11/12/2019 Arts and Culture Commission Regular Meeting Adopted 12/10/2019 CITY OF GILROY ARTS AND CULTURE COMMISSION (“In partnership with City Council, the Arts & Culture Commission promotes the Arts in the Gilroy community.”) REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2019 5:30 p.m. City Council Chambers 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 MINUTES 1 I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Arts & Culture Commission was called to order by Chair Wendy Sue Kissa at 5:36 p.m. Staff present: Recreation Manager Adam Henig Attendee Name Title Status Arrived Wendy Sue Kissa Chair Present Nancy Fierro Vice Chair Absent Maricela Andrade Commissioner Present Marika Somorjai Commissioner Present Karla Sward Commissioner Present Sally Armendariz Commissioner Excused Nelly Bermudez Commissioner Present II. FLAG SALUTE Chair Kissa led the pledge of allegiance III. SECRETARY'S REPORT The agenda packet was posted on the City’s website on November 8, 2019 at 3:30 pm IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion was made by Chair Kissa to approve the October 8, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes; seconded by Commissioner Sward. Motion passed 5-0-0 V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion was made by Commissioner Wendy Sue Kissa to approve the agenda; seconded by Commissioner Sward. Motion passed 5-0-0 2 VI. INTRODUCTIONS Chair Kissa introduced Zinnia Navarro as the new secretary for the Arts and Culture Commission while Vanessa Arteaga is out on maternity leave. VII. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS Chair Kissa along with Commissioner Andrade and Commissioner Sward attended a performance at the Limelight Actors Theater and presented Kevin Heath the 2019 Community Impact Award for his community involvement with the arts. Kissa stated South Valley Civic Theater is based out of Morgan Hill and will be taking over the theater portion of Center for the Arts. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. Consolidation of Arts & Culture Commission and Public Art Committee Recreation Manager Adam Henig stated on November 4, 2019 the City Council voted for the consolidation of the Arts and Culture Commission (ACC) and The Public Art Committee (PAC). On January 1, 2020, the combined bodies will become a twelve member Arts and Culture Commission for one year. Starting on January 1, 2021, the ACC will then revert to a seven member commission, which it will maintain in perpetuity. Commissioner Sward asked who will be spearheading the fundraising efforts. Henig stated once both commissions are combined, three commissioners will be designated as a fundraising sub-committee to spearhead fundraising efforts and meet as needed. B. Approval of the 2020 Schedule of Regular Arts and Culture Commission Meetings 3 Henig referred the commissioners to packet pages 11-12, stating this is an opportunity for the commissioners to decide in advance which months to go dark in the upcoming 2020 calendar year. Upon further discussion, the commissioners decided to conduct two meetings a quarter; they will meet during the months of January, March, April, May, August, September, October, and November and will go dark during the months of February, June, July, and December. In replacement of their February 11, 2020 regular meeting, the commissioners agreed to hold their annual retreat. Motion was made by Chair Kissa; seconded by Commissioner Sward to approve the amended 2020 Arts and Culture Commission Calendar with a vote of 5-0-0. X. OLD BUSINESS A. Update of 2019 Arts and Culture Commission Work Plan 4 Henig referred commissioners to packet page #15 and provided an update on items highlighted in bold. Showing involvement within the community, it was noted Chair Kissa, attended the Tamale Festival; Commissioners Andrade, Sward, and Kissa attended a production at the Limelight Theater; Commissioner Fierro attended the Kids Discover Art event. Under Art and Cultural Award project, Henig referred the commissioners to packet page 16 referencing an email from Andrade with the criteria guidelines (developed by Andrade and Fierro): 1) Community Impact Award, 2) Emerging Arts Leadership and 3) Exceptional Arts Education. The commissioners would like to present an award from each category to an individual or organization on a rotating basis every three months in the 2020 calendar year. Henig stated City Council is planning to honor the winner and individuals that participated in the 150th Anniversary Logo Contest in January 2020. Once a meeting date has been established, Henig will notify the commissioners. Discussion amongst the commissioners occurred around advertisement about local events in the City of Gilroy; Henig stated news and updates come from a variety of sources that include the Gilroy Dispatch, City’s website, the City’s weekly newsletter and various social media sites. Sward suggested the topic of outreach opportunities be added at the Annual Arts and Culture Commission Retreat scheduled for February 11, 2020 for further discussion. Motion was made by Chair Kissa to put the awards on hold until January when the board increases to the 12 commissioners; seconded by Commissioner Sward. Motion passed 5-0-0 Due to the power outage at the City of Gilroy, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Kissa at 6:17 p.m. B. Fiscal Year 2020 Training Budget Expenditures C. Arts and Culture Commission has a fund account available to be used for Commission-related business XI. PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE UPDATE XII. GENERAL PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE UPDATE 5 XIII. GILROY ARTS ALLIANCE UPDATE XIV. STAFF REPORTS XV. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COMMENTS XVI. COMMISSION COMMENTS (Arts-Related) XVII. STAFF COMMENTS XVIII. ADJOURNMENT XIX. FUTURE MEETINGS December 10, 2019 at 5:30 P.M. Zinnia Navarro, Recreation Department Recording Secretary