05/11/2023 Open Government Commission Special Agenda Packet
May 11, 2023 5:30 PM Page 1 of 3 Open Government Commission
Special Meeting Agenda
THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM
GILROY, CA 95020
Chair: Diana Bentz Vice Chair: Karen Enzensperger
Commissioners: Terence Fugazzi, Jessica Irwin, & Shayne Somavia
Staff Liaison: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
All Open Government Commission meeting materials are available online at http://gilroy.city/meetings
OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION. Public testimony is subject to reasonable regulations, including
but not limited to time restrictions for each individual speaker.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City will make reasonable arrangements to
ensure accessibility to this meeting. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please
contact the City Clerk 72 hours prior to the meeting at (408) 846-0204. A sound enhancement system is
also available for check out in the City Council Chambers.
Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Open Government Commission after
distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection with the agenda packet in the lobby
of Administration at City Hall, 7351 Rosanna Street during normal business hours. These materials are
also available with the agenda packet on the City website at www.cityofgilroy.org, subject to Staff’s
ability to publish the documents before the meeting.
Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions,
task forces, councils and other agencies of the City exist to conduct the people's business. This
ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open
to the people's review.
If you need assistance with translation and would like to speak during public comment,
please contact the City Clerk a minimum of 72 hours prior to the meeting at 408-846-
0204 or e-mail the City Clerk’s Office at cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org.
Si necesita un intérprete durante la junta y gustaría dar un comentario público,
comuníquese con el Secretario de la Ciudad un mínimo de 72 horas antes de la junta al
408-846-0204 o envíe un correo electrónico a la Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad a
Open Government Commission
Special Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM
The AGENDA for this special meeting is as follows:
3.1. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda but
within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction
4.1. Approval of the February 9, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
4.2. Approval of April 6, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes
5.1. City Council Correspondence Samples
1. Staff Report: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
2. Public Comment
5.2. Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video
1. Staff Report: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
2. Public Comment
5.3. Open Government FAQ
1. Staff Report: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
2. Public Comment
5.4. OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25
1. Hybrid Meetings
1. Staff Report: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
2. Public Comment
5.5. OGO Training/Budget
1. Board/Commission Training
2. Brown Act
3. JEDI Training
1. Staff Report: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator
2. Public Comment
Open Government Commission
Special Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 May 11, 2023 | 5:30 PM
6.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section
17A.35 (c) (First Quarter, 2023)
1. Staff Report: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk
2. Public Comment
6.2. Discussion and Amending the 2023 Open Government Commission
Meeting Schedule
1. Staff Report: Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk
2. Public Comment
August 10, 2023 – 6:00 PM
November 9, 2023– 6:00 PM
Page 1 of 3
City of Gilroy
Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 9, 2023 | 6:00 PM
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Commissioner Bentz.
Present: Diana Bentz, Commissioner
Karen Enzensperger, Commissioner
Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner
Jessica Irwin, Commissioner
Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
Motion: To nominate Commissioner Bentz as Chair of the Open Government
MOVER: Karen Enzensperger, Commissioner
SECOND: Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner
AYES: Commissioner Bentz, Enzensperger, Fugazzi, Irwin, and Somavia
Motion: To nominate Commissioner Enzensperger as Vice-Chair of the Open
Government Commission
MOVER: Diana Bentz, Chair
SECOND: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
AYES: Chair Bentz, Commissioner Enzensperger, Fugazzi, Irwin, and Somavia
Commissioner Bentz and Enzensperger were appointed as Chair and Vice-Chair of the
Open Government Commission for the 2023 Calendar Year, respectively.
5.1. Mayor’s Presentation to the Open Government Commission
Mayor Blankley provided a presentation to the Open Government Commission.
5.2. Presentation of Plaque to Outgoing Commissioner Rebecca Scheel
The item was tabled to the next regular meeting.
5.3. Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda
but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Maria Aguilar inquired about the $100,000.00 grant for Downtown. City
Administrator Forbis provided a response to her inquiry.
Commissioner Bentz welcomed newly appointed Commissioners Fugazzi and Somavia.
Commissioner Bentz, Fugazzi, and Somavia made brief comments.
February 09, 2023 | 6:00 PM Page 2 of 3 Open Government Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz closed public
MOTION: Approve the Consent Calendar.
MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
SECONDER: Jessica Irwin, Commissioner
AYES: Chair Bentz, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Commissioner Fugazzi, Irwin, and Somavia
6.1. Approval of the November 10, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes.
7.1. Amendment to Section 6 of the Open Government Commission Bylaws as
Required by City Council Resolution No. 2022-58
City Clerk Pham provided a brief presentation and responded to Commissioners
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed public comment.
Motion: Adopt the Amendment to Section 6 of the Open Government
Commission Bylaws as Required by City Council Resolution 2022-58.
MOVER: Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
SECONDER: Karen Enzensperger, Commissioner
AYES: Chair Bentz, Vice-Chair Enzensperger, Commissioner Fugazzi, Irwin,
and Somavia
8.1. Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per Gilroy Code Section
17A.35 (c) (Fourth Quarter, 2022)
City Clerk Pham provided a brief presentation and responded to Commissioners
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed public comment.
The Commission received the report.
8.2. Initiated Agenda Item – Knowing Your Right When Requesting a Public
City Administrator Forbis provided brief presentation on the item and responded
to Commissioner questions.
Commissioner discussion ensued regarding the item.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
February 09, 2023 | 6:00 PM Page 3 of 3 Open Government Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
City Administrator Forbis stated that staff will update the City’s front webpage to
increase public awareness of receiving public records and records requests.
8.3. Initiated Agenda Item – Hybrid Meetings
City Administrator Forbis provided a brief presentation on the item and
responded to Commissioner questions.
Commissioner discussion ensued about the item.
City Administrator Forbis requested the commission to table the item to item 8.6.
8.4. Initiated Agenda Item – Promoting OGC on the City Website
City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
8.5. City Council Correspondence Usage
City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
8.6. FY 24 and FY 24 Open Government Commission Workplan
City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
8.7. Open Government Commission Training Plan
City Administrator Forbis gave staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened public comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
A special meeting was requested by City Administrator Forbis to discuss this
item. The commission unanimously decided to hold a special meeting on
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, at 6:00 PM.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Bentz at 7:12 PM.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular
meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission.
/s/Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC
City Clerk
Page 1 of 2
City of Gilroy
Open Government Commission Regular Meeting Minutes
Thursday, April 6, 2023 | 6:00 PM
The meeting was called to order by Chair Bentz at 6:01 PM.
Attendance Attendee Name
Present Terence Fugazzi, Commissioner
Jessica Irwin, Commissioner
Shayne Somavia, Commissioner
Diana Bentz, Chair
Absent Karen Enzensperger, Vice-Chair
3.1.Public Comments by Members of the Public on Items not on the Agenda
but within the Commission’s Subject Matter Jurisdiction
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
4.1.City of Gilroy Front Page – Open Government Ordinance (OGO) Section
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
4.2.City Council Correspondence Samples
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
4.3.Open Government Ordinance Old Training Video
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
April 06, 2023 | 6:00 PM Page 2 of 2 Open Government Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
4.4.Open Government FAQ
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
4.5.OGO Workplan FY 24 and FY 25
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
4.6.OGO Training/Budget
City Administrator Forbis provided staff presentation and responded to
Commissioner questions.
Chair Bentz opened Public Comment. There being no speakers, Chair Bentz
closed Public Comment.
Commissioners accepted the report.
Commissioners brought forth several discussion items, and staff responded to their
The meeting was adjourned by Chair Bentz at 7:04 PM.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing minutes were duly and regularly adopted at a regular
meeting of the Gilroy Open Government Commission of the City of Gilroy.
/s/Thai Nam Pham, CMC, CPMC
City Clerk
City of Gilroy
Open Government
Agenda Item Title:Quarterly Review of Public Records Requests Per
Gilroy Code Section 17A.35 (c) (First Quarter, 2023)
Meeting Date:May 11, 2023
From:Thai Nam Pham, City Clerk
Staff recommends that the Commission receive the report.
This staff report contains two logs of Public Record Requests for the first quarter (January
1st through March 31st) of the 2023 calendar year:
•General City Public Records Request log (Spreadsheet)
•General City Public Records Request log (Word Format)
•Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log.
To provide the Commission with more comprehensive information, the General City
Public Records Request log includes details such as the Departments, Source, and
Resolution Days. Staff has also created a Word format version of the log for easier
Furthermore, the police staff has enhanced their log by adding clear descriptions to the
report types and improving the table format for easier readability. We believe that these
changes will greatly improve the accessibility and usefulness of the logs to the
Commission and the public.
1. General City Public Records Requests (inclusive of Fire Department requests)
2. General City Public Records Requests (Word Format)
3. Police Department Public Records Requests and Denial Log
Request ID#Request Date Description Department Category Source Resolution Days Status
PRA-2022-00216 1/3/2023 Looking for a set of plans for
Chung residence
2106 Cruden Bay Way
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2022-00217 1/3/2023 Hello,
I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a
complaint from September 2022 to present. Specifically I'm looking for open & closed nuisance &
property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass /
weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard
building / neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason for violation /
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water
consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m requesting a list of
properties that currently have the water shut off.
Please email lists to: assistant@equityconsultantpros.com
Thank you.
Development - Code
Community Development -
Code Enforcement: Code
Enforcement Violations
External Portal 12 Completed
PRA-2022-00218 1/3/2023 Good morning,
Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans.
Please locate and transfer when possible?
If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member could come in to
take photos.
APNPermit NumberSitusAddress
841-07-013220500017450 CHESTNUT ST, GI
841-03-070200801477600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801487600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801597600 FOREST ST, GI
Thank you for your help.
Melody Dejesus | Real Property Division, Appraisal Data Coordinator
County of Santa Clara · Office of the Assessor
70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 3rd Floor San José, CA 95110
Office: (408) 299-5317 | Facsimile: (408) 299-3015
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 10 Completed
General City Public Records Requests - First Quarter, January 1, 2023 - March 31, 2023
PRA-2022-00219 1/3/2023 Any and all documents that been recorded, submitted and approved for all construction,
environment reports, engineering reports for property located 1355 1st St, Gilroy, CA 95020.
City Clerk City Clerk: Agreements External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2022-00220 1/3/2023 Reference Number: 0429-000-032
Initial Date of Request: December 29, 2022
Name of Agency: Gilroy
Contact Name: Thai Pham
City Clerk
Contact Address: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org
RE: Public Records Act Request
I am requesting access to records in possession or control of Gilroy for the purposes of
inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records Act, California Government
Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the California Constitution.
The specific records we seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record”
includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code §
6252(e) & (g).
We request electronic copies of:
An electronic copy (e.g. PDF format) of your Chief of Police's current (or most recent if you have
no current) employment contract. If your agency does not directly employ a Chief of Police,
this request is for the current (or most recent if you have no If you contend that any portion of
Human Resources Human Resources:
Personnel Files
Internal Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2022-00221 1/3/2023 We are currently conducting research on a property located in your municipality, specifically
property address -7765 Ghirlanda Ct - Gilroy, CA 95020 l PIN: 841-65-022. The title company is
preparing for a closing and is requesting we provide them with information on code violations,
permits, and/or liens. If you could please advise whether there are any open/expired permits
and/or any active code violations against the property, I would greatly appreciate it.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00001 1/3/2023 Hi,
We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can
be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits
and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 12/01/2022 to
12/31/2022. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 12/01/2022 to
12/31/2022. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue
date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please
include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits.
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19.
Regards, and stay safe,
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00002 1/3/2023 Request Code: 12261059
Date: 12/26/22
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: Playground Surface Repair
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-276,
Bid Date: 01/03/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 7 Completed
PRA-2023-00003 1/5/2023 Hello, we are the HOA Management Company for Princevalle HOA. We are looking for the fire
incident report for a fire that occurred at 785 Williamsburg Way on 1/3.
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00004 1/9/2023 request for fire report
smoke damage to house
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal Returned for
PRA-2023-00005 1/9/2023 Hi,
Good day!
I would like to request a copy of the bid result for San Ysidro Lighting - Picnic Area
Improvements that was bid last January 4, 2023, please.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a great day,
City Clerk City Clerk: Agreements External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00006 1/9/2023 Request Code: 12304298
Date: 01/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-483,
Bid Date: 01/17/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Development -
Community Development -
Planning: Planned Projects
Internal Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00007 1/11/2023 Dear Custodian of Records:
This letter constitutes a request under the California Public Records Act ("CPRA") from the
Electronic Frontier Foundation, submitted with the assistance of MuckRock News.
We request the following records related to Automated License Plate Readers ("ALPRs") and your
law enforcement agency ("Agency").
Part A - Information related to ALPR data sharing.
A1. The names of agencies and organizations with which the Agency shares ALPR data;
A2. The names of agencies and organizations from which the Agency receives ALPR data;
A3. The names of agencies and organizations with which the Agency shares “hot list”
A4. The names of agencies and organizations from which the Agency receives “hot list”
The information requested in items A1-A4 is readily available for extraction through the ALPR
software you use. For example, with Vigilant Solutions/Motorola Solutions, this data can be
exported easily using the Data Sharing Report function. With Flock Safety, this information is
available through the transparency portal function. Other software, such as BOSS, has similar
Most agencies have encountered little difficulty in providing this information (see below). In a
small number of cases, an agency has interpreted items A1-A4 as requesting the creation of a
record that does not exist. We disagree: this data is maintained by your software, can be
exported through software your agency has already purchased, and is therefore subject to CPRA.
