06/03/2015 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/08/20151 Open Government Commission Minutes 6/3/2015 GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Minutes WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 2015 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING I. OPENING A. Call to Order and Roll Call Chairperson Glines called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll Call: Chairperson Walter Glines, Vice Chairperson Janet Espersen, Commissioner Bob Dillon, Commissioner Jon Newland II. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE COMMISSION’s SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION There were none. III. CONSENT CALENDAR Commissioner Robert Esposito joined the meeting at 7:05 p.m. A. Approval of the Minutes of March 26, 2015 Motion on Consent Calendar Motion was made by Commissioner Dillon, seconded by Vice Chair Espersen and carried with a 5-0 vote to approve the minutes. IV. MAYOR’S WELCOME TO THE COMMISSION Mayor Gage gave his welcome to the Commission sharing much of the work the city was planning during the next calendar year, including future development and events coming into the area. 2 Open Government Commission Minutes 6/3/2015 V. NEW BUSINESS A. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) The staff report was presented by City Administrator Haglund. Chairperson Glines asked if the city provided responsive records regarding employee salaries and benefits, by name. City Administrator Haglund stated that all compensation information was provided by name of the employee. Acting City Attorney Faber stated that the issue of protecting the names of the employees was litigated and lost in court, explaining that it was now a requirement of all agencies to produce the compensation and benefits by name. City Administrator Haglund stated that the city did it anyway for transparency reasons, stating that the data provided was for the previous calendar year. City Clerk Freels explained that the Bay Area News Group made the same request of all cities in the area each year for the last several years. There were no public comments. Motion on Item V.A. Motion was made by Commissioner Esposito, seconded by Commissioner Newland and carried unanimously to accept the report. B. Presentation of New Open Government Ordinance Training Video Segments City Clerk Freels presented the new training video segments. Chairperson Glines asked that the segments would be placed on the city website and suggested that contact information be provided at the end of each video for any questions. Commissioner Esposito stated that the segments were significantly better than the previous training, explaining that the timing of the segment was perfect. Commissioner Espersen spoke on the color of the font, suggesting that a dark font be used for more clear visibility, and there was further discussion of the preferred size of font. Chairperson Glines and Commissioner Espersen each shared positive comments on the new training videos. 3 Open Government Commission Minutes 6/3/2015 Chairperson Glines asked if there was any legal requirement to specifically contact the media with any reportable action out of closed session. City Clerk Freels stated that the Gilroy Open Government Ordinance required the posting of any disclosable action by the end of business the next day after the actio n was taken, but the Brown Act and the Open Government Ordinance didn’t require th at notice be given to the media. She further explained that the Brown Act didn’t require the posting or publishing of the action within 24 hours, and cities reflected the clo sed session announcement in their minutes. City Administrator Haglund stated that the Council was required to come out of closed session and make any verbal announcements of reportable actions. Commissioner Espersen asked what did need to be reported out of closed session. City Attorney Faber explained that certain closed session actions were required to be disclosed under the Brown Act such as the approval of an agreement, but most actions were not reportable as they were not final actions. C. Presentation of the City’s New Website and Website Analytics IT Manger Golden gave a presentation of the new website. Chairperson Glines spoke on use of analytics to determine how long someone stayed on a particular page of the website, and how many visits were made. He then suggested that the meetings of each policy body and their agenda be available from the policy body’s webpage for more public accessibility. City Administrator Haglund stated that it was a good idea. City Attorney Faber spoke on the difficulty in accessing information on other jurisdiction’s websites. Chairperson Glines suggested that before the website went live; the city should bring in 10 non tech people and give them 3 minutes to find a particular piece of information, to see if they would be able to find what they were looking for. IT Manager Golden stated that there was a Meetings Center where the commission material was housed. City Clerk Freels explained that the Meetings Center with the agenda and packet material was accessible from the Commission page, but the calendar was not. There was a robust discussion of the public needs and enhancements to the website including the security of the website and the responsibilities of the host company. 4 Open Government Commission Minutes 6/3/2015 VI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORTS There were none. VII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORTS Acting City Attorney Faber stated that City Attorney Callon sent her regards. VIII. CITY CLERK’S REPORTS There was none. IX. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS There were none. X. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS – SCHEDULE NEXT QUARTERLY MEETING Chairperson Glines stated that it would interesting to see the city revenues from Charter cable compared to those from dish network and other types of television vendors. He then asked if there were any funding from the other providers. City Administrator Haglund stated that the city only received funding from Charter cable explaining that there was no legal way to franchise with other providers. City Clerk Freels stated that additional segments of the new Open Government Commission trainings may be available for review at the next meeting. Commissioner Dillon suggested that the Commissioner’s review the new website and provide their comments to staff at the next meeting. City Administrator Haglund stated that he would alert the Commission when the site went live, explaining that it would be sometime during the summer. The next quarterly meeting was scheduled for October 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. XI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. /s/ SHAWNA FREELS, MMC City Clerk 5 Open Government Commission Minutes 6/3/2015