COI - Daniel Morales - Expires 2023-09-14LexisNexis is not the Insurance Company. For any and all policy changes you must contact the Insurance Company, the Carrier or the Producer listed in the detail below. If you are not the intended recipient, please return this card. i LI 9FRD SEP 2 0 2022 GWY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 2575264-10614019-1-M LexisNexis/FIRSt 1855 Satellite Blvd, Ste 600 Duluth, GA 30097 iiilrritlrillltrlul,IrrIIInIIIIIIIrrIrIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIIIIrIIII IMPORTANT: INSURANCE COVERAGE NOTIFICATION(S) LexisNexis is not the Insurance Company. Do not send premium payments to LexisNexis/FIRSt. Place Stamp Here -For any and all policy changes you must contact the Insurance Company, Carrier, or Producer listed in the detail below. -For all cancellation, non -renewal, expiration, and lapse notices -all coverage will cease at 12:01 AM local time at the premises, unless otherwise shown in the item detail provided. .If you want to receive future notifications electronically, email firstsupport@lexisnexisrisk.com. -This Insurance notice is sent to you as the Loss Payee/Mortgagee/Additional Interested Party on behalf of the carrier listed. Policy: CAH3105428905 REASON: Policy Change Eff. Dte: 09/14/2022 Pol. Type: Homeowners Pol. From: 09/14/2022 Pol. To: 09/14/2023 Carrier: CSAA IE Loan #: 847 MARTIRI DR. Prop. Loc: 847 MARTIRI DR-GILROY-CA 95020 Ded.Clause 1: 2,000 Insured: MORALES DANIEL V ISRADE MANDY-847 MARTIRI DR-GILROY-CA-95020 Mortgagee/Add. Party: CITY OF GILROY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT DEPT -7351 ROSANNA ST-GILROY-CA-95020 Insurance: AAA NCNU IE-PO BOX 22221-OAKLAND-CA-94623 Producer: Coverage Coverage Amt Coverage Coverage Amt PremiumAmount: 0.00 Dwelling 505,400 Other Structures 50,540 Total Policy Premium: 1534.0( Personal Property 128,000 Loss of Use 202,400 Liability 300,000 Med Pay 1,000 FIRSt Id: 15539-I200-17459106-678560463 LexisNexis/FIRSt ELECTRONIC SERVICE REQUESTED PO Box 170910 Milwaukee, WI 53217-4504 September 16, 2022 2575266-10610019-1-M 25061 B1 85 FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID LEXISNEXIS CITY OF GILROY HOUSING AND —COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7351 ROSANNA ST GILROY CA 95020-6141 w- [-61.0V L90 L-V939L93