03/13/2012 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/10/2012CITY OF GILROY
5:00 P.M.
March 13, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by Chair Harris.
All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Villalba-Navarette who was excused and
Commissioner Scariot who was absent. Commissioner Willard arrived at (5:09 p.m.). Planning
Commissioner Brad Bannister was also present. Christopher High School Student
Representative Julianna Vanni and Gilroy High School Student Representative Rebecca Parshall
were absent.
Motion made by Vice Chair Morasca to approve the minutes of February 14, 2012.
Commissioner Heath seconded the motion.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Motion made by Commissioner Heath to approve the special meeting minutes of March 1,
2012, with the stated correction. Vice Chair Morasca seconded the motion.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Morasca to approve the agenda for March 13, 2012,
with the stated change of order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunkle.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
Chair Harris introduced Community Services/Graffiti Officer Rachel Muiioz and welcomed her
to the meeting.
A. Discussion/Decision on Next month's Art du Jour Column
Chair Harris reported that the April column will highlight the series of concerts being
done by Candace Fazzio, the artist's work that is being displayed at City Hall, Daniel
Craig, and if room permits the next theater production by the Recreation Department,
B. Calendar Updates & Assignments
Commissioner Dunkle had the calendar displayed. He reported that the first part of
March was a "pretty busy arts " time. He also reviewed the rest of the month.
Commissioner Dunkle also requested that staff see if Google Chrome could be added to
the lectern computer. Sondra Banks will check with Joe Kline and see if that can be
A. Utility Boxes Project— Phase 2 — Police Department
Cathy Mirelez presented the staff report regarding this project. Questions followed and
Community Services Officer/Graffiti Abatement Rachel Muftoz was there to answer
Motion made by Commissioner Willard to approve the Utility Boxes Project — Phase
2 (9 utility boxes) with the proposed themes to assist in alleviating graffiti and to add
art into the community. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Dunkle.
Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.
B. Adding August as a "Go Dark"Month
Chair Harris stated to the Commission that she would like them to entertain the
possibility of "going dark" for the month of August as well as December. Discussion
Motion was made by Commissioner Heath to "go dark" in August. The motion was
seconded by Vice Chair Morasca.
C. Agenda Topics for Arts & Culture Commission Annual Retreat — May 4, 2012
Chair Harris read to the Commission her list of topics she would like to see on the Retreat
agenda. They were:
• Review Strategic Plan — Visibility of the Arts
• Garlic Festival (appoint Commissioner to take lead) -contact Janet Krulee
• Short/Long-Term Goals
• Follow-up with Forum outcomes
• Business Awards
• Arts Passport
• Webpage
• Prioritiesl :30 — 5:00 p.m. 10:30 — 2:00
Other topics presented were:
• ACC's Budget (Commissioner Willard)
• Commissioner Dunkle will be working on some possible ideas for the
Commission that he would like to discuss at the Retreat.
There was also discussion regarding the time of the Retreat as not all Commissioners are
available for morning or afternoon. It was decided that Sondra Banks would check Maria
De Leon's availability from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on May 41h for the Retreat. That way
all Commissioners will be able to attend at least part of the Retreat.
Commissioner Willard reported that there were two (2) main topics at the last meeting: (1) the
Phase 2 Utility Box Project Presentation and (2) the Art in the Park and raffle event PAC is
sponsoring. She also asked the Commissioners if they could volunteer some of their time the
day of the event. Chair Harris agreed to volunteer and Vice Chair Morasca said he may be
Ms. Mirelez clarified that the raffle is being sponsored by the Gilroy Foundation and Habitat for
Humanity donated the raffle prize (children's playhouse built by Starbuck's) with proceeds going
to the Public Art Committee. Drawing will be July l61n
See Commissioner Heath's attached written report.
A. Cultural Arts Programs/Events
• 416 participants at Kids Discover Arts —there were 21 workshops
• Young Artists Poster Contest — boxes will be dro
1h �ped off at the schools Friday,
March 16and will pick them up on March 23` (hopefully they will be filled
with posters)
• Dan Craig's artwork is being displayed in City Hall (center hallway)
• Gleeful is still showing on Sundays at Cinelux in Morgan Hill at 10:00 a.m., 1:00
p.m., 4:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. It is a fabulous show and very professional,
• Spring Production Seussical opens mid -April
B. Museum Projects/Tours/Displays
• In the center hallway of City Hall there is a Gilroy Mayor's Exhibit — photos of
each Mayor and the dates they served
• Also working on deaccessioning the older books
None. Commissioner Willard stated that the Commission should give Julianna a "farewell/thank
you" send off at the next meeting.
Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 10,
2012, at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA.
Sondra Banks, Administrative Secretary
Recreation Department
Gilroy Arts Alliance March 2012 Update by Commissioner Heath
Center for the Arts
• February's Quilt Exhibit showed an increase in attendance over last year's
exhibit. Approximately 50% of viewers were at the Center for the first time.
• March's Youth Artist Exhibit had the largest attendance at an Artist
Reception since we've opened. It continues to be a very popular exhibit and
has brought in a younger demographic to the Center.
• Limelight Actors Theater launched "Alone Together Again" as the first play at
the Center this year. Over 500 people attended during the run. The show was
very well received.
• We are back at square one with Special Event Permit restrictions. Theater,
our largest source of funding at the Center, is in jeopardy once again. We
hope for a mutually agreeable resolution with the City this week.
• April's Exhibit: Young Artists Garlic Festival Posters from COG.
• May Exhibit: Art of Our Mothers and Fathers.
Outreach to the Arts Community
With the popularity of our Arts and Craft Boutiques over the last year, we
have reached out to the Craft Community to form a Guild. An initial meeting
was held last week and we will guide the members as they create a more
formal organization. From there, they will be the artist group in charge of
coming in and operating future Art and Craft Shows.