However, should you disagree, you may alternatively produce the following records:
A5. All agreements, memoranda of understanding, requests, or other certifying documents that
Police Other Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00008 1/11/2023 San Ysidro Lighting/Picnic Area Improvements Project - Bid Results/Tabulation City Clerk City Clerk: Contracts External Portal 12 Completed
PRA-2023-00009 1/12/2023 Good morning,
Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans.
Please locate and transfer when possible?
If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member could come in to
take photos.
APNPermit NumberSitusAddress
841-07-013220500017450 CHESTNUT ST, GI
841-03-070200801477600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801487600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801597600 FOREST ST, GI
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Melody Dejesus | Real Property Division, Appraisal Data Coordinator
County of Santa Clara · Office of the Assessor
70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 3rd Floor San José, CA 95110
Office: (408) 299-5317 | Facsimile: (408) 299-3015
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00010 1/17/2023 To whom it may concern,
I manage the property at 8101 Forest Street in Gilroy. I would like to request a copy of an
incident report of a fire that was reported to you by our tenants residing at 8101 Forest Street
'E', Gilroy.
The fire occurred on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Our tenants Monica Lagunas Peralta and
Karen Rios Lagunas contacted our office at approximately 12:40 pm to report this incident and
that the Gilroy Fire Department was at the property.
Can you please provide me with instructions on how to request this incident report.
We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Monroy-Rivera
Property Manager
P: (408) 847-4900 | C: (669) 214-1768 | F: (408) 907-8934
8505 Church Street | Suite 1 | Gilroy, CA 95020
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
Internal Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00011 1/17/2023 Hello,
I am a records research engineer for Congruex, a contractor for FRONTIER. We are currently
planning a fiber cable installation project in Gilroy and I'm hoping you can provide some
Our project is servicing 1325 Michael Bo Ln, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA. The entire project is shown
in the attached pdf.
Can you provide Storm Drain, Sewer, and Water substructure information for the area? A capital
improvement plan, as-built document, or GIS screenshot should show this information.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.
Thank you,
Shishir Rawat
Engineering Assistant
A-40A, Industrial Focal Point, Phase 8B, Mohali, Punjab 160059 India
Public Works Other Internal Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00012 1/17/2023 Hi,
I would like to request a list with the contact information for all the people that have applied
for a business license in the city of Gilroy in the past 3 months.
Thank you
Finance Finance: Business Licenses External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00013 1/17/2023 I am owner of this house. I like to know the cause of fire in those house Fire Fire: Incident Reports External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00014 1/17/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records since October 31, 2022, to present.
Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to:
-Permit Number
-Applied/Issued Dates
-Work Address
-Permit Type
-Permit Status
-Description of the work being done
-Contractor and Architect Details
-Job Valuations
The preferred file type is .xls/.csv
-We can also accept .txt, .pdf, .xlsx, etc.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00015 1/18/2023 Request Code: 12304298
Date: 01/18/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-483,
Bid Date: 01/17/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 5 Completed
PRA-2023-00016 1/23/2023 Hello,
I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a
complaint from January 2021 to present. Specifically I'm looking for open & closed nuisance &
property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass /
weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard
building / neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason for violation /
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water
consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m requesting a list of
properties that currently have the water shut off.
Please email lists to: assistant@equityconsultantpros.com
Thank you.
Development - Code
Other External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00017 1/23/2023 Hello City Clerk’s Office,
I want to request a copy of the submissions for the recent RFP City-Wide Landscaping Proposal
23-PW-484. There should be 5 submissions that I would like a copy of.
Those companies are Alpine, Frank Grossman, Jensen and New Image.
Along with the copy of the submissions can I request a copy of the pricing packet that was
Thank you
Travis Wilson
Business Development Executive
Northern CA Municipalities
BrightView Landscape Services
C: 775-303-6412
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00018 1/23/2023 Gilroy Police Department
PRA Office
7301 Hanna St.
Gilroy, CA 95020
January 23, 2023
To local agency representative:
This is a request made under the California Public Records Act for records subject to disclosure
under Penal Code section 832.7, as modified by Senate Bill 1421 and Senate Bill 16, laws that
give the public the right to know about incidents of serious officer misconduct and uses of force.
This request is brought by journalists from the California Reporting Project, a collaboration of
40 news organizations and partner groups, via the records request platform MuckRock.
With respect to incidents occurring on or after January 1, 2014, we are requesting copies of all
public records relating to any of the following circumstances, pursuant to Penal Code section
1 Any incident involving the discharge of a firearm at a person by a peace officer or custodial
2 Any incident involving the use of force against a person by a peace officer or custodial officer
that resulted in death or great bodily injury
Police Other Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00019 1/24/2023 I am requesting the Fire Incident Report for the fire referenced.
We are investigating a fire on behalf of the insurance company State Farm
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00020 1/24/2023 Chief Espinoza:
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250, et seq.), this
office formally requests the following records relating to the staffing of sworn peace officer
personnel (Penal Code section 830.1) at the Gilroy Police Department.
Information Requested
Specifically, this request seeks:
(1) the number of authorized or budgeted full-time employees (FTE) in sworn peace officer
classifications (Penal Code section 830.1 ), regardless of classification;
(2) the actual number of individuals currently employed by the Gilroy Police Department as
sworn 830.1 peace officers, regardless of classification or availability (such as vacation, FMLA,
workers' compensation, etc.); and
(3) the number of applications for sworn 830. l peace officer career opportunities received by
the Agency in each of the last ten (10) years.
This request does not seek the identity of any individual employees or any other personal
information relating to the individual employee. To reduce the time and expense of identifying
and producing the requested documents, if you are willing to provide a summary document
Human Resources Other Internal Portal 23 Completed
PRA-2023-00021 1/24/2023 ATTN: Gilroy Fire Department
RE: Incident report for Bay Area Community Health clinic
To whom it may concern,
Greetings to you. I am the Safety Coordinator for Bay Area Community Health. I oversee safety
tasks at the medical & dental sites located in Santa Clara County. This email is meant to serve
as a formal request to receive a copy of the incident report, along with any & all other
associated reports/information pertaining to the evacuation and fire dispatch call that occurred
on 1/24/2023. Please note that the incident report & corresponding information received from
your offices, will be submitted for review to our leadership team & are considered as legal
Compliance requirement. Be advised that the reports obtained will aide us in furthering our Risk
Management efforts in place. Moving forward, if any questions arise pertaining to this request,
please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your assistance with
this request
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00022 1/25/2023 We are interested in a full report (Or list), sent via email if possible, containing the information
of all the Building Permits issued in Gilroy, CA. All permits, both residential and commercial.
Specifically, the following information (or as much of it that can be provided):
Date, Number, Permit Type, Description, Project Cost, Address, Contractor’s information.
From July through December 2022, in electronic format, preferably excel, csv or pdf.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00023 1/26/2023 Good day,
Can you please share the Permit List from May to now with me?
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
Internal Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00026 1/30/2023 The recent RFP 23-RFP-PW-484 was closed on 1/17/23 and they eventually rejected and
cancelled on 1/24/23. I would like to request a copy of the proposals and pricing sheets that
were submitted by Alpine Landscape, Frank and Grossman, Jensen and New Image.
Finance Finance: Bid External Portal 5 Completed
PRA-2023-00025 1/30/2023 I’m a journalist with the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley. I am requesting access to public
records to understand the payment of public funds involving law enforcement employee injury claims.
This request for records is made pursuant to California Public Records Act and California Labor Code §§ 138.7,
and Article I, Section 3(b), of the California Constitution.
I request copies of (or access to) the following records:
All records related to Worker’s Compensation Electronic Adjudicated Management System #: ADJ8954175,
ADJ8954173, ADJ6600119 involving former employee Daniel Castaneda for injuries dated 05/20/2013 -
05/20/2013, 03/14/2013, 09/05/2006. This includes but is not limited to: an Application for Adjudication &
answers, Petitions for Reconsideration & answers, Declaration of Readiness to Proceed & Answers, Compromise
and Releases, Petition for Dismissals, DWC-1 Claim Forms, Hearing Minutes, Exhibits and any Evidence, etc.
All records related to these cases are disclosable pursuant to Labor Code 138.7(b)(5)(A), which provides that
records “contained in an individual’s file” related to a worker’s compensation claim are disclosable once an
application for adjudication has been filed. Each of these cases was adjudicated and therefore disclosable.
I direct you to the League of California Cities The People’s Business: A Guide to the California Public Records
Act, which states that Labor Code § 138.7 requires government agencies to disclose “certain information…once
an application for adjudication has been filed.”
All records related to adjudicated cases are disclosable pursuant to Labor Code 138.7(b)(5)(A), which provides
that records “contained in an individual’s file” related to a worker’s compensation claim are disclosable once
an application for adjudication has been filed.
I direct you to the League of California Cities The People’s Business: A Guide to the California Public Records
Human Resources Other External Portal 32 Completed
PRA-2023-00024 1/30/2023 Requesting blueprint of my house built in 2002. Address is 2106 Cruden Bay Way, Gilroy, Ca.Community
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00029 1/31/2023 I'm trying to get the diagrams or schematics for the plumbing throughout our home as well as
the Structural blue prints. Can you please assist me in getting these plans. The address is 31
Sister City Way. Please let me know if anymore information is needed. Thank you
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
Internal Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00028 1/31/2023 Request Code: 12350382
Date: 01/31/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Citywide Parks and Landscape Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-486,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00027 1/31/2023 Request Code: 12351251
Date: 01/31/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape & Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-485,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Request for
Proposal (RFP) Information
Internal Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00031 2/1/2023 Gas Fireplace in the kitchen exploded. Fire Fire: Incident Reports Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00030 2/1/2023 We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can
be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits
and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 01/01/2023 to
01/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 01/01/2023 to
01/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified.
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue
date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please
include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits.
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19.
Community Developmen Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00033 2/2/2023 Auto Accident. Please search 7 days before 12/15/2022-12/29/2022 Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Othe Internal Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00032 2/2/2023 I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to ask for the awarded contractor and awarded amount
for the San Ysidro Lighting/Picnic Area Improvements Project -23-PW-277. I would also like to
know the anticipated start dates, if determined.
Finance Finance: Bid External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00037 2/6/2023 Eden Housing would like to request a copy of the original permit drawings for our property at
752 Saint Clar Avenue, Gilroy. The property is a 100% affordable property that we are looking to
renovate with funding from the State. Please let me know if you need additional information.
Thank you.
Community Developmen Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 9 Completed
PRA-2023-00036 2/6/2023 Thank you for your prompt response.
Perhaps I am being less than competent but your material does not seem to be the material i
Sorry for the confusion.
This is what i need.
Minutes of the half dozen council meetings where Gary Gillmor formally asked Gilroy to annex
lucky day ranch.
Election material if the annexation was appeealed
City Clerk City Clerk: Resolutions Internal Portal 9 Completed
PRA-2023-00035 2/6/2023 Your office is well operated and cooperative.
I need a tremendous amount of information on Gary Gillmor's numerous appearences from 1990
to 2009 on annexation votes by Gilroy City Councils, measures before voters as well
Interested in council minutes and vote records only.
Thank you.
Be well, God Love you and your excellent staff.
City Clerk City Clerk: Resolutions Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00034 2/6/2023 SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for any and all
purchasing records from 11/8/2022 to current. The request is limited to readily available
records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable
electronic document is acceptable.
The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:
1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is
acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address
If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may have report
samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond.
As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link for any new
requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your assistance towards this
request. You may also attach the information to this email.
Finance Finance: Expense Reports External Portal 5 Completed
PRA-2023-00038 2/7/2023 Sir/Madam: Please know that we represent Steve Corchero in a motorcycle vehicle incident on
7/10/2022. We are requesting medical and billing records or Mr. Corchero's ambulance to the
hospital. Police Report was filed by Mas Yamamoto.
Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Medi External Portal Returned for
PRA-2023-00040 2/8/2023 Any and all information pertaining to the installation of a city sewer main originating from eight
street and passing through residential properties to Old Gilroy street. In addition, the
maintenance records for this sewer line and any other relevant information about it. My Address
is 362 Old Gilroy Street.
Please be aware that your internal systems may inexplicably show my property as 372 Old Gilroy
Street, which is my neighbors property with only a detached garage on it. Our Property has a
Single Family Dwelling and a Detached garage complex. The reason for this request is that we
were informed by the City Engineering Department that there is a sewer main on our property
when we applied to Build a new Accessory Dwelling in our backyard.
This of course, is information that no one except the City knows about. No County Agency,
Planning Dept., Building Dept., no map, no title company, no assessors, no surveyors...etc. ever
mentioned anything about a sewer line to us. We are trying to confirm that the City does not in
fact have a sewer line on our property. There is, to our knowledge, no public record of this.
There is no easement shown on any map that any agency we have worked with has.
Public Works Other External Portal 14 Completed
PRA-2023-00039 2/8/2023 Hello, I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new businesses that
filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of 01/01/2023 – 01/31/2023. The
PHONE NUMBER, AND DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all,
the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file. Please just send an email stating that 0
new records for said month. Are you able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I
appreciate your help and hope you have a nice day.
Finance Finance: Business Licenses External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00042 2/9/2023 Request Code: 12351251
Date: 02/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-485,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00041 2/9/2023 Request Code: 12350382
Date: 02/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: RFP - Citywide Parks and Landscape Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-486,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00052 2/13/2023 I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous materials,
aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), oil/water
separators/clarifiers/sumps, spills/cleanups, and violations for the property at 6600 Automall
Parkway and 6600 Chestnut Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00051 2/13/2023 I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous materials,
aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), oil/water
separators/clarifiers/sumps, spills/cleanups, and violations for the property at 6700 Automall
Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00050 2/13/2023 I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction permits, demolition
permits, and permits for improvements such as aboveground/underground storage tanks
(including septic), wells, and tenant improvements for the property at 6700 Automall Parkway,
Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-024).
