Agenda Item # 10.1 - Shaunn Cartwright | Received 05/15/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:iq4rent sc To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - Unhoused people in Gilroy Date:Monday, May 15, 2023 12:55:24 PM Hello, My name is Shaunn Cartwright and I am the creator of the Tombstone Project, a project where we create a tombstone for every unhoused person that died on the streets in Santa Clara County each year. Last year, Gilroy had over 15 people die on their streets. These were mostly Latino people--mothers, fathers, tias, brothers, abuelas and two ninos. When you make it harder for people to exist, you make it easier for them to die. I cannot imagine that the city of Gilroy, that you as a councilmember, intend to kill more children. Do you? Please, I urge you not to take such drastic action today against unhoused people, against pregnant women. Such drastic action will be a death sentence for many folks, more than the 15 of 2022, killing multiple generations at once. I will remind you all of each death, each mother, father, tia, brother, abuela, each nino. Vote no, vote to save unhoused lives. Regards, Shaunn Cartwright Tombstone Project