the project was originally designed with townhomes.
Planner Durkin stated she assumes it was to provide a mix of density and to add points
to the project in the RDO process.
Commissioner Sanford asked if the city would be liable for damages within the golf
course sphere of influence
Assistant City Attorney Houston commented that when someone who purchases a
home on a golf course should expect something might happen. Each situation would be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Commissioner Lai asked about a letter received from Pete and Linda Musitano. He
then asked about access for emergency vehicles.
Planner Durkin stated the letter is concerned about an easement for a water and
sanitary sewer line. She clarifies that there would be no vehicle access as part of the
easement. Also, multiple access roadways lead into the project for emergency vehicles.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Skip Spiering thanked Planner Durkin for her presentation and work on the project. He
stated that there are many conditions that they are in agreement with. Also, re-design
of the project has made it more viable from an ecological and environmental perspective
and reduces the number of dwelling units and streets while increasing the open space
area to more than 95 acres.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Motion on Item VI.B.
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2015-01 recommending the City Council approve RD
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Second Motion on Item VI.B.
Motion: Approve Consider and recommend that the City Council adopt the Mitigated
Negative Declaration, based on findings required by the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA)
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Kai Lai
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Third Motion on Item VI.B.
Motion: Approve Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2015-02 recommending the City
Council approve Z 14-11.
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Paul Kloecker
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Fourth Motion on Item VI.B.
Motion: Approve Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2015-03 recommending the City
Council approve TM 13-05.
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Susan
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
C. A Zone Code amendment proposing minor modifications to the Gilroy City Code
pertaining to Chapters 21 and 30, which would be effective citywide. Changes to
portions of section 21.39 and 21.41 in Chapter 21 (Subdivisions and Land
Development) are proposed with regard to filing and action taken on tentative maps.
Under Chapter 30 (Zoning Ordinance), clarifications are proposed to definitions for
"bar", "boarding house", ’freestanding sign", "master plan", "window" and "window sign".
The proposed modifications are minor in nature and are exempt from environmental
review under Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. (Z 14 -12 zone code
amendment); City of Gilroy, Community Development Department, Applicant
Planning Manager Martin presented the staff report.
Commissioner Sanford asked about the window definition “Mullion.” She asked if there
could be a better term or use instead of “Mullion”.
Planning Manager Martin stated that “Mullion” is a legal term.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing, seeing no comments; he closed the public
Motion on Item VI.C.
Motion: Approve Motion to adopt Resolution 2015-04 recommending the City Council
approve Z 14-12
Moved by Commissioner Kai Lai, seconded by Commissioner Susan Rodriguez
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
D. A Conditional Use Permit request to amend a previously approved conditional use
permit (CUP 12-05) to revise the type of activities that will occur on the property and the
improvements to be made to it. The property is located at 8385 Monterey Street (APN
790-36-032). The request would eliminate the dispensing of gasoline as an allowable
use on the property and allow only minor automobile repair activities. The request
would modify the site by eliminating two driveways, increasing the amount of
landscaping provided and adding two vehicle doors on the rear elevation of the existing
1,700 square foot building. The proposed project is exempt from environmental review
under Section 15301 of the State CEQA Guidelines. (CUP 14-04 conditional use
permit); Rolando Barosso, Applicant
Planner Bischoff presented the staff report.
Commissioner Kloecker asked about the noise study and the status of the tank removal
Planning Bischoff stated the noise study found there would be no impact on the resident
from the noise due to the roll-up doors. With regard to the underground tanks, no
permit has been pulled by the applicant for such removal, to-date.
Commissioner Lai stated the applicant should have at least covered up the gasoline
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Glen Gurries commented the applicant (referring to Mr. Rolando Barosso) is frustrated
with the process. He stated the applicant will not remove the tanks unless the project is
approved. He stated the applicant has spent a lot of money on the second use permit
process, on consultants, designers and others. He stated the applicant wants the shop
to remain open but doesn’t want to do a whole lot of landscaping and a whole bunch of
other requirements the city wants; that will cost them a pile of money to beautify the city.
They just want to operate an automotive shop.