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00049 2/13/2023 I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction permits, demolition
permits, and permits for improvements such as aboveground/underground storage tanks
(including septic), wells, and tenant improvements for the property at 6600 Automall Parkway
and 6600 Chestnut Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-019).
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00048 2/13/2023 Please provide the planning file for 7700 Monterey Street (Monterey and 3rd Streets). We are
specifically looking for information about the proposed redevelopment of this site in conjunction
with the property to the north (7760 Monterey Street) and the city property at the corner of
Monterey and Ioof Streets. Thank you very much.
Development -
Community Development -
Planning: Planned Projects
External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00047 2/13/2023 Please provide the Building File for the mixed use property at 7680 Monterey Street (Monterey
and 3rd Street). We are specifically looking for the geotechnical report that was done when this
property was constructed approximately 12 years ago. Thank you very much.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00046 2/13/2023 Hello, I am looking for building plans for the following property- 9005 El Doric Ct. Gilroy CA
I am the current owner, but not the original owner.The home was built in the 70's, and we've
spoken to Santa Clara County, which advised that during this period of time the home might
have been within the Gilroy city jurisdiction. The county does not have the original plans on file
and thought the city of Gilroy might, hence the request.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00045 2/13/2023 Measure G in 1978.
May I ask for council minutes and files regarding measure g of 1978? Thanks
City Clerk Other Internal Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00044 2/13/2023 Aerial cable damaged by fire/ CMR Claim #: 1866286 Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal Returned for
PRA-2023-00043 2/13/2023 I would like to request city records associated with a diesel spill that occurred at 6605 Chestnut
Street (now Automall Parkway), APN 841-16-117, in 2020. Reports, maps, photos, or any other
information regarding the spill and remediation of the spill would be helpful. Thanks!
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Files Regarding
Environmental Conditions
of a Property
External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00055 2/14/2023 Are there any open zoning, building or fire code violations on file for 6700 Automall Parkway?
Has a certificate of occupancy been issued for 6700 Automall Parkway? If so, please provide a
Development - Code
Community Development -
Code Enforcement: Code
Enforcement Violations
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00054 2/14/2023 Are there any open zoning, building or fire code violations on file for 6600 Automall Parkway?
Has a certificate of occupancy been issued for 6600 Automall Parkway? If so, please provide a
Development - Code
Community Development -
Code Enforcement: Code
Enforcement Violations
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00053 2/14/2023 CREtelligent has been engaged to perform an environmental site assessment of commercial land
located at 7888 Wren Ave #B, Gilroy, CA 95020. As part of our due diligence and in accordance
with ASTM production standards, we are requesting any records that may exist regarding
permits, aboveground or underground storage tanks, dry cleaning, printing, fuel dispensing,
hazardous waste, environmental remediation activities, septic systems, wells, spills, releases of
hazardous materials, or known contaminated sites on our subject property. Please process this
request and contact me if you have any questions.
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Files Regarding
Environmental Conditions
of a Property
External Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00057 2/15/2023 Dear Public Records Department:
Please consider this letter as a public records request as defined under the laws applicable to
your jurisdiction.
We are requesting:
1.A copy of the last property & casualty insurance renewal summary for all lines of insurance
purchased by the city (general liability, auto, workers comp, professional, directors and
officers, etc.). This document summarizes the insurance terms, limits, deductibles, premium
and exclusions.
2.A copy of the last employee benefits insurance renewal summary for health, dental and vision
plans sponsored by the city. This document shows plan options available to the city's employees
and the pricing for employee, employee plus spouse, employee plus family.
Please respond with PDF versions of the requested documents or any questions you may have.
Human Resources Other Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00056 2/15/2023 Request Code: 12370283
Date: 02/15/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual CDBG Sidewalk/ Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-279,
Bid Date: 02/23/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 9 Completed
PRA-2023-00066 2/16/2023 Plans of the Gilroy Truck Stop diesel fueling system, including underground storage tank, fuel
piping, and monitoring system at 5920 Travel Park Circle
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00065 2/16/2023 We would like to review any building/demolitions permits and certificates of occupancy for the
following property: 6975 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, California 95020 (APN 841-70-045).
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00064 2/16/2023 We would like to review any UST, HAZMAT, AST, drycleaning operations, septic tank systems,
groundwater wells, chemical spills/cleanups, and soil/groundwater investigation records for the
following property: 6975 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, California 95020 (APN 841-70-045).
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00063 2/16/2023 Certificates of Occupancy: Please supply copies of any existing certificates of occupancy for the
subject property. Please state (even if a Certificate of Occupancy was located and provided) if
the lack of a Certificate of Occupancy on file would activate any enforcement actions/adverse
actions against the property. Also, please specify if a new Certificates of Occupancy would be
required in the event of a change in ownership, use, or renovations for 6975 Camino Arroyo
(APN: 84170045); Gilroy, CA
Development - Building
Other External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00062 2/16/2023 Site Plans for 6975 Camino Arroyo (APN: 84170045); Gilroy, CA Community
Development -
Community Development -
Planning: Project Site Maps
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00061 2/16/2023 Open/Unresolved Zoning or Building Code Violations for 6975 Camino Arroyo (APN: 84170045):
Gilroy, CA
Development - Code
Community Development -
Code Enforcement: Code
Enforcement Violations
External Portal 9 Completed
PRA-2023-00060 2/16/2023 Open/Unresolved Fire Code Violations for 6975 Camino Arroyo (APN: 84170045); Gilroy, CA Community
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Fire Inspection
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00059 2/16/2023 Our team is working in an upcoming renovation of one unit of Gilroy Crossing shopping mall but
we don't have any as built information at this location, i am requesting the latest approved set
for the site of Gilroy Crossing shopping mall.
We will work in one of the units at this location for core and shell and tenant improvement
renovation as well the site coordination for latest requirements by code.
the address is:
Unit M-5 previous Bed Bath and Beyond retail
6725 Camino Arroyo
Gilroy, CA 95020
i am requesting digital drawings of the approved set for unit M5 including trades of
Architectural, MEP, Structural - any other set with latest site information at this location
showing parking counts and utilities
Appreciate your help on this, feel free to contact me for any clarification.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00058 2/16/2023 Resident 4-303 Priscilla Del Villar damaged/broke two fire sprinklers in her unit causing the
flooding of four units in building 4 on the property.
Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 5 Completed
PRA-2023-00072 2/21/2023 Subject: EXTERNAL - Staff Report 1997 Mun Golf Course.pdf
Could you check if any city council files on this matter? Thanks
City Clerk Other Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00071 2/21/2023 7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy Community
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00070 2/21/2023 7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy Community
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Files Regarding
Environmental Conditions
of a Property
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00069 2/21/2023 Historical permits for 7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy
We are doing a Environmental Assessment
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 14 Completed
PRA-2023-00068 2/21/2023 I am reaching out on behalf of the below listed entity in regards to obtaining their 2023 invoice
renewal. The details of the entity and license is listed below. Please provide a copy of the
renewal form via e-mail, or if not available electronically, please confirm the mailing address
and the date of mailing. If we are able to renew online, please provide instructions, account
number and PIN if applicable, and a link to access the website.
Just an early follow up inquiring about when renewals will be going out.
Safeway Inc #1505
905 First Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
Finance Other Internal Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00067 2/21/2023 request for fire report
upstairs unit caught fire causing sprinklers to damage insured contents
Insured Maribel Molina
Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00075 2/22/2023 Public Records Request C:1MN111406
I am working on behalf of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to obtain a copy of the certificate of
general liability insurance for the company Flowrite Inc that covers the date 4/14/2022. Does
Gilroy keep records of general liability insurance? License# 1023788
City Clerk Other External Portal 21 Completed
PRA-2023-00074 2/22/2023 Structure Fire Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Internal Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00073 2/22/2023 Request Code: 12385048
Date: 02/22/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-280,
Bid Date: 03/02/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00078 2/23/2023 I am requesting underground storage tank and Leaking Underground Storage Tank records for
American Agribusiness (720 Las Animas Avenue)
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Underground Storage
Tank (UST)
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00077 2/23/2023 I am requesting CUPA, CERS, hazardous material and underground storage tank records you may
have for the property located at 600 & 700 Las Animas Avenue and 9090 & 9096 San Ysidro
Avenue in Gilroy.
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Files Regarding
Environmental Conditions
of a Property
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00076 2/23/2023 I am requesting copies of building permits for the property located at 600 & 700 Las Animas
Avenue and 9090 & 9096 San Ysidro Avenue in Gilroy
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 12 Completed
PRA-2023-00081 2/27/2023 A call about a smell in the unit Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 18 Completed
PRA-2023-00080 2/27/2023 I would like a copy of the monthly Issued Permits for Gilroy. Gloria used to send them monthly
before Covid.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00079 2/27/2023 Request Code: 12370283
Date: 02/24/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual CDBG Sidewalk/ Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-279,
Bid Date: 02/23/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 15 Completed
PRA-2023-00083 3/1/2023 Request a copy of your building permit records from January 01, 2023, to present.
Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but is not limited to:
-Permit Number
-Applied/Issued Dates
-Work Address
-Permit Type
-Permit Status
-Description of the work being done
-Contractor and Architect Details
-Job Valuations
The preferred file type is .xls/.csv
-We can also accept .txt, .pdf, .xlsx, etc.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00082 3/1/2023 Hi,
We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access to the following
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just the data that can
be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by your department to track permits
and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from 02/01/2023 to
02/28/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from 02/01/2023 to
02/28/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in the permitting system, please
provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits within the time frame specified.
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address, contractor, issue
date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work description and if possible, please
include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar permits.
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with COVID-19.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00086 3/2/2023 Good afternoon.
I would like to request for copy of building permit with inspection history report, Final Job Card
or certificate of occupancy for property listed below. I am specifically looking for the approved
final date and owner or developer information.
7110Kirigin Way
I will highly appreciate your assistance on this matter, thanks.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 7 Completed
PRA-2023-00085 3/2/2023 Hello my name is Simon Uriarte from Kimley-Horn we are the Civil Engineers for Raising Canes.
We have a project in your city I would like to request information for.
I would like to request existing utility information for a project we are working on located off of
Camino Arroyo and Pacheco Pass Hwy. We are proposing utility connections to Pacheco Pass
Looking to obtain As-Built information for existing utilities on Pacheco Pass Hwy.
-Existing Storm Drain Plans
-Existing Domestic Water Plans
Existing Sanitary Sewer Plans
Public Works Other External Portal 11 Completed
PRA-2023-00084 3/2/2023 Structure Fire Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00090 3/6/2023 Copies of Site Plans for 6975 Camino Arroyo; Gilroy, CA 95020 Community
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00089 3/6/2023 Tank pull at 7700 Monterey in 1997 Community
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Underground Storage
Tank (UST)
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00088 3/6/2023 Request Code: 12385048
Date: 03/03/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-280,
Bid Date: 03/02/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00087 3/6/2023 FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp - 03/2/23 - 2:00
Please accept this email as a request for the PRELIMINARY, AS-READ Bid Results for the
referenced project.
Please let us know if you need any additional information to process this request.
Feel free to send the requested information to the email listed below.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00092 3/7/2023 We would like to receive a certified copy of the landscaping improvement permit history for the
address 10744 Green Valley Drive in Gilroy, California 95020 from the beginning of 2013 to the
present. We have a trial scheduled for Monday, March 13, 2023. Could you please expedite on
this matter? If you have any questions, please give me a call.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00091 3/7/2023 There was a fire in the kitchen Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00093 3/9/2023 Request for fire report
fire started by arsonist
Insured Rocky Inc/Thrust Properties
Fire Fire: Incident Reports (Fire)External Portal 5 Completed
PRA-2023-00095 3/13/2023 I am requesting blueprints for my home. It is a new build home by KB homes over at 6440
Laguna Seca Lane Gilroy. I am looking to see where my water main runs through in my home to
install a water softener.
Community Developmen Other External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00094 3/13/2023 Dear Custodian of Records,
The following request is a procurement records request in accordance with the California Public
Records Act. I am interested in material purchases for jurisdictions in Northern California.
I am submitting a request for copies of invoices relating to the purchase of playground safety
bark, natural and dyed bark/mulch, and any natural recycled soil amendments, such as compost
that complies with SB-1383. These materials may have been used for various purposes such as
playground safety, streetscapes, decorative needs, and soil amendment projects.
Please provide any invoices available for the period of January 1, 2021, to present day. If
possible, please provide the following information for each invoice: date of purchase, vendor
name, vendor address, itemized description of materials purchased, quantity, installation costs
and total cost.
I appreciate your assistance in fulfilling this request. Please do not hesitate to reply to this
email address if you require further clarification regarding the request.
Public Records Requester
"...access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business is a fundamental and
necessary right of every person in this state."
Finance Finance: Expense Reports Internal Portal 8 Completed
PRA-2023-00096 3/14/2023 Hello, I would like to submit a request for a permit history search for the property located at
6389 Miller Ave, Gilroy (APN: 810-23-011). There is currently a building on the lot and I wanted
to see if there are any records about it. Thank you in advance for your help!
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 13 Completed
PRA-2023-00101 3/20/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department regarding the
property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive. Of particular interest are the following
• Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known environmental
concerns/contamination which may have affected the property,
• Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems, which are
currently or historically located at the property.
