Agenda Item # 9.1 - Karen Enzensperger | Received 06/05/2023CAUTION: This email originated from an External Source. Please use proper judgment and caution when opening attachments, clicking links, or responding to this email. From:Karen Enzensperger To:City Clerk Subject:EXTERNAL - 9.1. Introduction and First Reading of an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Gilroy Adding Chapter 5 to the Gilroy City Code Relating to Banning the Use of Certain Public Rights-of-Way as Sleeping or Living Accommodations Date:Monday, June 5, 2023 3:32:49 PM Dear City Council Members, I am writing to voice my opposition to this proposed change in the City's ordinance regarding the unhoused citizens of Gilroy. Please go back to the drawing board and create an ordinance that is well thought out and effective. Homelessness is very complicated, and trying to address it with a simplistic "well somethings got to get done" attitude is a disservice to all of us. If the ordinance is scaled back to conform with the parameters presented in the 2019 Boise legal decision, it will still be subject to legal challenge. People's rights are being violated. This is in no way a comprehensive list of why this ordinance needs major revision, but please note that on page 7 of this agenda item, it says... "The ordinance does not criminalize sleeping in the open." The consequences of violating the ordinance, as it is being proposed, are negligible. Especially when one considers the dire situations that cause a person to become unhoused. Thank you. Karen Enzensperger