Rolando Barosso stated he makes decisions on this business venture and he did not
plan or expect this much frustration. He said when the noise study was done and the
city failed to give details that the sign needed to be posted for the project they already
have. He said they did not know they needed to post the sign because it was not
clearly stated and they failed to post it. He stated they intend to keep on working with
the city but, there are other details that he needs to consider like closing the driveway
and that will cost a lot of money. He stated the only reason the city wants him to close
the driveway is so the city can make a U-turn and he should be compensated for doing
the driveways. He said removal of the underground tanks should not be discussed until
after the next meeting. He stated he is trying to find someone to do the clean-up work
and maybe it will be completed a little late, after April.
Ron Kirkish stated this must be very difficult issue for the city and the applicant. But, he
believes all the problems are on the applicant. He stated the applicant says it cost him
money, but if the city takes the applicant to court that will cost him a lot more money.
Daniel Barosso spoke on why they have not removed the tanks and the reason is they
were told by a third party that responsibility for underground tank removal is the
business that installed them. Shell is liable for the removal of the tanks not this
applicant. He reiterated they don’t want to spend the money for this work if they don’t
have too.
Commissioner Kloecker asked the applicant if they had notified the city of their decision
to pursue Shell for removal of the underground tanks.
Mr. Barosso stated that they had not notified the city. He indicated they just found out
this information a week ago, and are still looking into it. He said they work 7-days a
weeks and it is over-whelming and he is trying to do his best.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Kloecker asked Mr. Gurries about the statement he made “the applicant
does not want to proceed until they know they have a project .”
Mr. Gurries stated he had been told by Rolando Barosso that spending all that money
on property improvements is ridiculous; they just want to have a functioning auto repair
shop. He stated it’s that simple. The applicant already spending money on the use
permit process and pulling out the tanks and other things. If they don’t have their
project approval they may put the property up for sale.
Commissioner Kloecker asked Mr. Gurries to clarify if it is the applicant’s intention to put
the property up for sale or not.
Mr. Gurries stated that if the applicant doesn’t get the project approved and doesn’t
have what he needs to function, then he would need to go somewhere else.
Commissioner Kloecker stated he does not see any lack of awareness of what the
project expectations are.
Mr. Gurries clarified the applicant’s intent at this point, with apologies to the applicant
not posting the site in time or moving a little slow, is to receive an approved project.
Commissioner Kloecker asked if Mr. Gurries meant “an approved conditional use
permit” by his statement.
Mr. Gurries confirmed, yes a permit.
Motion on Item VI.D.
Motion: Approve Motion to continue this public hearing request to the March 5, 2015
regular meeting.
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
E. A Zoning Map Amendment, Tentative Map, and Architectural and Site Review
request to allow the development of a 23-lot, single family residential subdivision on a
3.36 acre area located on the south side of Royal Way between Filbro and Imperial
Drives. (APNs 799-44-093, 094, 095, 096, 097, 098, 101, 109 &110) Residential lots
would range from 4,000 to 10,000 square feet in size with the average size being less
than 5,000 square feet. All homes in the subdivision would be two stories in height.
Access to the subdivision would be from two private cul-de-sacs extending southerly
from Royal Way. A 10,000 square foot private park is proposed to be included within
the subdivision. A Planned Unit Development overlay is requested to allow for provision
of private streets, the private park and residential lots and setbacks that do not meet
City minimum standards for the R3 zoning district. Twenty two of the 23 proposed lots
are smaller than the minimum 8,000 square foot lot size. All of the houses would be
provided with side yards that are narrower than the minimum 12-foot side yard width.
Two of the houses would be provided with rear yards that are shallower than the
minimum 15-foot rear yard depth. The proposed project is exempt from environmental
review under Section 15332 of the State CEQA Guidelines. (Z 13-09 PUD zoning map
amendment, TM 13-07 tentative map, AS 13-14 architectural and site review); Gilroy
Construction, Inc., Applicant
Planner Bischoff presented the staff report for TM 13-07, Z 13-09 and AS 13-14.