• Records of fire inspections at the subject property.
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: CUPA Records
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00100 3/20/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Planning Department regarding
the property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive. Of particular interest are any activity
use limitations or land use restrictions currently in place on the property that limit the use of,
or access to, the facility. Thank you.
Development -
Community Development -
Planning: Project Site Maps
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00099 3/20/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building Department regarding
the property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive. Of particular interest are the
following items:
• Building permits from construction to present.
• Construction date (current building, previous buildings if applicable)
• Permits of environmental concern (petroleum storage tanks, septic systems, oil/water
• Record violations or complaints registered against the subject property
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 10 Completed
PRA-2023-00098 3/20/2023 fire caused by downed line, approximately 1pm. Fire Fire: Incident Reports External Portal 7 Completed
PRA-2023-00097 3/20/2023 eagle ridge drive plot plan west side of eagle ridge dr the 8 homiest the intersection of eagle
ridge and killarney court
Community Developmen Other Internal Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00102 3/21/2023 Had already requested wasn’t sure if I did recieve or not. Neighbors were burning material and
lost control and fire went towards my house . 5 acres of Oat was burned and some fencing was
broken in order for firefighters to go in.
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00107 3/22/2023 I would like to see whether we can get a copy of and /or view the building plans for 6500 Brem
Lane in Gilroy. We would also like the contact info of the original designer if we need to request
a copy of the plans from them. Thank you.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 7 Completed
PRA-2023-00106 3/22/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials,
underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports
associated with the following address, if available:
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, Santa Clara
County, California, 95020
APN: 841-18-082
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Underground Storage
Tank (UST)
External Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00105 3/22/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to hazardous materials,
underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and soil/groundwater investigation reports
associated with the following address, if available:
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, Santa Clara
County, California, 95020
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Files Regarding
Environmental Conditions
of a Property
External Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00104 3/22/2023 We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building permits,
mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the following address, if
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, Santa Clara
County, California, 95020
APN: 841-18-082
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00103 3/22/2023 This incident involved a 2016 Corvette crash into a street post lamp and the front yard of our
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 0 Completed
PRA-2023-00110 3/23/2023 We are a claims adjusting firm investigating an insurance claim. There were downed power lines
from high winds that caused significant smoke damage.
Fire Fire: Incident Reports
External Portal 4 Completed
PRA-2023-00109 3/23/2023 To Health Department
We are conducting an environmental assessment of 6600 Automall Parkway, Gilroy and 6700
Automall Parkway, Gilroy. In regard to this property:
•Are there any records of current or former septic system or other subsurface waste disposal
systems on file for the property? If so, please provide details and copies of any related records.
•Are there any drinking water wells on or adjacent to the above referenced property? If so, are
they known to be contaminated? Please provide details and copies of any related records.
•Are there any health problems in connection with the property or the surrounding area? If so,
please provide details.
•Are there solid or hazardous waste landfills in the vicinity of the property? If so, please provide
•Do any general environmental conditions, such as soil or groundwater contamination, exist on
or adjacent to the above referenced property? If so, please provide details.
Please let us know if there are any costs associated with processing this request prior to
processing. We are requesting a response via email. Thank you for your attention to this
Public Works Other Internal Portal 6 Completed
PRA-2023-00108 3/23/2023 Request Code: 12459151
Date: 03/23/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request updated plan-holder,
bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS AVAILABLE on the following solicitation.
Please correct any errors/deficiencies and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-
Solicitation Name: FY23 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-278,
Bid Date: 03/31/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and in the interest of
a fair and transparent bidding process.
Finance Finance: Bid Internal Portal 12 Completed
PRA-2023-00115 3/27/2023 I would like copies of all permits for 7750 Rea Street Gilroy Community
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00114 3/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic hazmat, ust, ast or cupa inspections related to 6791
Alexander St, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Hazardous Material
External Portal 9 Completed
PRA-2023-00113 3/27/2023 Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to 6790 Alexander St,
Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 2 Completed
PRA-2023-00112 3/27/2023 I'm the victim of Domestic violence and need 2 copy of my police records Case number #22-2891
I will be sending a form to be filled out.
Police Other External Portal 29 Withdrawn
PRA-2023-00111 3/27/2023 I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement violation if not a
complaint from February 2023 to present. Specifically I'm looking for open & closed nuisance &
property maintenance violations such as blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass /
weeds, trees,, abandoned property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard
building / neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason for violation /
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage / zero water
consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m requesting a list of
properties that currently have the water shut off Please email lists to:
Development - Code
Community Development -
Code Enforcement:
Boarded up, vacant or
inhabitable properties with
code enforcement
External Portal 3 Completed
PRA-2023-00116 3/28/2023 RE:Prime Contractor:Itech Solution
Project: Gilroy Sports Park
DIR Project#:455554
We are requesting the following information/documentation:
This is a formal request for information/documentation on the above-referenced project. This
request is being made pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section
6250, et seq.
Please send the following information:
List of Subcontractors/Subconsultants
Firms Performing the Onsite Field Surveying and Testing/Inspection Services
Copies of DAS 140 and 142 Apprenticeship Related Documentation Forms
Copy of payment and performance bond
Copy of Signed Contract (or equivalent)
Inspector’s Daily Logs
Notice of completion
Dollar amount of Federal funding if applicable
If easier, please fax the information/documents to
Public Works Other External Portal 15 Completed
PRA-2023-00119 3/29/2023 Hi, I am the owner of the home at 60 Ervin Ct and like to do some remodeling in one of the
bedroom and garage room and hence I need to have engineer review my home plan and design
Could you share all available Plan & Design documents of the home including structural,
plumbing, sewage drain & electrical systems.
Development - Building
Community Development -
Building: Building Permits
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00118 3/29/2023 Hello, I am looking to request a copy of the blueprint of our house. I was directed to request it
Community Developmen Other External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00117 3/29/2023 Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation on file with your department regarding
the property located at 8850-8886 (all evens) Muraoka Drive. Of particular interest are the
following items:
• Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known environmental
concerns/contamination which may have affected the property,
• Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems, which are
currently or historically located at the property,
• Record of septic systems installation and repairs at the subject property, and/or
• Records of wells in connection with the subject property.
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Development - Fire
Community Development -
Fire: Hazardous Material
External Portal 1 Completed
PRA-2023-00120 3/30/2023 Reference ID: 0429-000-033
Date of Initial Request: March 29, 2023
I am requesting access to records in possession or control of Gilroy for the purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to
the California Public Records Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of the
California Constitution.The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes
“Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I request: Electronic
copies (e.g. PDF or similar, however these documents might be maintained) of any current written retainer agreement(s)
between your agency and the law firm of SILVER & WRIGHT, headquartered in Irvine, California. Additionally, we are
requesting electronic copies of any invoices from this law firm dated between July 1, 2022 and the present.If you contend
that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code §
6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be released. If
you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the records I have
requested, Government Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not later than 10
days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request
that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing and include the name and
title of the person(s) responsible for the agency’s response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day
period, or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of inspecting public records.”In
responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires
you to broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations on access as
narrowly as possible.Pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1, If I can provide any clarification that will help expedite your
attention to my request, please contact me at pra@sunshinelaw.org.I ask that you notify me of any duplication costs
exceeding $10 before you duplicate the records so that I may decide which records I want copied. My preference is always,
when possible, an emailed copy of electronic records in whichever format they occur in (e.g. Excel, PDF, etc.)
City Clerk City Clerk: Contracts Internal Portal 33 Completed
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00216 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Building
Looking for a set of plans for
Chung residence
2106 Cruden Bay Way
Page 1 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00217 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 12
Department: Community Development - Code Enforcement
I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement
violation if not a complaint from September 2022 to present. Specifically I'm
looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as
blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned
property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building /
neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason
for violation / complaint.
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage /
zero water consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m
requesting a list of properties that currently have the water shut off.
Please email lists to: assistant@equityconsultantpros.com
Thank you.
Page 2 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00218 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Building
Good morning,
Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans.
Please locate and transfer when possible?
If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member
could come in to take photos.
APNPermit NumberSitusAddress
841-07-013220500017450 CHESTNUT ST, GI
841-03-070200801477600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801487600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801597600 FOREST ST, GI
Thank you for your help.
Melody Dejesus | Real Property Division, Appraisal Data Coordinator
County of Santa Clara · Office of the Assessor
70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 3rd Floor San José, CA 95110
Office: (408) 299-5317 | Facsimile: (408) 299-3015
Page 3 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00219 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: City Clerk
Any and all documents that been recorded, submitted and approved for all
construction, environment reports, engineering reports for property located
1355 1st St, Gilroy, CA 95020.
Page 4 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00220 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Human Resources
Reference Number: 0429-000-032
Initial Date of Request: December 29, 2022
Name of Agency: Gilroy
Contact Name: Thai Pham
City Clerk
Contact Address: cityclerk@cityofgilroy.org
RE: Public Records Act Request
I am requesting access to records in possession or control of Gilroy for the
purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records
Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of
the California Constitution.
The specific records we seek to inspect and copy are listed below. As used
herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and “Writings” as those terms are
defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g).
We request electronic copies of:
An electronic copy (e.g. PDF format) of your Chief of Police's current (or most
recent if you have no current) employment contract. If your agency does not
directly employ a Chief of Police, this request is for the current (or most recent
if you have no If you contend that any portion of the records requested is
exempt from disclosure by express provisions of law, Government Code §
6253(a) requires segregation and redaction of that material in order that the
remainder of the records may be released.
If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt from
disclosure all or a portion of the records I have requested, Government Code §
6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination not
later than 10 days from your receipt of this request.
Government Code §§ 6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this
request that includes a determination that the request is denied, in whole or in
part, must be in writing and include the name and title of the person(s)
responsible for the agency’s response.
Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period, or any
provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes of
inspecting public records.”
In responding to this request, please keep in mind that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the
California Constitution expressly requires you to broadly construe all
provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to apply any limitations
on access as narrowly as possible.
Pursuant to Government Code § 6253.1, If I can provide any clarification that
will help expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at
Page 5 of 136
I ask that you notify me of any duplication costs exceeding $10 before you
duplicate the records so that I may decide which records I want copied. My
preference is always, when possible, an emailed copy of electronic records in
whichever format they occur in (e.g. Excel, PDF, etc.)
Thank you for your timely attention to this matter.
A California nonprofit connecting the people to their business through data
science, to power civic engagement, investigative journalism and responsive
Page 6 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2022-00221 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Building
We are currently conducting research on a property located in your
municipality, specifically property address -7765 Ghirlanda Ct - Gilroy, CA
95020 l PIN: 841-65-022. The title company is preparing for a closing and is
requesting we provide them with information on code violations, permits,
and/or liens. If you could please advise whether there are any open/expired
permits and/or any active code violations against the property, I would greatly
appreciate it.
Page 7 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00001 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Building
We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access
to the following data:
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just
the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by
your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from
12/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the
permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits
within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from
12/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in
the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical
Permits within the time frame specified
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address,
contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work
description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with
Regards, and stay safe,
Page 8 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00002 Date Received: 1/3/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 7
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12261059
Date: 12/26/22
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: Playground Surface Repair
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-276,
Bid Date: 01/03/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Page 9 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00003 Date Received: 1/5/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Fire
Hello, we are the HOA Management Company for Princevalle HOA. We are
looking for the fire incident report for a fire that occurred at 785 Williamsburg
Way on 1/3.
Page 10 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00004 Date Received: 1/9/2023
Status: Returned for More
Resolution Days:
Department: Fire
request for fire report
smoke damage to house
Page 11 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00005 Date Received: 1/9/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: City Clerk
Good day!
I would like to request a copy of the bid result for San Ysidro Lighting - Picnic
Area Improvements that was bid last January 4, 2023, please.
Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a great day,
Page 12 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00006 Date Received: 1/9/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Planning
Request Code: 12304298
Date: 01/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and
Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-483,
Bid Date: 01/17/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Page 13 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00007 Date Received: 1/11/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Police
Dear Custodian of Records:
This letter constitutes a request under the California Public Records Act
("CPRA") from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, submitted with the
assistance of MuckRock News.
We request the following records related to Automated License Plate Readers
("ALPRs") and your law enforcement agency ("Agency").
Part A - Information related to ALPR data sharing.
A1. The names of agencies and organizations with which the Agency shares
ALPR data;
A2. The names of agencies and organizations from which the Agency receives
ALPR data;
A3. The names of agencies and organizations with which the Agency shares
“hot list” information;
A4. The names of agencies and organizations from which the Agency receives
“hot list” information.
The information requested in items A1-A4 is readily available for extraction
through the ALPR software you use. For example, with Vigilant
Solutions/Motorola Solutions, this data can be exported easily using the Data
Sharing Report function. With Flock Safety, this information is available
through the transparency portal function. Other software, such as BOSS, has
similar functionality.
Most agencies have encountered little difficulty in providing this information
(see below). In a small number of cases, an agency has interpreted items A1-A4
as requesting the creation of a record that does not exist. We disagree: this
data is maintained by your software, can be exported through software your
agency has already purchased, and is therefore subject to CPRA.
However, should you disagree, you may alternatively produce the following
A5. All agreements, memoranda of understanding, requests, or other certifying
documents that external agencies have signed to comply with Sec
1798.90.52(b) for accessing your agency's ALPR data. These documents are
also often required under the "Releasing ALPR Data" subsection of a California
law enforcement agency's SB 34 policy.
A6. All agreements, memoranda of understanding, requests, or other certifying
documents that your agency has signed pursuant to Sec 1798.90.52(b) to
access other agencies' ALPR data.
