05/14/2013 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 06/11/2013CITY OF GILROY
5:05 P.M.
May 14, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 p.m. by Commissioner Harris.
All Commissioners were present. CHS Student Representative Burns and GHS Student
Representative Arellano were absent. Commissioner Scariot left the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and
Commissioner Bottini left the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
The motion was made by Commissioner Bottini to approve the minutes of April 9, 2013.
Commissioner Morasca seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The motion was made by Commissioner Harris to approve the minutes of April 25, 2013.
Commissioner Scariot seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The commissioners agreed to move the interview of Louise Shields to follow item "A" of
Old Business. Motion made by Commissioner Dunkle to approve the agenda for May 14,
2013, with stated change of order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morasca.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Harris introduced Mayor Gage who was making his annual visit to the Commission.
Mayor Gage thanked the Commissioners for their service and discussed a variety of issues: City
budget and Council goals, a possible bond election, downtown parking, traffic, general plan
update, the current Arts Center and plans for the site, city signage, and efforts to make the
community safer and more attractive. Chair Harris thanked Mayor Gage for his visit and
expressed the Commission's appreciation for his information and his time.
A. Discussion /Decision on Next month's Art du Jour Column
The following were suggested for the next column:
Louise Shields' Art Exhibit at City Hall.
Color My World summer theater production at the amphitheater at Christmas Hill
Jordan Bums, Arts & Culture Commission student representative
B. Calendar Updates & Assignments
Commissioner Dunkle reported that: the Gavilan choir was now not affiliated with
Gavilan College, and that South Valley Symphony is planning a new fundraising event.
Commissioner Bottini and Commissioner Dunkle will work together on the calendar in
A. Interview of Public Art Committee Applicant— Louise Shields
The Commission interviewed Public Art Committee applicant Louise Shields and
inquired about her Arts background, qualifications and experience, and her goals for
public art in Gilroy.
Motion made by Commissioner Dunkle to recommend to the City Council that
Louise Shields be appointed to the Public Art Committee. Commissioner Morasca
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Discussion/Vote on ACC Participating in Garlic Festival Volunteering for 2013
The Commissioners discussed participating in the Gilroy Garlic Festival as a fundraising
A motion was made by Commissioner Bottini that the Arts and Culture
Commission participate in the Gilroy Garlic Festival if the opportunity arises. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Harris. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Discussion on Joint Meeting with Public Art Committee and Gilroy Arts Alliance.
The Commissioners discussed a joint meeting with the Gilroy Arts Alliance and the
Public Art Committee. Staff was asked to find a public place for a meeting on
June 4, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. Suggested agenda topics were: Arts Forum Roundtable, movie
night collaboration, branding the Arts in Gilroy, website collaboration, and a unified
vision for the Arts.
A motion was made by Commissioner Harris that the Arts and Culture Commission
have a joint meeting with the Gilroy Arts Alliance and the Public Art Committee at
a future date and time in a location to be determined. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Bottini. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Discussion Re: Branding Banner Project & Theme --
Lee Butler, Community Development Department staff was contacted, and Cathy Mirelez
was informed that the department is establishing an application protocol for banners and
flags. It generally takes two weeks for approval of banners that hang across the street.
The Commission noted that they were more interested in flags or vertical banners that
hang from the light poles. After some discussion, it was agreed that Commissioner
Harris would communicate the Commission's vision for banners to Cathy Mirelez and
further investigation would take place. The item will be reviewed again at the regular
June meeting.
E. Discussion Re: Movie Night Collaboration w /City of Gilroy, Public Art Committee
Gilroy Arts Alliance
The Commission agreed further discussion on this matter would be better left to the joint
meeting of the Arts groups.
F. Discussion Re: Annual Roundtable — October 23, 2013
It was noted that the Commission needs a sub - committee to begin work on the Annual
Roundtable. Since the direction and content of this event will be discussed at the joint
meeting, the Commission agreed to appoint a sub - committee at that time.
G. Discussion on Communications /Tools /Processes
a. List tools aimed at improving our ability to communicate and market the
Commission amongst ourselves and to the Gilroy community
b. Report on the City's restriction/guidelines
c. Presentation of potential tools: Calendar Website (updated City website,
external website ... ), Google Suite, Facebook...
Commissioner Dunkle gave his report on possible communication tools and options.
See attached report.) The Commission thanked Commissioner Dunkle for his report and
discussed its options. Since all the options require maintenance and time, the
Commissioners agreed that they would adopt a modest approach and begin with a
Facebook page.
See attached report.
PASEO PROJECT REPORT — Commissioner Scariot
In Commissioner Scariot's absence, Commissioner Harris gave Commissioner Scariot's report.
Commissioner Harris shared a sketch of the paseo and reported its dimensions as 19 feet wide
and 130 feet long. It will have lights, planter boxes and a mural depicting Gilroy's history.
Commissioner Morasca reported on the following Gilroy Arts Alliance items: the Young Artist
Show, the completion of the Center's landscaping, partnering with the Downtown Business
Association on a concert series, and staffing the Garlic Festival Wine Booth.
STAFF REPORT (Cathy Mirelez)
A. Cultural Arts Programs /Events
a. Louise Shields is exhibiting her artwork in the Gilroy City Hall "gallery" for the
months of May and June.
b. Auditions for our Summer Theater production "Color My World" were held on May
11th. This production will perform at the Christmas Hill Park Amphitheater on
Saturday, June 22nd at 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Tickets are $10.00 each.
c. The Recreation office is busily preparing for our Summer season.
d. We facilitated tile paintings for the San Ysidro Park Youth Center Tile Art Project, on
Monday, May 13th & Tuesday, May 14th, with our After School & Youth Center
participants. A total of 62 tiles were painted, and the theme for this 2 d phase is
Winter /Spring.
B. Museum Projects /Tours /Displays
No report.
No Report
Cathy Mirelez reminded the Commission that the Commission's annual report to the City
Council is August 5th and that the item will appear on the agenda for the Commission's regular
June meeting.
Commissioner Harris adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday,
June 11, 2013, at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street,
Gilroy, CA.
Susan Voss, Recreation Coordinator
Recreation Department