Assistant City Attorney Houston explained that the zoning and tentative map final
decision is with the Planning Commission and the applicant would have to appeal to the
City Council the decision. If the zoning is denied then the tentative map is not
consistence with the zoning and that must be denied and then the arch and site would
be denied. She stated the Commission needs to start with the zoning then followed by
the tentative map and arch and site.
Commissioner Lai asked if there is only one street providing access to Princevalle.
Planner Bischoff stated there are two existing streets providing access to Princevalle.
These are Imperial Way and Filbro Drive.
Chair Fischer asked what is the purpose of the access road in the park.
Planner Bischoff explained he thinks the applicant believes staff had requested that but,
neither police nor fire required a full-width access road. He believes that both police
and fire would agree with staff that a pedestrian walkway 8 feet wide would be
appropriate and emergency vehicles could access it, if necessary.
Planning Manager Martin clarified that this was an item discussed at one of the last
meetings staff had with the applicant. Staff indicated a need for vehicular access but
did not provide detailed parameters or widths.
Vice Chair Gullen asked if the goal was to have the applicant re -design the project.
Specifically, would it be better to continue the application or to deny it, and what is the
monetary impact if the application is denied.
Planner Bischoff stated if the Commission believes the project could be supported in a
modified form, then the recommended action would be to continue the request. In a
denial situation, it would be very timely and expensive to start the process over.
Planning Manager Martin stated should the Commission go in the direction of
continuance then staff would request specific direction along with the applicant’s
Commissioner Rodriguez was wondering why is there disparity between the applicant’s
proposal and the City’s requirements.
Planner Bischoff commented that this has not been an easy project; the application was
submitted in July, 2013 and not determined to be completed until November 2014. Staff
received the biological report from the applicant in January 2014 and the funds for peer
review until March 2014. In June of last year staff had the discussion with the Council
about the expectation of PUDs and what they would like to see in the future.
Commissioner Rodriguez asked if the applicant was contacted in regards to the new
expectations from the City Council.
Planning Manager Martin stated that after the June 2014 Council meeting, the applicant
re-submitted, staff reviewed and then circle back to the applicant within a few months.
The City Council’s new expectations were clarified at that time.
Vice Chair Gullen stated that application fees are presumably to cover staffs time, and
asked if the Commission denies a project and the applicant re-designs and re-submits
the project is there another submittal fee for the applicant.
Planning Manager Martin confirmed is Council policy that staff time be fully reimbursed.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated that if the Commission denies a project, the
applicant can appeal to the Council and the Council could take action on the item to
approve, deny or re-design the project. Alternately, the Commission can give staff
direction for a re-design. If so, then the Commission would need to give staff direction
on the issues that were raised in the staff report about street width, lot size, density and
other concerns that staff has, and to indicate whether the Commission concurs or
doesn’t concur with staff.
Vice Chair Gullen asked if it would be too vague for Commission to continue the item
and give direction to the applicant to re-design the project to address staff identified
Planning Manager Martin clarifies staff found concurrence with 3 of 9 required PUD
findings, but would like to have Commission’s specific direction if different from staff or
the other 6 findings.
Vice Chair Gullen stated he supports all points by staff as valid issues.
Commissioner Kloecker stated he is concerned with the cost to the applicant if the
project is continued and that it seems like there is less cost if the project is denied. He
is also in general agreement with staff’s opinions on lack of amenities. He stated it is
the applicant’s role to present a project to the Planning Commission and City Council
that can be supported.
Assistant City Attorney Houston commented that if the project is denied, then the
applicant can appeal to the City Council. However, if the project is continued the
applicant cannot appeal to the City Council.
Commissioner Kloecker asked if the applicant could proceed to the Council with
expectation to reuse the present design.
Planning Manager Martin stated the Commission would have to deny the project, then
the applicant can appeal to the City Council.
Assistant City Attorney Houston concurred with Planning Manager Martin statement.
Chair Fischer opened the public hearing.
Michael McDermott, applicant, gave a brief history of the land plan and evolution. He
stated he would be happy to remove the vehicle path from the park and add
architectural amenities like stone at the entrance. He does not want to go back to re-do
the land plan since they have been working on this land plan for almost 2 years. He
stated he would like either an approval or denial from the Commission.
