Agenda Item # 9.1 - Lori Smith | Received 06/02/2023 408.539.2100 @HomeFirstServices @HomeFirstServices_SCC @HomeFirstServices www.homefirstscc.org City of Gilroy City Council 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 Subject: Opposi�on to Proposed City Ordinance Banning Basic Daily Ac�vi�es of Unhoused Individuals Dear Gilroy City Council Members, We are wri�ng to express deep concern and strong opposi�on to the proposed Gilroy city ordinance that seeks to ban or restrict the basic daily ac�vi�es of “si�ng, sleeping, and lying” or “storing, using, or placing personal property” for individuals experiencing homelessness within our community. As a service provider and advocate for social jus�ce, we firmly believe this ordinance is unjust and counterproduc�ve to finding long-term solu�ons to address homelessness in our city. Homelessness is a complex subject that requires compassion, understanding, and comprehensive solu�ons. Criminalizing basic human ac�vi�es such as si�ng, sleeping, and lying violates the fundamental rights of unhoused individuals, punishing those already vulnerable. By enac�ng this ordinance, we risk further marginalizing a popula�on that is already s�gma�zed and struggling to meet their basic needs. Homelessness is o�en the result of systemic issues such as lack of affordable housing, mental health challenges, unemployment, or other circumstances beyond an individual's control. Rather than penalizing those in need, our city should priori�ze the development of affordable housing op�ons, mental health services, comprehensive outreach services, and other ini�a�ves that can effec�vely help end homelessness. Moreover, this ordinance contradicts the principles of human rights and dignity. Regardless of their housing status, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and compassion. Criminalizing ac�vi�es that are essen�al for survival will only perpetuate the cycle of poverty and homelessness, making it even more challenging for individuals to escape their circumstances and reintegrate into society. As an agency steeped in the care of our neighbors who are unhoused, we urge you to reconsider the proposed ordinance and explore alterna�ve approaches priori�zing empathy, support, and long-term solu�ons. Let us work together to create a city that embraces inclusivity and compassion for all its residents, regardless of their housing situa�on. Thank you for considering our viewpoint on this cri�cal mater. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a brighter future for our en�re community. Sincerely, Andrea Urton, CEO B. Michael McFarland, CDO Rene Ramirez, COO Lori Smith, CMCO Art Stein, CFO Kelly Vasquez, CPO