02/14/2012 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/13/2012CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION 5:30 P.M. February 14, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Chair Harris. SECRETARY'S REPORT All Commissioners were present except Commissioners Heath and Scariot who were absent. Christopher High School Student Representative Julianna Vanni was present (5:22 p.m.) and Student Representative Rebecca Parshall was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Vice Chair Morasca to approve the minutes of January 10, 2012. Commissioner Dunkle seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Commissioner Willard to approve the agenda for February 14, 2012, with the stated change of order. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Morasca. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS Chair Harris introduced and welcomed new Arts & Culture Commissioner Dave Dunkle. Commissioner Dunkle stated that he was looking forward to serving on the Arts & Culture Commission, becoming an active patron and a role model for the arts and cultural community in Gilroy. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion/Decision on Next month's Art du Jour Column Chair Harris reported that she will be featuring Kids Discover Arts, the Young Artists Poster Contest and what the schools in town are doing in regard to the Arts. B. Calendar Updates & Assignments Commissioner Dunkle agreed to take the calendar over from Chair Harris. They will get together and review it to "bring him up to speed." Commissioner Dunkle needs to be added to the Gilroy Arts Alliance distribution list so he receives all the info about "arts" events happening in and around Gilroy. Cathy Mirelez stated that she would forward his contact information to GAA President Kevin Heath. C. Discussion/Review of Art & Business Award Chair Harris explained that a committee is needed to review suggested recipients and bring back recommendations to the Commission. (Sub -Committee: Commissioners Dunkle and Willard) NEW BUSINESS A. Annual Gilroy Museum Report & Recommendation for Disbursal of Income from the Gilroy Museum Endowment Trust by the Gilroy Historical Society Connie Rogers, President of the Gilroy Historical Society, addressed the Commission. For the benefit of the new ACC Commissioners, she explained the process that the Society goes through to obtain the interest from the Endowment Fund to assist in running the Gilroy Museum. She asked that the interest amount, $633.34, be reinvested. Tom Howard, Lead Volunteer, then presented a PowerPoint presentation to the Commission. Motion made by Chair Harris that per the request of the Gilroy Historical Society, to instruct the City of Gilroy Finance Director to reinvest the interest from the Endowment Fund in the amount of $633.34. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Villalba-Navarette. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. Chair Harris thanked everyone for their presentations. B. Arts & Culture Commission Annual Retreat for 2012 It was decided that staff would check with Maria De Leon to see if she was available to facilitate the Arts & Culture Commission's annual retreat on Friday afternoon, April 13a' or 20`1' Sondra Banks will send out an email with the date that is chosen. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE See Commissioner Willard's attached written report. Commissioner Willard expounded on the Art in the Park event the Public Art Committee is planning on March 30 at Gilroy Gardens. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE None. Vice Chair Morasca reported that the Quilt Show is now on exhibit. STAFF REPORT A. Cultural Arts Programs/Events • City Hall Display - Joanne Robinson's art display is up through the end of February. A new/different local artist will be featured every two (2) months • Gleeful, the movie, will be shown in Morgan Hill at the Tennant Station Cinelux Theater on 7 consecutive Sundays beginning February 19th and continuing through mid -April. • She is working on the Yids Discover Arts (March 1 Oth) and Young Artists Poster Contest events, and just delivered flyers for both to all the schools. She gave each Commissioner copies. • Suessical, Jr. is currently in rehearsal and will be performing at the Gilroy High School Theater in mid -April. • Per the recent City Council Retreat, a meeting will be scheduled with City staff, Council members and representatives of the Arts & Culture Commission, Public Art Committee and Gilroy Arts Alliance. Details and a date will be coming soon. B. Museum Projects/Tours/Displays None. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES Christopher High School Student Representative Vanni reported the following: • Senior Play is coming up — Grease. Auditions are going on now. Performances will be March 91h at 7:30; March 10th at 2:00 and 7:30 p.m.; and on March 11th at 2:00 p.m. • She is competing to be the Garlic Festival Queen. She asked for the Commission's support on Saturday, March 31st 4:00 p.m. at Gavilan. • Started on their portfolios • Next year there is going to be an AP Digital Design course next year at CHS • She is working on a Strategic Plan for Cooper's Closet. Julianna said she was inspired by the Arts & Culture Commission's Strategic Plan. • Next month will be her last month. She is working with her art teacher to find her replacement on the Commission. STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, March 13, 20 t 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA. Sondra Banks, Administrative Secretary Recreation Department 3 PAC JANUARY 25.2012 MEETING REPORT TO ACC FOR FEBRUARY 14, 2012: SUBMITTED BY CHAIR WILLARD INTRODUCTION OF NEW COMMITTEE MEMBER JUDY BOZZO: OLD BUSINESS: SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS: Sculpture Garden at the Library; San Ysidro Park Tiles; Plaques for Downtown Benches; Public Art Plan; Grants; Annual "Art in the Park" Fundraising event at Gilroy Gardens All work in progress. Subcommittee for Gilroy Gardens Event composed letter for "Call to Artists" to be invited and participate in the event on March 31, 2012. This event will include a raffle to raise money for the Sculpture Garden at the new Library and will expose to those attending the ideas for Public Art in the Gilroy Community. DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY ART AWARD: hopefully to be presented at the Roundtable Forum on Oct 24, 2012. Want to have in place by then. SCULPTURE FUNDRAISER LETTER: Sculpture to be bronzed first. It is at the Monterey Foundry now. When completed, pictures will be sent to the City for Approval, and then the donation letter can be completed. NEW BUSINESS: PRESENTATION RE: CESAR CHAVEZ MURAL PROJECT—CARAS AND CESAR CHAVEZ FOUNDATION: The committee received our support for the project to go ahead. They want to. repair the mural in San Ysidro Park and paint a new one there and eventually repair the Aztec Mural downtown. A Gavilan College Muralist instructor will lead the projects work. They are planning an event at the park on March 31, Cesar Chavez's birthday as a cultural celebration. VICE -CHAIR AND HISTORIAN FOR PAC FOR 2012: Joan Buchanan will be Vice -Chair and Trudie Conrotto Historian. DISCUSSION RE: MAYOR PINHEIRO'S PASEO PROJECT AND SELECTION OF PAC REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE: Arline Silva will represent PAC with Joan Buchanan as Alternate. DISCUSSION RE: APPLYING FOR A GRANT FROM THE GILROY FOUNDATION (DUE JAN 31). Voted to apply for the grant and Chair Willard would write the grant.