A7. All "records of access" required by Sec. 1798.90.52(a) for the periods
January 1, 2021 until the date of processing this request.
Items A5-A7 are not necessary if your agency provides the information
requested in items A1-A4. We feel that items A1-A4 are more focused and
would require less labor from your agency to produce.
Page 14 of 136
Part B - Information Related to Numbers of “Detections” (plate scans) and
“Hits” (plate scans that matched to a hotlist)
B1. The aggregate number of "detections" collected during 2021.
B2. The aggregate number of “hits” during 2021.
B3. The aggregate number of "detections" from January 1, 2022 until the date
this request is processed. If your agency has a retention period shorter than 1
year, please provide whatever data is available based on your retention period.
For example, most Flock Safety systems may not have this data beyond 30
B4. The aggregate number of “hits” from January 1, 2022 until the date this
request is processed. If your agency has a retention period shorter than 1 year,
please provide whatever data is available based on your retention period.
The information requested in items B1-B4 is readily available through the ALPR
software you use. For example, with Vigilant Solutions/Motorola Solutions, this
data can be exported easily using the Hit Ratio Report function. With Flock
Safety, this information is available through the transparency portal function.
Other software, such as BOSS, has similar functionality. As noted above, this
information exists within your system and can be easily exported with existing
Part C - Assistance, Description, and Recommendations.
We make the following requests under section 6253.1 of the California Public
Records Act
C1. A description of the information technology and physical location in which
the records exist.
C2. Assist us identifying records and information that will help the public
understand how ALPR data and hotlists are shared, how much data is collected
year-to-year, and how much of that data matches a hot list; and
C3. Provide suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access
to the information sought.
Please note that more than 80 California law enforcement agencies have
provided the information requested in Parts A1-A4 and B1-B4 in previous years.
For your reference we have included a list below with the names of the
agencies that have historically provided these records.
American Canyon Police Department
Auburn Police Department
Bakersfield Police Department
Beaumont Police Department
Bell Gardens Police Department
Bell Police Department
Belvedere Police Department
Beverly Hills Police Department
Brawley Police Department
Brentwood Police Department
Buena Park Police Department
Burbank Police Department
Carlsbad Police Department
Page 15 of 136
Cathedral City Police Department
Chino Police Department
Chula Vista Police Department
Citrus Heights Police Department
Claremont Police Department
Clayton Police Department
Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office
Coronado Police Department
CSU Fullerton Police Department
Cypress Police Department
El Segundo Police Department
Fairfield Police Department
Folsom Police Department
Fontana Police Department
Fresno Police Department
Fullerton Police Department
Galt Police Department
Garden Grove Police Department
Gardena Police Department
Glendale Police Department
Hemet Police Department
Hermosa Beach Police Department
Imperial Police Department
Irvine Police Department
La Habra Police Department
La Mesa Police Department
La Verne Police Department
Laguna Beach Police Department
Livermore Police Department
Lodi Police Department
Long Beach Police Department
Marin County Sheriff's Office
Martinez Police Department
Merced Police Department
Mill Valley Police Department
Modesto Police Department
Monterey Park Police Department
Newport Beach Police Department
Oakley Police Department
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Orange Police Department
Palm Springs Police Department
Palos Verdes Estates Police
Pasadena Police Department
Pleasant Hill Police Department
Pomona Police Department
Page 16 of 136
Redlands Police Department
Redondo Beach Police Department
Ripon Police Department
Roseville Police Department
Salinas Police Department
San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office
San Diego County Sheriff's Office
San Diego Police Department
San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
Sausalito Police Department
Simi Valley Police Department
Stanislaus County Sheriff's Office
Stockton Police Department
Tiburon Police Department
Torrance Police Department
Tracy Police Department
Tustin Police Department
West Sacramento Police Department
Westminster Police Department
Woodland Police Department
Yolo County Sheriff's Office
(This URL links to a dataset with links to the records:
https://www.eff.org/document/data-driven-2-california-dragnet-data-set )
CPRA requires you to undertake reasonable efforts to locate responsive
records and to work in good faith with requesters to respond to their request.
See CYAC v. City of National City, 220 Cal.App.4th 1385, 1430 (2013). Thus
under the CPRA you are obligated to conduct a reasonable search and cannot
deny a request merely because it might generate a large volume of records.
We ask that you please respond to this request within 10 days either by
providing all the requested records or by providing a written response setting
forth the legal authority on which you rely in withholding or redacting any
document, as well as stating when documents will be made available. Should
you choose to withhold or reject this request, we ask that you provide an
explanation of why your agency is responding differently compared to the
many others that have complied with our request.
We also request that any records maintained in an electronic format be
provided in that same format (such as a PDF, CSV or XLS file), to avoid copying
However, should you be unable to do so, EFF will reimburse you for the direct
costs of copying these records (if you elect to charge for copying) plus
postage. If you anticipate that these costs will exceed $25.00, or that the time
needed to copy the records will delay their release, please contact me so that I
can arrange to inspect the documents or decide which documents I wish to
have copied. Please also provide an invoice and a cost breakdown of the fee
estimate. If the fees are less than $25.00, please copy and send the records and
invoice as soon as possible, and we will promptly pay the required costs.
Page 17 of 136
Thank you for your consideration of this request. If you have any questions or
concerns, or if I can provide any clarification that will help identify responsive
documents or focus this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at (415)
436-9333 x151 or dm@eff.org. You may also mail correspondence to the
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 815 Eddy. St. San Francisco, CA, 94109.
Dave Maass
Director of Investigations
Electronic Frontier Foundation
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): 136231-61585200@requests.muckrock.com
For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 136231
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
Page 18 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00008 Date Received: 1/11/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 12
Department: City Clerk
San Ysidro Lighting/Picnic Area Improvements Project - Bid Results/Tabulation
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00009 Date Received: 1/12/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
Good morning,
Assessor staff was unable to locate the following building plans.
Please locate and transfer when possible?
If the electronic copies are not available, then myself or another staff member
could come in to take photos.
APNPermit NumberSitusAddress
841-07-013220500017450 CHESTNUT ST, GI
841-03-070200801477600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801487600 FOREST ST, GI
841-03-070200801597600 FOREST ST, GI
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Melody Dejesus | Real Property Division, Appraisal Data Coordinator
County of Santa Clara · Office of the Assessor
70 West Hedding Street, East Wing, 3rd Floor San José, CA 95110
Office: (408) 299-5317 | Facsimile: (408) 299-3015
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00010 Date Received: 1/17/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
Department: Fire
To whom it may concern,
I manage the property at 8101 Forest Street in Gilroy. I would like to request a
copy of an incident report of a fire that was reported to you by our tenants
residing at 8101 Forest Street 'E', Gilroy.
The fire occurred on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Our tenants Monica
Lagunas Peralta and Karen Rios Lagunas contacted our office at approximately
12:40 pm to report this incident and that the Gilroy Fire Department was at the
Can you please provide me with instructions on how to request this incident
We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Kind regards,
Elizabeth Monroy-Rivera
Property Manager
P: (408) 847-4900 | C: (669) 214-1768 | F: (408) 907-8934
8505 Church Street | Suite 1 | Gilroy, CA 95020
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00011 Date Received: 1/17/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Public Works
I am a records research engineer for Congruex, a contractor for FRONTIER. We
are currently planning a fiber cable installation project in Gilroy and I'm hoping
you can provide some information.
Our project is servicing 1325 Michael Bo Ln, Gilroy, CA 95020, USA. The entire
project is shown in the attached pdf.
Can you provide Storm Drain, Sewer, and Water substructure information for
the area? A capital improvement plan, as-built document, or GIS screenshot
should show this information.
Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.
Thank you,
Shishir Rawat
Engineering Assistant
A-40A, Industrial Focal Point, Phase 8B, Mohali, Punjab 160059 India
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00012 Date Received: 1/17/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Finance
I would like to request a list with the contact information for all the people that
have applied for a business license in the city of Gilroy in the past 3 months.
Thank you
Page 23 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00013 Date Received: 1/17/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Fire
I am owner of this house. I like to know the cause of fire in those house
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00014 Date Received: 1/17/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Building
Request a copy of your building permit records since October 31, 2022, to
Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but
is not limited to:
-Permit Number
-Applied/Issued Dates
-Work Address
-Permit Type
-Permit Status
-Description of the work being done
-Contractor and Architect Details
-Job Valuations
The preferred file type is .xls/.csv
-We can also accept .txt, .pdf, .xlsx, etc.
Page 25 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00015 Date Received: 1/18/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 5
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12304298
Date: 01/18/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and
Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-483,
Bid Date: 01/17/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
North America Procurement Council, Inc. PBC
TEL 302-450-1923
FAX 302-450-1925
Page 26 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00016 Date Received: 1/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development – Code Enforcement
I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement
violation if not a complaint from January 2021 to present. Specifically I'm
looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as
blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned
property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building /
neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason
for violation / complaint.
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage /
zero water consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m
requesting a list of properties that currently have the water shut off.
Please email lists to: assistant@equityconsultantpros.com
Thank you.
Page 27 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00017 Date Received: 1/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Finance
Hello City Clerk’s Office,
I want to request a copy of the submissions for the recent RFP City-Wide
Landscaping Proposal 23-PW-484. There should be 5 submissions that I would
like a copy of.
Those companies are Alpine, Frank Grossman, Jensen and New Image.
Along with the copy of the submissions can I request a copy of the pricing
packet that was submitted?
Thank you
Travis Wilson
Business Development Executive
Northern CA Municipalities
BrightView Landscape Services
C: 775-303-6412
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00018 Date Received: 1/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Police
Gilroy Police Department
PRA Office
7301 Hanna St.
Gilroy, CA 95020
January 23, 2023
To local agency representative:
This is a request made under the California Public Records Act for records
subject to disclosure under Penal Code section 832.7, as modified by Senate
Bill 1421 and Senate Bill 16, laws that give the public the right to know about
incidents of serious officer misconduct and uses of force.
This request is brought by journalists from the California Reporting Project, a
collaboration of 40 news organizations and partner groups, via the records
request platform MuckRock.
With respect to incidents occurring on or after January 1, 2014, we are
requesting copies of all public records relating to any of the following
circumstances, pursuant to Penal Code section 832.7(b):
1 Any incident involving the discharge of a firearm at a person by a peace
officer or custodial officer
2 Any incident involving the use of force against a person by a peace officer or
custodial officer that resulted in death or great bodily injury
3 Any incident in which a sustained finding was made by any law enforcement
agency or oversight agency that a peace officer or custodial officer engaged in
sexual assault involving a member of the public
4 Any incident in which a sustained finding was made by any law enforcement
agency or oversight agency involving dishonesty by a peace officer or
custodial officer directly relating to the reporting, investigation, or prosecution
of a crime, or directly relating to the reporting of, or investigation of misconduct
by, another peace officer or custodial officer, including, but not limited to, any
false statements, filing false reports, destruction, falsifying, or concealing of
evidence, or perjury
5 Any sustained finding involving a complaint that alleged unreasonable or
excessive force
6 Any sustained finding an officer failed to intervene against another officer
using force that is clearly unreasonable or excessive
7 Any incident in which a sustained finding was made by any law enforcement
agency or oversight agency that a peace officer or custodial officer engaged in
conduct including, but not limited to, verbal statements, writings, online posts,
recordings, and gestures, involving prejudice or discrimination against a
person on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry,
physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information,
Page 29 of 136
marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual
orientation, or military and veteran status
8 Any incident in which a sustained finding was made by any law enforcement
agency or oversight agency that a peace officer made an unlawful arrest or
conducted an unlawful search
As you may know, this news coalition has filed previous requests, for records
spanning a five-year time period (2014-2018, the request was filed in 2019), and
for records subsequently released in 2019, 2020 and 2022. With this update,
we’re trying to make sure that we request and receive records related to every
incident since January 1, 2014.
If any such records have been disclosed to us or posted on your agency’s
website, please let us know. We would be glad to work with your agency to
avoid unnecessary duplication.
If your agency possesses an index or list of records that the agency has
determined are covered by SB 1421 and SB 16, this request also seeks
production of that index or list. This kind of index will allow us and your agency
to check together that we have received everything that is responsive to this
We’re seeking all records that must be disclosed under Penal Code 832.7(b),
and by that we mean all of the records covered by that statute. Here is what the
law says about your obligations:
* Many kinds of records must be disclosed, including “all investigative reports;
photographic, audio, and video evidence; transcripts or recordings of
interviews; autopsy reports;” in addition, any presentations, memos, or other
materials compiled about a relevant incident and given to someone responsible
for bringing criminal charges, or taking administrative action, or taking
disciplinary action; any presentations, memos, letters, or other materials
describing proposed or final findings about discipline, or modifications of
discipline due to the Skelly or grievance process. Penal Code § 832.7(b)(3).
* Whether you created the records or not, and whether the records concern
your officers or others, your agency must disclose all requested records in its
possession. *Becerra v. Superior Court*, 44 Cal. App. 5th 897, 918 (2020).
* A “sustained” finding means “a final determination by an investigating
agency, commission, board, hearing officer, or arbitrator, as applicable,
following an investigation and opportunity for an administrative appeal… that
the actions of the peace officer or custodial officer were found to violate law or
department policy.” Penal Code § 832.8(b).
* Even when the officer involved in an alleged incident has resignedbefore an
investigation is over, please produce all records available. Penal Code §
As long as there was an opportunity for an appeal, even if an appeal hearing
isn’t completed, an internal investigation can be final and its finding remains
sustained. *Collondrez v. City of Rio Vista*, 61 Cal. App. 5th 1039, 1053 (2021).
