02/12/2019 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 03/12/2019 CITY OF GILROY ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION (“In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.”) REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES 1 I. CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Bruce Morasca Commissioner Present Marika Somorjai Commissioner Present Wendy Sue Kissa Commissioner Present Maricela Andrade Commissioner Present Nancy Fierro Commissioner Present 5:38 PM Barbara Bottini Commissioner Absent II. FLAG SALUTE III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The Agenda and Packet were posted on Friday, February 8, 2019 at 8:50 AM. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 8, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Wendy Sue Kissa to approve the January 8, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motioned seconded by Commissioner Maricela Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A. New Section Motion was made by Commissioner Kissa to approve agenda. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. VI. INTRODUCTIONS 2 A. New Arts and Culture Commissioner Wendy Sue Kissa Commissioner Wendy Sue Kissa introduced herself. She has been resident of Gilroy for 3 years and has a passion for the arts. VII. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Development of a Gilroy 150th Anniversary Celebration Logo Mayor Roland Velasco informed the commission the City of Gilroy will be celebrating its 150th anniversary on March 12, 2020. He is working with a committee, brainstorming ideas for a celebration that will occur throughout the year. Velasco asked the commission if they would be interested in organizing a contest to redesign the City logo. The proposed new logo would be used on the City website as well as stationary during the 2020 calendar year. Commissioner Morasca mentioned the Public Art Committee has several artists who may be interested in participating. Commissioner Kissa asked if there was a budget for promotional purposes. Commissioner Somorjai asked if there was a deadline. Velasco and the committee had not established a budget yet and no set deadline was established, but will have more details for the commission soon. Kissa asked about logo dimensions. Staff member Henig informed her he would provide the information at a later date. Morasca suggested there be a subcommittee to discuss the details and proceed with the Anniversary Logo project. Commissioners Somorjai, Andrade and Kissa volunteered to be on the subcommittee for the project. Henig suggested the subcommittee have city staff present. Motion made by Commissioner Kissa to accept the Mayor’s challenge of proceeding with the redesign of the city logo project/contest. Motion seconded by Commissioner Fierro. Motion Passed 5-0-0. B. Recommend Public Art Committee applicant to City Council 3 Staff member Henig informed the Commissioners the Public Art Committee (PAC) has two applicants which need to be approved for recommendation to City Council. Fierro inquired how many spots were open. Henig informed her there were three vacancies, one of which needs to be a member of the Arts and Culture Commission. Lifelong Gilroy resident Otmar Alvarado applied. He is a writer, photographer and painter. Morasca asked Otmar what type of public art he would like to see in the community. He mentioned a deconstructed Garlic. Resident Federico Saldaña was the second applicant. He has been teaching for 15 years. While previously teaching art at Christopher High, he assisted students in hosting an art show at downtown businesses. Saldaña also works with the Garlic Festival as the Co-Chair of the Arts and Crafts committee. Morasca asked Saldaña what type of art he hopes to see in the community at which time he stated more student created art. Motion made by Kissa to approve recommendation of Alvarado and Saldaña to City Council to serve on the Public Art Committee. Motion seconded by Fierro. Motion passed 5-0-0. X. OLD BUSINESS 4 A. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair of Arts and Culture Commission Commissioner Morasca informed the commissioners to pick amongst themselves who would like to be Chair and Vice Chair of the Arts and Culture Commission. Kissa volunteered to be Chair of the commission and Fierro as Vice Chair. Kissa did mention she spends summer months on the East Coast at which time she could telecommunicate to meetings. Henig reminded the commission of the teleconferencing policies. Motion was made by Andrade to appoint Kissa as Chair and Fierro as Vice Chair. Motion seconded my Somorjai. Motion Passed 5-0-0. B. Appoint Arts and Culture Commissioner to serve on General Plan Advisory Committee Fierro volunteered to be the liaison for the GPAC. Motion was made by Kissa to appoint Fierro to serve as the Arts and Culture Commissioner on the General Plan Advisory Committee. Motion seconded by Andrade. Motion Passed 5-0-0. C. Selection of 2019 Retreat Date Henig informed commissioners about the standard details of the annual commission retreat. Commissioner Morasca suggested the commission have one within the next two months. Commissioner Kissa recommended the meeting be held in March. Somorjai agreed. It was decided to have food at the retreat. Staff member Henig advised no food allowed in the Council Chambers and will look into another city facility to hold the meeting. Motion made by Kissa to approve the retreat date to March 12, 2019 at 5:30 pm. Motion Seconded by Fierro. Motion passed 5-0-0. D. Arts and Culture Commission Representative(s) to serve on Public Art Committee Commissioner Morasca explained the duties of the Arts and Culture Commission liaison to the Public Art Committee (PAC). Commissioner Fierro volunteered herself to serve as the representative. Motion was made by Kissa to appoint Fierro as the commissioner to serve on PAC. Motion seconded by Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. E. Commission Work Plan and Strategic Plan Update Commissioner Morasca stated the work plan and strategic plan be updated and discussed at the retreat. Commissioner Fierro mentioned to everyone they look over the current plan to be ready to discuss goals, projects and subcommittees. 5 F. Fiscal Year 2019 Training Budget Expenditures Staff member Henig reminded the commission of the remaining funds for training purposes which has only been used to purchase business cards and will be expiring at the end of the fiscal year. Commissioner Fierro mentioned she had created a list of seminars and training events which commission members can attend. XI. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE Commissioner Morasca stated the Public Art Committee held no meeting last month, no update. XII. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE A. Gilroy Center for the Arts Monthly Report See attached report XIII. STAFF REPORTS A. Recreation Arts and Museum Report Staff member Henig stated the museum staff would like to give an annual presentation of events in the coming months. The children’s theater production, Mary Poppins, will be performed in April at Gilroy High School Theater. The Spring/Summer Activity Guide is being put together by the Recreation Department staff. XIV. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS Christopher High Student Representative Paetra informed the commission of the school’s recent and upcoming events. The drama department will be performing Taming of the Shrew, with public performances March 15, 16, and 22 at 7:00 pm and a matinee at 2:00 pm on March 16. The group will also be traveling to London and Moscow to perform. The Choir Department will be hosting an open mic night on Friday, February 16th, tickets are $5. The school Band is holding a spring concert March 5 7:00 pm at the school. The band is also hosting a spaghetti feed fundraiser March 6 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The District concert will be held on March 20 at Christopher High. The Photography Department has two students whose art will be displayed at the New Museum of Los Gatos Art Now. The Company C Dance Team is currently preparing to compete in Florida over spring break at Nationals XV. COMMISSION COMMENTS (Arts-Related) 6 Commissioner Somorjai asked if there's a rule on age requirement for a new commissioner at which time she was informed 18, which is the voting age. Commissioner Fierro mentioned she would like more community outreach by the commissioners. Fierro plans to create a list of art-related events in the city that commissioners can attend. Commissioner Andrade mentioned she would like to know more about local events and more ways to get involved. XVI. STAFF COMMENTS None. XVII. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM. XVIII. FUTURE MEETINGS March 12, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. Vanessa Arteaga, Recreation Department Recording Secretary