03/11/2014 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/13/2014CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION 5:00 P.M. March 11, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Chair Scariot. SECRETARY'S REPORT All Commissioners were present (Bruce Morasca 5:08 p.m.). Christopher High School Student Representative Silva was also present (5:22 p.m.). Gilroy High School Student Representative Garcia was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Vice Chair Robinson to approve the Minutes of the February 11, 2014 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Bottini seconded the motion. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion made by Commissioner Brooner to approve the agenda for March 11, 2014, with the stated change of order. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Bench Plaque Wording Approval — Harry R. Semas Plaque Cathy Mirelez presented the proposed wording for the Harry R. Semas Plaque to the Commission. Motion made by Commissioner Bottini to approve the proposed wording for the Harry R. Semas Plaque. The motion was seconded by Chair Scariot. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. B. Informational Presentation of Designs for the Arts Branding Logo Cathy Mirelez reported on the sub -committee meeting with Articulate Solutions and Chair Scariot presented the four (4) selections that the sub -committee members are considering. Discussion and comments followed. Commissioners then ranked their top two (2) favorites. Chair Scariot and Ms. Mirelez will bring the Commission's comments back to the sub- committee. C. Arts & Culture Commission 2014 Possible Events Motion was made by Commissioner Bottini that the following events would be done by the 2014 Arts & Culture Commission: Outdoor Movie Night (in collaboration with the Gilroy Arts Alliance & City of Gilroy Public Art Committee) and the Annual Presentation to Council. Also, that the Arts Roundtable will not be held until 2015. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brooner. Vote taken was: 4 Yeas and 1 nay, Motion passed. Staffing the Fireworks Booth (July 1st, 2nd & 3rd) will be put on the April agenda for Rirther discussion and final vote. D. Selection of Sub -Committee Members for Arts & Culture Commission 2014 Events Motion made by This item was moved to the April agenda. E. Discussion on Arts & Culture Commission Fundraising Chair Scariot is going to look into grants the Arts & Culture Commission can apply for. We need approximately $3,000 to pay off the branding logo. It was mentioned that possibly the Gilroy Arts Alliance and Gilroy Foundation may be willing to match what the Commission raises. NEW BUSINESS A. Interview of Stacey Angst for Appointment to the Public Art Committee Stacey Angst was interviewed by the Arts & Culture Commission. She is a muralist and graphic designer. She and her family have lived in Gilroy for approximately 8 years. Questions by the Arts & Culture Commissioners followed. Chair Scariot thanked Ms. Angst for applying to be on the Public Art Committee. Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca to recommend to the Gilroy City Council that Stacey Angst be appointed to the Public Art Committee. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bottini. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. 2 B. Presentation of Monterey Manor Public Art Project City of Gilroy Planner Melissa Durkin addressed the Commission and introduced Ed Griffith of Hovnanian Homes to make the presentation. The Artist, Scott Donahue, was also present and addressed the Commission. Questions and discussion followed. Motion made by Commissioner Morasca that the proposed Monterey Manor Public Art Project be supported by the Arts & Culture Commission and a recommendation sent to the Gilroy City Council recommending approval of the public art. The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Robinson. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered. C. Possible Art & Business Partnership Award Recipients — Large Business & Small Business Chair Scariot explained these awards for the benefit of the new Commissioners. This will be put on the April agenda. D. Gilroy Gardens "Art in the Park" — March 29, 2014 Commissioner Morasca informed the Commissioners about an email sent by Jan Froom to the Public Art Committee regarding their participation in this event at Gilroy Gardens. Since the Public Art Committee has not met this year, he was wondering if the Arts & Culture Commission might be interested in having a table. Discussion followed. It was decided that due to the shortness of time before the event the Commission would not be able to participate this year. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE None. PASEO PROJECT UPDATE Chair Scariot reported that the 1 st Phase of the project is being completed now. The City is in- stalling electrical for a safe pathway and a watering system (no plants at this time). The 1 st Phase costs approximately $200,000 which the City is paying. The 2nd Phase is now beginning and that is to raise additional monies. GENERAL PLAN ACTION COMMITTEE UPDATE (GPAC) See attached report. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE Commissioner Morasca reported the following: ➢ The Art of Alex Gorelik is now on exhibit at the Center — March 2-30 — Artist Reception will be held on March 15, 1:00-4:00 p.m. ➢ There will be 3 Spring Camps and a Summer Program at the Center — STAR ➢ Limelight Actors Theater's next production is Sister Robert Anne's CABARET CLASS — April 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27 May 2, 3 ➢ Call to Artists has been sent out for the upcoming Art & Wine Stroll May 31't hosted by the Gilroy Downtown Business Association DOWNTOWN BANNER PROJECT UPDATE Chair Scariot reported that the banners are now up in the downtown district and look great! She encouraged the Commissioners to ride downtown and take a look. STAFF REPORT Cathy Mirelez reported the following: A. Cultural Arts Programs/Events ➢ The Spring Theater production — Disney's Aladdin, Jr. will be performing at the Gilroy High School Theater on April 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 & 13 Show times are Friday & Saturday evenings at 7:00 p.m., Saturday & Sunday matinees at 2:00 pm.; Tickets are $9 each and available at the Box Office Window ➢ Young Artists Poster Contest "Judges Favorite" Award Winners (18 total) will hang in the City Hall Gallery through the month of April B. Museum Projects/Tours/Displays ➢ The Museum volunteers are currently planning for a 50th Year Anniversary Celebration of the Gilroy Museum. Festivities will take place at the Museum in mid -May STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS See attached report from Christopher High School Representative Ricky Silva. Ricky told the Commission that Greg Grant, Band Director, wanted to know the reason the Arts & Culture Commission wants to know what is going on at Christopher High. Chair Scariot explained that the Commission wants to know what is going on in the schools, especially as it pertains to the Arts. The student representative's reports are included in the Commission's minutes and are part of the public record for citizens to see. She also explained that the Commission is here to assist him if ever needed. STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Seariot adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. Sondra Banks, Administrative Secretary Recreation Department