Commissioner Sanford asked the applicant to clarify the side yard setbacks and his
understanding of the minimum standards of the zone district.
Mr. McDermott stated the PUD allows establishment of standards that deviate from the
code. He said that an R3 property expects 3 or 4 units on one lot. He stated the market
place wants single-family units, so they are trying to mirror R1 standards.
Commissioner Rodriguez asked about the width of the streets.
Mr. McDermott stated the streets are private and City Council changed the PUD
expectations but it was after they submitted. The HOA would maintain the private
Commissioner Gullen commented that the fire dept. stated that the cul -de-sacs where
acceptable only if there is no parking.
Mr. McDermott exhibited on the overhead projector a new parking exhibit that just came
out the day of the meeting.
Assistant City Attorney Houston asked staff about time line of the City Council’s PUD
standards and the re-submittal of the project and was the re-submittal after the Council
approval of the PUD standards.
Planning Manager Martin confirmed the most recent re-submittal was received after the
City Council’s direction on PUDs and that re-submittal did change the site layout.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated the Councils direction on the PUD expectations
would be applicable if site plan changed. She clarified that if the project was not
deemed complete before the June 2014 City Council meeting, then the Council PUD
expectations would apply to this project.
Mr. McDermott stated as far as he knows there are no adopted PUD amenities. He
stated he served on the Committee for 2-years about 4-years ago regarding PUD
amenities and to-date nothing has been adopted.
Assistant City Attorney Houston clarified that the application was not deemed complete
when there were suggested changes for the applicant’s plan.
Mr. McDermott disagreed with Assistant City Attorney Houston because staff did not
meet the 30-day statue on getting back to him on the submittal of the tentative map and
it was deemed complete 31-day out.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated no Mr. McDermott’s statement is not accurate
and asked that to be in the record.
Planning Manager Martin clarified that there were no PUD amenities or changes as part
of the City Council hearing on June 2, 2014. The Council felt adequate tools were in
place and directed staff to implement the current ordinance, but to implement it more
stringently. That is why there was no change to the ordinance.
Vice Chair Gullen asked what the new parking exhibit shows in regards to parking.
Mr. McDermott stated the rectangular spaces with the “X’s” through them are the off -
street parking and it’s in compliance with the city’s parking ordinance.
Vice Chair Gullen asked if new parking exhibit has been submitted to staff for review,
and if staff agrees that this configuration complies.
Mr McDermott stated the exhibit was done today and he does not believe staff has
reviewed it. He does not know if the engineer sent it to staff directly or not. Every
house has a 2 car garages, 2 parking spaces not encroaching on the sidewalk, so every
house has 4 parking spaces building in and the off street parking.
Dale Ramirez spoke about an email she sent to the Commissioners regarding the
property right behind her home that will encroach onto her property. Sh e said that there
is no room between the homes she is concerned about the wild life and birds that will be
displaced with the new development. Also the traffic will become more congested in the
Randall Ramirez thanked the Commission for maintaining the high standard and not
reducing them. He spoke about lots 76, 77, 78 and 100, specifically that construction of
2-story homes with the proposed setback will reduce the natural sunlight for the existing
homes behind these 4 lots. The existing homes rely on the sunlight to dry out the lots.
Without the sunlight the homes will remain wet creating mold and mildew. He also
stated there are various species of birds, owls and bats. He asked the Commission to
deny the application.
Mae Valentino Pickett spoke about the proposed park by the levee and she feel the
park should loop around into the triangle area and leave the water tower in place. Her
quality of life will be impacted by construction of the 4 homes behind hers; it will limit her
access to the levee and her ability to watch the family o f deer and owls living the in
trees. She feels a re-design would be better.
Rodney Pickett spoke about his backyard as his sanctuary where he barbecues with
views of the mountains and wildlife. All that will be taken away with the proposed 2-
story homes, which his privacy will be invaded and his backyard no longer will be his
sanctuary. He will have neighbors watching him do yard work, barbecuing, being with
his family and he will lose the view of the mountains and the levee.
Regina Chambers spoke about losing privacy in her backyard. She spoke about her
home prices dropping and parking problems on the cul-de-sac. Existing cul-de-sac
(Antonio Ct.) has over flow parking onto Princevalle. She asked the Commission to
deny the project and does not support redesign.
