07/14/2015 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 09/08/2015CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION 5:30 P.M. July 14, 2015 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Chair Scariot. SECRETARY'S REPORT Arts & Culture Commissioners Present: Sally Armendariz, Barbara Bottini, Bruce Morasca, Alma Perez, Mattie Scariot and Peter Wang Christopher High School Student Representative Silva was absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca to approve the minutes of the May 12, 2015 regular meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bottini. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca to approve the agenda for July 14, 2015, with change of order. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bottini. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. INTRODUCTIONS None. AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS None. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS A. Update on Movie Night in Collaboration with the Public Art Committee and Gilroy Arts Alliance Event will be Friday, August 7th. Commissioner Morasca reported that they will begin making the Flubber at 8:00 p.m. for the children and the movie will begin at approximately 9:00 p.m. They will need everyone's assistance in promoting this event (Commissioners and Gilroy Arts Alliance). Bobby Jo Palmer will be creating the flyer. Staff is concerned about the short time frame to do adequate promotion of this event as August 7th is fast approaching. Vice Chair Morasca will do his best to get the flyer to Cathy Mirelez by Friday, July 17th. Commissioner Annendariz has a group that can help with flyer distribution as well. B. Fundraising for 2015 Art & Business Partnership Awards Cathy Mirelez reported that the Commission made $425 from working the Fireworks Booth. She also asked if the Commission would be interested in doing this fundraiser again in 2016. Motion was made by Commissioner Bottini that Sunday, July 3, 2016 the Arts & Culture Commission will staff the Fireworks Booth as a fundraising project. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wang. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. C. Annual Arts Roundtable Tabled to September meeting. D. Sub -Committee Report on Lobbying for the Arts being included in the General Plan Tabled to September meeting. NEW BUSINESS A. Interviewing of Public Art Committee Applicants — Sam Bozzo Sam Bozzo was interviewed by the Arts & Culture Commissioners for a seat on the Public Art Committee. He has extensive experience serving on various City of Gilroy Commissions. Motion was made by Commissioner Bottini that a recommendation to appoint Sam Bozzo to the Public Art Committee be sent to the Gilroy City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morasca. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. B. Pasco Panel Designs Joan Buchanan, one of the Pasco Committee Members, addressed the Arts and Cult -Lire Commission and reviewed the staff report that was included in the agenda packet. Questions followed. The panels were reviewed individually. There was concern voiced that there was someone on a panel that was not a long-term Gilroyan. Further research will be done on this issue by the Pasco Committee. K Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca that the proposed Pasco designs and locations be approved and recommend same to City Council with the caveat that the concern regarding Antonio del Buono will be researched further. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wang. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. C. Selection of Vice Chair of 2015 Arts & Culture Commission (Commissioner Robinson resigned June 17, 2015) Commissioner Morasca stated that he would like to serve as Vice Chair. Motion made by Commissioner Bottini nominating Commissioner Morasca as Vice Chair Person. Motion seconded by Commissioner Wang. The motion carried unanimously with a 6-0-0 vote. D. Annual Arts & Culture Commission Presentation to City Council — November 2, 2015 Cathy Mirelez asked the Commissioners to be sure and put this date on their calendars and plan to attend and give their support to Chair Scariot. Ms. Mirelez and Chair Scariot will begin work on the presentation soon. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE No meeting in June due to lack of a quorum. Library Mural is halfway completed. Vice Chair Morasca urged all the Commissioners to go and see it. PASEO PROJECT UPDATE None. GENERAL PLAN ACTION COMMITTEE UPDATE No meeting until August 12, 2015. Commissioner Bottini received an article from Vice Chair Morasca on "how art can improve a city." She gave it to City Planner Stan Ketchum and it will be distributed to the Committee in their next packet. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE Commissioner Morasca reported the following: ➢ Limelight Theater - June 23-July 18t" Boeing Boeing ➢ Free Summer art classes —Rick Charvet teaching ➢ One week video class just concluding ➢ 5th Street Live — 2 more weeks left in July (one week JJ Hoag will be playing) STAFF REPORT A. Cultural Arts Programs/Events: We have enjoyed having summer intern, Anika Mandel, work alongside us for the last 6 weeks! Events: • Fireworks Booth sales from July 1st — 4th • Willy Wonha Summer Theatrical Camp — mini performance for family & friends Friday, July 17th • Fall Theater Auditions for HONK! on Saturday, August 8th — directed by Hilary Little • Kids Discover Arts — Saturday, August 29th The following Summer Cultural Arts classes are going well (we've seen an increase in enrollment which is very encouraging!): Series of Arts Workshops at Sheryl Cather's "dabble" studio (Anime workshops & Canvas Painting for kids) Specialty Dance classes for all ages (Hula, Ballet & Tap) Piano Keyboarding at the Music Academy studios B. Museum Projects/Tours/Displays: Volunteer Maureen Frantzich, represented the Gilroy Museum at a training on Paper Conservation given by the Balboa Conservation Center at Santa Clara University. Maureen will be sharing her new knowledge with other Gilroy Museum volunteers at an upcoming training day scheduled in September. CHRISTOPHER HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT None. STAFF COMMENTS None. Tamale Festival — September 27, 2015 July 30, 2015 Demonstration in Oakland regarding proposed Medicare changes. There will be a bus going from Gilroy is anyone is interested. August 8, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at Sierra Cottage — VTA is considering cutting back the buses in Gilroy. ADJOURNMENT Chair Seariot adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. FUTURE MEETING The next regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, September, 8, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers located at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilro CA 9/5020. I Sondra B s, Administr tive Secretary City of Gilroy Recreation Department