03/28/2019 Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/09/2019 Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes 3/28/19 GILROY OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes March 28, 2019 I. OPENING A. Call to Order and Roll Call Chairperson Esposito called the meeting to order at 7:0 1 p.m. B. Welcome Newly Appointed Commissioners Rebecca Scheel and Diana Bentz Commissioners Scheel and Bentz were welcomed by the Chair and they introduced themselves. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioner, Chairperson Robert Esposito, Commissioner Diana Bentz, Commissioner Rebecca Scheel Ab sent: Commissioners Alison Beach and James Weaver II. PRESENTATIONS TO THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION A. PUBLIC COMMENT BY MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA BUT WITHIN THE COMMISSION’s SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION There were none. B. Presentation of the City of Gilroy Board, Commission &Committee Member Handbook City Clerk Freels presented the handbook and Assistant City Attorney Houston further provided further clarification on a variety of sections. The Commissioners asked a variety of questions about the guide. There were no public comments. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of the Minutes of November 8, 2018. Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes 3/28/19 There were no public comments. Motion on Item III. A. Motion was made by Chairperson Esposito, seconded by Commissioner Scheel and carried 3-0-2 (Commissioners Weaver and Beach absent) to approve the November 8, 2018 minutes. IV. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was none. V. NEW BUSINESS A. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (Fourth Quarter, 2018) City Clerk Freels presented the item. The Commissioners had a variety of questions regarding the process of filling requests electronically, and what was included in response to certain categories of records. There were no public comments. Motion on Item V.A. Motion was made by Chairperson Esposito, seconded by Commissioner Bentz and carried 3-0-2 (Commissioners Weaver and Beach absent) to receive the report B. Review of Recently Adopted Emergency Ordinance Repealing Sections 17A.24 (6) and (8) of the Gilroy City Code The staff report was presented by Assistant City Attorney Houston. There were no public comments. C. Appointment of Vice Chair The item was presented by City Clerk Freels There were no public comments. Motion on Item V. C. Motion was made by Chairperson Esposito, seconded by Commissioner Scheel and carried 3-0-2 (Commissioners Weaver and Beach absent) to appoint Commission Bentz as Vice Chair. Open Government Commission Special Meeting Minutes 3/28/19 VI. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT There was none. VII. CITY CLERK’S REPORT A. Presentation of New Public Records Portal City Clerk Freels showed the Commission the Public Records Portal on the City website. Commissioners had positive comments on the new portal and spoke to connectivity and use on a mobile device. VIII. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT A. Update on the California Law Revision Commission Proposed Recodification of the California Public Records Act The staff report was presented by Assistant City Attorney Houston. There were no public comments. IX. REPORTS OF COMMISSION MEMBERS There were none. X. FUTURE COMMISSION INITIATED AGENDA ITEMS The Commission agreed to agendize potential training options on the next agenda. XI. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m. /s/ Shawna Freels, MMC City Clerk