Renee Filice spoke in support of the project. She likes the design and thinks it would
enhance the area. She stated that if this project does not go through , the neighbors
might be looking at condos or townhomes that would increase parking and impact on
the area.
Valerie Filice spoke on the history of the property and she would like the project moved
forward. She believes the proposed project would add value to the neighborhood.
Chair Fischer closed the public hearing.
Vice Chair Gullen asked for comments from staff regarding the number of iterations and
number of meeting and the applied insertion that there has been some surprise to the
applicant about the city’s current position. They claim they have been misled or have
they known all along that there project is not on track.
Planning Manager Martin stated she does not honesty remember how many iterations
there where. She thinks it was July 2013 when the city reviewed the formal submittal.
This is the actual date when the city reviews in depth and analysis as to the
requirements and expectations of the PUD. There where changes along the way and in
June of 2014, there was direction on how staff was directed to look at PUD projects. In
light of making supporting finding for the decision makers.
Commissioner Kloecker asked Planning Manager Martin if the criteria for the PUD was
specifically transmitted or made available to the applicant.
Planning Manager Martin stated the City Council’s consideration and discussion of
PUDs was publicized. The outcome of those discussions are posted on the city’s
website as a direct link for anyone who has a development interest. The staff report
and power point presentation made to the City Council and a very brief synopsis of what
the Council’s exceptions for PUDs was posted soon after the June 2014 meeting.
Planning Manager Martin reiterated as a follow up to the applicant’s submittal after the
June 2014 direction, staff did follow up with the applicant to explain the expectations for
the project.
Commissioner Kloecker asked if the applicant had specific information regarding
Council’s expectations other than the website and posting or the Council meeting that
occurred at that time.
Planning Manager Martin believes so. At the meeting that Val Filice mentioned in her
testimony, staff printed out a list of the 9 PUD findings, which served as the meeting
agenda. Staffs concerns with the project re-submittal was discussed using the PUD
findings. Although the applicant indicated that they responded to every item that we
requested, Planning Manager Martin stated a couple significant items were not
Commissioner Kloecker restated that there seemed to be a difference in opinion
between the applicant and staff.
Commissioner Sanford commented that the project may have inherited some problems
with the new PUD concept. In relaxing some of the standards in exchange for certain
amenities, it may be possible to find a balance, but it’s an art, not a science and cannot
be exactly measured. She also reminded the Commission that the applicant requested
action to either approve or deny the project on its merits.
Commissioner Kloecker asked for clarification on 8,000 square feet lot size and R3
Planning Manager Martin answered the subject property is zoned R3 PUD and R3
development standards calls for minimum lots sizes to be 8,000 square feet. The lot
size does not take into account how many units are proposed on it. She stated that the
intention of the R3 zoning is for multi-family units.
Commissioner Kloecker restated that the 8,000 requirement does not indicate the
number of units on such a lot and it can be 3 units.
Planning Manager Martin confirmed Commissioner Kloecker’s statement that based on
the density allowance an 8,000 sq. ft. lot can have up to 3 units.
Chair Fischer stated the applicant is looking for an up or down vote and he cannot
support the project as proposed. He thinks there are too many houses in the
subdivision and concerned over the lack of parking on Royal Way. He also has an
issue with moving the tank house to the park area and putting a fence around it. Kids
will be curious and climb over the fence to look what is inside and the park area is too
small. He doesn’t understand what the access road is for. The applicant should have
meet with the neighbors and received their input regarding their concerns with placing a
2-story house right behind their homes. He cannot make the findings to approve this.
Commissioner Kloecker agreed with Chair Fischer on his comments and is also
concerned that there is no maintenance agreement for the tank house, and it’s going to
sit there and rot away and that will become a liability for the city. He stated that the
Commission doesn’t get to many applications that have a negative recommendation
from staff and the applicant asked for an up or down vote. The applicant has a right to
appeal to the city council and he also cannot support this project.
