04/10/2018 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 05/08/2018CITY OF GILROY FINAL ARTS and CULTURE COMMISSION ("In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.') REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 10, 2018 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 gJGILRmOY ARTS CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission was called to order by Chair Mattie Scariot at 5:48 p.m. FLAG SALUTE SECRETARY'S REPORT The packet was posted on the City's website on Thursday, April 05, 2018 at 4:20 p.m. and the agenda was posted in the Public Notice Cabinet on Thursday, April 05, 2018 at 3:45 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Chair Mattie Scariot, Vice Chair Barbara Bottini, and Commissioner Amanda Rudeen, Commissioner Sally Armendariz Commissioners Absent: Commissioner Bruce Morasca (excused) Also Present: Recreation Manager Adam Henig, Recreation Coordinator Susan Voss, President of the Gilroy Historical Society Connie Rogers and Recording Secretary Jasmine Peinado APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Vice Chair Barbara Bottini, seconded by Commissioner Mattie Scariot and carried with a vote to approve the minutes of March 13, 2018 with a vote of 4- 0-0. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Sally Armendariz, seconded by Commissioner Barbara Bottini and carried with a vote to approve the Agenda with a vote of 4-0-0. INTRODUCTIONS None AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None NEW BUSINESS Annual Gilroy Museum Report President of the Gilroy Historical Society, Connie Rogers presented a PowerPoint covering topics including hours, research, displays, school and walking tours, their training and conservation and their goals. 1. Complete the inventory of the museum collection. 2. Utilize City of Gilroy budget allotment for further training opportunities for Gilroy Museum Volunteers, and continue conservation efforts. 3. Complete transfer of family information to an electronic database 4. Renovation of the Native American Display 5. De -accession seven paintings and a collection of furniture. Request Annual Income from Gilroy Museum Endowment Trust be released for expenditure Connie Rogers discussed her request and letter on pg. 10 of the meeting packet requesting that the interest from the City's Museum Trust Fund be transferred to the City's 801 Fund so the museum may access if for budgeting items to preserve and protect the collection. Commissioner Scariot and Rudeen expressed their gratitude towards Connie Rogers and everything she does for the Museum and the City of Gilroy. Motion was made by Vice Chair Barbara Bottini, seconded by Commissioner Sally Armendariz and carried with a vote to approve the interest from the City's Museum Trust Fund be transferred to the City's 801 Fund with a vote of 4-0-0. Commission Retreat Recap and Recommend Work Plan Commissioner Bruce Morasca and Chair Mattie Scariot volunteered to be on the subcommittee to update the Strategic Plan. Chair Scariot and Vice Chair Bottini volunteered to be on the subcommittee for the annual award of art -supporting business/recipient. Commissioner Armendariz, Chair Scariot and Commissioner Amanda Rudeen volunteered to be part of the subcommittee to expand community outreach for arts related events and programs. OLD BUSINESS Selection of Chair to 2018 Arts and Culture Commission The selection of Chair was tabled. On April 16, 2018 council will vote to open for applications to fill the three Arts and Culture Commission vacancies. Commission Training Opportunities (Adam) Adam Henig presented some of the trainings and organizations that PAC suggested including Silicon Valley Creates workshops, Americans for the Arts convention in Denver Colorado and Art Reach Arts Conference that are available to be live streamed. Training and conferences would have to be approved by City Council. The ACC could use funds from its 801 account. Scariot suggested commissioner training on the general overview, objectives, and goals of the Arts and Culture Committee. Commissioner Rudeen would like learn more about the boundaries and what has been done in the past. Henig informed commissioners that the City Clerk's office is preparing and planning to present a training on this topic for all city commissioners, which was one of the findings mentioned during the commission assessment. More details to come. Commissioner Rudeen would also like to meet with Adam Henig and Cathy Mirelez to get some of her questions answered and gain a better understanding of ACC. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE PAC minutes will be included in the ACC meeting packet moving forward. PAC has also worked on their proposed work plan that is included the meeting packet on page 15. GILROY ARTS ALLICANCE UPDATE Kevin Heath provided Henig with a handout on the updates for the Gilroy Arts Alliance. Will be inserted in final packet. STAFF REPORT Henig announced the upcoming musical, Oliver. Henig is working with engineers and architects on the remodeling GAA that is to go to council in May. Henig went over the Cultural Arts Report by Recreation Supervisor Cathy Mirelez. The Gilroy Museum is offering a Genealogy workshop and training of volunteers in early May. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS None COMMISSION COMMENTS Vice Chair Barbara Bottini gave the GPAC updates from the March 27, 2018 meeting. On April 26, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. there is a community wide meeting at Elliot School where GPAC is hoping to get community input then on May 24, 2018 GPAC will vote on where development will take place. There has not been a set date, but sometime in June the GPAC will be reviewing and revising their policy and Bottini expressed the importance of ACC adding the Arts to their policy. Bottini will update the committee on the date that GPAC decides for June as soon as she is informed. Rudeen inquired about possible funding for the new bike racks going up in the downtown area. Henig stated that it is possible they are already funded by grants. Chair Mattie Scariot announced that her first year as director of Poppy Jasper hiternational Film Festival went very well with a large turnout and many standing ovations. There is also now a fund in place for filmmakers for the next festival. STAFF COMMENTS Suzanne Wood resigned from the commission. ADJOURNMENT 7:14 p.m. inado, Recording Secretary, Department 0