03/14/2017 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/11/2017CITY OF GILROY MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION 5:30 P.M. March 14, 2017 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission was called to order by Chair Mattie Scariot at: 5:34 p.m. dft SECRETARY'S REPORT The Agenda was posted in the public notice cabinet at 1' 00 a m_on Thursday, March 9, 2017, The Agenda and the March Meeting Packet wasp fed to the City's ebsito and distributed on Thursday, March 9, 2017. a = z ROLL CALL = _ Commissioners Present: Chair Mattie-Scariot, Vice Ch Baarbara Bottmi, CO ssioner Sally Armendariz, Commissioner Tamura hvltgt]vl __ Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Bruce I_orasca, 'excused, Commissioner Suzanne Wood, excused and Cot nmtssiQner Grace, andez, excused Also Present: City s tiffinember' Wathy Mirdt Maria De Leon, Adam Henig APPROVAL OF MINU I) _ Motion was made by Vice Clrair Bar�ara_BottJm f pprove the minutes of the January 10, 2017 regular�utepiing as wren. Thet�hon was seeoc�g� y Commissioner Sally Armendariz. The Motion was mad6 2017. The motion The motion carried Tamura Miguel to approve the agenda Tuesday, March 14, Vice Chair Barbara Bottini. (4-0-0). Adam Honig — Recreation Manager AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS Chair Mattie Scariot and the Arts and Culture Commission is very happy to recognize Kevin Heath for all his hard work in promoting the Arts in the City of Gilroy. Chair Mattie Scariot is very grateful to Kevin Heath for all of the hard work that he does to make the Summer Movie 1 Nights Event such a success. Kevin Heath thanked the Art and Culture Commission for the honor and recognition. PUBLIC COMMENT None. OLD BUSINESS Monthly Arts Award - Chair Mattie Scariot Chair Mattie Scariot would like to present this award at meeting. Maria De Leon suggested that the Arts and Culture for the award. Chair Mattie Scariot made a motion to nomi6d Guillei April to acknowledge the restoration work he dicl on the was seconded by Vice Chair Barbara Bottim _Y The motion carried unanimously Annual Arts and Culture Chair Mattie Scariot made Saturday, April 8, 20 :7 at-1 z The motion carried &9& Chair Mattie will forma j The dWl Chair Bail and Chair Item C — Arts to h and and Culture Commission up with some guidelines Aranda fer -he Monthly Award for -W in San Y`sfdlg Park. The motion Commission Retreat on ided the motion. a Miguel, Grace Hernandez, and herself retreat. to submit Agenda 10fis for the retreat will be Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Vice Bottini would like to see the discussion of the criteria for the Monthly Arts Award kscariot would=Yilce to set fhe Arts Roundtable on the agenda. Roundtable Forum 2017 Tabled until the retreat, Update on Summer 1V1(ov1Q Nrglt Series — Cathy Mirelez Mattie Scariot, Tamura and Grace will work with Kevin on this movie night series. NEW BUSINESS None. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE — Vice Chair Bruce Morasca Commissioner Bruce Morasca absent. 2 PASEO PROJECT — Chair L. Mattie Scariot This Thursday the bricks with the names of people who have donated will be put into place with a formal opening in April. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE — Commissioner Bruce Morasca Commissioner Bruce Morasca was absent. STAFF REPORT Cultural Arts Programs/Events - Cathy Rehearsals are continuing for "Alice in Wonderland" with Museum Projects/Tours/Displays - Cathy The new landscaping at the Museum has been Absent. REPORT Absent. Maria De Leon asks -how the cohnnission` some discussion it wa =decided that=the Com on the dais the night of the-meefing ADJODUMENT Chairde Scariot adjourned the-sneetmg at The next regular iii€. 2017 at 5:30 p.m. i Gilroy, CA. 95020. of "l,�U&esa Hernandez, Recording Secret City of Gilroy Recreation Department in May. beautiful. to receive their Agenda Packet. After would like it emailed with a hard copy & Culture Commission will be held on Tuesday, April 11, it Chambers located in City Hall at 7351 Rosanna Street, 3