09/10/2019 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 10/08/2019 CITY OF GILROY ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION (“In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.”) REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES 1 I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Wendy Sue Kissa at 5:30 PM. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Wendy Sue Kissa Chair Present Nancy Fierro Vice Chair Present Maricela Andrade Commissioner Present Marika Somorjai Commissioner Excused Karla Sward Commissioner Excused Sally Armendariz Commissioner Absent Nelly Bermudez Commissioner Present II. FLAG SALUTE III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The packet was posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 at 11:20 AM. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Arts and Culture Commission - Regular Meeting - Aug 13, 2019 5:30 PM Motion was made by Commissioner Maricela Andrade to approve the August 13, 2019 regular meeting minutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Nelly Bermudez. Motion Passed 4-0-0. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Maricela Andrade to approve the agenda. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Nancy Fierro. Motion Passed 4-0-0. VI. INTRODUCTIONS Commissioner Nelly Bermudez introduced herself to the Commission as Vice Chair Nancy Fierro was absent at the last meeting. Nelly stated she is an artist and has a lot of ideas for the beautification 2 throughout the City. VII. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS None. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX. NEW BUSINESS None. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Fiscal Year 2020 Training Budget Expenditures Staff member Adam Henig informed the commission no funds have been spent on training items and commissioners are welcome to present ideas. Vice Chair Nancy Fierro found a training session hosted by the California Arts Council in Salinas on September 23, 2019 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM which would benefit the commission on how to request grant funding. The training is free and commissioners would be reimbursed for mileage. Adam mentioned to the Commissioners the Silicon Valley Creates website also lists training sessions. Since the training is in Salinas, it was suggested the commission motion on and vote on reimbursement of mileage/expenditures for commissioners interested in attending. Motion made by Vice Chair Nancy Fierro to approve reimbursement for mileage/expenditures to commissioners who attended the free California Arts Council seminar on September 23, 2019. Motion Seconded by Commissioner Nelly Bermudez. Motion passed 4-0-0. B. Update of 2019 Arts and Culture Commission Work Plan 3 Staff member Henig informed the commission one of their work plan items has been completed, which was the 150th Anniversary Logo contest. Chair Kissa suggested commissioners be present at community events and wear their name badges. Vice Chair Fierro wanted to start focusing on presenting awards on a quarterly basis and the specific criteria to award/recognize someone in the community who either is an artist or a champion of the arts. Chair Kissa said she would like to recognize the Limelight Actors Theater producers for their involvement in the community for the last nine years. Staff member Henig reminded the commission their October meeting will be at the Gilroy Center for the Arts; the award can be presented then. Henig also mentioned that the recipients had received the award before (spring 2017). To iron out the details of the award criteria, it was discussed to come up with award categories for different cultural/arts related involvement. Chair Kissa asked for volunteers to work on a subcommittee. Commissioners Maricela Andrade and Nancy Fierro volunteered. They will meet prior to the October meeting and bring their criteria/information to the commission. Motion was made by Chair Kissa to award and recognize Limelight Actors Theater for their involvement in the arts, Motion seconded by Commissioner Bermudez. Vice Chair Fierro suggested the award be presented to the group at one of their last performances. Motion passed 4-0-0. Commissioner Bermudez attended an artists’ event in the last month. Vice Chair Fierro attended Christopher High's Summer Theater camp and enjoyed seeing youth involved in live theater. XI. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE Vice Chair Fierro stated the Public Art Committee oversees the Bench Plaque program and is updating its brochure to display the current opportunities at new parks. Currently, there is a limited number of existing benches in the Downtown and Civic Center areas. She mentioned the group was also creating an art catalogu e for developers who are need of art suggestions for public art for new developments in the community. XII. GENERAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE Vice Chair Fierro stated she has attended a General Planning Advisory Committee community meeting, where they discussed proposed redoing the zoning of Gilroy. She suggested there needs to be more community involvement. 4 XIII. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE Staff Member Henig mentioned the pending closure of theater productions at the Center for the Arts, which will occur in December 2019. XIV. STAFF REPORTS A. Recreation Staff Report The fall theater production is Peter Pan Jr. (not Annie as was stated in last month’s staff report). Henig apologize for the oversight. The performances will run November 8-17 at Gilroy High Theater. National Night out was postponed to October 1st due to Garlic Festival Incident. All commissioners are welcome to join and wear their badges and attend the Spirits Night at San Ysidro Park on Friday, October 25 from 5PM to 9PM. XV. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS Student representative Sarah gave the Christopher High School update. The school had its first comedy improvisational event for students and staff that raised $700-$900. The theater production of The Gruesome Grims will take place in November at 7pm and plan to perform at local middle schools to recruit future students. Future theater productions will be: I Never Saw a Butterfly, which will be performed on February 7 & 8. The spring musical will be The Fantastics, performed March 27 & 28 as well as April 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 at 7 pm. Vice Chair Fierro requested the student representative provide the event information in hard copy for commissioners to help promote it to the community. XVI. COMMISSION COMMENTS (Arts-Related) Commissioner Bermudez inquired what the training funds can be used for beside training and travel expenditures. Henig informed her it must be used only for items related to training and businesses cards. XVII. STAFF COMMENTS Staff member Henig reminded the commission the next meeting will be held at the Gilroy Arts Alliance. Also, he informed commissioners that the City Council was recently in in the early stages of what to do with $9 million dollars in unmarked funds. One of the projects considered is renovating the Center for the Arts. Vice Chair Fierro asked if it would be discussed again. Henig informed the commission that it would and he would remind the commissioners when it will be. Chair Kissa requested for a tour of the building prior to the next meeting. 5 Henig said he would the Center staff in advance to arrange for a date and time. Staff member Henig also mentioned the City Council will be discussing merging commissions, committees and boards. Henig will keep commissioners abreast. XVIII. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Vice Chair Fierro to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Andrade. Meeting adjourned by Chair Kissa at 6:53 PM. Motion passed 4-0-0. XIX. FUTURE MEETINGS October 8, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. Vanessa Arteaga, Recreation Department Recording Secretary