01/09/2018 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/13/2018CITY OF GILROY FINAL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ARTS and CULTURE COMMISSION ('In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.') Tuesday, January 9, 2018 5:30 p.m. Administrative Conference Room 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 gGILIROY ARTS CALL TO ORDER TIME: The regular meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Barbara Bottini at 5:40 p.m. FLAG SALUTE SECRETARY'S REPORT The packet was posted on the City's website on Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 3:10 p.m. and the agenda was posted in the Notice cabinet on Thursday, January 4, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Barbara Bottini, Commissioner Suzanne Wood, Commissioner Bruce Morasca and Commissioner Sally Armendariz. Commissioners Absent: Chair Mattie Scariot (excused) and Commissioner Grace Hernandez (excused). Also Present: Recreation Manager Adam Henig, Monthly Art Award Winner Armando Franco and Christopher High School Student Representative Paetra Rottman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Commissioner Sally Armendariz, seconded by Commissioner Suzanne Wood and carried with a vote to approve the minutes of November 14, 2017 with a vote of 4-0-0. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Bruce Morasca, seconded by Commissioner Suzanne Wood and carried with a vote to approve the Agenda with a vote of 4-0-0. Henig introduced the new recording secretary, Jasmine Peinado. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS Vice Chair Bottini presented Armando Franco with the Monthly Arts Award. Commissioner Armendariz shared her appreciation for all that Franco has done for the City of Gilroy and acknowledged the work he has done including the murals at San Ysidro Park and South Valley Junior High. Commissioner Morasca also shared his appreciation for Franco's efforts on the Public Arts Committee. Franco thanked everyone for the award and recognition. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Nominations for Chair and Vice -chair Commissioners discussed the nomination for the Chair, but wanted to postpone the chair selection for when the absent commissioners are present. Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca and seconded by Commissioner Wood to postpone the selection for Chair to the February 13, 2018 ACC, motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. Vice Chair Bottini volunteered to continue as Vice Chair. Motion was made by Morasca and seconded by Commissioner Armendariz for Bottini to continue as Vice Chair, motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. Arts and Culture Commissioner interested in serving on Public Art Committee Commissioner Morasca stated that according to the Public Arts policy there can be up to two members from the Arts and Culture Commission that can serve on the PAC. Commissioner Armendariz volunteered to serve on the PAC. Motion was made by Commissioner Wood and seconded by Morasca to nominate Armendariz as a Commissioner for PAC, motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. Motion was made by Armendariz and seconded by Wood to elect Morasca as Chair of PAC, motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. Commission Retreat Date Henig suggested that ACC and PAC have a joint retreat to enhance communication between the two boards. Proposed dates for the retreat were during the ACC regular meeting on March 13, 2018 or on the PAC regular meeting on February 28, 2018. Commissioner Morasca explained PAC will vote to decide at their next regular scheduled meeting on January 24, 2018. Henig will notify ACC the date selected for the joint retreat. Motion was carried by Commissioner Woods and seconded by Morasca for the selection of the proposed joint retreat dates of February 28, 2018 or March 13, 2018 and motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. OLD BUSINESS Monthly Arts Award Nominations Henig will send a link to the form on how to nominate a community member for the Monthly Arts Award. Commissioner Wood nominated Chair Scariot for the February Monthly Arts Award. Motion was made by Commissioner Armendariz and seconded by Commissioner Morasca to nominate Chair Scariot for the Monthly Arts Award and motion was carried with a vote of 4-0-0. ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION ROUNTABLE FORUM 2018 There were no new updates to report. The Roundtable Forum 2018 set for January 24, 2018 is currently suspended. The Roundtable Forum will be added to the agenda for the Joint Retreat for further discussion. GPAC UPDATE -Vice Chair Bottini Vice Chair Bottini stated there have been no further meetings and will report any future updates. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE- Commissioner Morasca Commissioner Morasca stated that there are no current updates considering the cancellation of the last meeting. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE —Kevin Heath, GAA Executive Director There were no updates to report. STAFF REPORT -Adam Henig Please refer to attached Recreation Department Cultural Arts and Museum Updates by Recreation Supervisor Cathy Mirelez report on page 9. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS- Paetra Rottman Rottman provided updates on upcoming projects and events at Christopher High School that included the school play, "Our Town" with showing on February 9 and 10 at 7 p.m. and on February 11 at 2 p.m. This month there will be an art exhibit in Building A "Animal Sandwich." The ceramics department is preparing for the spring art show that will be taking place downtown in March. Rottman also reported upcoming competitions including "Doodle for Google," where a student's art may be featured on the Google website and the Vanz shoes competition where the student's art may be featured on a shoe. COMMISSION COMMENTS (Arts -Related) Commissioner Armendariz reported that during Christmas time Las Posadas went well and had 300 people in attendance at Cesar Chavez gym. Commissioner Morasca suggested that ACC and PAC should have the city give a cultural tour of the local venues similar to the park tour that is given by Bill Headley and requested it be added to the Joint Retreat agenda. Staff will look into it and respond at the following meeting. STAFF COMMENTS Henig stated that moving forward he will only communicate with members through city email account. Henig will resend the directions on how to set up email the city email account. 6:33 p.m. Department Secretary,