Motion on Item VI.E.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2015-06 recommending the City Council deny Z 13-09
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Kai Lai
Vote: Motion carried 6-1-0-0
Yes: Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai; Commissioner Paul Kloecker;
Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: Commissioner Steve Ashford
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Second Motion on Item VI.E.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2015-05 recommending the denial of TM 13-07
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Vice Chair Richard Gullen
Vote: Motion carried 6-1-0-0
Yes: Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai; Commissioner Paul Kloecker;
Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: Commissioner Steve Ashford
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Third Motion on Item VI.E.
Motion: to adopt Resolution 2015-07 recommending the denial of AS 13-14
Moved by Commissioner Paul Kloecker, seconded by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford
Vote: Motion carried 6-1-0-0
Yes: Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai; Commissioner Paul Kloecker;
Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: Commissioner Steve Ashford
Abstain: None
Absent: None
A. Elect Planning Commission Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Motion on Item VIII.A.
Motion: to Elect Richard Gullen as Chairperson and Susan Rodriguez as Vice
Chairperson for 2015
Moved by Commissioner Elizabeth Sanford, seconded by Commissioner Paul Kloecker
Vote: Motion carried 7-0-0-0
Yes: Commissioner Steve Ashford; Vice Chair Richard Gullen; Commissioner Kai Lai;
Commissioner Paul Kloecker; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez; Commissioner
Elizabeth Sanford; Chair Tom Fischer
No: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
A. Current Planning Projects
B. Planning Staff Approvals
C. 2015 Schedule for Planning Commissioner Attendance at City Council Meetings
D. 2015 Planning Commission Committee Assignments
Planning Manager Martin stated on the 2015 Schedule for Planning Commissioner to
attend the City Council meeting the July meeting shows vacant and that will be changed
to Commission Ashford. She also stated on the 2015 Planning Commission Committee
assignments there are vacancy that need to be filled.
Commissioner Kloecker stated he would remove himself from the Historic Heritage
Committee and take the Arts & Culture Commission and Development Standards Task
Force and he suggested Commissioner Ashford take the Historic Heritage Committee.
Commissioner Ashford agreed to take the Historic Heritage Committee assignment.
Commissioner Rodriguez invited the Commissioners to the Roll and Shot for disability
awareness and she handed out flyers for the event.
A. City Council Meetings of January 5 & 26, 2015 and February 2, 2015
Commissioner Lai gave a brief summary of the January Council meetings.
Vice Chair Gullen gave a brief summary of the February 2, 2015 Council meeting.
B. Housing Advisory Committee
Vice Chair Gullen stated that there was no meeting.
C. Historic Heritage Committee
Commissioner Kloecker gave a brief summary of the meeting.
D. Arts & Culture Commission
Chair Fischer stated that there was no report.
E. South County Joint Planning Advisory Committee
Commissioner Kloecker stated that there was no meeting
F. Street Naming Committee
Commissioner Lai gave a brief summary of the meeting.
G. Development Standards Task Force
Chair Fischer stated that there was no meeting.
H. General Plan Advisory Committee
Commissioner Sanford gave a brief summary of the meeting.
Planning Manager Martin stated that she sent out an email for the Planning Commission
Academy is in Newport Beach on March 4-6, 2015 and if anyone is interested please let
her know. She also stated that there might be a special meeting on April 9 or April 16,
2015 for the General Plan preferred alternatives and initiates the policies discussions.
Chair Fischer asked Planning Manager Martin to send out an email regarding the
special meeting dates.
Assistant City Attorney Houston stated she will be speaking at the Planning
Commission Academy and hopes to see some of the Commissioners at the conference.
She also stated she will report at the next meeting regarding a due process common
law conflict case called Woody’s Wharf explaining some of the dos and don’ts on how a
project that is denied at Planning Commission and is appealed to the City Council.
Chair Fischer commented on the Planning Commission Academy and how
unfortunately the city will only cover the cost of the conference and the other expenses
you have to pay for. But, if you have a chance to go, it is a really good conference. He
also thanked the Commission and staff for helping him as Chair and he wished the new
Chair and Vice Chair the best of luck.
XVI. ADJOURNMENT at 9:56 p.m.
Susan Johnson, Deputy City Clerk