We are seeking a response and records with all due speed, as the law requires:
Page 30 of 136
* State law requires that the requested records must be provided within 45
days, or as early as possible, unless temporary withholding is allowed for
reasons specified in the statute.Penal Code § 832.7(b)(11)
* Unless you specify circumstances, described in Penal Code section
832.7(b)(8), that permit withholding records longer, we want to receive these
records, or want to know about the existence of records.
Please keep in mind the following:
* For these kinds of records any charges for direct costs of duplicating the
requested records shall not include the costs of searching for, editing, or
redacting the records. Penal Code § 832.7(b)(10).
* We expect an initial response notifying us whether disclosable records are in
your agency’s possession within 10 days, absent narrowly defined “unusual
circumstances,” as required by law. Govt. Code § 7922.535.
* To the extent any of the requested records exist in an electronic format,
please produce them in the format you already have.Government Code section
7922.570. We are happy to discuss what would be the easiest or best way to
provide the requested records, including but not limited to audio or video
recordings. For documents that can be provided in electronic and/or searchable
formats, we can handle a variety of data formats, including SQL databases,
Excel workbooks and Word or .pdf documents.
* Under Government Code section 7922.600, your agency is required to help us
to make a focused and effective request by (1) identifying records and
information that are responsive, (2) describing either the information
technology where the records are held, or the physical location (if records
aren’t electronic), and (3) providing suggestions for overcoming any practical
* Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to
broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to
apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible.
Thank you for your assistance. Please feel free to contact me and my
colleagues working on this request in this email thread or at the phone number
below, daily until 4pm if you have any questions.
Lisa Pickoff-White
on behalf of the California Reporting Project
View request history, upload responsive documents, and report problems here:
If prompted for a passcode, please enter:
Page 31 of 136
Filed via MuckRock.com
E-mail (Preferred): 139423-33213402@requests.muckrock.com
For mailed responses, please address (see note):
MuckRock News
DEPT MR 139423
263 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02115
PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is
being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and
manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with
the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department
number) requests might be returned as undeliverable.
Page 32 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00019 Date Received: 1/24/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Fire
I am requesting the Fire Incident Report for the fire referenced.
We are investigating a fire on behalf of the insurance company State Farm
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00020 Date Received: 1/24/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 23
Department: Human Resources
Chief Espinoza:
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250,
et seq.), this office formally requests the following records relating to the
staffing of sworn peace officer personnel (Penal Code section 830.1) at the
Gilroy Police Department.
Information Requested
Specifically, this request seeks:
(1) the number of authorized or budgeted full-time employees (FTE) in sworn
peace officer classifications (Penal Code section 830.1 ), regardless of
(2) the actual number of individuals currently employed by the Gilroy Police
Department as sworn 830.1 peace officers, regardless of classification or
availability (such as vacation, FMLA, workers' compensation, etc.); and
(3) the number of applications for sworn 830. l peace officer career
opportunities received by the Agency in each of the last ten (10) years.
This request does not seek the identity of any individual employees or any
other personal information relating to the individual employee. To reduce the
time and expense of identifying and producing the requested documents, if you
are willing to provide a summary document clearly articulating a response to
the requested information, no additional documents are necessary to satisfy
this request.
Procedural Requirements if Summary Document is Not Provided
Pursuant to the Article I, Section 3(b) of the California Constitution (added by
Proposition 59, effective November 3, 2004) and the CPRA, you are hereby
directed to produce to the undersigned, for inspection and copying, any and all
documents, records and/or other writings in the custody, possession or control
of the City describing, showing, or demonstrating any of the above-requested
In the event you contemplate withholding any records covered by this request,
or any portion thereof, please:
a. For any statute or other legal authority you are relying on as a basis for
withholding any writings and/or records, or any portions thereof, please explain
why your withholding is supported by the narrowest available construction of
the statute or other authority you rely upon, as California Constitution Article I,
Section 3(b)(2) requires in order to "further the people's right of access."
b. If you intend to withhold any records, documents, or other writings pursuant
to Government Code section 6254(a), please note that this exemption applies
only when the public interest in withholding the record "clearly outweighs" the
public interest in disclosure. Therefore, please explain the balancing test used
for each writing so withheld. Note as well that while this exemption may allow
the withholding of pre-decisional discussions and analyses, it does not apply to
Page 34 of 136
the factual material contained within a record, which must still be produced
even if in redacted form.
As required by Government Code section 6253(c), please respond within ten
(10) calendar days of your receipt of this letter. Please either produce all
requested documents, records, and/or writings with your response, or
expressly and specifically commit to production within a specified reasonable
period of time as required by the CPRA.
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and response.
Page 35 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00021 Date Received: 1/24/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Fire
ATTN: Gilroy Fire Department
RE: Incident report for Bay Area Community Health clinic
To whom it may concern,
Greetings to you. I am the Safety Coordinator for Bay Area Community Health. I
oversee safety tasks at the medical & dental sites located in Santa Clara
County. This email is meant to serve as a formal request to receive a copy of
the incident report, along with any & all other associated reports/information
pertaining to the evacuation and fire dispatch call that occurred on 1/24/2023.
Please note that the incident report & corresponding information received from
your offices, will be submitted for review to our leadership team & are
considered as legal Compliance requirement. Be advised that the reports
obtained will aide us in furthering our Risk Management efforts in place.
Moving forward, if any questions arise pertaining to this request, please contact
me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your assistance with
this request.
Page 36 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00022 Date Received: 1/25/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
We are interested in a full report (Or list), sent via email if possible, containing
the information of all the Building Permits issued in Gilroy, CA. All permits,
both residential and commercial.
Specifically, the following information (or as much of it that can be provided):
Date, Number, Permit Type, Description, Project Cost, Address, Contractor’s
From July through December 2022, in electronic format, preferably excel, csv or
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00023 Date Received: 1/26/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Building
Good day,
Can you please share the Permit List from May to now with me?
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00024 Date Received: 1/30/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Community Development - Building
Requesting blueprint of my house built in 2002. Address is 2106 Cruden Bay
Way, Gilroy, Ca.
Page 39 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00025 Date Received: 1/30/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 32
Department: Human Resources
I’m a journalist with the Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley. I am
requesting access to public records to understand the payment of public funds
involving law enforcement employee injury claims.
This request for records is made pursuant to California Public Records Act and
California Labor Code §§ 138.7, and Article I, Section 3(b), of the California
I request copies of (or access to) the following records:
All records related to Worker’s Compensation Electronic Adjudicated
Management System #: ADJ8954175, ADJ8954173, ADJ6600119 involving
former employee Daniel Castaneda for injuries dated 05/20/2013 - 05/20/2013,
03/14/2013, 09/05/2006. This includes but is not limited to: an Application for
Adjudication & answers, Petitions for Reconsideration & answers, Declaration
of Readiness to Proceed & Answers, Compromise and Releases, Petition for
Dismissals, DWC-1 Claim Forms, Hearing Minutes, Exhibits and any Evidence,
All records related to these cases are disclosable pursuant to Labor Code
138.7(b)(5)(A), which provides that records “contained in an individual’s file”
related to a worker’s compensation claim are disclosable once an application
for adjudication has been filed. Each of these cases was adjudicated and
therefore disclosable.
I direct you to the League of California Cities The People’s Business: A Guide
to the California Public Records Act, which states that Labor Code § 138.7
requires government agencies to disclose “certain information…once an
application for adjudication has been filed.”
All records related to adjudicated cases are disclosable pursuant to Labor Code
138.7(b)(5)(A), which provides that records “contained in an individual’s file”
related to a worker’s compensation claim are disclosable once an application
for adjudication has been filed.
I direct you to the League of California Cities The People’s Business: A Guide
to the California Public Records Act, which states that Labor Code § 138.7
requires government agencies to disclose “certain information…once an
application for adjudication has been filed.”
If you believe portions of the information I have requested are exempt from
disclosure by express provisions of law, government code section 7922.525
additionally requires segregation and deletion of that material in order that the
remainder of the information be released. If you determine that an express
provision of law exists to exempt from disclosure all or a portion of the material
I have requested, Government Code Section 7922.535 requires notification to
Page 40 of 136
me of the reasons for that determination. In addition, be advised that the
Constitution of the State of California, as amended by Prop. 59, requires that
you take the broadest possible position to disclose these records when
reviewing this request. It is also your constitutional duty to take the narrowest
possible view of any exemptions to disclosure of these records.
As you know, the act allows you 10 days to research this matter, collect
responsive records, and issue determinations which, if any, of those records,
are subject to narrow exemptions to disclosure. I also draw your attention to
Government Code section 7922.600, which requires a public agency to assist
the public in making a focused and effective request by (1) identifying records
and information responsive to the request, (2) describing the information
technology and physical location in which the records exist, and (3) providing
suggestions for overcoming any practical basis for denying access to the
records or information sought. The purpose of this request is to obtain the
above-referenced documents. Please provide your full compliance with 6253.1
should the need arise.
If any records requested above are available in electronic format, please
provide them in an electronic format, as provided in Government Code §
7922.570 Please send any documents in electronic format. Otherwise, please
inquire for a mailing address. To assist with the prompt release of responsive
material, we ask that you make records available to us as you locate them,
rather than waiting until all responsive records have been collected and copied.
Because we are members of the media, we request that you waive any fees.
However, should you be unable to do so, The Investigative Reporting Program
will reimburse your agency for the “direct costs” of copying these records plus
postage. If you anticipate these costs to exceed $40, please notify me prior to
making the copies.
If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who
does and include the proper custodian’s name and address. The requested
documents will be made available to the general public, and this request is not
being made for commercial purposes.
Thank you for your assistance with this routine request. Please feel free to call
if you have any questions related to this request.
Page 41 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00026 Date Received: 1/30/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 5
Department: Finance
The recent RFP 23-RFP-PW-484 was closed on 1/17/23 and they eventually
rejected and cancelled on 1/24/23. I would like to request a copy of the
proposals and pricing sheets that were submitted by Alpine Landscape, Frank
and Grossman, Jensen and New Image.
Page 42 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00027 Date Received: 1/31/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12351251
Date: 01/31/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape &
Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-485,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 43 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00028 Date Received: 1/31/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12350382
Date: 01/31/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Citywide Parks and Landscape Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-486,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 44 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00029 Date Received: 1/31/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Building
I'm trying to get the diagrams or schematics for the plumbing throughout our
home as well as the Structural blue prints. Can you please assist me in getting
these plans. The address is 31 Sister City Way. Please let me know if anymore
information is needed. Thank you
Page 45 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00030 Date Received: 2/1/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Community Development - Building
We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access
to the following data:
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just
the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by
your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from
01/01/2023 to 01/31/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the
permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits
within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from
01/01/2023 to 01/31/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in
the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical
Permits within the time frame specified.
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address,
contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work
description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00031 Date Received: 2/1/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
Gas Fireplace in the kitchen exploded.
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00032 Date Received: 2/2/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Finance
I’m with ConstructConnect. I am writing to ask for the awarded contractor and
awarded amount for the San Ysidro Lighting/Picnic Area Improvements Project
-23-PW-277. I would also like to know the anticipated start dates, if determined.
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00033 Date Received: 2/2/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Fire
Auto Accident. Please search 7 days before 12/15/2022-12/29/2022
Page 49 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00034 Date Received: 2/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 5
Department: Finance
SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the City of Gilroy for
any and all purchasing records from 11/8/2022 to current. The request is limited
to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing
paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.
The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:
1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable
substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number
2. Purchase date
3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase)
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address
If you would like to let me know what type of financial software you use, I may
have report samples that help to determine how, or if, you are able to respond.
As an added security and privacy measure, there will be a unique upload link
for any new requests moving forward, including this one. We appreciate your
assistance towards this request. You may also attach the information to this
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00035 Date Received: 2/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: City Clerk
Your office is well operated and cooperative.
I need a tremendous amount of information on Gary Gillmor's numerous
appearences from 1990 to 2009 on annexation votes by Gilroy City Councils,
measures before voters as well
Interested in council minutes and vote records only.
Thank you.
Be well, God Love you and your excellent staff.
Page 51 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00036 Date Received: 2/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 9
Department: City Clerk
Thank you for your prompt response.
Perhaps I am being less than competent but your material does not seem to be
the material i need.
Sorry for the confusion.
This is what i need.
Minutes of the half dozen council meetings where Gary Gillmor formally asked
Gilroy to annex lucky day ranch.
Election material if the annexation was appeealed.
Page 52 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00037 Date Received: 2/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 9
Department: Community Development - Building
Eden Housing would like to request a copy of the original permit drawings for
our property at 752 Saint Clar Avenue, Gilroy. The property is a 100% affordable
property that we are looking to renovate with funding from the State. Please let
me know if you need additional information. Thank you.
Page 53 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00038 Date Received: 2/7/2023
Status: Returned for More
Resolution Days:
Department: Fire
Sir/Madam: Please know that we represent Steve Corchero in a motorcycle
vehicle incident on 7/10/2022. We are requesting medical and billing records or
Mr. Corchero's ambulance to the hospital. Police Report was filed by Mas
Page 54 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00039 Date Received: 2/8/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Finance
Hello, I work with Accutrend Data and I would like to request a listing of new
businesses that filed in your city/county/town/village, for the time period of
01/01/2023 – 01/31/2023. The Information should include: BUSINESS NAME,
DATE THAT THE BUSINESS WAS FILED, however, if you can not provide all,
can NOT provide ALL of the requested information, PLEASE do not send a file.
