03/12/2019 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 04/23/2019 CITY OF GILROY ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION (“In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.”) REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 2019 5:30 p.m. Senior Center Meeting Room 7371 Hanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES 1 I. CALL TO ORDER The Arts and Culture Commission was called to order by Chair Wendy Sue Kissa at 5:31 PM Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Wendy Sue Kissa Chair Present Nancy Fierro Vice Chair Present Marika Somorjai Commissioner Present Maricela Andrade Commissioner Present Bruce Morasca Commissioner Present Barbara Bottini Commissioner Absent II. FLAG SALUTE III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The packet was posted on Thursday, March 7th, 2019 at 8:56 AM IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes Motion was made by Commissioner Bruce Morasca to approve the February 12, 2019 Regular Meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Maricela Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Bruce Morasca to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by Commissioner Maricela Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 2 VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed Cancellation of Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meetings Scheduled for April 9, 2019 and July 9, 2019 Staff member Adam Henig informed the commission of Chair Kissa's proposal to cancel Arts and Culture Commission regular meetings for April 9, 2019 and July 9, 2019. Chair Kissa proposed the Commissioners meet in sub-committees for the month of April to work on projects. She also requested the Commission cancel the regular July meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Morasca to cancel scheduled April and July meetings. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrade. Motion passed 5-0-0. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Chair Kissa adjourned meeting at 5:40 PM. Vanessa Arteaga, Recreation Department Recording Secretary