11/13/2012 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 01/08/2013CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. November 13, 2012 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Chair Harris. SECRETARY'S REPORT All Commissioners were present except Commissioners Heath and Villalba-Navarette who were both excused. CHS Student Representative Burns and Planning Commissioner Brad Bannister were present. GHS Student Representative Arellano was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion made by Commissioner Dunkle to approve the minutes of October 9, 2012. Vice Chair Morasca seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Willard to approve the agenda for November 13, 2012, with stated change of order. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Morasca. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. INTRODUCTIONS None. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Discussion/Decision on Next month's Art du Jour Column Chair Harris informed the Commission that the next column will feature the Museum video, Gilroy Arts Alliance and the Interim Center for the Arts (since the season for giving is upon us it may solicit some donations). B. Calendar Updates & Assignments Commissioner Dunkle sent a copy of the calendar to each of the Commissioners. C. Update on Garlic Festival Funds Raised Cathy Mirelez informed the Commission that a check from the Garlic Festival Association in the amount of $812.67 was deposited into their 801 account. She also went over the Commission's 801 account expenditures for the year. D. Roundtable Follow -Up Chair Harris suggested putting this on the Commission's Annual Retreat agenda for January 2013. Comments heard from Forum attendees: have on a Saturday or on a weekday morning; "why are we here"; "what do you want us to do"? Commissioner Dunkle had several suggestions: provide introductions to those looking for art for their businesses, build relationships (artists, business owners); sponsor/organize events (possibly 3 to build an interest culminating with the Forum); marketing arts in the community (i.e. parade); get social together. Chair Harris suggested that the Commission may wish to attend a Gilroy Arts Alliance meeting in regard to "building relationships". Commissioner Dunkle will draft a "thank you" letter to be sent from the Commission to the attendees of the Arts Roundtable Forum. It will be reviewed and approved at the special meeting on December 5a'. E. Wrap-up Comments on Commission's Annual City Council Presentation-10/15/12 All felt it went very well. NEW BUSINESS A. Gilroy Museum Video Tour Presentation (Connie Rogers, Nils Myers & Mattie Scariot) The video tour was shown and the Commission commended 152 Productions, Barbara Bottini and all others who were involved with the production of this DVD. B. Pasco Project Update Commissioner Willard gave a brief report on the two (2) meetings she attended. Commissioner Villalba-Navarette will be giving an in-depth report in January. C. Tee Shirts for Arts & Culture Commission This will be discussed in more detail at the January Retreat. D. Approval of 2013 ACC Meeting Dates There was some discussion on the dark dates presented. Motion made by Commissioner Dunkle to accept the meeting dates as presented, with stated change (August 13t" will be a regular meeting date). The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Morasca. Six yeas, 1 nay vote. Motion passed. E. Commission Holiday Get -Together December 11, 2012 After much discussion, it was decided that the Holiday Get -Together will be held at Commissioner Dunkle's home from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. It will be potluck appetizers, drinks, desserts and the Public Art Committee will be invited. An invitation will be extended to Dia Hoshida, Karen LaCorte and Carol Peters. The date will be determined in the next week or so. F. Date for Public Art Committee Applicant Interviews — Dec. 5, 2012 Cathy Mirelez went over the process with the Commission for the interviews. Motion made by Chair Harris that the special meeting to interview Public Art Committee applicants be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Morasca. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE See attached report. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE A very successful Mad Hatter's Tea was held over the weekend. STAFF REPORT A. Cultural Arts Programs/Events • Preparing for our 2012 Santa's Breakfast event (the arts & craft section/area) on Saturday, December 8d` • Creating a 2013 calendar for Artist Displays in the City Hall gallery — Joe Kline's Veteran's display will be featured through the January 2"d, 2013 • Preparing for our 2013 Winter/Spring classes/programs/events B. Museum Projects/Tours/Displays • Museum volunteers continue to work on deaccessioning items for the collection that do not pertain to local history • 2 large blinds were purchased for the Museum from Hunter -Douglas to match existing blinds • Volunteers investigating the reproduction of the large Gilroy township map, as a patron has offered to pay for digitization of the blue print from which the map was printed • Lead volunteer, Betty Kelly will be out through March, and a Tuesday lead replacement(s) is/are being recruited • Long-term planning is being continued • Wal-Mart awarded the Gilroy Historical Society a $1,000 grant to be applied to the cost of the Museum film development CHS Student Representative Jordan Burns reported on the following: Sweeney Todd is the Senior Play; Spring play is Bye Bye Birdie. STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Harris adjourned the meeting at 7:21 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA. Sondra Banks, Administrative Secretary Recreation Department rd