Please just send an email stating that 0 new records for said month. Are you
able to provide that information? If so, is there a cost? I appreciate your help
and hope you have a nice day.
Page 55 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00040 Date Received: 2/8/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 14
Department: Public Works
Any and all information pertaining to the installation of a city sewer main
originating from eight street and passing through residential properties to Old
Gilroy street. In addition, the maintenance records for this sewer line and any
other relevant information about it. My Address is 362 Old Gilroy Street.
Please be aware that your internal systems may inexplicably show my property
as 372 Old Gilroy Street, which is my neighbors property with only a detached
garage on it. Our Property has a Single Family Dwelling and a Detached garage
complex. The reason for this request is that we were informed by the City
Engineering Department that there is a sewer main on our property when we
applied to Build a new Accessory Dwelling in our backyard.
This of course, is information that no one except the City knows about. No
County Agency, Planning Dept., Building Dept., no map, no title company, no
assessors, no surveyors...etc. ever mentioned anything about a sewer line to
us. We are trying to confirm that the City does not in fact have a sewer line on
our property. There is, to our knowledge, no public record of this. There is no
easement shown on any map that any agency we have worked with has.
Page 56 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00041 Date Received: 2/9/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12350382
Date: 02/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Citywide Parks and Landscape Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-486,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 57 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00042 Date Received: 2/9/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12351251
Date: 02/09/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: RFP - Community Facilities District Landscape and
Maintenance Services
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-RFP-PW-485,
Bid Date: 02/08/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 58 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00043 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Community Development - Fire
I would like to request city records associated with a diesel spill that occurred
at 6605 Chestnut Street (now Automall Parkway), APN 841-16-117, in 2020.
Reports, maps, photos, or any other information regarding the spill and
remediation of the spill would be helpful. Thanks!
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00044 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Returned for More
Resolution Days:
Department: Fire
Aerial cable damaged by fire/ CMR Claim #: 1866286
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00045 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: City Clerk
Measure G in 1978.
May I ask for council minutes and files regarding measure g of 1978? Thanks
Page 61 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00046 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Building
Hello, I am looking for building plans for the following property- 9005 El Doric
Ct. Gilroy CA 95020
I am the current owner, but not the original owner.The home was built in the
70's, and we've spoken to Santa Clara County, which advised that during this
period of time the home might have been within the Gilroy city jurisdiction. The
county does not have the original plans on file and thought the city of Gilroy
might, hence the request.
Page 62 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00047 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Building
Please provide the Building File for the mixed use property at 7680 Monterey
Street (Monterey and 3rd Street). We are specifically looking for the
geotechnical report that was done when this property was constructed
approximately 12 years ago. Thank you very much.
Page 63 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00048 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Community Development - Planning
Please provide the planning file for 7700 Monterey Street (Monterey and 3rd
Streets). We are specifically looking for information about the proposed
redevelopment of this site in conjunction with the property to the north (7760
Monterey Street) and the city property at the corner of Monterey and Ioof
Streets. Thank you very much.
Page 64 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00049 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Building
I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction
permits, demolition permits, and permits for improvements such as
aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), wells, and tenant
improvements for the property at 6600 Automall Parkway and 6600 Chestnut
Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020 (APN: 841-66-019).
Page 65 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00050 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Building
I'd like to request building permit history, including original construction
permits, demolition permits, and permits for improvements such as
aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), wells, and tenant
improvements for the property at 6700 Automall Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020
(APN: 841-66-024).
Page 66 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00051 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Fire
I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous
materials, aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), oil/water
separators/clarifiers/sumps, spills/cleanups, and violations for the property at
6700 Automall Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!
Page 67 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00052 Date Received: 2/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Fire
I'd like to request records pertaining to historical and current use of hazardous
materials, aboveground/underground storage tanks (including septic), oil/water
separators/clarifiers/sumps, spills/cleanups, and violations for the property at
6600 Automall Parkway and 6600 Chestnut Parkway, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank
Page 68 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00053 Date Received: 2/14/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Community Development - Fire
CREtelligent has been engaged to perform an environmental site assessment of
commercial land located at 7888 Wren Ave #B, Gilroy, CA 95020. As part of our
due diligence and in accordance with ASTM production standards, we are
requesting any records that may exist regarding permits, aboveground or
underground storage tanks, dry cleaning, printing, fuel dispensing, hazardous
waste, environmental remediation activities, septic systems, wells, spills,
releases of hazardous materials, or known contaminated sites on our subject
property. Please process this request and contact me if you have any
Page 69 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00054 Date Received: 2/14/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Code Enforcement
Are there any open zoning, building or fire code violations on file for 6600
Automall Parkway?
Has a certificate of occupancy been issued for 6600 Automall Parkway? If so,
please provide a copy.
Page 70 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00055 Date Received: 2/14/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Code Enforcement
Are there any open zoning, building or fire code violations on file for 6700
Automall Parkway? Has a certificate of occupancy been issued for 6700
Automall Parkway? If so, please provide a copy."
Page 71 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00056 Date Received: 2/15/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 9
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12370283
Date: 02/15/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual CDBG Sidewalk/ Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-279,
Bid Date: 02/23/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 72 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00057 Date Received: 2/15/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Human Resources
Dear Public Records Department:
Please consider this letter as a public records request as defined under the
laws applicable to your jurisdiction.
We are requesting:
1.A copy of the last property & casualty insurance renewal summary for all
lines of insurance purchased by the city (general liability, auto, workers comp,
professional, directors and officers, etc.). This document summarizes the
insurance terms, limits, deductibles, premium and exclusions.
2.A copy of the last employee benefits insurance renewal summary for health,
dental and vision plans sponsored by the city. This document shows plan
options available to the city's employees and the pricing for employee,
employee plus spouse, employee plus family.
Please respond with PDF versions of the requested documents or any
questions you may have.
Page 73 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00058 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 5
Department: Fire
Resident 4-303 Priscilla Del Villar damaged/broke two fire sprinklers in her unit
causing the flooding of four units in building 4 on the property.
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00059 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
Our team is working in an upcoming renovation of one unit of Gilroy Crossing
shopping mall but we don't have any as built information at this location, i am
requesting the latest approved set for the site of Gilroy Crossing shopping mall.
We will work in one of the units at this location for core and shell and tenant
improvement renovation as well the site coordination for latest requirements by
the address is:
Unit M-5 previous Bed Bath and Beyond retail
6725 Camino Arroyo
Gilroy, CA 95020
i am requesting digital drawings of the approved set for unit M5 including
trades of Architectural, MEP, Structural - any other set with latest site
information at this location showing parking counts and utilities
Appreciate your help on this, feel free to contact me for any clarification.
Page 75 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00060 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Fire
Open/Unresolved Fire Code Violations for 6975 Camino Arroyo (APN:
84170045); Gilroy, CA
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00061 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 9
Department: Community Development - Code Enforcement
Open/Unresolved Zoning or Building Code Violations for 6975 Camino Arroyo
(APN: 84170045): Gilroy, CA
Page 77 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00062 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Planning
Site Plans for 6975 Camino Arroyo (APN: 84170045); Gilroy, CA
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00063 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
Certificates of Occupancy: Please supply copies of any existing certificates of
occupancy for the subject property. Please state (even if a Certificate of
Occupancy was located and provided) if the lack of a Certificate of Occupancy
on file would activate any enforcement actions/adverse actions against the
property. Also, please specify if a new Certificates of Occupancy would be
required in the event of a change in ownership, use, or renovations for 6975
Camino Arroyo (APN: 84170045); Gilroy, CA
Page 79 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00064 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Fire
We would like to review any UST, HAZMAT, AST, drycleaning operations, septic
tank systems, groundwater wells, chemical spills/cleanups, and
soil/groundwater investigation records for the following property: 6975 Camino
Arroyo, Gilroy, California 95020 (APN 841-70-045).
Page 80 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00065 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
We would like to review any building/demolitions permits and certificates of
occupancy for the following property: 6975 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, California
95020 (APN 841-70-045).
Page 81 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00066 Date Received: 2/16/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Fire
Plans of the Gilroy Truck Stop diesel fueling system, including underground
storage tank, fuel piping, and monitoring system at 5920 Travel Park Circle
Page 82 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00067 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
request for fire report
upstairs unit caught fire causing sprinklers to damage insured contents
Insured Maribel Molina
Page 83 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00068 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Finance
I am reaching out on behalf of the below listed entity in regards to obtaining
their 2023 invoice renewal. The details of the entity and license is listed below.
Please provide a copy of the renewal form via e-mail, or if not available
electronically, please confirm the mailing address and the date of mailing. If we
are able to renew online, please provide instructions, account number and PIN
if applicable, and a link to access the website.
Just an early follow up inquiring about when renewals will be going out.
Safeway Inc #1505
905 First Street
Gilroy, CA 95020
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00069 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 14
Department: Community Development - Building
Historical permits for 7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy
We are doing a Environmental Assessment
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00070 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Fire
7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00071 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Fire
7700 Monterey Highway Gilroy
Page 87 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00072 Date Received: 2/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: City Clerk
Subject: EXTERNAL - Staff Report 1997 Mun Golf Course.pdf
Could you check if any city council files on this matter? Thanks
Page 88 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00073 Date Received: 2/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12385048
Date: 02/22/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-280,
Bid Date: 03/02/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 89 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00074 Date Received: 2/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Fire
Structure Fire
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00075 Date Received: 2/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 21
Department: City Clerk
Public Records Request C:1MN111406
I am working on behalf of Pacific Gas and Electric Company to obtain a copy of
the certificate of general liability insurance for the company Flowrite Inc that
covers the date 4/14/2022. Does Gilroy keep records of general liability
insurance? License# 1023788
Page 91 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00076 Date Received: 2/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 12
Department: Community Development - Building
I am requesting copies of building permits for the property located at 600 & 700
Las Animas Avenue and 9090 & 9096 San Ysidro Avenue in Gilroy
Page 92 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00077 Date Received: 2/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Fire
I am requesting CUPA, CERS, hazardous material and underground storage
tank records you may have for the property located at 600 & 700 Las Animas
Avenue and 9090 & 9096 San Ysidro Avenue in Gilroy.
Page 93 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00078 Date Received: 2/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Fire
I am requesting underground storage tank and Leaking Underground Storage
Tank records for American Agribusiness (720 Las Animas Avenue)
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00079 Date Received: 2/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 15
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12370283
Date: 02/24/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual CDBG Sidewalk/ Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-279,
Bid Date: 02/23/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 95 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00080 Date Received: 2/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Building
I would like a copy of the monthly Issued Permits for Gilroy. Gloria used to
send them monthly before Covid.
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00081 Date Received: 2/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 18
Department: Fire
A call about a smell in the unit
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00082 Date Received: 3/1/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
Department: Community Development - Building
We are conducting research on solar activity in the U.S. and would like access
to the following data:
• Note that we do not need the original records nor need scanned copies – just
the data that can be produced in excel or CSV format by the software used by
your department to track permits and an email receipt is preferred.
• Issued Residential and Commercial solar (photovoltaic - PV) permits from
02/01/2023 to 02/28/2023. If a separate Solar Permit category is not used in the
permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical Permits
within the time frame specified AND
• Issued Residential and Commercial Energy Storage Systems permits from
02/01/2023 to 02/28/2023. If a separate Energy Storage category is not used in
the permitting system, please provide data on all Building and Electrical
Permits within the time frame specified.
• The following data points: permit number, permit status, permit address,
contractor, issue date, permit type, sub-type, valuation (if available), work
description and if possible, please include Storage/Battery Manufacturer Name.
• If possible, please provide the reports in CSV or excel format.
• If available, we need Application date and final / completion date for the solar
It's okay if there is a delay in this request, given the current situation with
Page 98 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00083 Date Received: 3/1/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Community Development - Building
Request a copy of your building permit records from January 01, 2023, to
Please include any fields that your permitting system tracks. This includes but
is not limited to:
-Permit Number
-Applied/Issued Dates
-Work Address
-Permit Type
-Permit Status
-Description of the work being done
-Contractor and Architect Details
-Job Valuations
The preferred file type is .xls/.csv
-We can also accept .txt, .pdf, .xlsx, etc.
Page 99 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00084 Date Received: 3/2/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
Structure Fire
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00085 Date Received: 3/2/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 11
Department: Public Works
Hello my name is Simon Uriarte from Kimley-Horn we are the Civil Engineers for
Raising Canes. We have a project in your city I would like to request
information for.
I would like to request existing utility information for a project we are working
on located off of Camino Arroyo and Pacheco Pass Hwy. We are proposing
utility connections to Pacheco Pass Hwy.
Looking to obtain As-Built information for existing utilities on Pacheco Pass
-Existing Storm Drain Plans
-Existing Domestic Water Plans
-Existing Sanitary Sewer Plans
Page 101 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00086 Date Received: 3/2/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 7
Department: Community Development - Building
Good afternoon.
I would like to request for copy of building permit with inspection history report,
Final Job Card or certificate of occupancy for property listed below. I am
specifically looking for the approved final date and owner or developer
7110Kirigin Way
I will highly appreciate your assistance on this matter, thanks.
Page 102 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00087 Date Received: 3/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Finance
FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp - 03/2/23 - 2:00
Please accept this email as a request for the PRELIMINARY, AS-READ Bid
Results for the referenced project.
Please let us know if you need any additional information to process this
Feel free to send the requested information to the email listed below.
