Agenda Item # 10.1 - Terence Fugazzi | Received 05/15/2023Terence Fugazzi
Gilroy City Council Members
Mayor Marie Blankley
7351 Rosanna St.
Gilroy, CA 95020
May 15, 2023
Re: Item 10.1. on Agenda for 5/15/2023 Gilroy City Council MeePng -- Review of the DraS
Ordinance Banning the Use of Certain Public Rights-of- way as Sleeping or Living
Mayor and City Council Members,
Thank you for conPnuing to push forward this measure that seeks to improve the safety and
wellbeing of our ciPzens.
Two things can be true at the same Pme. We can seek to help others out of their horrible
situaPons, while at the same Pme not subject the most vulnerable of our ciPzens, our children,
to unsafe condiPons for their health, safety, mental wellbeing, and innocence. As ciPzens we
donate our Pme and money to non-profits to help those in need, while also seeking to enjoy in
peace the benefits afforded to our families through our own sacrifices, hard work, and payment
of taxes.
In my experience as both a ciPzen as well as my short Pme now as a city commissioner, I can
relay to you the summary of many discussions I have had with others in our city. They have
inPmated to me their distress in finding needles and other drug paraphernalia in the
playgrounds, how they feel threatened by encamped alcohol-abusing individuals taking up
residence in the parks, how they’ve witnessed public urinaPon and defecaPon, and many other
disturbing things that make them avoid uPlizing the resources they deserve. We must take
I think the suggesPons put forth by city staff on this proposed ordinance accomplishes the fair
balance necessary to provide safety for our ciPzens and hopefully do it in a legally supported
manner. Please support this measure.
Terence Fugazzi