01/08/2019 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 02/12/2019 CITY OF GILROY ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION (“In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.”) REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 8, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES 1 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Arts and Culture Commission was called to order by Chair Amanda Rudeen at 5:38 PM. II. FLAG SALUTE III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The packet was posted on the City's website on Thursday, January 3, 2019 at 9:11 a.m. and the Agenda was posted in the Public Notice cabinet at 9:21 a.m. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Amanda Rudeen Chair Present Barbara Bottini Vice Chair Present Nancy Fierro Commissioner Present Marika Somorjai Commissioner Present Maricela Andrade Commissioner Absent Bruce Morasca Commissioner Absent IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. November 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Vice Chair Barbara Bottini to approve the November meeting minutes, Chair Rudeen Seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. RESULT: ANNOUNCED V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Nancy Fierro to approve agenda, Vice Chair Barbara Bottini Seconded. Motion passed 4-0-0. VI. INTRODUCTIONS None 2 VII. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair of Arts and Culture Commission Adam Henig informed the Commission they will need to vote on the selection of the Commissions Chair and Vice-Chair of Arts and Culture Commission. Barbara Bottini recommended Chair Amanda Rudeen should continue her position as Chair. Chair Rudeen stated she will no longer be a part of Arts and Culture Commission because she was recently appointed to the Planning Commission. Chair Rudeen recommended Commissioner Fierro as the Chair. Fierro stated she is looking into another committee. Motion made by Bottini to postpone Chair and Vice Chair selection until February meeting, motion seconded by Rudeen. Motion passed 4-0-0. B. Arts and Culture Commission Representative(s) to serve on Public Art Committee Staff member Henig informed the commission that Commissioners Bruce Morasca and Sally Amendariz were the Arts and Culture Commission's representatives to the Public Art Committee (PAC). Henig mentioned the representative(s) could commit to either one or four year terms. When Chair Rudeen asked if any commission members would be interested in being the representative for PAC, no responses were received. Motion was made by Rudeen to postpone Public Art Committee Representative(s) until February meeting, motion seconded by Bottini. Motions passed 4-0-0. C. Appoint Arts and Culture Commissioner to serve on General Plan Advisory Committee 3 Vice Chair Bottini informed the commission the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) is in need of an Arts and Culture Commission representative. The GPAC hears reports from consultants that advise the City of their General Plan and provides guidance and input during the process to ensure there is community input. The GPAC has not held any recent meetings. No one expressed interest to serve as a representative on GPAC. Motion was made by Chair Rudeen to postpone General Plan Advisory Committee representative appointing to the February meeting, motion seconded by Bottini. Motion passed 4-0-0. D. Selection of 2019 Retreat Date Staff member Henig stated the Commission needs to decide when it will hold its annual retreat to discuss future commission plans and projects. Chair Rudeen recommended the Commission postpone selection of a date until the next meeting. Motion made by Commissioner Fierro to postpone the 2019 Retreat Date to the February meeting, motion seconded by Commissioner Somorjai. Motion passed 4-0-0. E. Public Art Committee Budget Recommendations for Next Budget Cycle Henig informed the ACC that the PAC is recommending a fiscal year budget of $5,000 for maintenance repairs and graffiti abatement of current public art collection. The committee also recommended a fiscal year budget of $5,000 to $7,000 to bring a piece of public art to City Plaza. This would be a lent art piece and would cover installation and insurance should something happen to art piece. The committee also requested to continue to receive the $1,000 training budget. Staff member Bryce Atkins assured the Commission the $1,000 training budget is given to each Commission and Committee. Motion was made by Rudeen to approve the PAC budget recommendation as is, motion was seconded by Bottini. Motion passed 4-0-0. X. OLD BUSINESS 4 A. 1962 : Provide Budget Input for Commission Related Items for Upcoming Budget Cycle Budget Manager Atkins was present to receive input from Commission. Commissioner Fierro stated she reviewed events/seminars for commission members to attend and created a spreadsheet with organization name, website, notes with information about organization and upcoming event dates with fees if applicable. Atkins noted that her proposal pertains to the training budget. Commissioners did not recommend new budget items. B. Commission Work Plan and Strategic Plan Update Staff member Henig informed the Committee the current plan has not been updated since the last meeting. Vice Chair Bottini suggested at the retreat the subcommittees be updated. Commissioner Somorjai mentioned she has yet to meet with Kevin Heath regarding the Gilroy Center for the Arts. No other input was provided. C. Fiscal Year 2019 Training Budget Expenditures Staff member Henig mentioned $19.69 spent on commissioner business cards. He asked if committee has more items they'd like to participate in and use the remaining training budget funds. Commission had no comments. XI. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE No updates. XII. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE A. Report from Kevin Heath, Gilroy Arts Alliance Executive Director Report attached. Commissioner Fierro stated the Gilroy Arts Alliance Facebook page has more information of their upcoming events. XIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Report by Adam Henig, Recreation Manager Henig mentioned the spring play auditions will be in February for Mary Poppins. City Council has approved Weston Miles Architects of Morgan Hill for the construction drawings and cost estimates for the Gilroy Center for the Arts. The Gilroy Museum is doing monthly walking tours downtown and has just entered into a MOU with the City. Staff member Henig reminded the Commission to inform him ahead of time if they will not be attending the monthly meeting. XIV. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS Student representative Sabina from GECA informed the commission of the school clubs current list of events/activities. The Indian Dance Club is working on talent show choreography. MECHA hosted a painting event at school. The Drama Club is 5 collaborating with the Film Club to create short story films. And the Art Club is currently working on creating a mural. XV. COMMISSION COMMENTS (Arts-Related) Chair Rudeen informed the commission she was appointed to the Planning Commission so this is her last meeting with the Arts and Culture Commission. Chair Rudeen also mentioned the commission could partner with the GECA Film Club to create a video in correspondence with the Strategic Plan. XVI. STAFF COMMENTS None XVII. ADJOURNMENT Chair Rudeen adjourned meeting at 6:35 p.m. XVIII. FUTURE MEETINGS February 12, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. Vanessa Arteaga, Recreation Department Recording Secretary