Page 103 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00088 Date Received: 3/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12385048
Date: 03/03/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: FY23 Annual Citywide Curb Ramp Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-280,
Bid Date: 03/02/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 104 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00089 Date Received: 3/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Fire
Tank pull at 7700 Monterey in 1997
Page 105 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00090 Date Received: 3/6/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Building
Copies of Site Plans for 6975 Camino Arroyo; Gilroy, CA 95020
Page 106 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00091 Date Received: 3/7/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
There was a fire in the kitchen
Page 107 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00092 Date Received: 3/7/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
We would like to receive a certified copy of the landscaping improvement
permit history for the address 10744 Green Valley Drive in Gilroy, California
95020 from the beginning of 2013 to the present. We have a trial scheduled for
Monday, March 13, 2023. Could you please expedite on this matter? If you have
any questions, please give me a call.
Page 108 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00093 Date Received: 3/9/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 5
Department: Fire
Request for fire report
fire started by arsonist
Insured Rocky Inc/Thrust Properties
Page 109 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00094 Date Received: 3/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 8
Department: Finance
Dear Custodian of Records,
The following request is a procurement records request in accordance with the
California Public Records Act. I am interested in material purchases for
jurisdictions in Northern California.
I am submitting a request for copies of invoices relating to the purchase of
playground safety bark, natural and dyed bark/mulch, and any natural recycled
soil amendments, such as compost that complies with SB-1383. These
materials may have been used for various purposes such as playground safety,
streetscapes, decorative needs, and soil amendment projects.
Please provide any invoices available for the period of January 1, 2021, to
present day. If possible, please provide the following information for each
invoice: date of purchase, vendor name, vendor address, itemized description
of materials purchased, quantity, installation costs and total cost.
I appreciate your assistance in fulfilling this request. Please do not hesitate to
reply to this email address if you require further clarification regarding the
Public Records Requester
"...access to information concerning the conduct of the people's business is a
fundamental and necessary right of every person in this state."
Page 110 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00095 Date Received: 3/13/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Community Development - Building
I am requesting blueprints for my home. It is a new build home by KB homes
over at 6440 Laguna Seca Lane Gilroy. I am looking to see where my water main
runs through in my home to install a water softener.
Page 111 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00096 Date Received: 3/14/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 13
Department: Community Development - Building
Hello, I would like to submit a request for a permit history search for the
property located at 6389 Miller Ave, Gilroy (APN: 810-23-011). There is currently
a building on the lot and I wanted to see if there are any records about it. Thank
you in advance for your help!
Page 112 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00097 Date Received: 3/20/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Community Development - Planning
eagle ridge drive plot plan west side of eagle ridge dr the 8 homiest the
intersection of eagle ridge and killarney court
Page 113 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00098 Date Received: 3/20/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 7
Department: Fire
fire caused by downed line, approximately 1pm.
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00099 Date Received: 3/20/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Building
Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Building
Department regarding the property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive.
Of particular interest are the following items:
• Building permits from construction to present.
• Construction date (current building, previous buildings if applicable)
• Permits of environmental concern (petroleum storage tanks, septic systems,
oil/water separators)
• Record violations or complaints registered against the subject property
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Page 115 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00100 Date Received: 3/20/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Planning
Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Planning
Department regarding the property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive.
Of particular interest are any activity use limitations or land use restrictions
currently in place on the property that limit the use of, or access to, the facility.
Thank you.
Page 116 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00101 Date Received: 3/20/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 10
Department: Community Development - Fire
Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation with the Fire Department
regarding the property located at 8850-8886 (evens) Muraoka Drive. Of
particular interest are the following items:
• Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known
environmental concerns/contamination which may have affected the property,
• Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems,
which are currently or historically located at the property.
• Records of fire inspections at the subject property.
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Page 117 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00102 Date Received: 3/21/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
Had already requested wasn’t sure if I did recieve or not. Neighbors were
burning material and lost control and fire went towards my house . 5 acres of
Oat was burned and some fencing was broken in order for firefighters to go in.
Page 118 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00103 Date Received: 3/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 0
Department: Fire
This incident involved a 2016 Corvette crash into a street post lamp and the
front yard of our house
Page 119 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00104 Date Received: 3/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
Department: Community Development - Building
We would like to review all records (current and historical) containing building
permits, mechanical permits, and certificates of occupancy associated with the
following address, if available:
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy,
Santa Clara County, California, 95020
APN: 841-18-082
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00105 Date Received: 3/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
Department: Community Development - Fire
We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to
hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and
soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following address, if
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy,
Santa Clara County, California, 95020
Page 121 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00106 Date Received: 3/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
Department: Community Development - Fire
We would like to review all records (current and historical) relating to
hazardous materials, underground storage tanks (USTs), violations, and
soil/groundwater investigation reports associated with the following address, if
Site located at the Northeast Corner of Highway 152 and Camino Arroyo, Gilroy,
Santa Clara County, California, 95020
APN: 841-18-082
Page 122 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00107 Date Received: 3/22/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 7
Department: Community Development - Building
I would like to see whether we can get a copy of and /or view the building plans
for 6500 Brem Lane in Gilroy. We would also like the contact info of the original
designer if we need to request a copy of the plans from them. Thank you.
Page 123 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00108 Date Received: 3/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 12
Department: Finance
Request Code: 12459151
Date: 03/23/23
On behalf of our customers who are contractors & suppliers, we request
updated plan-holder, bid tabulation and contract award information AS IT IS
AVAILABLE on the following solicitation. Please correct any errors/deficiencies
and return by Email to bids@napc.me or Fax to 302-450-1925.
Solicitation Name: FY23 Citywide Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Solicitation Number: solicitation number 23-PW-278,
Bid Date: 03/31/23
This request is made in consideration of state and local procurement laws and
in the interest of a fair and transparent bidding process.
Page 124 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00109 Date Received: 3/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 6
To Health Department
We are conducting an environmental assessment of 6600 Automall Parkway,
Gilroy and 6700 Automall Parkway, Gilroy. In regard to this property:
•Are there any records of current or former septic system or other subsurface
waste disposal systems on file for the property? If so, please provide details
and copies of any related records.
•Are there any drinking water wells on or adjacent to the above referenced
property? If so, are they known to be contaminated? Please provide details and
copies of any related records.
•Are there any health problems in connection with the property or the
surrounding area? If so, please provide details.
•Are there solid or hazardous waste landfills in the vicinity of the property? If
so, please provide details.
•Do any general environmental conditions, such as soil or groundwater
contamination, exist on or adjacent to the above referenced property? If so,
please provide details.
Please let us know if there are any costs associated with processing this
request prior to processing. We are requesting a response via email. Thank you
for your attention to this request.
Page 125 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00110 Date Received: 3/23/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 4
Department: Fire
We are a claims adjusting firm investigating an insurance claim. There were
downed power lines from high winds that caused significant smoke damage.
Page 126 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00111 Date Received: 3/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 3
Department: Community Development - Code Enforcement
I am requesting a list of properties that were issued a code enforcement
violation if not a complaint from February 2023 to present. Specifically I'm
looking for open & closed nuisance & property maintenance violations such as
blight, trash, fire damage, debris, overgrown grass / weeds, trees,, abandoned
property or houses, junk cars, rats, etc, Vacant and substandard building /
neglected / unsecured properties, however I will take any code violations if it is
easier. I need the property address, and if possible the violation date, reason
for violation / complaint.
I am also requesting a list of properties that CURRENTLY have no water usage /
zero water consumption. I need the property address. If this is not possible I’m
requesting a list of properties that currently have the water shut off. Please
email lists to:
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00112 Date Received: 3/27/2023
Status: Withdrawn Resolution Days: 29
Department: Police
I'm the victim of Domestic violence and need 2 copy of my police records Case
number #22-2891 I will be sending a form to be filled out.
Page 128 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00113 Date Received: 3/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Community Development - Building
Looking to review current/historic building and occupancy permits related to
6790 Alexander St, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you
Page 129 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00114 Date Received: 3/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 9
Department: Community Development - Fire
Looking to review current/historic hazmat, ust, ast or cupa inspections related
to 6791 Alexander St, Gilroy, CA 95020. Thank you!
Page 130 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00115 Date Received: 3/27/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 2
Department: Community Development - Building
I would like copies of all permits for 7750 Rea Street Gilroy
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PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00116 Date Received: 3/28/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 15
Department: Public Works
RE:Prime Contractor:Itech Solution
Project: Gilroy Sports Park
DIR Project#:455554
We are requesting the following information/documentation:
This is a formal request for information/documentation on the above-referenced
project. This request is being made pursuant to the California Public Records
Act, Government Code Section 6250, et seq.
Please send the following information:
List of Subcontractors/Subconsultants
Firms Performing the Onsite Field Surveying and Testing/Inspection Services
Copies of DAS 140 and 142 Apprenticeship Related Documentation Forms
Copy of payment and performance bond
Copy of Signed Contract (or equivalent)
Inspector’s Daily Logs
Notice of completion
Dollar amount of Federal funding if applicable
If easier, please fax the information/documents to
Thank you for providing the information. Please call with questions, comments,
or clarifications.
Page 132 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00117 Date Received: 3/29/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Fire
Hello, I am requesting any information/documentation on file with your
department regarding the property located at 8850-8886 (all evens) Muraoka
Drive. Of particular interest are the following items:
• Records regarding hazardous materials usage/storage/incidents or known
environmental concerns/contamination which may have affected the property,
• Records regarding aboveground or underground storage tank (UST) systems,
which are currently or historically located at the property,
• Record of septic systems installation and repairs at the subject property,
• Records of wells in connection with the subject property.
The time frame for this request is 1940-2023. Thank you.
Page 133 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00118 Date Received: 3/29/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
Hello, I am looking to request a copy of the blueprint of our house. I was
directed to request it here.
Page 134 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00119 Date Received: 3/29/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 1
Department: Community Development - Building
Hi, I am the owner of the home at 60 Ervin Ct and like to do some remodeling in
one of the bedroom and garage room and hence I need to have engineer review
my home plan and design documents.
Could you share all available Plan & Design documents of the home including
structural, plumbing, sewage drain & electrical systems.
Page 135 of 136
PRA Reference#: PRA-2023-00120 Date Received: 3/30/2023
Status: Completed Resolution Days: 33
Department: City Clerk
Reference ID: 0429-000-033
Date of Initial Request: March 29, 2023
I am requesting access to records in possession or control of Gilroy for the
purposes of inspection and copying pursuant to the California Public Records
Act, California Government Code § 6250 et seq. (“CPRA”), and Article I, § 3(b) of
the California Constitution.The specific records I seek to inspect and copy are
listed below. As used herein, “Record” includes “Public Records” and
“Writings” as those terms are defined at Government Code § 6252(e) & (g). I
request: Electronic copies (e.g. PDF or similar, however these documents might
be maintained) of any current written retainer agreement(s) between your
agency and the law firm of SILVER & WRIGHT, headquartered in Irvine,
California. Additionally, we are requesting electronic copies of any invoices
from this law firm dated between July 1, 2022 and the present.If you contend
that any portion of the records requested is exempt from disclosure by express
provisions of law, Government Code § 6253(a) requires segregation and
redaction of that material in order that the remainder of the records may be
released. If you contend that any express provision of law exists to exempt
from disclosure all or a portion of the records I have requested, Government
Code § 6253(c) requires that you notify me of the reasons for the determination
not later than 10 days from your receipt of this request. Government Code §§
6253(d) & 6255(b) require that any response to this request that includes a
determination that the request is denied, in whole or in part, must be in writing
and include the name and title of the person(s) responsible for the agency’s
response. Government Code § 6253(d) prohibits the use of the 10-day period,
or any provisions of the CPRA or any other law, “to delay access for purposes
of inspecting public records.”In responding to this request, please keep in mind
that Article 1, § 3(b)(2) of the California Constitution expressly requires you to
broadly construe all provisions that further the public’s right of access, and to
apply any limitations on access as narrowly as possible.Pursuant to
Government Code § 6253.1, If I can provide any clarification that will help
expedite your attention to my request, please contact me at
pra@sunshinelaw.org.I ask that you notify me of any duplication costs
exceeding $10 before you duplicate the records so that I may decide which
records I want copied. My preference is always, when possible, an emailed
copy of electronic records in whichever format they occur in (e.g. Excel, PDF,
Page 136 of 136
Report Request January February March April May June July August September October November December
Citizen Request 41 71 74
Insurance Requests 35 49 29
Background Checks 84 68 133
Clearance Letters 3 3 0
Arrest Log 18 17 20
Subpoena Duces Tecum 0 1 4
Other CPRA Requests 5 1 2
Total of CPRA requests 186 210 262
Agency Requests (Not CPRA)69 43 99
Victim Witness Requests (Not CPRA)10 17 43
Total of ALL requests 265 270 404
Agency Requests: Requests made by a criminal justice agency for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes,but authorized by statute to be released to assist the
agency in the administration of justice.
Victim Witness Requests:These are requests made by a Victim Witness organization for a police report that is precluded from public release under one of many statutes, but allowed by statute to be
released for assistance to a victim for various services.
Request:Requests pertaining to a call for service or case number.
Insurance Request:Request from insurance companies.
Background Checks:Request from agencies in which a signed authorization is obtained from the individual for whom records are sought.
Clearance Letters:Direct request from an individual for their background check within the agency's jurisdiction.
Arrest Log:Any request for the arrest log.
Subpoena Duces Tecum:Subpoena for Records.
Other CPRA Requests:Any other request for agency records that does not pertain to a case number or incident.
*The line item "Press Log" was removed from report since the implementation of Citizen Rims where the Press/Public can get information on calls for service via website: